Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 67 The Far East Games

Chapter 67 The Far East Games

Xuanwai Street is still busy at noon, people are still coming and going on the Loess Road, business traffic is busy, camels are laden with coal, donkey carts are pulling goods, and an old black General Motors does not care, blaring its horn all the way, towards He galloped eastward towards Zhengyangmen, jumping like chickens and dogs all the way, scaring the pedestrians to their knees.

Cao Shisong, who was facing the rough face, sat in the front co-pilot, leaning against Duan Hongye and the second son of Yuan Kewen in the back seat, the driver was driving fast, and if he encountered someone blocking the way, Cao Shisong would stick out With his head open, he yelled curses.

When sharp-eyed people see Cao Shisong's black and thick head, they know that it is the "Three Evils of Peking" that make people fearful. Swear a few words.

Yuan Kewen said lazily: "How is it? Can you win?"

Duan Hongye shook his head and said, "I am not his opponent."

Unexpectedly, Cao Shisong, who was listening, chuckled, turned his head and said, "Of course I'm asking that Dongyi man surnamed Gao?"

With a sound of "Bang!", Duan Hongye kicked Cao Shisong's seat, rolled his eyes and said unhappily, "What's the surname Gao? It's Gaobu. Dongyi people have four characters in their name, and the first two characters are their surname." , It’s the same as changing our surnames here, we don’t understand anything, and it’s embarrassing to say it.”

Cao Shisong didn't care at all, and urged: "Tell me quickly, can you win?"

Duan Hongye said: "It's so easy for him to win Gu Rushui, so it's not a big problem."

Yuan Kewen sat up straight, stared at Duan Hongye, his frivolous body revealed an unprecedented seriousness, and asked again: "How sure?"

Duan Hongye took a deep breath, and after careful consideration, he said, "At least seventy to eighty percent."

Yuan Kewen narrowed his eyes, made a decision, and said in a low voice: "It's done!" Then he stretched out two fingers and said: "This number, if you want to play, play with a big one."

"Crazy! 20 oceans!!" Cao Shisong's big eyeballs bulged in shock, and hurriedly asked, "Where are we going to get so much money?"

Duan Hongye also sat up in shock, staring straight at Yuan Kewen.

Brother Xiaosha usually has no worries about money for food and drink, and there are a lot of people who rely on him to curry favor, but if you think that they have huge sums of money, it is a big mistake. Although Yuan Kewen bears the name of the first son of the Republic of China It doesn't work, because he didn't support Lao Yuan as the emperor, he was bullied by Yuan Dagong miserably, and it was even more impossible to get money from the old man.

Old Duan's tutoring was always strict, so Duan Hongye ate, drank, prostituted and gambled all day long. After saying that it didn't work a few times, he cut off Duan Hongye's monthly salary in a fit of anger.

Cao Shisong was able to deduct some money from his family, but not much. His father Cao Kun is not in charge of Zhili now, so he didn't get that much money.

With a dangerous smile on Yuan Kewen's pink face, he said, "As long as you can win, there is plenty of money."

The hustle and bustle of the day always makes people feel impetuous, and the quiet night is probably the best destination for a day.

"Heqizheng" opened today, and the turnover on the first day reached more than 100 yuan. After deducting the cost, half of the net profit was recorded in the account. It can be said that it has made a good start, and He Qi is undoubtedly the biggest hero. , Qian Xuan suggested that the three of them go to the night and let it go.

But He Qi had some thoughts, so of course she refused to go, so she invited the two of them to drink at home under the pretext of saving money.

As soon as Brother Xun thought about it, he understood He Qi's thoughts and agreed.

The night in the small courtyard in early winter is not like the excitement of summer. There are no insects, no wind, and it is quiet. The moon in the sky is getting fuller and fuller. Under the full starlight, there are a few jackdaws perched in the holly tree, curling their heads. Taking a rest, the small courtyard illuminated by the lights in the house is dimly lit. Although all these things are not trivial, they are enough to drink and eat.

Roast duck, roast chicken, peanuts, fennel beans, and a few things that He Qi is not famous for, simple and elegant, Brother Xun sat at the stone table in the yard, drinking a small wine, watching He Qi and Qian Xuan It's not a good feeling to fight.

To discuss the fight between He Qi and Qian Xuan, it has to start with the lunch banquet. At the wine table, Shen Qiuming, who was fooled by Qian Xuan, wanted to ask He Qi for a word.

He Qi wondered at that time, when did she know calligraphy?Then he declined and said, "Brother Qiuming, I don't know how to do it!"

Shen Qiuming also thought that He Qi was being modest, and said in a daze, "Brother Deqian said that you are very good at writing ugly books, even Mr. Taiyan agreed."

He Qi's embarrassing face turned red to the base of her neck at that time, but she saw Qian Xuanxiao leaning forward and backward. At that time, everyone at the banquet didn't know the truth, but after listening to Brother Xun's narration, they finally understood.

Unexpectedly, this became everyone's fun, and they coaxed for a while, insisting that He Qi write a word in public, so that we can see what kind of "ugly" it is?
Even if He Qi was beaten to death, she wouldn't do such a degrading thing.

I thought it was over here.

Unexpectedly, when he was off work, He Qi learned that Qian Xuan was playing tricks, and even asked Shen Qiuming to write "the ugliest in the world".

It must be known that Shen Qiuming's handwriting can be handed down from generation to generation. If this handwriting is handed down to future generations, even if he can think of it with his toes, he will be ridiculed for hundreds of years.

So when he got off work, He Qi reluctantly rejected Qian Xuan's suggestion to be presumptuous and happy, and planned to pour Qian Xuan back to the words on the wine table, but Qian Xuan was shrewd and didn't fall for it at all, so, Because of this word, the two wanted it, and the other refused to give it, and they got into a fight.

Gou Wa was sitting under the crabapple tree not far away, holding a big chicken leg in his hand, watching the gentlemen making noise. Although he couldn't understand what the noise was, he had a naive smile on his face.

He Qi said all the good and bad words, Qian Xuan was not moved at all, and angrily used his trump card, saying: "If you don't give it to the surname Qian, I will bring a few catties of oranges to your house tomorrow morning. If my sister-in-law Ask where it came from, don't blame me for talking nonsense."

Qian Xuan was stabbed in the lungs, and now he is not calm, and said contemptuously: "You are shameless, immoral, the disaster is not as good as your wife and children, and the crime is not as good as your parents, do you understand?"

He Qi laughed angrily, and retorted: "You Qian Xuanneng can do the first grade of junior high school, and I, He Qi, can do the fifteenth grade. Will you give it? If you don't, I will invite my wife to eat oranges tomorrow morning."

Qian Xuandao: "I haven't been there recently. If you bring a few catties of oranges, will she believe it?"

He Qi said: "Do you have to go at night? You can't go during the day, your mouth is on my body, will your wife, wife, listen to you or mine?"

Qian Xuan turned his face horizontally, and said angrily: "You are slandering people." Then he looked at Brother Xun who was watching the play and said, "Yucai, tell me, is he unreasonable?"

Holding Brother Xun's handle in his hand, He Qi also looked at Brother Xun and said, "Yucai, please tell me something fair."

Brother Xun was having a good time watching the play, how dare he come out to help at this time, so he had to stand in a neutral angle and said, "I don't know."

There was something in He Qi's words, and she said, "Yucai, why don't you think about it carefully?"

Brother Xun spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Is it wrong to not speak?"

He Qiyi said righteously: "If there is a thug on the street committing crimes, and many passers-by pass by, they have nothing to do with themselves, hang on high, just watch and don't speak out, and finally the thug has succeeded. If everyone stood up, those who should speak out, and those who should be stopped, the mob was alone, how could he be against so many people? Therefore, although it is okay to not speak up from a legal perspective, conscience will be subject to moral punishment. Condemn, Yucai, do you think this is the case?"

Qian Xuan couldn't talk about He Qi, so he jumped up and said: "You are messing around, these are two different things."

He Qi raised her voice and said, "No, it's the same thing, Yucai, don't you think so?"

"Hey~" Brother Xun sighed, looked at Qian Xuan, and said, "I still have the oranges you left over from before at home. I couldn't eat them, so I peeled off the orange peels and dried them. Weighed them. I guess there are some oranges in the house." How many catties."

"Puchi!" He Qi burst out laughing, several catties of dried orange peels, how many fresh oranges do you need?
Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Qian Xuan took the opportunity to hand over the words, otherwise he would really get angry, but he pretended not to be angry and said: "Okay, you two have put on a pair of trousers instead."

He Qi burned the words with a fire, and clinked glasses with Brother Xun contentedly.

After taking a sip of wine, Qian Xuan changed the subject and asked, "Will you two go to the Shanghai stock market for the teleconference in a few days?"

He Qi frowned and said, "What sports meeting?"

The Far East Games, formerly known as the "Far East Olympic Games", is the earliest intercontinental international competition in the world. The first session was held in Manila in [-], and the second session was held in China's Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is regarded as the "Asian Games". predecessor.

Qian Xuan snapped and said, the more He Qi listened to it, the more he felt unbelievable, so that he directly interrupted Qian Xuan and asked, "You think the Huaxia football team can win the championship?"

"Naturally!" Qian Xuan patted his chest and said with certainty: "The last time our football team went all the way to earn money by playing games because we had no travel expenses. We played ten games and won nine and one tie. The team was tired and sleepy, so they won the runner-up, otherwise they would not be able to beat us with two goals."

Turtle!Nine wins and one tie, the record is so arrogant, pushed all the way to Manila, and even won the runner-up, He Qi was really shocked, tears were in his eyes, he felt his scalp was numb, his chest was on fire, and he could see the national football team winning the championship at home. He closed his eyes, and shouted without even thinking: "Go! I can't stop the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu when he comes. What the hell, Feng Shui takes turns, labor and capital want to watch the national football team bloody the Dongyi people!"

Qian Xuan and Brother Xun looked at He Qi like an idiot, and muttered: "Winning the Dongyi people, isn't it very simple? Why is he excited?"

Brother Xun didn't understand, and shook his head.

But some things can't be said!

They can't understand He Qi's mood. As a ten-year-old fan, if there is any wish list, the national football team must be included in the World Cup, but TM2030 World Cup has expanded to 48 teams, and the national football team still cannot enter.

Unexpectedly, going back to more than 100 years ago, although the World Cup has not yet been born, but to witness the national football beating the Dongyi people, half of the football dream has been fulfilled. How could He Qi not go?
(End of this chapter)

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