Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 79 Miss Li, please sit down!

Chapter 79 Miss Li, please sit down!
A few people rested on the platform for a while, and then followed the crowd to the exit, all they could see was a mass of black heads, and the light was dim at night, so it was impossible to tell who was right, so they could only squeeze together Going out, waiting at the exit of the station, a few people meet up, He Qi suddenly feels empty behind him, looking back, the luggage has been cut with a knife, and there is nothing inside.

When Qian Xuan, Brother Xun, and Gu Rushui left the station, they put their luggage across their chests to protect them. Only He Qi foolishly carried the luggage behind her back, without any awareness of precautions. Unlike poor people, pickpockets like such stupid sheep.

But this is a bad thing. The entry certificate and the money that Mr. Wang and the others collected are all in it. It is not a big problem if the money is lost. Qian Xuan and Brother Xun have both brought it. The key is the entry certificate. Without this thing, no one will be there If you don't let the competition, you will be in big trouble.

Looking at the people coming and going in the station, and the small square was also full of people, He Qi exclaimed.

Qian Xuan complained about He Qi for a while, and then said: "Don't worry about it, I will make up for it tomorrow. If there is time, I will find a place for the night. There are so many people, please help me to find my student, she should come Yes, girl, tall, named Li Wan, and his elder brother, named Li Li, is also tall, brother and sister came together."

Just as I was talking, I saw a man and a woman approaching, holding a small sign in each hand. The man was about Li Li, about 1.7 meters tall, with a thin figure, wearing a suit, gentle, and the girl It's Qian Xuan's student, Li Wan, about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a woolen coat, curvy long hair, the appearance is not clear, but the temperament of the brother and sister can be seen as the young lady of a rich family.

"Mr. Deqian!" Li Wan walked in and shouted, waving a small sign in his hand with the words "Mr. Qian Xuan" written on it.

"Hey! I'm looking for you!" Qian Xuan smiled, looked at Li Li and said, "I heard from your sister last time that you're going to study abroad, why haven't you gone yet?"

Li Li shyly said: "Something is delayed, I have to go next year. Let's not talk about it, the gentlemen have traveled hard all the way, come with me to go home to rest, my father has already prepared the banquet, just waiting for the gentlemen to come .”

Qian Xuandao: "Alright, let's go."

He Qi always felt that the relationship between Qian Xuan and the Li family was by no means ordinary, and she became even more convinced when they followed the siblings to the place where they boarded the car. Two black general vehicles parked quietly by the side of the road, either rich or expensive, This is not common in Beiping. Since Li Wan was born into such a wealthy family, wouldn’t she go to a university in the Shanghai stock market? You can choose any overseas university, so why go to Peking thousands of miles away to go to university?

Qian Xuan and Li's brothers and sisters got into the car in front, He Qi, Brother Xun, and Gu Rushui got into the car behind them, and after entering the concession area, they drove towards the southwest corner, and stopped at an inaccessible road after about half an hour. On the small road, it is elegant and quiet, with a faint fragrance of flowers floating, like a clear stream in a bustling city.

The path is not wide enough for the next car to enter and exit. As the car slowly drives in, western-style houses come into view. The houses have red tiles and whitewashed walls, pointed roofs, oval steel windows, and the view through the garden In the fence, you can see a large area of ​​thick green plants, a few towering trees protruding from the top of the fence, gentle lights are reflected in the windows, and the soft piano sound is faintly wafting out.

The car stopped in front of one of the western-style houses on the inside. The door of the house had already been opened, and a middle-aged and elderly man wearing a traditional costume and wearing a pair of glasses walked out with a cane. His name was Li Yu, and his style name was Yuzhi. He is from Xuancheng, Huizhou. In the early years, he sold rice paper in the Shanghai stock market. Later, he became a well-known printing tycoon in Shanghai. He also sold raw paper.

Due to a lot of suffering in the early years, Li Yucai looked very old at the age of less than 50, with all white hair on his forehead, and shouted: "But Deqian is here?"

"It's me!" Qian Xuan got off the car and walked quickly to Li Yu, like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, jokingly said, "I haven't seen you for a few years, why are you wearing a cane?"

"Learn from foreigners!" Li Wan said fidgetingly, and walked over to hold the old father's arm.

"You girl, why do you always dismantle your father's stage?" Li Yu scolded with a smile, revealing all love in his tone.

"Don't let people tell you!" Li Wan pursed her lips and murmured.

"Come on, let me introduce you." Qian Xuan led Li Yu a few steps forward, and said with a smile, "This is the Mr. Yubai you've been thinking about, I brought you here, Yucai and Brother Gu, You've known each other for a long time, so I won't say more."

"Mr. Yu, excuse me." Brother Xun and Gu Rushui said in unison.

"Hey! If you can come, it is because you have given enough face, there is no need to say this." Li Yu looked at He Qi: "Mr. Yubai, I have heard the name for a long time, and Jiuzi is not far from Xuancheng. Wang Mengzou came here a few days ago. I also talked about you, a fellow countryman."

Wang Mengzou, who opened the Yadong Library, is from Jixi. Jixi now belongs to Jiuzi. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a fellow. When Qian Xuan mentioned Mr. Zhongpu, He Qi had heard of Wang Mengzou, but he had never seen him. However, he said: "I have also heard of Mr. Wang's name, and I will see it some other day."

Li Yu shook his head and said with a smile, "There's no need to change the day, he heard that you're coming today, and you'll be here soon." Then he turned to the distance, "Hey, say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be there soon."

I saw a man coming out of the night with two bottles of wine, wearing a suit and combing his hair shiny, shouting from a distance: "Mr. Yu, is someone here?"

Li Li replied on behalf of his father: "Mr. Meng Zou, all four gentlemen are here."

Wang Mengzou quickened his pace and came straight over, carrying two bottles of Matouqiang rice wine, a specialty of Nanling, and said, "This wine is really not easy to buy. I've been running for a long time, and I'm late, I'm late. "

Wang Mengzou had met Gu Rushui before, but he had only heard about the remaining three people, but had never met them. Li Yu teased him: "You Wang Mengzou always claimed that there was no one you didn't know, but you just said, this is Which gentlemen?"

To Wang Mengzou, this was nothing serious. He took a closer look and was able to identify it accurately every minute. Li Yu asked curiously, "How do you know?"

Wang Mengzou said: "The tallest one is Mr. Yubai, if you don't sing well, you are already. The blockbuster is Mr. Yucai, and the most energetic Mr. Naideqian."

As soon as Qian Xuan heard it, he really spoke well, so he continued to ask: "Where did you think about it?"

Wang Mengzou laughed and said: "I didn't think about it. As soon as 'Heqizheng' opened, it was said that the people in Peiping couldn't figure out the three of you. Someone said that. They came back from Peiping a while ago. heard it."

Li Li reminded: "Father, go in and talk, sir is still hungry!"

But Li Yu said he forgot, and hurriedly invited everyone in. The spacious and bright living room was comfortable and warm. There was already a table of food on the table in the dining room. Everyone sat down one by one, and a servant immediately brought the tableware.

Li Li sat at the last table pouring wine, Li Wan helped Li Yu sit down, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Qian Xuan, and said: "Sit next to your father, we don't pay attention to the old ways."

Then he pulled He Qi who was on the side, and said to everyone: "Among us, Yubai is the most open-minded. Yucai and I went to his house for dinner. There were four seats, and one of them happened to be empty. He let his servants Go to the table to eat, but the servant will not go to the table, so I can't help it if I teach him."

He Qi explained: "Deqian, you are wrong, Gouwa is not my servant, even if I have a servant, I pay to hire him, and he gets paid to work, it is an equal relationship, there is no relationship of superiority and inferiority. "

"As for not allowing women to eat at the table, it is even more untenable here. In some western factories, women are the main force, women can hold up half the sky, so Miss Li, please sit down."

Li Wan sneaked a glance, and sat down shyly. In the past, she only served the table when the family had dinner, and had never served the table in front of the guests. She was very reserved for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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