Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 34 Open a Chess House and Rent a Room!

Chapter 34 Open a Chess House and Rent a Room!

When seeing a person who is much older than himself kneel down respectfully and bow down to him, to be honest, He Qi finds it difficult to accept subjectively, and he resists abnormally in his heart. This is probably more than 2000 years ago. Accustomed to the moral concept of respecting the elders.

When He Qi understood the ins and outs of "Huang Youliang"'s apprenticeship, she resolutely refused. This is not an honor, nor is it an anecdote, but a real "burden".

Because playing chess requires a long time of high concentration, He Qi already felt tired, but when this incident happened again, the exhaustion suddenly hit like a mountain roaring tsunami, and she just wanted to go home quickly and have a good sleep.

In the evening, Xi Zique and Gu Weixian had a banquet at Guanghe Residence, but He Qi declined it politely. First, there was no need to go. One paid the money, and the other took care of things. After the work was done, they would naturally leave; He Qi was really tired.

Seeing that He Qi wasn't going, Qian Xuan naturally didn't want to go, but if he really wanted to have a meal, the people who invited him might be able to line up at Yongding Gate, so he said a few words of refusal, pulled He Qi and left. slip.

"Don't go, you don't want to eat for nothing at night, and I have to raise a lottery, you have to take it back, tomorrow's move is all counted on here." He Qi whispered in Qian Xuan's ear.

"Damn, labor and capital really owe you." Qian Xuan suddenly swears, very upset, after glaring at He Qi, he reluctantly goes back.

Qian Xuan is a person with a clear distinction between likes and hates, a straight temper, and doesn't like to bend his intestines. If you meet someone who doesn't like you, even if you are a billionaire, you are a rare bird. Obviously, Xi Zique and Gu Weixian have no money. Xuan's eyes.

"Ruyi, let's go!" He Qi smiled and watched Qian Xuan go east, caught up with brother Xun and his party, then turned around and went straight to Liulichang.

As soon as he returned to Wenhuiju, He Qi got into the quilt and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already midnight. The light bulb exudes a faint yellow halo, and when it is blown by the wind, it sways back and forth, and the light flickers on and off.

In the dimly lit hut, there was a smell of wine, smell it carefully, and there was a scent of roast chicken mixed in, He Qi sniffed the scent, squinted and looked over, but saw two people having a drink in the room He took a closer look and saw that it was Qian Xuan and Brother Xun.

"When did you two come?" He Qi rubbed her eyes and said, she got out of bed suddenly, and just happened to be hungry, so she grabbed a chicken leg and gnawed it.

"Here comes the lottery for you." Qian Xuan said unhappily, carrying a cloth bag, and threw it on the table with a bang.

"Why is this so embarrassing? It was delivered at night." Although He Qi said modestly, the smile on his face couldn't conceal the joy in his heart, and he couldn't wait to open the cloth bag, one after another, he twisted one silver dollar and put it away. Under the light, a ray of light shines, and when you flick it with your hand, there is a crisp "boom".

"Yucai, look at him like he has never seen money." Qian Xuan squinted and said contemptuously, with a face full of disgust, holding a glass of wine and drinking it to himself.

Brother Xun took a small sip, but asked, "Where did you rent it?"

"I haven't made a decision yet. I found a dental clinic yesterday and said that someone came today. I'm not here. I plan to go and have a look tomorrow. If it's suitable, I will move tomorrow." He Qi threw the cloth bag on the bed and picked up the chicken legs. Continue to say nothing.

The wind outside was strong, and the closed door was blown open. He Qi went to close the door, only to find that Gouwa was not in the house, and suddenly his heart tightened, and he hurriedly yelled into the courtyard. Fortunately, Li Yan next door Gouwa's voice came from the room, and he was relieved.

He Qi went back to the table, filled a glass of wine for herself, drank half of it, and continued: "At first, I wanted to rent a cheap one, and just have a place to stay. Now that I have enough money, I want to find a better one." I don’t mean to say how good it is, but it must be safe. Gouwa, a child, has a hard life. He left the house when he was ten years old. He didn’t meet a good person. After that, he felt a lump in his heart. Dare to sleep, if there is any trouble, I think it is a human trafficker who is here to take him back. I have said this many times, it is useless, it is a heart disease, I hope I can find a safe place, let him relax, don’t talk about it every day. It’s because I’m afraid, and the days haven’t passed.”

Brother Xun frowned, and glanced at the quarantine.

Qian San was kidnapped by human traffickers when he was a child, but fortunately he was found back, Qian Xuan became angry when he heard about Gou Wa, he patted the table, filled with righteous indignation: "Fuck, these bastards, these days I will teach them to try sharp."

"You still have this ability?" He Qi asked suspiciously, only taking Qian Xuan's angry words, the traffickers came and went without a trace, where to look for them.

"Hmph, new and old grudges are counted together, so you should take a good look at it. Master Qian, I have a lot of solutions." Qian Xuan said coldly, with a cold look in his eyes, and swallowed a glass of wine in one gulp.

"Move to live with De Qian, it's safe." Brother Xun interjected.

Qian Xuan lived in Dongjiaomin Lane, the foreign embassy area, and it was not easy for twos and threes in the society to get in. He Qi didn't think about it, but he was shy in his pocket, and shook his head in denial: "I can't afford to live, it's too expensive."

"Is there anything I can't afford?" Qian Xuan said suddenly, inexplicably full of anger, and said: "First use the lottery, and I will take care of other things."

"Master Qian, you are really not in charge of the family. You don't know how much firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. If you raise money to pay the rent, go to the northwest wind for food and drink?" There is a way to get rid of it, as an adult, you can't hide at home every day and see no one, right?"

"If it drags on for a long time, normal people will become abnormal. Think about it, where do you want money?"

"Still raising the lottery?"

"It's useless!"

"It's just a one-shot deal!"

He Qi complained.

"Huang Youliang's Shu Xiuli, he is willing to gamble and admit defeat. You accept it as a matter of course, so who dares to gossip?" Qian Xuan smiled strangely.

"Do you mean to embarrass me?" He Qi replied, it's okay if you don't talk about it, but it's even more depressed when you talk about it.

Suddenly, Brother Xun was inspired by Huang Youliang's incident, and he thought of a good idea, saying: "I have a way to make money, you two listen to it."

He Qi and Qian Xuan looked at it one after another.

"Brother Qi's chess skills will be known to everyone in Beiping after tomorrow's death. If you take the opportunity to open a chess hall, good chess players will definitely come to hear the news. In this way, business will be useless." Worry." Brother Xun thought deeply.

"That's good!" Qian Xuan immediately agreed, and then looked at He Qi and said, "So, you can just guard the chess hall, and you don't need to look for a job. You can kill two birds with one stone."

He Qi thought about it, and felt that this method was good. To open a chess hall, he dared not say a lot of money, and it should not be a problem to support his family. In this way, even if he had a firm foothold in this era, but the practical problems that followed But it's tricky.

I have no money!
Fuck off!

He Qi smiled wryly: "Wait a little longer, let's have more money."

Qian Xuan looked at He Qi with a look of disgust, he really hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and said: "You are a good chess player, logically speaking, you should have a good brain. Why are you so stupid at a critical moment? Money? Yucai and I will take the shares, won’t it be enough?”

He Qi thought about this, but he couldn't open the mouth first, and said that this favor is so great that he can't afford it, so he deliberately declined: "Yucai doesn't have money, either?"

Qian Xuan looked at He Qi like an idiot, and said with a smile: "You really don't understand Yucai, who among his fellow Shaoxing villagers has no money? Yucai only needs to ask, and there are many people who borrow money from him. Should I worry about this?"

"Besides, how much does it cost to open a chess hall?"

"I don't have money either! Don't say [-]%, even [-]% can't afford it." He Qi continued to decline deliberately.

"You don't have any money, so I'll lend you. Yucai and I pay [-]% of the money and take [-]% of the shares. You pay [-]% of the money and take [-]% of the shares. The chess hall still depends on you. In this way, it will be a waste of money." It's not considered taking advantage." Qian Xuan said quickly, crisply, and at the same time asked Brother Xun's opinion, and asked, "Yucai, what do you think?"

"That's it!" Brother Xun nodded.

The two raised their glasses, touched each other, smiled at each other, and decided to open the chess hall, regardless of whether He Qi agreed or disagreed. Seeing this, He Qi curled her lips and couldn't say anything. Knowing that the two of them were trying to help themselves, they first wrote down this kindness, and left it to report later.

"Thank you!" He Qi raised his glass, made a toast to the two of them, and drank it in one gulp, without saying a word.

"By the way, you just said that you want to rent a house. I have a student. Her family is from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There is an empty yard in Dongjiaomin Lane, not far from my house. She doesn't live anyway. The yard has been empty for a long time. , you might as well move there, the key is still with me, and I will tell her later that the rent can be cheaper. As for the rent, don’t rush to pay it, and when the chess hall makes money, you will make up for it.” Qian Xuandao .

"Isn't that good?" He Qi hesitated.

"What's wrong with this? I originally wanted to rent this courtyard, but it was spread out later. I was afraid that people would say that I took advantage of the students, so I rented another room. If you rent it, it won't hinder me. Besides, you are not Living in vain, but the money will be paid later." Qian Xuan said disapprovingly.

"I mean, you should discuss it with her first." He Qi reminded.

"Can I still not know this truth?" Qian Xuan glanced sideways and said, "But she has something to do at home, and she has to come back to the Shanghai Stock Exchange next month. In this case, you move there tomorrow, and I will send her a telegram." If you don't agree, just find another place to live."

"That's fine!" He Qi agreed, let's just leave it at that.

(End of this chapter)

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