Chapter 54

Today's weather is sunny and sunny. It's the best time to go out in the morning when it's still warm. Qian Xuan has a big back, wearing a brand-new blue gown and a pair of foreign sunglasses.

Brother Xun was still the same as before, frowning slightly, he followed behind Qian Xuan unhurriedly, with a half-burnt cigarette in his hand, he took a puff from time to time, and then let it out long, as if What's on your mind.

Brother Xun's younger brother, Qiming, who is a little short and chubby, walked side by side with Brother Xun, suddenly took off his glasses, exhaled a few breaths, then wiped the lenses carefully with the handkerchief he carried, and put them back on After that, he squeezed his eyes.

He Qi also changed into a new dress today, and when she went out, she carefully straightened her hair with her wet hands. A spirited young man fell at the end of the line, and it was nothing more than a bag in his hand. The jar of stinky pickles is really too stinky.

A few people made an appointment yesterday to go to Longquan Temple early today. After passing the checkpoint at the entrance of the alley, they came to the street. Qian Xuan stretched out his hand to summon a few rickshaws, and ran towards the northwest.

In less than two hours, the sweaty coachman parked his rickshaw at the foot of the west mountain. At this time, the rising sun was already high above the mountain, shining beads of sweat on the coachman's body. After paying the fare, Qian Xuan took the lead Set foot on the trail leading to the mountain, enjoying the mountain scenery in early winter all the way.

In the mountains and forests in October of the lunar calendar, the thin frost has gone, and the remaining traces have not disappeared. The air is exceptionally clear, but it is full of uncontrollable bustle. Colorful, nature presents a luxurious visual feast.

The maple tree is undoubtedly the protagonist of the whole performance. Some of them can’t wait to change into red clothes, standing pretty beside the mountain road, attracting your attention; some are covered with red leaves, so pure and fiery; One is a little shy and covered in yellow; the other is half red and half yellow, moving towards red.

A journey through the mountain, a journey through the water, bypassing the mountainside, two strong old green cypresses are impressively presented in front of everyone, with vigorous branches and green sky. It has a history of more than 600 years. Behind it is a red school. The temple with the gray wall and roof is Longquan Temple, which was built in the early years of the Liao Dynasty and is a Chinese Buddhist temple.

Today, the guards at Longquan Temple are much stricter than usual. The six soldiers with live ammunition are divided into two rows and stand face to face in front of the mountain gate. A man in gray military uniform, red epaulettes, belt around his waist, and leather shoes on his feet looks like an officer. He walked out from inside and reached out to stop a group of people from entering.

The name of this person is Zhang Pengyuan, the director of the Law Enforcement Department of the Beiping Army. He received an informant that there was an important meeting in Longquan Temple today, so he waited here specially to avoid accidents. Arriving at the leader Qian Xuan, he said, "Mr. Deqian, I offended you."

Qian Xuan didn't say a word, he raised his hands consciously, and immediately a soldier approached, groping up and down for inspection, Brother Xun and Qiming were inspected immediately, He Qi put down the stinky pickle jar, and raised his hand to accept it as before. After checking, fortunately, nothing happened, and I went in smoothly with the stinky pickle jar.

After bypassing the main hall and entering the atrium, there are two thick and tall ginkgo trees, which have been around for thousands of years, and the ground is yellow.

After passing through the crescent cave, Qian Xuan walked towards the east. It was a small independent courtyard. This was the wing room where Mr. Taiyan lived in the backyard. Before anyone arrived, the voice came first:
"Yuan thief! Yuan thief!"

"Don't be too old!"

"The old man Zhuer died early and entered the animal realm early."

He Qi really opened his eyes, held his breath, and his nerves were a little tense, but Qian Xuan was used to it, knocked on the courtyard door, and the curses inside were still heard, and after a while, Zhao Yuan, the head waiter, opened the courtyard door Xiaojiao poked out a round head with a ruddy complexion and rolling eyes. When he saw it was Qian Xuan, he immediately smiled on his face and pushed all the courtyard doors open.

"Have you had breakfast, sir?" Qian Xuan asked while glancing at the courtyard.

The cursing stopped abruptly, and an old voice came out, full of joy and anger: "Is Deqian here?"

"Sir, I'm here." Qian Xuan replied loudly, and took the lead to enter the door, followed by Brother Xun, Qi Ming and He Qi. Yes, and shut the courtyard door tightly again.

The yard is not big, with an old tree, a stone table, and a reclining chair. The yard wall is not high, less than ten feet, but it made He Qi really understand what "Crazy Zhang" is. The tree is densely filled with words such as "Yuan thief must die", and the old tree is not idle. There is a couplet hanging on the branches: "Learn to grow willows in front of the door, and sell old melons by the roadside".A piece of seven-foot rice paper was hung on the tree trunk, on which were written seven oversized "Death!", and the stone table was also covered by densely packed words.

Mr. Taiyan was sitting at the stone table, eating Yuanxiao. It is said that every Yuanxiao must be bitten into pieces before he is willing to swallow it. At this time, he stopped eating. He pushed away the bowl and chopsticks, stroked his stomach, and looked at love one by one. As a disciple, he still turned his attention to He Qi, a fresh face.

The layout in this courtyard is really unique, and the atmosphere is quite weird. He Qi was nervous when he came here for the first time, and couldn't let go of his hands and feet. He stared at the stinky pickle jar under his feet without squinting.

Qian Xuan caught it in time. Seeing He Qi was embarrassed, thinking that she was usually eloquent and spouting tricks, the two were very different, so he couldn't help smiling, and quietly kicked Brother Xun, who was smoking a cigarette by himself.

Brother Xun's white eyes appeared between his articulate words, and he followed the direction of Qian Xuan's eyes, frowned and stared, couldn't help covering his face and laughing, accidentally, he was choked by the smoke, and coughed.

Qiming went to the kitchen to make tea, but he hasn't come back yet. He Qi, who was sitting opposite Qian Xuan and Brother Xun, was sitting alone, feeling a bit chilly. Do you know what these two people are thinking?
In normal times, He Qi would have vomited at the two of them in a strange manner, but at this moment, she didn't have the guts to do so, so she curled her lips, glared at the two who were making trouble opposite her, and calmed down quietly.

Mr. Taiyan looked at Qian Xuan and Brother Xun, then at the stranger He Qi, and then at the stinky pickle jar under He Qi's feet. What tricks are Xuan and Xun going to do?No one spoke in the courtyard for a while, and there was a sudden silence, which was very strange. He Qi really couldn't stand it any longer, and secretly looked at the two people opposite, showing begging eyes, and took the lead in confessing.

Qian Xuan accepted it as soon as he saw it, coughed lightly, broke the silence, and introduced him: "Sir, this is a good friend of mine and Yucai, named He Qi, who just returned to China last month, and heard Mr. Jiu's name for a long time, so I came here specially to visit .”

He Qi relaxed, got up quickly, bowed and said: "Junior He Qi, come to see me."

"The old man has heard about you, and you are good at chess." Mr. Taiyan said lightly, neither enthusiastic nor unfamiliar.

"Little Daoer, it's not worth mentioning." He Qi said.

"Our senior brothers are not good at Go. It just so happens that you are here today, why don't you have a hand-to-hand game with Mr." Qian Xuan said.

"En! That's good! Smile happily in the catalpa. It doesn't hinder the tenderness on Dongshan Mountain. The old man has been out of hands for a long time. Today, I will meet you, a master in the chess world." Mr. Taiyan stroked his beard and smiled.

"The junior will show his shame." He Qi breathed out nervously.

As soon as the words fell, Brother Xun had already come out of the house, smoking in his mouth, holding the cigarette in one hand, and holding an old catalpa in the other, and gently placed it on the stone table, Zhao Yuan brought it later Two pots of chess pieces.

The catalpa scale is golden yellow, the tabletop is flat and smooth, with a golden luster, it has been touched by countless people, the texture is delicate and delicate, the chess pieces are precious "eternal pieces", when a cloud piece is cast on the chessboard, there will be a sound of gold and stone, According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty, a Yongchang family kept jewelry and jade in the capital. When a fire broke out in the palace, he found that the molten pearl and jade had a crystal clear color.

Before making a move, Qian Xuan interjected: "Brother Qi, don't say I didn't remind you, sir's chess skills are well-known in the chess world, you still have to show your skills, if you lose, don't talk about your reputation as a master in the chess world." No, there is no need to eat even lunch."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, just be casual." Mr. Taiyan said softly, holding a sunspot, and landed on the star position.

Having said that, He Qi didn't dare to slack off any more. It was Mou who put in all his strength and used all his skills. Every move he made had to be considered for a long time, and he didn't dare to play randomly. Therefore, this game of chess was very difficult. It's almost over.

Mr. Taiyan squinted his eyes and stared at the chessboard, his fingers clenched his beard into knots, his vicissitudes face was rarely flushed, embarrassment and entanglement coexisted, and the chess pieces in his hand could not be dropped for a long time.

Qian Xuan stared at the big eyeballs, swallowed his saliva, and looked sideways at He Qi, as if looking at a fool, and almost cursed.

The cigarette in Brother Xun's hand suddenly lost its fragrance, and it burned quietly for a long time. With a "pop", the long ash of the cigarette broke down to the base of the cigarette holder, and Brother Xun's thoughts became messed up.

Qiming, who was watching, fell into a long silence.

He Qi's mood went from being very nervous at the beginning, to the brows stretched in the middle, to the joy of body and mind at this moment, and one of them was relaxed, just like falling from a high altitude, until he landed safely, because He Qi slaughtered Mr. Taiyan's big dragon, The general situation of this chess game is set, the dust has settled, and the victory is certain.

(End of this chapter)

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