Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 52 Xuanwu Street

Chapter 52 Xuanwu Street
The gray city wall several feet high, like a giant python, lies quietly on the ground, spanning hundreds of years, full of vicissitudes, and the surface of the rammed earth brick structure is covered with traces of years of erosion. The city gate stands tall, and the concave and convex female walls on both sides extend left and right along with the city wall, stretching as far as the eye can see. A mottled plaque hangs above the deep door opening, engraved with three powerful traditional characters of "Xuanwumen", full of Text has been removed.

Outside the Xuanwu Gate, there is a semi-circular urn wall protruding outward. The southernmost archery tower has 80 holes for arrows. The left and right sides are urn towers. If you go out due south, you must first come out of the Xuanwumen city cave, then turn left, bypass the Guandi Temple, and go out from the gate tower and the gate of the Wengcheng to the east.

The moat flows through the Xuanwu Gate. It entered the dry season in October, and the river water dropped a lot. The common people built simple wooden bridges on the moat. Three women were washing clothes by the moat, and a few others were running by the river. A playful child, a businessman in a white gown and a top hat carefully stepped on the wooden bridge to cross the river. At this time, a steaming train passed by the Beijing-Han Railway winding eastward around the archery building, heading for the Zhengyangmen train. stand.

Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Xuanwumen Outer Street has been one of the main traffic routes in and out of the inner city of the capital. Stalls are everywhere.

The later generations of Xuanwumen were demolished because they did not adapt to the development of the city. The original ecological sense of history was covered by reinforced concrete, and there is no trace to be found. He Qi is standing on the bustling Xuanwumenwai Street at this moment, with the bustling people in his ears. The noise of the people was completely eliminated, and the whole world suddenly became quiet. Looking at the clumps of trees and weeds growing on the unattended city tower, watching the steam train whistle passing by, and watching the children who stopped running, The scene in front of me seems to be a nostalgic old photo without color, don't feel bad about it.

"Why are you in a daze?" Qian Xuan patted He Qi on the shoulder, then turned his head and pointed to an empty shop on the side of the street. He took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and said, "This is it. It turned out to be a restaurant that specializes in Huaiyang cuisine. The business was sluggish and closed down. The owner is from Yangzhou. Brother Qiuming doesn't like spicy food, so Huaiyang cuisine is just right. A few days ago I went to brother Qiuming’s house for dinner, and I was very sorry to hear him talk about it, so I took advantage of the opportunity to talk about the fact that we were going to open a chess hall to find a venue. Brother Qiuming is also a good chess player. We took the initiative to contact the boss, and after a good deal of matching, we took advantage of it, and we didn't need a transfer fee."

In the big cities of later generations, there are all kinds of restaurants. The largest ones are Hunan cuisine and Sichuan cuisine, which rely on spiciness and strong taste. Huaiyang cuisine has a light taste, pays attention to the natural flavor of ingredients, and has no spicy taste. No wonder it closed down. But there was no transfer fee, He Qi couldn't help being suspicious: "Is there such a good thing?"

"Hey." Qian Xuan said with a smile, "The boss didn't ask for a transfer fee, but he asked for a pair of calligraphy from Brother Qiuming. Brother Qiuming seldom leaves pens. This time we owe Brother Qiuming a big favor."

Shen Yinmo, whose style name is Qiuming, is famous for his calligraphy. He is recognized as a great calligrapher. He followed the Song and Ming Dynasties. He is known as "South Shen Bei Yu" in the calligraphy world. He is currently a professor at Peking University, but he is not teaching calligraphy, but teaching "Book of Songs" and "Hua Xia" "History", he is personable, gentle, and gentlemanly.

The transfer fee of a bankrupt restaurant can't compare to a pair of calligraphy handed down by a great calligrapher. It can be seen that the owner is a shrewd person. pause."

Qian Xuan whispered: "Of course this favor has to be repaid, but it's not a dinner treat, but brother Qi, you come and repay it."

He Qi wondered: "How can I pay it back? You are all great calligraphers or professors, how can I get on the stage?"

Qian Xuanbai glanced at him, curled his lips and said sarcastically, "You are really modest. Who in the whole of Beiping doesn't know your name, Mr. He? Regardless of how knowledgeable you are when you come back from abroad, you are just playing Go. In the world, you, Mr. He, are well-known, and everyone knows that, a few days ago in Xiangbi Alley, the old Duan asked Gu Rushui, how is Mr. He's chess skills? Do you know what Gu Rushui said?"

He Qi shook her head.

Qian Xuandao: "Gu Rushui said that Mr. He's chess skills are his own. The old Duan asked Gao Bu Daoping how he compares with Mr. He? Gu Rushui said that [-]% of one game, [-]% of three games, ten games must win."

Although Gaobe Daoping had never been defeated in China, but Gu Rushui had fought against him before and lost at Banmuqi. According to this inference, He Qi is sure to win Gaobe Daoping, not as vulnerable as Gu Rushui said. Thinking that it might be Gu Rushui's modest way of saying it, he didn't care and said, "I'm on a [-]-[-] basis with Dao Gaobu. If you're lucky, it's okay to win a few games."

Qian Xuan was stunned, and smiled to himself: "You think the wrong way! What Gu Rushui means is that you are far better than Gao Bu Daoping."

"Ah!!" He Qi was startled, raised her forehead, and spat: "Gu Rushui is obviously younger than me, but his tone is much older than mine. Next time I see him, I have to talk about it. What a fool!" When I went out, I was the one who made fun of it, but he was fine."

Qian Xuan giggled and said, "It's too late! Gu Rushui has already blown the cow out for you. I'm afraid Gao Bu Daoping is already on his way to Beiping. The day is coming, so you should be ready."

He Qi glanced sideways, "Why are you like an eighth woman who knows everything? Where did this news come from?"

Qian Xuan ignored He Qi, followed Master Zhao, stepped up the steps, and waited for the door to open, He Qi hurriedly followed, grabbed Qian Xuan's arm, and asked: "Is it true?"

The chain broke free from the shackles of the copper lock, and the two doors were pushed open by a pair of withered hands. Abundant sunlight suddenly rushed into the hall, stirring up dust. Qian Xuan still ignored He Qi, and followed Master Zhao into it. He Qi followed in.

It is no different from ordinary restaurants, with Chinese decoration style. There are dozens of dining tables in the hall, and the chairs are covered upside down on the table. A yard is used as the back kitchen and storage of the restaurant. As long as the original basis is slightly modified, it can become a chess hall.

Master Zhao took Qian Xuan and He Qi around, then returned to the hall, and said: "Boss Yang came to tell the old man yesterday that he doesn't want the transfer fee, and he doesn't want the tables and chairs here. You can use it as soon as you can If you can’t use it, just deal with it. Since he has nothing over there, the old man naturally has nothing here, so the rent will be according to Boss Yang’s, 20 oceans per month, one month’s deposit, paid on the day before the end of the month, no subletting to others, one contract Signed every year."

"It's just right, but some places still need to be repaired, and I'm afraid it won't be able to open for a while." Qian Xuandao: "Master Zhao, give us some time to accommodate."

"Today is the third day of junior high school. One month is enough for relocation and reconstruction, so the official settlement will start on the first day of next month. Master Qian, how do you think?" Master Zhao said.

"Yes, just do as Master Zhao said." Qian Xuan smiled briskly, took out 20 yuan from him, put it on the table, and said: "It will be finalized today, this is the deposit, as for the rent and the contract, let me Come to sign in the past few days."

"It's okay, it will be ready before the end of the month." Master Zhao took off a bunch of keys from his body, accepted 20 yuan, and said, "Master Qian, Mr. He, the old man has taken the deposit, you keep the keys, you might as well take a look around , Discuss and discuss, the old man will not bother, when it will open, let me know, and the old man will come to congratulate."

"Master Zhao, please go." Qian Xuan sent them out respectfully.

He Qi wandered around in the hall, looking here and there, and had already planned it in her heart, just follow the model of "Haifengxuan", the downstairs is the scattered seats for drinking tea, and the upstairs is for playing chess In the private room, the two must be separated. A huge chessboard is placed on the first and second floors, which is used to record chess games played by celebrities.
Qian Xuan took the key left by Mr. Zhao, walked up to He Qi, handed it to He Qi, and said: "The stage is set up, but you have to come to sing the opera. Just now I told Mr. Zhao that we want to have a Monthly renovations, I'm afraid it won't work, at most half a month, we have to open for business, Gaobe Michihei's coming to Beijing is the day when our chess hall will become famous, this opportunity can't be missed."

He Qi looked back suddenly, frowned and said, "How did you know it before you said it?"

Qian Xuandao: "On the day Gu Rushui played chess in Xiangbi Alley, Brother Qiuming was there. He also told me about it. Otherwise, how could I know so well? You are better off. You stay in the courtyard every day. You don't leave the gate. If you don’t step forward, how dare someone else come to your door to talk to you about this outside matter? A few years ago, the Gaodao Ministry Ping came to China and swept the north and south. So far, there has been no defeat. This year, Gu Rushui was about to lose, and he admitted in public that he was not as good as you. Isn’t it intentional? Carrying you out of the mountain, a complete shame?"

He Qi said: "What he says is up to him. Whether the matter can be done or not is up to me."

Qian Xuandao: "But once he said that, you will be expected by everyone, and you will fight Gaobu Daoping, who else can you not fight?"

He Qi was stunned.

Qian Xuan purposely said provocatively: "Thinking of my magnificent China, Go has been so down in 2000 that I lost to a barbarian. At this critical juncture, if you can't avoid the battle, not only will others look down on you, but so will I, Qian." I despise you."

He Qi saw through this little trick at a glance, and said with a sneer, "All cats and dogs passing by can see your aggressive tactics of envoy Qian Xuan. Who are you showing this to? I didn't say that I can't fight, so I'm in a hurry. "

Qian Xuan put away his pretentious face, and said with a smile: "You are the most timid and afraid of death, am I not afraid of your timidity?"

He Qi was stabbed in the heart by these words, opened her eyes wide, blushed all of a sudden, and argued with her neck stuck: "Where am I so timid and afraid of death?"

Qian Xuan laughed "puchi", covered his face, and wiped his head away.

He Qi refused to give up, and asked after her: "How can you defile people's innocence out of thin air?"

Qian Xuan cocked his mouth, raised his eyebrows, suppressed a smile, and said bluntly: "It's just a church case. You were so scared. I didn't dare to go out when I saw you. If you don't believe me, go ask Yucai. See what he said?"

It happened that a black shadow came in at the door, and a stench rushed over, it was Brother Xun, carrying an old jar, stepping on the threshold, neither going in nor going out, standing at the door and looking over, said: "What did I say? "

"Yo! Yucai, you came at the right time. Tell me, during the days of the church case, Brother Qi was so scared that he didn't dare to go out the gate?" Qian Xuan glanced at He Qi and sneered, and greeted Brother Xun. As he walked over, he suddenly covered his mouth and nose, and said in distaste, "Let it go outside."

Brother Xun turned around and put the jar on the doorstep, patted the dust off his body, then walked in, passed Qian Xuan, and said nonchalantly, "I didn't say anything, I don't know anything."

Qian Xuan glared at Brother Xun.

He Qi stared at Qian Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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