Chapter 66
The two played a three-game chess game. He Qi played first in the first game, and Gu Rushui played black in the second game. Generally speaking, the first move has a big advantage, just like backgammon. If you can win, you will have the number of first-hand subsidies.

After more than 20 minutes of intermission, they changed sides and fought again. Gu Rushui took the black stone and gave He Qi a big surprise when he came up. He Qi was very surprised when the black five fell in the middle two lanes. Isn’t this the standard Is it the Chinese flow, or the low Chinese flow.

The Chinese way of playing with three pieces originated from Tao Ce, but when Chinese chess players of later generations visited Japan collectively, they would always adopt this way of playing when they held black pieces, so everyone named this way of playing as Chinese style.

But at this moment, Huaxia has not yet come out of the influence of ancient chess, and Gu Rushui started to use the Chinese style. It seems that it is not accidental, but a secret weapon that has been carefully prepared for a long time, which surprised He Qi , can be described as creative.

To deal with the opening of the Chinese style, you must be extremely careful. It belongs to the kind that will suffer a big loss if you are not careful, because the biggest trap of the Chinese style is to make you feel that the Chinese style is easy to bully, and then you can’t control your inner desires and make drastic moves. Hit him, play around, and you'll find out you've been duped.

He Qi thought about it for a long time, and finally chose the white chess to make a small eye, and start with a low sunspot star position all the way.

It can be said that, compared to the mediocre start of the first game, the second game played by the two is a typical modern Go play style, which really refreshes the eyes of the spectators in the chess hall.

But when it was He Qi's turn to play the sixth move, he fell into long-term thinking, because Black 6's control over this side is too strong. If he doesn't restrict it, it means abandoning the side and surrendering with the discarded piece. No difference.

But if it is to deal with it, it is really tricky. White 6 will definitely suffer a big loss if it hangs the corner in a narrow place. If the small fly hangs, black only needs to make a simple peak, and white will definitely not be able to break it.

No matter which of the above two countermeasures, white will have less ground and insufficient development potential, which is unacceptable anyway.

Suddenly, He Qi thought of a move, but if Xiao Fei couldn't play low, then Xiao Mu single-handedly closed and hung high, as long as black dared to hold the corner, white would go backhand and follow the pattern of big and small avalanches.

So, He Qi simulated the high hanging of white 6 in his mind, only to find that black still had a move up to deal with it, and white could only draw, long, and then black made a stand, so white could still only tear down one, and The black chess set retains a good way to fly all the way, which is commonly known as the crane stretching its legs.

If so, the white chess official will suffer a big loss.

"Fuck! This kid has something!" He Qi thought to himself that he had a headache and felt lingering fear for a while, but fortunately he didn't hang up high, otherwise he would have been tricked and walked away without food.

In the short six moves, He Qi was forced to stop twice and think for more than ten minutes, which made the outside spectators really unable to calm down. This has never happened since He Qi's debut.

Yi Yaoqing commented: "Gu Rushui used to be a lower star, but this is the first time I've seen this opening. Although I don't see any tricks, judging from Mr. Yubai's reaction, this opening must be good. "

Duan Junliang said: "The key point is the black 5. If I were a white piece, I should stick it on it. I should insert one first, so that it cannot be connected."

"Not right, not right." Yi Yaoqing placed a white piece as Duan Junliang said, then walked a few steps, and said: "It is not valid to stick a black 5, and the two corners of the black piece are hanging high. As long as the black 5 stands, it is still After the sunspots are powerful, on the other hand, the white pieces have no adhesion in this area."

Duan Junliang said: "Then hang it up like this, start from the corner."

Liu Di took a few strides forward and denied, "Gaohang is a dead end. If you don't believe me, try it?"

Unconvinced, Duan Junliang said: "Just try it." Immediately, the small list was closed and hung up.

Liu Dihuai immediately took the sunspot and flew up, and the next direction was as He Qi expected, and the sunspot flew all the way, gaining the upper hand in one fell swoop.

Yi Yaoqing asked curiously, "Why are you so clear?"

Liu Dihuai said proudly: "This is a secret move that Brother Gu and I studied together. It is specially used to deal with Mr. Yubai. Of course I know it." White will suffer losses in these types of moves, and I can say that as long as White dares to attack, and the stronger the attack, the greater the losses."

Just now, Liu Dihuai was full of admiration for He Qi, but in a blink of an eye, he started digging holes for his idol. The people around couldn't bear to look at him anymore. Maybe he was not a fake fan, so someone asked, "You don't want Yubai Did sir win?"

Liu Dihuai said: "Although I worship Mr. Yubai, I want to defeat Mr. Yubai with my own hands." Defeating the seniors with my own hands to show respect for the seniors is Liu Dihuai's unique way of worship.

Mr. Wang Yunfeng showed appreciation and said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead. You are right to think so."

Liang Rengong also had a good impression of this upright young man, so he said: "The method you two have studied is like the water of a river, and the more you try to stop it, the more you will hurt yourself. It is really extraordinary. Is there a way to break it?"

Liu Dihuai touched the back of his forehead and said with an embarrassed smile, "Brother Gu and I didn't think of a way to crack it either."

The bystanders all stroked their beards and laughed out loud.

Qian Xuan smiled at Brother Xun: "Yucai, have you seen it? Others wish that the object of their admiration is invincible. This kid is good. He only digs holes for brother Yubai. After the game is over, I want to fight with Yubai." Brother said, so that he would be depressed and depressed."

Brother Xun said: "Chess luck, Guochang also, this is a good sign."

As soon as he mentioned this, Qian Xuan was very angry, and said angrily: "Dongyi people won so many awards at the Manila Far East Games last time. On the other hand, most of the athletes in our country are working and training at the same time. When they travel to Manila, they are very nervous." Eighty percent of the strength has been removed, so how can we compete? It’s not that our country is inferior to others, it’s not that we are inferior to others in sports, but our country’s strength is inferior to others, and there are no good conditions, but Dongyi’s newspapers deliberately distort the facts, insisting that I am Huaxia People are not as good as Dongyi people, and they are so popular that they can't eat."

Suddenly, Qian Xuan's eyes showed a fierce light, and he said again: "However, the second Far East Games will start in less than half a month, and it will be held in the Shanghai stock market. The shame of the past, let the Dongyi people have a good taste, Yucai, I plan to go to the scene to cheer, will you go?"

"By the way, haven't you been home for a long time? After the sports meeting is over, I'll accompany you home and bring my sister-in-law to live in Beiping. It's not an option for you to live alone."

Brother Xun didn't say anything, got up and went to the window, smoking a cigarette called helpless.

As Liu Dihuai said, He Qi couldn't think of a good way to deal with it for the time being, so he could only switch to the next best thing. When Gu Rushui took the initiative to show his flaws, he made one hand to dismantle the other. .

After the two sides played more than a dozen moves, He Qi saw clearly that Gu Rushui's use of China Flow was not handy, because He Qi temporarily gave up fighting for this side and turned to other sides.

Sometimes, retreating is also a kind of attack, and He Qi's refusal to accept the move made Gu Rushui lose his mind all of a sudden.

In the dozens of moves after this, the initiative gradually returned to He Qi's hands, and he played a classic Kobayashi style move in the opposite corner. White not only successfully restricted the development of black to the center, but also defeated Gu Rushui. Confused, in the end, because of the small eyes in advance, white can press all the way down, and black is forced to climb three ways, which is miserable.

At the end of this chess game, He Qi won a big victory, while Gu Rushui was helpless, but not depressed.

[-]% of innovation means [-]% of mistakes, but if you are afraid to innovate because of mistakes, it means no progress at all. Gu Rushui played the classic Chinese style. It made He Qigao see more than one level.

After playing chess, when the two were resting together, He Qi asked curiously, "Brother Gu, how did you come up with the idea of ​​being a Chinese streamer?"

Gu Rushui asked back: "Chinese style?"

He Qi placed Gu Rushui's third son of China Liu on the chessboard, and hurriedly concealed: "I almost suffered a big loss with your opening. It is the first time that you have such a characteristic, such a very stylish opening. See, when it becomes a genre of its own, I think that since it was created by the Chinese, it is naturally called the Chinese genre.”

Hearing He Qi's affirmation and high praise, Gu Rushui said happily, "Really?"

He Qi said: "Of course it is true. You see, this Black Friday can not only be low-ranked, but also high-ranked. Hanging the opponent's star position and dismantling Jiusan is another change. I plan to study it carefully."

Watching several variations of the Chinese style gave Gu Rushui a spring of inspiration, a door was pushed open in his mind, and a ray of sunlight from Xintiandi leaked in.

(End of this chapter)

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