Chapter 71
He Qi thinks that she is a rational person, and she always considers issues from the perspective of a third party. Especially after coming to this era, this feeling has become more and more intense, or it is an instinct of human self-protection that makes He Qi Qi behaves like walking on thin ice.

But that instinct is breaking down.

The first time I met Gou Wa, the epitome of the tragedy of an era, made He Qi feel pity.

The second time I met Mr. Taiyan, it was a kind of literati style patriotism.

The third time is Qian Xuan, passionate and pure patriotism.

The fourth time is Long Si. First of all, Long Si is definitely not a good person, but after hearing his experience, it is difficult for you to hate him. For the time being, we call it the sympathy of a small person in the context of the big era.

When these several things lingered in He Qi's mind at the same time, it made He Qi take the initiative to think of doing something for this era. This is a dangerous signal, because when a little butterfly flaps its wings, the No one can predict the consequences.

Fortunately, Daoping Gaobe came and just gave He Qi a chance, and it was all a small thing that he could do for this era.

But Ju Chang didn't specify which day it would be. He Qi planned to take Gu Rushui into special training for a few days, adjust his condition to the best, and face the challenge with the most perfect posture.

Unfortunately, He Qi is passive and cannot actively control time.

In the afternoon, a lot of people had gathered in the chess hall, but two old acquaintances came suddenly and brought a piece of news that made the stinking chess players crazy. Daoping Gaobe, who had beaten all the invincible players in China, had arrived Peking.

He Qi was concentrating on playing chess with Gu Rushui in the chess room in the backyard, only to hear a noise in the front yard, after which Qian Xuan came in and informed Gaobu Daoping that he had arrived in Beiping.

He Qi stopped the movements of her hands for an instant, and looked towards the door.

Gu Rushui stood up "scramblingly", becoming more and more excited.

Qian Xuan didn't leave, but wandered around the door, and said again: "There are two old acquaintances who want to see you, see you?"

He Qi looked away: "Who?"

Qian Xuan said with contempt: "Xi Zique and Gu Weixian."

He Qi didn't say anything, and turned her attention to the chessboard again, meaning she didn't want to see her.

Sometimes, the first face between people determines the relationship in the future. There is no doubt that Xi Zique and Gu Weixian are not the type that He Qi likes, and He Qi has no plans for them. There is no need to flatter.

On the contrary, Gu Rushui seemed a little embarrassed, after all, he had some friendship, and said, "Let me go and see you."

After a while, Gu Rushui came back, his gestures could not conceal his excitement, and he said with burning eyes, "Brother Yubai, Mr. Zhang Danru is also here. He packed a train and brought all the chess players from the south."

He Qi was stunned.

Gu Rushui was no longer in the mood to play chess, his excited expression was indescribable, the veins on the back of his clenched hands bulged, he stared at He Qi and said, "Yangzhou, Yangzhou, the shame of the past is all here today, Brother Yubai, I I have an unfeeling request, and I ask you to agree."

Just looking at Gu Rushui's appearance, He Qi guessed it without thinking about it, and said, "Are you sure?"

Gu Rushui clenched his teeth, and his gaze was firm: "Wucheng, even if I lose, there is still Brother Yubai."

He Qi thought about it: "I'm afraid he won't agree."

"I have a solution." Gu Rushui murmured, then closed the door and ran towards the front yard, presumably looking for Mr. Zhang Danru to discuss with Lao Duan.

Unsurprisingly, Gu Rushui's request was rejected by Daoping Gaobe, whether he didn't want to be distracted or reveal the tactics in advance, in short, the reasons given by Daoping Gaobe were very reasonable, and no one could find fault.

"Heqizheng" seems to be born with a halo, and it has become a holy place for chess fans to check in as soon as it opened. This afternoon, all the famous players from the south who came from afar also came, and they are playing chess with the famous players from the north to learn from each other. The first floor Immediately, the second floor was blocked by stinky chess baskets and crowded with people.

Accountant Lao Wu, Ah Hong, and another waitress, Ah Chun, were so busy that they couldn’t find the north, so Brother Xun had to act as a waiter temporarily, serving tea and water. Seeing so many people, Qian Xuan simply continued to skip class and came to help .

In the end, because too many people came, the gate was blocked all the way to Xuanwai Street. In desperation, He Qi discussed with Brother Xun and Qian Xuan and opened the backyard and chess room.

Just like going to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, going to Qing Bar to watch the World Cup, and going to live music festivals. The smelly chess players enjoy the atmosphere of Go, but they don’t care about the environment. There were also many people standing in the open space in the courtyard.

No one expected that Gaobe Daoping's move to the north indirectly created a grand ceremony in the Chinese Go world.

In the afternoon, after a round of discussions between the famous players from the north and the south, some people got their turn, and some people couldn’t get their turn, and they kept arguing endlessly, so He Qi proposed to implement a north-south chess system. Continuing to the next game, the number of North and South chess players is defined by the place of birth, and finally the winners and losers of both sides are combined to determine the final outcome, so that all chess players can play.

This proposal has broad support.

But a new problem followed. He Qi was assigned to the southern camp, and Gu Rushui was naturally counted as the southern camp. This caused the northern chess players to shout that it was unfair, and even the stinky chess players protested together: "Just declare the south to win!" Got it."

After repeated negotiations, in order to maintain the equal strength of the north and the south, four rules were set: first, He Qi is counted as the northern camp; second, each player can only fight twice; third, each choose ten chess players Fourth, draw lots to determine the order.

It should be noted that before this, there had never been a national game in the history of Huaxia Go. Unexpectedly, by chance and coincidence, the top twenty competitions in the North and South were finally formed.

After Mr. Zhang Danru and Lao Duan learned about it, they also came to join in the fun. The two benefactors contributed a total of 2000 yuan to raise the lottery, that is, a total of 50 rounds, and each round rewarded the winner with [-] yuan.

Undoubtedly, with the addition of lottery, the top [-] match was full of competitive nature, and the chess players were more than a bit serious, and they were all ready to show their housekeeping skills, so the match was logically good-looking.

As the organizer of the event, "Heqizheng" is undoubtedly the beneficiary, and it is accompanied by relentless and endless busyness. In order to make time for the Kodaobu three days later, the top twenty competition was compressed to two days, with a total of Forty rounds, the rules have to be revised so that several games can be played at the same time, and they have to stay up all night.

However, there were not enough manpower to serve. Brother Xun's younger brothers, Shen Qiuming and Ruyi were called to help, and even Gouwa started cleaning.

In the past two days, "Heqizheng" has successfully been out of the circle, and domestic influential newspapers such as "Beijing News", "Shenzhen" and "Ta Kung Pao" have reported on the "Top [-] Go" competition, At the same time, it focused on the next Sino-Japanese Go game, and He Qi jumped into the eyes of the people of the whole country for the first time.

It was at this time that an unexpected person came to the door at night.

His name is Nakajima Hidaki, and he works as an interpreter in China. He is an amateur chess player. In [-], when Dohei Takabe came to China for the first time, he was introduced by Nakajima Hidaki to the then head of the Army Academy in Baoding. Do the old paragraph.

(End of this chapter)

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