Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 39 Big Stick and Carrot!

Chapter 39 Big Stick and Carrot!

Qian Xuan has a strong atmosphere of old-age literati, which is related to the education he received. When he was young, he received traditional private school education, learning the three cardinal principles and five constant principles. Later, he followed Mr. Taiyan, and his ideas and concepts gradually Something has changed.

When the matter came to an end, the arrogance in the scholar's bones did not allow Qian Xuan to do things that would damage the integrity of the scholar. He took a deep breath, decided to face it calmly, and walked straight over without hurting others.

"It has nothing to do with other people, I'll go with you." Qian Xuan puffed out his chest, calmly, but just went in to drink tea.

Three stripes were carved on the forehead of Liu Ju's long round plate, revealing a trace of suspicion, and then the flesh loosened, relieved, and then revealed a sneering smile.

"This is the embassy area. Without the consent of foreigners, they dare not arrest people at will. I will go to Mr. Taiyan to find a way." Brother Xun is also anxious, afraid that Qian Xuan will be taken away, and he will enter there. It's going to be a big loss.

"The 'church case' has nothing to do with Brother Deqian. We rushed over after hearing about it, with Brother Gu as evidence. There is also a constitution that stipulates that citizens enjoy freedom of speech. Deqian only said a few words, which did not violate the Constitution. You have no reason to arrest him." He Qi hurriedly explained for Qian Xuan.

"Yes! Chief Liu Ju, I can testify that Brother Deqian rushed over after hearing what I said." Gu Rushui also stood up to defend Qian Xuan.

Liu Juchang put aside the others, just gave He Qi a strange look, and asked, "Do you still know the law?"

"Our country is democratic and constitutional, and the country is governed by law. It is similar to the constitutions of the world's civil constitutional countries. Citizens' freedom of speech is one of the basic constitutions." He Qi said righteously.

"Yes, brother Qi is right, I did not violate the law." Qian Xuan suddenly became enlightened, his back straightened up, and he even spoke stiffly.

Liu Juchang glanced at Qian Xuan, but didn't feel relieved, but continued to stare at He Qi, and asked, "Since you understand the law, then tell labor and capital that citizens need to cooperate with law enforcement agencies?"

"Cooperating with law enforcement agencies is the duty of every citizen." He Qi said seriously.

"Then are you a legal citizen?" Liu Juchang's cheeks trembled slightly, and he said lightly.

There was a "boom", as if a thunderstorm had exploded in He Qi's mind, but he forgot about it. If you haven't got your ID card yet, you are not considered a citizen. She was immediately stunned and speechless.

"Don't you know how to talk?" Liu Juchang squinted at the lantern, his face suddenly became serious, and said, "What do you want to say?"

"I'll make up the household registration right away!" He Qi said weakly.

"Hmph! It's late, let's go." Liu Juchang squinted and said in a bluffing voice, then raised his big belly, stood up slowly, and made a gesture of please.

"He can't go. This matter has nothing to do with him. If you want to arrest someone, then arrest me." Qian Xuan stepped forward and stood in front of He Qi, thinking that Liu Juchang was angry with He Qi because of his own affairs.

"Liu Juchang, this matter really has nothing to do with them. I can testify that we have been in and out of Duan Gong's mansion for so long, don't you know me?" Gu Rushui pleaded again.

"Of course the labor and management know that you have nothing to do with this matter, otherwise the labor and management can still sit down and drink tea?" Liu Juchang stared at the big eyes of the copper bell, with a playful expression on his face, as if he was playing with a monkey. The speed of change was unexpected. .

"Then you are?" Gu Rushui asked suspiciously.

Liu Juchang looked at the time, fearing it would be delayed, and jokingly said: "Thanks to Mr. He, your abduction has been published in the newspaper. The Ministry of Justice ordered the Beiping Garrison Office to arrest the suspect as soon as possible. Labor and management are here to ask Mr. He to go back and identify him. of the suspect."

Brother Xun, Qian Xuan, and Gu Rushui were caught off guard by this sudden change. All three of them were dumbfounded. They were finally relieved that nothing happened. Then they all wiped their heads away and smiled unkindly "Cluck" sound.

"Gudong! Gudong!" He Qi swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, but couldn't figure it out, how could it be her turn?
"I'll just go with you." He Qi was like a deflated ball, she spoke in a low voice.

"Liu Juchang, let's go with him. It's not peaceful outside today, and he doesn't know the place well. If he comes back late, there may be trouble." Brother Xun was always vigilant, implying deep meaning.

"You don't want to go, Mr. He won't come back until tomorrow." Liu Juchang said unquestionably, waved his hand, and wanted to take He Qi away.

Everyone immediately heard the extraordinary meaning in Liu Ju's long words. How could he stay all night to identify a suspect? Obviously there was something else going on?

"No!" Brother Xun keenly sensed something was wrong, and said decisively: "Either we go with him, or we wait for him outside, in short"

Before Brother Xun finished speaking, he was interrupted viciously by Liu Juchang, squinting his eyes, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Threat is full of meaning.

"What's the matter? If you don't say it clearly, you can't take people away. This is the embassy area." Qian Xuan also thought about it, and stepped forward to stop him.

"In the embassy area of ​​​​Ritama, do you think labor and capital can't do anything?" Liu Juchang sneered, with a majestic momentum, not like a joke.

It should be noted that the Beiping Police Department is fully responsible for the security of the capital. If it is placed in the future as a deputy ministerial cadre, it has a very powerful background. If they really want to enter the embassy area and arrest someone, I am afraid there are many ways to do it.

Seeing that Qian Xuan and Brother Xun were going to quarrel with Liu Ju, He Qi quickly interjected: "I'll go!" Then said: "Deqian, you stay in my room at night, and Gouwa stays at home alone, I don't feel at ease, trouble. "

Qian Xuan wanted to say something, but He Qi stopped him in time, gave him a reassuring look, and comforted himself: "You are not afraid of the shadow slanting, there is nothing to worry about."

Having said that, He Qi was actually very disturbed. From the information revealed in Liu Ju's long speech just now, He Qi had a vague feeling that she should be involved in the "church case", and that the trafficker "Wu Lanzhen" has appeared.

Then, of course, a designated person is needed.

This person is undoubtedly herself, He Qi thought so.

I just don't know, what kind of role do I play in it?
Not to mention what is involved behind the "church case"?
It should be noted that in this era, as long as foreigners are involved, it is no small matter, not to mention the loss of a foreigner's life, which is a diplomatic incident. Generally speaking, it is very difficult and troublesome.

The old-fashioned General Motors of Moldy Country is running on the street, attracting the curious eyes of many people. This is a novelty. There are only dozens of them in Beiping. Except for foreigners who often sit on them, all Chinese people who ride them are in Beiping. A big man who can talk.

If a row of loudspeakers are installed on the roof of the car, and the people inside shout a few words of hard work, the effect will be amazing!

It's a pity that He Qi didn't have any idea of ​​having fun while suffering, and kept reviewing the details of the "Pingjin Lesson Plan" in her mind. Comparing with today's events, it seemed that she had experienced history again.

The reason why the "Water and Fire Association" made a "Pingjin teaching case" was to stir up anti-foreign sentiment among the people, so is today's incident also intended to stir up anti-foreign sentiment?
The street scenes on both sides are constantly receding, and the car is speeding on the loose road. However, the tires of this old-style car are solid, and there is no shock absorber, and the bumpy butt hurts. , continue to think deeply.

He Qi's inadvertent dislike aroused Liu Juchang's suspicion, and he said, "Why, are you not used to sitting?"

"It's my first time sitting, I'm not used to it." He Qi said perfunctorily.

"Oh? It doesn't look like it." Liu Ju said long.

"I have lived abroad for a long time, probably because I have seen it a lot. I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs running." He Qi became vigilant.

"Mr. He's hometown is Jiuzi?"


"Go back?"

"Originally, I planned to go back to my hometown as soon as possible, but I got stuck when something happened!"

"Is everyone in Laoga's (family)?" Liu Juchang said in dialect.

"I (don't) know anymore. My father (speaks) Hong Kong and there are still people." He Qi subconsciously replied in dialect.

"Shexian drop!"

"I heard that my father has been in Hong Kong, and it's not far away."

Time passed quietly in these three-word conversations, and when the car stopped, He Qi followed Liu Juchang into a heavily guarded place, which was a large courtyard with houses next to each other. Not to the end, there are soldiers with guns standing guard at every opening.

The corridors are twists and turns, winding and intricate. When outsiders come in, they may get lost. After walking for a while, He Qi was brought to a dark basement, facing an indescribable stench. Come on.

He Qi couldn't help holding her breath and breathing through her mouth. After walking in for a while, she could see the cells on both sides of the aisle, where many prisoners were being held. Some were lying on the ground dying, and some were crying on the iron fence. It turned out that this was a prison.

He Qi couldn't help feeling tense, not understanding why she came here, until she continued to walk deeper for a while, and a bright opening appeared, and she stepped on the stairs and came to the ground instead.

This is also a courtyard, but the smell of blood is very strong, the soil on the ground has been dyed brown, and there are rows of wooden shelves, one of which is tied to a person, his clothes were stripped, and he was held A whip was whipping, and the screams made those who heard the screams feel guilty.

At this time, someone came to ask: "Master Juchang, why are you here?"

"What did this person do?" Liu Juchang asked.

"Oh! I committed a crime of rape. According to the old rules, I will be smoked first and then imprisoned."

Hearing that it was rape and release, Liu Juchang seemed to be very angry, and cursed: "Riding horses, worthless cowards, labor and management look down on them the most, you go down below, bring those traffickers here, labor and management will smoke for you. "

"Hey! I'm going to pick someone up now, little one." The man respectfully handed the whip to Chief Liu Ju, and walked down the dungeon.

"Fellow, wait a minute, labor and management will teach this coward a lesson first." After Liu Juchang finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the rapist with a whip. After a few whips, the screams were higher and higher, and the flesh and blood Blurred and torn.

Such close-range violence scared He Qi's eyelids to trembling, with fear in his eyes. He stood there, not daring to move, let alone look directly. Hearing the rapist's screams one after another, It was as if the whip had been whipped on him, it was burning and painful.

"Zinima, scream! Shout again! It's unlucky for you to be in the hands of labor and management."

Liu Ju kept a straight face, scolded and whipped the whip at the same time, so that the raper passed out from the pain.

"Useless stuff!" Liu Juchang spat, poured a basin of water from the side to wake him up, continued to whip the whip, glanced at He Qi inadvertently, saw that He Qi was already trembling, was shocked, and was very satisfied This effect.

Stick and carrot, this trick is enduring.


Another whip down.

"Ah!!!!" The rapist wailed in pain: "I was wrong, I dare not do it again, please let me go."

"Fuck you! Why didn't you expect to be in the hands of labor and management when you were in a good mood?" Ju Changqin squinted and cursed angrily, and the strength in his hand became stronger. Who made the rapist the most criminal of all criminals? A category that is looked down upon!

(End of this chapter)

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