Chapter 72

The two-day "Top Twenty" match was finally over. He Qi was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he got home. He heard a knock on the door in a daze. He was not as powerful as Ju Chang. It wasn't like Qian Xuan's violent storm, but not too slow, knocking three times and then stopped, so that He Qi thought he heard it wrong, so he didn't care, turned over and continued to sleep.

After a while, the knock on the door sounded again, three "dong dong dong", not loud, but just enough to wake people up, He Qi got up cursingly, put on her clothes and went to open the door, to see if it was Which is disturbing the lucid dream.

As soon as he opened the door, he found a man wearing a suit, parted in the middle, and with a characteristic mustache on his lips. It was obvious that he was either Erguizi or Dongyi. He Qi couldn't figure it out. Except for the time when I identified Kawamoto Ichiro, I didn't seem to have any contact with the Dongyi people.

He Qi leaned against the door frame, and did not let the Dongyi man in immediately, but asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

Nakajima Hidorji saluted first, then briefly introduced himself in standard Chinese, and then looked at He Qi with a smile.

Unexpectedly, this Dongyi person is actually a Huaxia expert, which inevitably made He Qi a little more vigilant, and said: "What are you doing here?"

Nakajima Hidorji said with a warm smile: "There is an old saying in Huaxia, which is 'It's not easy to talk to friends who come from afar'. Wouldn't Mr. Yubai invite guests to sit in?"

He Qi smiled inwardly, playing lip service, right away, and immediately asked: "You and I have never met before, so we are not considered friends. Since we are not friends, it is in the middle of the night, and it is inconvenient. If you have anything to say, tell us as soon as possible."

Nakajima Hidorji, who often went to high-end mansions, was stunned. He probably didn't expect that the tried-and-tested tactics against the Huaxia people would not work. It seems that He Qi is different from what the information shows.

But it doesn't matter, Chinese people are all about face-saving, they say no to it, and they are very honest. He Qi probably falls into this category. Over the years, Nakajima Hidoji has seen a lot, and he quickly reacted.

"Hi! Are you okay?" He Qi shivered, her ankles were almost frozen, and her words revealed impatience.

Nakajima Hidorji stopped talking, and took out an envelope from his body, handed it in with both hands, bowed at 90 degrees and said: "It's a small thing, if it's not a respect, I won't bother Yubai-kun, and I'm leaving."

The so-called "wealth and silk have touched people's hearts since ancient times", intelligence said that He Qi was very poor and urgently needed money, thinking that this trick would not fail, Nakajima Hidorji turned around confidently and left, with a smile on his face and a heart But counting the number of steps, one step two steps, one step two steps.
Nakajima Hidoji was confident that within seven steps, He Qi would definitely call him back, and then respectfully invited him in.

"Hey! Wait!" He Qi called out as expected.

Nakajima Biduoji turned around with an even bigger smile on his face, and walked slowly to the door, looking down at He Qi gracefully and condescendingly.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

Therefore, He Qi was also looking at the Dongyi man in front of him, with a smile on his face suddenly, showing undisguised contempt, and then threw the letter at the feet of Hidoji Nakajima, with a loud "Bang!" Closed the door.

"Bah! For 1000 yuan, I just want labor and management to play fake matches, what?" He Qi cursed at the closed door, spit again, and went back to the room, continuing to sleep.

In the blink of an eye, the smile on Nakajima Hidorji's face froze instantly, more embarrassing than dead parents. The letter that He Qi lost lay quietly on the dark ground, and Nakajima Bidorji looked down and saw Yes, it was his own face that was trampled on the ground.

Early the next morning, He Qi woke up from her sleep and slept soundly. She couldn't help stretching her waist and let out a comfortable "ah", and then heard Qian Xuan in the yard shouting: "Get up!" , wash up and eat breakfast quickly, Yucai said that Gu Rushui and the others were already waiting for you in the shop."

On the small table in the yard, there were steamed buns, fried dough sticks, wontons and other breakfasts, as well as a plate of side dishes. Qian Xuan lay on the recliner and saw He Qi just waking up heartlessly, and came out yawning. Said: "Tomorrow is the game. People all over the country are watching. Everyone is in a hurry. Yucai didn't sleep all night. He came to bring you breakfast in the morning. You are fine. You slept like a dead pig. really big."

"Where's Yucai?" He Qi looked around.

"At dawn, Gu Rushui and the others arrived at the store, saying they wanted to be your training partner. It would be early, and Lao Wu and the others didn't come, so I can only entertain you, so I'll go back to the store early."

He Qi let out an "oh", the reaction was flat, and she was ready to wash up.

Qian Xuan was not happy anymore, stood up, and said with a broken mouth: "The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuchs, is he? How dare we, a group of people, put our hot faces on your cold ass?"

He Qi walked with a step that no relatives recognized, and said confidently and arrogantly: "Go relies on brains, and it's not more than people. The more critical the time, the more you have to keep your mind clear. You are all busy and useless. You may as well Let me tell you, my buddy will win this game, and it doesn’t matter who comes.”

Qian Xuan curled his lips and said: "What you used to say about 'pretending to be forceful' before is just what you are doing now. Be careful and lose Jingzhou carelessly. If you lose, all the people in the whole country will drown you with their saliva."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Something happened last night. I'll tell you about it later, and you'll know." He Qi suddenly turned her head and said mysteriously, which whetted Qian Xuan's appetite.

Qian Xuan was impatient, how could he be so whetted, he hurriedly followed He Qi to the wash room, and when He Qi had just finished washing, he couldn't wait to ask: "What happened last night?"

"Let me eat some steamed stuffed buns." He Qi walked towards the stone table, grabbed a big steamed stuffed bun, opened her mouth to bite, it was soft, fluffy, and the gravy was fragrant
This made Qian Xuan very anxious, snatched the big bun from He Qi's hand, and hurriedly urged: "You bird man, you did it on purpose, so hurry up and eat after you finish talking."

He Qi was amused by Qian Xuan's hurried and flustered appearance, so he had no choice but to pick up a small steamed bun that I felt pity for, while talking about Nakajima Hitoji in a few words.

"Damn!" Qian Xuan yelled, and immediately said angrily: "If you can't compare with others, you will use tricks to buy them. They are dirty and dirty. I will post them in the newspaper tomorrow, so that the world can see the faces of these Dongyi people. "

"Don't write the article first, I will confiscate it again, be careful they will beat you up and say you slander people, if you don't make it right, you will have to apologize in person." He Qi remembered the incident of Gu Weijun and Dongyi people slandering and stealing gold watches. Continued: "This just shows one thing. They were afraid and felt that they could not win this game, so they resorted to out-of-the-box tricks."

Qian Xuan continued: "The barbarians outside the country are ignorant of etiquette, insidious and cunning. After the Fourth Ministries, the Dongyi people have the heart to destroy China, just like Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows it. Don't think it's just a game of Go. They can see the leopard in the pipe. It is to deal a cultural blow, comparing the backward culture with the advanced culture, so that the Chinese people will completely lose confidence."

When He Qi thought about it carefully, it really made sense, and she immediately felt motivated.

(End of this chapter)

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