Chapter 65

He Qi didn't know if Gu Rushui had a special strategy to deal with it, so she wanted to stabilize the opening first and wait for the opportunity to find opportunities, so she chose the unremarkable two-star opening.

And Gu Rushui knew that his plan was not as good as He Qi's, and Gu Rushui's "touch" with that hand still made Gu Rushui feel ashamed. He was afraid that He Qi would come up with some terrible idea and suffer a big loss at the beginning. Still stable, start with star position.

With the start of the game, the chess hall instantly became quiet. Ruyi kept coming in and out to report the score, and updated the chess game in the backyard to the recorded score of the chess hall in real time. After dozens of moves, there was no light on the chessboard. The operation of the eye occurs.

This is Gu Rushui's favorite rhythm, and it is also in line with Gu Rushui's strategy. As long as the first fifty moves can be stabilized, the chances of winning the middle game will be higher. He Qi naturally noticed it, but she didn't panic, and still chose to be steady. layout.

In this way, the two played more than ten moves steadily, and there were more than 20 moves on the chessboard, and they lived in peace with each other. Such a plain game, so that everyone was not concentrating, and gradually there was a sound in the chess hall, chatting, eating The sound of snacks and drinking tea, until Gu Rushui used the worry-free corner, gave everyone the desire to discuss.

He Qi had used it before, and it was one step less than the worry-free corner in ancient chess. When Gu Rushui replayed the game, he felt that the improved corner-defense effect of the worry-free corner was very good, so he used it today.

No worries, as the name suggests, has no worries, which also shows that the corners of no worries are very stable and not afraid of encroachment, but from another perspective, it also means lack of strength, which is the middle choice.

People in later generations know that compared to the big jump and the big fly to defend the corner, the corner of worry-free does not seem to be the best choice, but there are many ways to deal with the corner of worry-free, "shoulder" and "touch" are very important. Good choice.

He Qi used it before because his side was strong and suitable for the Wuyou corner, but Gu Rushui didn't think carefully and used it to defend the side. For He Qi, this was a big flaw, and the opportunity came.

He Qi made a dog move and "shoulder punched" with one hand. Gu Rushui looked at He Qi in surprise, thinking that He Qi made a mistake. When Ruyi finished reporting the score, everyone was puzzled. In their opinion, this "shoulder charge" move is definitely a move that loses the game, or the kind that loses home.

Duan Junliang racked his brains, but he couldn't think of any magical effect of this "shoulder charge". Looking at the loss, he said a lot, and said: "At present, this move is very controversial. I don't see it. Whether the sunspot is climbing or sticking, it can make this corner more firm."

Yi Yaoqing frowned and said, "But Mr. Yubai used this worry-free corner, how could he not understand?"

Duan Junliang asked back: "Would you do this?"

Yi Yaoqing shook his head and said: "I definitely don't dare to play like this, that's why I think that Mr. Yubai must have his intentions. Do you still remember the 'touch' hand? Everyone in the audience said it was a loss of chess that day. Facts have proved that, That's a neat trick."

Liang Rengong is also a master of Go. In his inherent thinking, he believes that the corner without worry is sufficient. On the contrary, this move of "shoulder charge" will undoubtedly damage the chess, and it will not help at all to stop the white stone from defending the corner.

Only He Qi's super fan Liu Dihuai firmly believes that this is a good move, but if you want to ask him how good it is, Yue Mo can't tell.

Old Mr. Wang Yunfeng said: "Everyone, take a look again, look again, don't rush to draw conclusions, Mr. Yubai's chess is hard to say."

Just when the big guys were talking about this move and they were not optimistic about this move, Qian Xuan was shocked. This feeling of déjà vu was very mysterious. Although Qian Xuan didn't know much about chess, he knew He Qi's people. , as soon as his mind wandered, an idea came to him. He turned his face to Shen Qiuming and said, "Brother Qiuming, you don't like it either?"

Shen Qiuming said euphemistically: "It's not that I don't like it, but I don't understand it."

Qian Xuandao: "In this case, let me make a bet with you, betting that this chess move is good. If I win, you have to send me a letter. If I lose, I owe you a meal. How about it?"

Brother Xun frowned, and gave Qian Xuan a weird look.

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately became interested, and urged Shen Qiuming to take over. Even Liang Rengong came to make fun of him. Shen Qiuming was originally a modest person, and he didn't like to fight for power. Just take it."

Qian Xuan smiled charmingly, and said again: "Brother Qiuming, you don't know something, don't look at Brother Yubai who lived overseas since childhood, but Brother Yubai's handwriting is first-class, especially good at Suzi's ugliness. Even Mr. Taiyan was surprised when he saw the book for the first time. I was really happy, but I couldn’t ask for it, but Brother Yubai loved your writing by Shen Qiuming. Being impatient, I jokingly said that if I let you, Shen Qiuming, write a calligraphy of 'the ugliest in the world' for him, he would give me a calligraphy, and that's what I came up with today."

What Qian Xuan said personally was proved by Mr. Taiyan, so this fact is basically confirmed. Unexpectedly, He Qi is not only good at chess, but also good at calligraphy.

When Shen Qiuming heard it, he was naturally happy, and also wanted to see the "ugly book" handpicked by Mr. Taiyan.

Brother Xun quietly fled to the window and lit a cigarette, for fear of getting involved with this matter.

Well, let's go back to the chessboard. He Qi's "shoulder charge" formed the famous "shoulder charge without worry corner". The famous top professional chess players are not optimistic, thinking that this is a bad move, but Gouzi clearly tells everyone that this is indeed a good game.

Gu Rushui has already realized that this move is abnormal, but after thinking about it, he really can't think of any good point, so he chooses to make a move, instead of rushing forward, he increases the strength of the white stones and stabilizes the corner.

So, He Qi didn't even think about it, and decisively "touched" another piece, seemingly wanting to use two black stones to limit the expansion of white pieces, and dulled the chess game of more than 20 hands. Suddenly, the situation changed and the smell of gunpowder was full.

Naturally, Gu Rushui was not willing to be restricted, so he immediately "pulls" a move, and He Qi "pulls back", responding very forcefully, Gu Rushui chose to hit and eat, the black piece was set up, and the white piece was placed, this is an extremely strong method.

This series of changes makes the situation on the field extremely passionate. The charm of Go lies in this. Every move will produce thousands of corresponding changes, and each change seems to be reasonable and unreasonable. Certainty, no one knows the result until the last moment.

Both of them made up their minds to compete with each other. Facing Gu Rushui's forced countermeasures, He Qi turned the gun and "stop beating and eating". Gu Rushui was caught off guard by the encirclement and suppression of Baizi's innermost son.

A deadly game was in front of Gu Rushui. If the connection between the sunspot and the first "shoulder charge" was not broken, then the sunspot made three consecutive rounds, and with one turn, he would take an edge; Eat, and in turn grab the horn first.

The series of changes and reactions of the sunspot were all based on the "shoulder charge" sunspot. In other words, this sunspot was a way of life reserved in advance, and it was an excellent move.

In this way, the pattern of the chess game became clear, the sunspots turned against the guests, and the siege was successful. Only then did the crowd react, amazed, and all exclaimed words such as "Skillful hand, so it is like this".

With black taking such a big advantage at the beginning of the game, by the middle of the game, it was already a big advantage. Even though Gu Rushui's fighting power was extremely strong, he was still unable to turn the tide.

After playing the first game of chess for more than an hour, Gu Rushui lost. However, He Qi didn't think that Gu Rushui was weak, but that she took advantage of Gu Rushui by relying on her foresight, so she still didn't hesitate. Dare to relax the next second game.

Just as He Qi and Gu Rushui were resting at halftime, a car stopped on Xuanwai Street, and three uninvited guests got off and walked towards "Heqizheng". When Brother Young Master arrived, he immediately became silent, and the timid one was already ready to run away.

The reputation of these three sons is not very good, and it is not too much to describe it as notorious. Dogs have to take a detour when they see each other. With their wealth and background, no one would dare to mess with them, unless they were tired of work.

Everyone always keeps the water in the well, Qian Xuan couldn't figure out how to attract these three evil stars, so he hurriedly got up and went downstairs, only to see that these three drove away the guests at the table closest to Lupu, and sat leisurely by himself. When he got up, he asked, "Three young masters, what do you want to do?"

Duan Hongye knew how to play chess and was relatively well-known. When he saw the score, he was immediately attracted to Cao Shisong. Glancing at Qian Xuan, he said, "Come to the chess hall, of course to watch chess."

Qian Xuan saw that the three of them didn't seem to be looking for trouble, so he was relieved, but it seemed out of place to watch chess downstairs, and said, "Go upstairs."

Second Master Yuan yawned and said, "Old man Liang is upstairs, so we won't go. We will serve more food and keep it in the account. We will give it together later."

Seeing this, Qian Xuan didn't say much, as long as he didn't cause trouble, he immediately recruited a waitress, ordered the food to be served, and went back to the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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