Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 53 The name of the chess hall is "Heqizheng"!

Chapter 53 The name of the chess hall is "Heqizheng"!
Seeing that it was still early, the three met again, and planned to discuss matters related to the renovation and opening of the chess hall. After clearing the three chairs, the three founders started their first meeting in the chess hall that had not yet opened.

The three found a sunny place and sat down face to face. He Qi suggested, "What's the name of our chess hall?"

Qian Xuandao: "Simple, the three of us, each of us takes one word."

Brother Xun meditated: "That's fine."

He Qi glanced at the two people who were lost in thought, thinking that the three of them are united in their careers, and the word "he" should be the most appropriate word.

Brother Xun thought about it for a long time, the player in the chess hall, chess, and finally fell on "chess".

All things are mysterious and the same, forgetting each other in the Tao, there is nothing better than "Zheng", Qian Xuan didn't think too much, so he took the word "Zheng".

When the three of them uttered their respective words, He Qi was careless, laughed for a while, and blurted out: "The combination of chess is right."

"He Qizheng, He Qizheng, people are right, chess is right, good name." Qian Xuan commented.

"He Qizheng, He Qizheng?" Brother Xun murmured.

"He Qizheng, He Qizheng!" He Qi couldn't help laughing and let out a goose cry: "Uh uh uh"

The name of the chess hall has been chosen, and the next step is the inscription. This is very particular, it is equivalent to a person's face, and it is best to inscription by someone with high morals. What He Qi thinks is not to bother Mr. Qiuming again, The characters of the great calligrapher are more attractive when hung out.

"Look for Mr. Taiyan to write an inscription. Anyway, I'm going to Longquan Temple tomorrow, so I'm going to take care of things together." Qian Xuan took a special look at He Qi, and said: "Brother Qi, you will go with us tomorrow. You ask for it."

Mr. Taiyan has a nickname called "Crazy Zhang". To put it nicely, it is to act freely, but to say it badly, it is to act insane. It cannot be judged by common sense. He opened his mouth and kept cursing "Tie Yuan", who would dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head?

The most important thing is that Lao Yuan still had nothing to do with Mr. Taiyan. He couldn't beat him or scold him. He had no choice but to ask Lu Jianzhang to imprison Mr. Taiyan in Longquan Temple and give him 500 yuan a month. , out of sight, out of hearing, out of mind.

He Qi and Mr. Taiyan, the big bosses, have never masked their faces, and they can't reach it. Only relying on the thin relationship between Qian Xuan and Brother Xun, they have the cheek to ask for words. To be honest, they have a guilty conscience.

"I won't go, and I don't know each other, so I just ask for words. I can't justify it. Mr. Taiyan is the teacher of you two. It is only natural for a teacher to give students words, and they are better than me." He Qi deliberately declined.

"Yucai, look at him, he's not happy about saying that he's timid and afraid of getting into trouble earlier," Qian Xuan became excited all of a sudden, looked at Brother Xun, poked He Qi's nose with his hand, and turned around , still puzzled, and sneered again: "What's the matter, this time the evidence is solid, so I don't need to say more!"

He Qi blushed, and argued: "I don't know each other before, so I ask for words when I open my mouth. This is not timid, it is bad manners."

Qian Xuandao: "The first time you're born, the second time you're acquainted, Yucai and I will take you there, don't you know each other?"

Brother Xun then said: "If I ask Deqian for calligraphy, the master will definitely not give it to me. He knows us both. How can he look like someone who can open a chess hall? Brother Qi, you are different. I will come to visit you personally. , humbly ask for words, full of sincerity, and with De Qian and I helping, we will definitely be able to ask for it."

He Qi spread her hands, and said helplessly: "What about sincerity? What kind of sincerity do I have? You can't go empty-handed, right? You know me. My face is cleaner than my pocket. You can't afford expensive gifts, and you can take cheap ones." Don't make a move, just licking a face and begging for words, you don't feel embarrassed, I still want this face!"

"You don't need to buy anything. Mister is different from other people. Yucai has already prepared it for you." Qian Xuan smiled mysteriously, moved his hand in front of his nose, sniffed the smell of old pickled vegetables, and asked: "Yucai, how old is this wine?"

"Three years." Brother Xun replied.

"Enough! Enough years!" Qian Xuan said.

"What is enough?" He Qi frowned, listening in a dazed manner, not knowing what to say.

"Do you smell anything?" Qian Xuan asked with a cheap smile.

"Smelly!" He Qi said truthfully.

Brother Xun pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Smelly is right! This is the smell of stinky pickles that have been brewed for three years. What delicacies from mountains and seas, dragon liver and phoenix marrow are all dismissed by the husband, but only stinky pickles have a special liking. The more stinky the better, you tomorrow It's better than anything else to bring the jar of three-year-old wine that Yucai got here." Qian Xuansha said matter-of-factly.

I've heard that some people like to listen to donkeys bray, some don't like to take a bath, some talented women love to drink and gamble, some people like to sniff their feet, and I've never heard of some people like to eat stinky pickles. Thinking that what Qian Xuan said was a joke, he laughed and scolded: "You are fooling around, Lao Zi believes your evil!"

Unexpectedly, Brother Xun said seriously: "What De Qian said is true."

The smile on He Qi's face dissipated in an instant, and she froze, her jaw dropped in shock.

"However, we have to go early tomorrow and ask for it earlier. I'm afraid we won't be able to get it if it's too late." Qian Xuan said again.

"Does it matter when you go?" He Qi asked.

"Normally, I don't pay much attention, but tomorrow I will. Last month, Xi Zique and Gu Weixian visited, and Yucai treated guests to dinner at Guanghe Residence. We met Yang Chengzan and Gu Tangsheng. That time, there was no competition. Yesterday, Gu Tangsheng sent me a war card." , and asked us to go to Longquan Temple to continue. So we have to go early, and we will definitely quarrel and curse if we are late, so how can we take care of this." Qian Xuandao, thinking of fighting tomorrow, his eyes burst into flames with excitement.

Both Yang Chengzan and Gu Tangsheng supported Junxian, while Mr. Taiyan opposed it. Because Mr. Xu Taiyan had great influence in the literary world, his views against Junxian were supported by many people, so they wanted to start with Mr. Taiyan. The idea of ​​the thief capturing the king first.

"I heard that everyone from the preparation meeting will go." Brother Xun said lightly.

"Do it!" Qian Xuanshu stood up, like a rooster with its feathers blown out, pacing back and forth with his chest up, angrily said: "Uncle Liu Shen and other treacherous people dare to show their faces? Don't be afraid that the master will call him bloody!" ?”

Then he said anxiously: "If you are so inspiring and mobilizing the crowd, I am afraid that the visitor is not kind. I know that Gu Tangsheng has no good intentions. If he is willing to talk to me one-on-one, I respect him as a good man. Yucai, you call Shang Qiming tomorrow, and we Go find Qiuming, first, and brother Qi, exactly six people."

"En!" Brother Xun nodded and said, at some point, he had already held a lighted cigarette in his hand, took a puff, and suddenly said: "Get more people here, the best are those who are strong."

"Ah?" Qian Xuan was stunned.

Brother Xun exhaled white smoke, looked into the distance, and said meaningfully: "I'm afraid there will be a fight tomorrow~"

"Two Changes Completed"

(End of this chapter)

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