Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 35 A small courtyard!

Chapter 35 A small courtyard!
Things in this world always come first, first come first, just like summer after spring has passed, and the most important thing for He Qi right now is to move, and the rest will be piled up later.

The three of them chatted late last night, Qian Xuan and Brother Xun didn't go back, they simply squeezed together on the bed, and they helped move at dawn in the morning. It's just daily necessities, but it's easy to move.

Going from one place to another is a very simple matter, but it takes a few words to transfer the feelings of one place to another.

Although Zhao Deyi is a snobbish eye, when He Qi was in the most difficult time, no matter what the purpose was, he really helped out. Before parting, He Qi paid the whole month's rent and other expenses, and sincerely expressed gratitude.

Zhao Deyi only said "OK", "come here often in the future" and other words, and there was nothing to say.

As for Ruyi, a girl who only has Go in her inner world, she can no longer be innocent, so she reluctantly asked He Qi if she could go to learn Go, He Qi naturally agreed, and asked her to wait for the chess hall to open. can go.

Li Yan, an honest guy, without the snobbery of his master, is sincere and takes good care of He Qi. Before leaving, he stuffed two oceans in return, but Li Yan didn't want anything, Stuffed it into Gouwa's pocket.

In the end, there were those few delicate stir-fried dishes, but it was a pity that they couldn't eat any more. He Qi glanced at the slightly open window and saluted respectfully.

Five cars, very early in the morning, went straight to the Dongjiao Minxiang, and arrived at the place after a few ten minutes. Qian Xuan got off the car and said a few words to the foreign sentry, and then some tall and big men came The foreigner, with a gun behind his back, spoke unfamiliar Chinese, and asked to take out all the salutes in the car for inspection.

Fortunately, everything went well and there was no festival. The foreigners inspected it quickly and then opened the roadblock, but rickshaws were not allowed to enter, and the four of them could only enter with human flesh and salute.

There are high walls on both sides of the alley, which cover the inside tightly. The early morning sun can't illuminate the alley, so the alleyway paved with bluestone slabs is filled with a layer of morning dew. Be careful, you will slip and fall if you are not careful.

Not far away, Qian Xuan pointed to a quaint big red door, and said, let's wait, he went home to get the key.

He Qi, Brother Xun and Gou Wa stepped up the three steps and moved the salute to the door. Brother Xun sat on the steps in front of the door without much attention, took out a cigarette, and smoked it comfortably. a mouthful.

For He Qi, it was obvious that she couldn't sit still, she kept looking in the direction of Qian Xuan's home, and the excitement in her heart was beyond words.

Mostly, every Chinese person always has an obsession with the house in his heart. With it, he will no longer be a rootless duckweed in the water, but will feel at ease, and have the stability of being rooted in the ground.

Although it is still a rented house, the meanings of the two are different. At least I am not under the fence of others, so I don’t have to worry about being kicked out at any time.

Gouwa was full of curiosity about the new residence. He peeked through the crack of the door and saw that the courtyard was full of light. The square small stone table is similar to the one in Ruyi's house, with a few small stone benches beside it.

So Gouwa excitedly said to He Qi: "The table, the same table, the tree, and the tree."

He Qi turned around and scolded with a smile: "I'm not promising, I'll go in later, you have to watch carefully."

Even so, Gouwa couldn't stop looking through the crack of the door, talking to He Qi about everything he could see.

Brother Xun hadn't finished smoking a cigarette when Qian Xuan's hurried figure appeared in He Qi's field of vision, carrying a long bunch of keys.

Although the yard has been unoccupied for a long time, when the gate is opened, there is no smell of staleness, only a few weeds on the ground and withered yellow leaves tell people that no one has been here for a long time.

There are four rooms in total. The one facing north and south is the master bedroom, the east wing, a small west wing and a kitchen. He Qi pushed the master bedroom away and was about to clean it. On the nearby shoe cabinet, there were several pairs of high-heeled shoes covered with a layer of dust, a few clothes hanging in the closet, the bed was empty, there were several boxes of cosmetics on the dressing table, and a black and white photo frame. girl with curly hair.

He Qi thought for a while, and left the room as before.

In the East Wing, Qian Xuan and Brother Xun were talking and plastering with a rag. When they saw He Qi coming, they were puzzled and said, "You didn't clean your room, why did you come to my room?"

"There are your student's belongings in that room. If she doesn't rent it, it will be returned to Zhao." He Qi said, and was about to go to Gou Wa's place to help, but suddenly felt something was wrong, turned around, and asked in a daze: " Why is it your room?"

"Why do you care so leniently?" Qian Xuan stared, and said angrily.

He Qi was keenly aware that there must be something hidden here.

"Brother Qi, prepare an extra quilt. By the way, your family won't need to buy oranges in the future, and Bao De has been involved in this matter." Brother Xun said with a smirk.

"Understood!" He Qi understood in an instant, and the corner of her mouth unconsciously showed the same smirk as Brother Xun.

"What are you talking about! Hurry up and finish cleaning, and the housewarming feast will be delicious." Seeing that the situation was not right, Qian Xuan quickly interrupted: "It's not easy to eat a meal with his surname, Yucai, think about it, where to go at noon eat?"

"Going out to eat, what are you doing with the wasted money? It's expensive and not affordable. I'm going to buy some food now, and I'll cook a few dishes myself at noon." He Qi said. For Du Yu, who is single all year round, cooking A few side dishes are not a problem, after all, takeaways are really boring.

"You're such an iron rooster, you don't take a hair off!" Qian Xuan spat.

"Wine is fine!" Brother Xun said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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