Chapter 64

The fiery red light in the east is facing the gate of the chess hall, full of vigor, and the three characters "Heqizheng" on the plaque hung with Dahongxi are shining brightly. The red carpet has been spread all the way to the bottom of the steps. With a large stack of firecrackers waiting to be set off, the bustle of the day had already begun on Xuanwai Street. Passers-by all paid attention to this newly opened store. Some people even guessed in their hearts what the store was selling. Because judging from the name alone, it seems that there is nothing famous.

However, "Heqizheng" opened today, which is definitely a big news in the Weiqi circle in Beiping. Almost no one knows about it. Leaving aside He Qi's great reputation in the Weiqi world, just today in the "Beijing News" The supplement published an advertisement of "He Qi Zheng", the content was that He Qi and Gu Rushui fought for the second time, which was enough to arouse the excitement of the bad chess players.

Last month, He Qi turned out to be born, and the peak duel with the famous Gu Rushui in "Haifengxuan" shocked the entire Chinese Go world. Unfortunately, there was a church case in the middle. Until now, He Qi has never appeared in public again. After playing chess, everyone was so hungry and thirsty.

As soon as today's "Beijing News" was released, as soon as the stinking chess players got the news, they couldn't sit still and rushed to Xuanwai Street, so that "Heqizheng" hadn't opened for business, and many people came to hear the news The guests sat in a small half of the hall.

"Clap clap clap!!!"

A burst of rumbling firecrackers sounded, and the firecracker skins covered the loess road all over the ground in red. The noisy and festive scene made the flow of people on the street stagnant. At the bottom of the steps, spectators on the inner, outer, and third floors were already surrounded, and then the accountant stood on the steps, facing the gift list, and loudly read the congratulatory gifts from the guests.

"Mr. Shen Qiuming of Peking University, send a pair of couplets."

The two service girls are wearing sky-blue cheongsams, light makeup, red turbans on their heads, and an apron around their waists. They are similar to the waiters in a western restaurant, but they are full of Chinese classical beauty. Amazing.

"The sea is boundless and the sky is the shore, and the mountain climbs to the top and I am the peak."

Shen Qiuming is absolutely at the top level in the calligraphy world, and his characters are easy to come out. This couplet written in cursive, at a glance, is elegant and free, and the reading is majestic. Museum's affirmation.

The most important one belonged to Mr. Taiyan, who gave him a silver shield engraved with four characters of "Hongyou Exhibition" in official script, and the pattern below was the scene of "Danghu Ten Bureau", but Mr. Taiyan could not come, So he entrusted Liang Rengong to deliver it together.

Liang Rengong sent a plaque with "Only this family", which is very interesting.

Secondly, some friends of Qian Xuan and Brother Xun are all from the mixed culture circle. Once their names are reported, the prefixes are all professors of a certain university, and this class is suddenly advanced.

It was half an hour after the rest of the friends' congratulatory gifts were read one by one. For such a grand opening ceremony, those who knew it was the opening of the chess hall, those who didn't know thought it was congratulations for some cultural giant.

However, the four elegance of a gentleman - piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the opening of the chess hall, from this scene, can also be said in the past.

As time went by, the downstairs hall was already full of guests, and the upstairs didn't give way too much. Liang Rengong, Shen Qiuming and others were all sitting in front of the recording board, eagerly looking forward to today's highlight.

In addition, Ruyi's masters Wang Yunfeng, Duan Junliang, Yi Yaoqing, Zhu Shuzhuang, Zhang Liren, Liu Yutang, Liu Dihuai, Wu Yi and other well-known Go masters from all over Beiping came.

Mr. Wang Yunfeng looked at the crowd of chess players and smiled. Suddenly he saw a child who was not walking steadily. His chubby little hand was holding a chess piece that was as big as his palm and throwing it on the recorded score, but he couldn’t reach it. , screaming anxiously, causing everyone to laugh.

This child is Wu Quan, the youngest son of Wu Yi. Liang Rengong, who was closest to him, stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Wuquan, and saw that Xiao Wuquan accurately placed the chess piece on the star position. Liang Rengong said with a smile: "This child In the future, he will be a dragon and a phoenix in chess, whose child is this?"

Wu Yi replied: "To Liang Gong, this is my youngest son, named Wu Quan."

Wu Yi's family is a salt merchant with considerable assets. Wu Yi just returned from studying in Dongyi last year. He studied law and politics. He loves Go very much. Chessboard, a hand of chess pieces.

Wu Quan stumbled and grabbed a cup of white pieces from the chess pot again, then opened his arms, looked at Liang Rengong, and Liang Rengong picked it up again, this time Xiao Wuquan dropped the white pieces to the side of the black pieces, and came to "touch" ", which is exactly the same as He Qi's "touch", which amused the big guys, and they are not stingy with good words and praises.


"This little guy is really talented."

"Go prodigy too!"

"Mr. Yubai only 'touch' in the fifth hand, you little guy will 'touch' in the second hand, and you are expected to surpass Mr. Yubai in your future achievements."

Mr. Wang Yunfeng looked at the old, middle-aged, young and young offering sacrifices for four generations, and was very happy. He was very emotional for a moment, and vaguely remembered the last grand event of his master Zhou Xiaosong's generation, and said cheerfully: "Everyone, today's chess games in Beiping All hands are taken away by 'Heqizheng'!"

Duan Junliang said: "Combining the chess is right, and combining the Chinese chess to rectify the name."

Yi Yaoqing said: "I think it's a game of chess to correct China."

Liu Dihuai, a hot-blooded Fang Gang, was born in Tongcheng, Huizhou. He spent his youth in Jinling. He only learned Go at the age of 11. Everyone knew him at the bank of the Qinhuai River at the age of 13. Not long after he first came to Peking, he quickly made his mark in the major chess halls in Peking. What is it? Qi's fanatical fans.

Although Liu Dihuai is a southerner, he is born with a powerful face and a tall and tall man. He said frankly: "One person is called harmony, and the other is right. Mr. Yubai is this person."

It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, such wild words naturally displeased others, and someone said: "You can't just despise the people of the world just because Mr. Yubai is your fellow villager?"

Another person said: "Go is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Gu Rushui has been practicing every day since the battle of 'Haifengxuan'. He has been preparing for a long time. Today may be his name."

Gu Rushui is five years older than Liu Dihuai. The two met in Shanghai because of chess. They have known each other for several years and have a good personal relationship. Naturally, they know Gu Rushui's recent situation, but Liu Dihuai insisted: "Skills can be practiced, but chess sense is innate. In terms of skills, everyone here is no worse than Mr. Yubai, but in terms of chess sense, no one can match, even Gao Bu Daoping."

This is the truth. Talented people can make great strides with a little effort, but untalented people can only jog in small steps no matter how much they forget to eat and sleep. Einstein said that success is 99% sweat plus 1% inspiration, but this 1% inspiration is far more important than 99% sweat.

Didn’t Lao Cao of the Universe Kingdom often say that “genius drives Go”? When you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. If you want to talk about the Go system of China, Japan and South Korea in later generations, Dongyi’s Go system is absolutely outclassed by China and South Korea. There are more than a few streets, but in front of Xiao Li and Jaguar, it is useless.

Although He Qi feels that his chess skills have improved by leaps and bounds, he never thinks that he is a genius. He just has more knowledge of Go in the future. , dare not have a little slack.

If advertising on the "Beijing News" is the first step of opening a business, then inviting Gu Rushui to play chess is He Qi's second move. Refusing to accept, He Qi cupped her hands and said gratefully: "Brother Gu, thank you for your kindness today."

Gu Rushui said: "Brother Yubai, to tell you the truth, I have benefited a lot from the two games of 'Haifengxuan'. Today, I would like to ask Brother Yubai to teach you and play with all your strength."

He Qi suddenly felt pressured, but it also gave birth to motivation. Even if he has more knowledge of later generations, the most important thing is how to use chess is the most important thing. Otherwise, there is a treasure mountain without knowing it. Said: "Okay, the visitor is a guest, brother Gu, please hold the sunspot first."

Gu Rushui randomly grabbed a handful of white pieces, and said stubbornly, "Guess first, it's fair and just."

Ruyi counted nine white stones, plus one black stone in He Qi's hand, and said, "Mr. Yubai, you go first."

(End of this chapter)

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