Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 38 "Come and arrest someone!"

Chapter 38 "Come and arrest someone!"

The "Tianjin Religion Case" was a big deal back then, and not long after, the old lady was once forced to "hunt in the west", so the records about this case are very detailed. Brother went there for less than half an hour, and came back with a stack of books.

He Qi took a copy of "Pingjin County Chronicle" and read it carefully. Brother Xun and Gu Rushui were also reviewing the case back then. No one could explain why the three people who had nothing to do with this incident would so concerned?

The holly trees in the yard have nothing to do with themselves, quietly bathing in the sun. The two gray magpies stayed for a while, leaving a touch of whiteness, and then disappeared again. Under the branch, a young man was sitting, staring at the gentlemen reading under the tree, and the pot of tea. Once the tea was gone, he had to add it immediately. This is what Li Yan deliberately told Gouwa when he moved to a new house. of.

A pot of tea can pour six cups of tea, just now my husband poured another cup, Gouwa tilted his head, counted with his fingers, suddenly stood up, went straight to get the teapot, went back to the kitchen to add hot water Afterwards, he went back to sit under the crabapple flowers again.

One pot of tea, two pots of tea, three pots of tea, the sun unconsciously circled to the west of the holly tree, and the shadow on the ground moved to the east. He Qi put down the book, closed her eyes, stood up and twisted her waist, Take a few deep breaths.

Classical Chinese is really too difficult to read. He Qi read it word by word, not to mention how slow it was. Fortunately, he stuttered and finished reading, but found a lot of useful information.

"How?" Brother Xun stared.

"I read the official records, which recorded the results of Wen Zhenggong's investigation, which mentioned the 'Water and Fire Association', which is a civil underworld organization. The leader is Xu Hanlong, and there are seven or eight hundred younger brothers. These people usually call themselves All they do is 'do justice for the sky', 'robbing the rich and helping the poor'. 'Wu Lanzhen' was arrested on purpose under their instructions, and thus got that testimony, which completely directed the anger of the people to the people of Yingguo .” He Qi said.

"Why did the 'Water and Fire Society' do this?" Gu Rushui asked.

"It's been said to be 'doing justice on behalf of the sky'. The old lady lost two battles and lost so much money. The country's foundation is empty. When she meets foreigners, she has to be submissive and humble. The people already have a hatred for foreigners,' The "Water and Fire Society" is a group of people from the green forest, and it is estimated that they want to take revenge on foreigners and uphold justice through this excuse." He Qi analyzed.

"Didn't it say that missionaries use children's hearts and livers to make medicine?" Gu Rushui asked again.

"Yucai, you are a medical student. If you analyze it from a medical point of view, is it possible?" He Qi said.

"Impossible." Brother Xun gave a negative answer without thinking too much, and explained: "It is difficult to embalm, and the guards checked the church, but found no pharmaceutical equipment."

"But what does it have to do with today's incident?" Gu Rushui asked puzzled.

"Of course it has something to do with it. The 'Pingjin Teaching Case' shows that behind the rumors is a purposeful target. A person or a group of people who created a case must have his purpose. For example, Brother Gu, you worked hard to improve your chess skills. Besides the reason of loving Go, is there any other purpose?" Fortunately, He Qi likes to watch "Conan" and has a certain ability to infer logic.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I used to want to go after Fan and Shi, but now I want to defeat Gao Daobuping. It's a shame." Gu Rushui said, his eyes were firm.

"That's right, no one wants to do thankless things, just like..." Before He Qi finished speaking, the big red door was knocked with a loud "boom boom boom", as if it was about to be demolished.

He Qi's heart was seized, it's not a good thing for people to come at this time, but luck is not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided, so she walked quickly to the back of the door, glanced into the crack of the door, but was blocked I was an acquaintance, and I wanted to ask the name of the person who came, but unexpectedly the Dahongmen was knocked again, and the force was a little stronger than before.

"Here we come!" He Qi squeaked, removed the latch, and opened half of the door, only to see a man in a blue military uniform standing at the door, with a hilly figure, a big belly, and a swollen face. He is not angry and majestic, and his eyes are as big as copper bells, which makes people feel hairy.

He Qi recognized this person at a glance. It was the officer who had directed the patrol in Beiping to fire warning shots on the street before. His heart suddenly sank, thinking that he wanted to settle the matter afterwards and come to arrest Qian Xuan.
But when He Qi thought that this is the embassy area, the patrols in Peiping have no power to enforce the law. He came in and asked quite defensively, "What's the matter with you?"

"Hmph~" The officer snorted coldly with disdain, and the flesh on his face trembled. He understood what He Qi meant, and then he opened his eyes to look at the courtyard, but his eyes tightened, and he said coldly: "Mr. , can you allow me to go in and talk?"

"I don't know you. If you have anything to say, just say it now." He Qi didn't let go, still blocking the door and not letting in.

"But I and Gu Rushui are very close friends, if you don't believe me, can you ask him to recognize you?"

"Brother Gu, come here!" He Qi turned around and shouted loudly.

Gu Rushui trotted all the way, and when he saw someone coming, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was very surprised: "Liu Juchang, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you, why did you come here if you didn't go to Rongxiangbi Alley?" Liu Juchang bluffed, his voice was rough and powerful, not as serious as before, and his attitude eased.

"I went to Duan Gong's in the morning, and I came here to ask for advice on chess skills." Gu Rushui said in detail, but he didn't understand how this guy came here, so he didn't dare to miss a word of extra words.

"Hey, labor and management forgot." Liu Juchang remembered the records in He Qi's file, and then took a look at He Qi, and couldn't help showing a playful smile. It's really rare for such a big person to be abducted, and said in a deep voice Said: "Now, can labor and management be allowed in?"

He Qi was still a little hesitant, uncertain for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, the monk could not escape the temple if he ran away. If he really came to arrest Qian Xuan, it would be a sign of guilty conscience to stop him from entering.

Besides, Qian Xuan was drunk and sleeping, and he might not be able to get up for a while, so let him come in, say a few perfunctory words, and send him away. He can't search the house alone, can he?
"Please come in!"

He Qi walked in front and led Liu Juzhang to the stone table in the yard. During this time, he kept gesturing to Brother Xun with winks.

Brother Xun obviously also recognized this person, and he and He Qi thought about it together. This person was here to arrest Qian Xuan, and he knew that he must not show his flaws.

The four of them happened to sit around the stone table. He Qi poured out tea and asked, "I don't know why you're here?"

Due to her professional habits, Liu Ju had already looked over the yard from the moment she came in. At this time, her eyes fell on the file on the table, she was startled, but she said calmly, "My lord, Liu Aiguo, Beiping The chief of the police department, today he took the liberty to pay a visit, but "

Suddenly, Liu Juchang's eyes flicked quickly, and he stopped talking. It was a coincidence that the door of the East Wing was opened at this time. Qian Xuan, who had woken up, narrowed his eyes, staggered out, and went straight to the room. Walking towards the stone table, looking for water to drink when thirsty.

The atmosphere instantly became tense, the air seemed to freeze, and there was no sound.

He Qi's heartbeat began to speed up, her face turned pale, she clenched her fingers tightly, her breath stopped, she didn't dare to make a sound, brother Xun was not much better, her complexion was extremely serious, and her brows were tightened.

Although Qian Xuan still looked drunk, but his mind was already sober. When he looked into the courtyard, he saw a stranger. When he looked again, he recognized Liu Juchang immediately. His eyes widened and he was stunned. It's gone, and it's silly to stand in front of the door.

"Fuck!!!!" Qian Xuan burst into foul language.

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(End of this chapter)

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