Chapter 80 The Faint Lily Fragrance

If we call someone a certain "crazy", it means that this person is obsessed with something beyond ordinary people.

Among the people He Qi came into contact with, if Ruyi is the first one who can be counted as "crazy", her daily life is almost all about Go, then the second one is Gu Rushui, who is on the train. Holding the chess record in his arms, he kept looking at it all the way, and just after dinner at night, he went to the room to continue studying the game record, as if his wife is Go.

He Qi was really out of energy. She was exhausted from the long journey. After thanking the host for the hospitality, she went to the room early, took a hot bath, and fell asleep.

Qian Xuan and Brother Xun still had energy, chatted and played bridge with Li Yu and Wang Mengzou downstairs, He Qi woke up in the middle of the night, listened to the movement downstairs, opened the door and looked, good guy, The four are still fighting.

Brother Xun and Li Yu are two big smokers, and they can ride clouds and fog in the room they smoke. Poor Li Li, yawning, has to serve tea and water to serve the four elders.

He Qi tiptoed back to the house, closed the door quietly, and continued to sleep until noon the next day. When she went downstairs to see, there was no one there, and the room was empty. He Qi thought that Qian Xuan and Brother Xun I was sleeping, but when I went to the room, it was empty and no one was there.

While He Qi was wondering, Li Wan's soft voice came from behind: "Mr. Yubai, how did you rest last night?"

He Qi looked back suddenly and found that Li Wan was standing at the stairs on the second floor, about five or six meters away, looking over with a slight smile.

She is wearing a sky blue knitted jumper and a pair of home pink slippers on her feet. She is more than 1.6 meters tall. The willow leaf hanging eyebrows have a hazy feeling of being drunk but not drunk. The exquisite and small face is painted with thin light makeup and a light smile, full of classical beauty.

"Ah! I slept well, thank you." He Qi realized that it was impolite to stare at people, so she quickly looked away, looked elsewhere, and asked, "Do you know where they went?" ?"

Seeing that He Qi was still wearing yesterday's clothes, Li Wan smiled sweetly, spoke like a breeze, and pursed her lips, "The two gentlemen left with Mr. Meng Zou early in the morning, and they said they would come back at night."

"Ah?" He Qi couldn't help asking questions, feeling so embarrassed that they were left behind by these two people, and said with an embarrassed smile, "Why did they leave without telling me?"

Li Wan smiled softly, like a spring breeze, and whispered: "The two gentlemen said that your body is delicate, so I'm afraid it will disturb your rest."

"I'm not sister Lin, what's so delicate?" He Qi responded, and she knew why the two of them went after a guess. They must have gone to find Mr. Zhong Pu. This is the real purpose of the two of them coming to Shanghai Stock Exchange, but He Qi couldn't figure it out that he didn't bring himself.

Li Wan said again: "Mr. Yubai, wash up first, lunch is almost here."

"Oh! Good!" He Qi said, turned around and went into the room, washed up quickly, and looked in the mirror specially, except that the clothes were not changed, everything was broken, not Kurt.

It was still at the restaurant where we ate last night, and a sumptuous lunch had already been set on the table. When He Qi came down, only Li Wan was there, quietly sitting at the table waiting, elegant and dignified, and He Qi sat opposite her. , couldn't help being a little restrained, looked around, wondering: "Where are Mr. Yu and your brother?"

Li Wan said softly, "They are out on business and will be back at night."

He Qi glanced upstairs inadvertently: "Did Brother Gu go out too?"

Li Wan nodded and said lightly: "Mn! Mr. Gu is looking for friends, and I'm afraid he will come back at night."

Depend on!
What's going on?
In this unfamiliar place, He Qiwu felt nervous and ate quickly, thinking to finish eating quickly, and go to the room to study chess records to pass the time, and the afternoon passed in a flash.

Unexpectedly, Li Wan handed over a piece of paper with beautiful handwriting on it, listing some items, and said slowly: "Mr. Yubai, Mr. Deqian, before leaving, asked me to take you to these places in the afternoon. "

It is understandable to go to Wang Zhengting to apply for a competition certificate.

But why go to the mall?

And what the hell is going to a western restaurant?

I can't figure it out!

He Qi couldn't let it go for a long time, she looked blankly at the paper in her hand, and then at Li Wan.

Li Wan smiled and said, "Mr. Deqian said that you lost your luggage yesterday and didn't have a change of clothes. You have to go to the mall to buy some."

He Qi was puzzled and said, "Then why do you go to a western restaurant?"

Li Wan said: "Mr. Deqian also said that you have eaten Western food all your life, and now you suddenly eat Chinese food. You must miss Western food very much, so I invite you to have a meal and talk about it."

He Qi felt that Qian Xuan was so rich that he was in a panic, and he was doing boring things. He wanted to say, "We don't eat Western food, and there is nothing delicious. I will take care of those two things by myself," Nai He said. When it reached the edge of his mouth, he swallowed it back again. There was no money in his hand, so what to say, he could only let it go.

After lunch, the driver had already driven the car to the door and waited. He Qi got into the car first, and when Li Wan came out again, she had already changed her appearance, put on exquisite makeup, and her slightly curly long hair was tied up. Behind the ears, she put on a cheongsam inside, a woolen overcoat on the outside, and put on low-top high-heeled shoes, exposing her fair ankle.

Although the climate in November in the south is not as cold as in the north, it has also begun to cool down. The sycamore trees on both sides of the road have already shed their leaves. When there is a slight wind, the twigs are swinging in the air, and Li Wan seems to have gotten used to it. With such a demeanor.

The car drove through the city, He Qi sniffed the faint fragrance of lilies in the car, and said nothing, perhaps not used to being alone with women, staring intently out of the car window, the pictures about the old times were recorded frame by frame In my mind, the bustling, desolate, rich, and poor, the car traveled all the way, like a moving documentary being shown.

The ending of the documentary stops at the Bund in the leased area. There are many foreigners here, with blond hair and blue eyes, suits and leather shoes, walking side by side in twos and threes. In front of them is the muddy Huangpu River. White sails and wooden boats are floating in the river. There are many western shops on the shore, including clocks, watches, clothing, restaurants, and department stores. If you don't pay attention, you may think it is by the Seine River.

Li Wan gave full play to her woman's nature, and took He Qi from one store to another. What surprised He Qi most was that whether it was the Faguo store, the Yingguo store, or the Italian store, Li Wan was able to communicate with her. The clerk communicated smoothly without any hindrance.

This actually changed He Qi's impression of Li Wan a lot, and she said that she was a vase with real talents and learning, which is really rare in this era.

There were three things written on that piece of paper. He Qi originally planned to go back after finishing the first two things, but she was careless and negligent. Li Wan couldn't stop shopping, so that He Qi's hands were full of shopping bags. , Walking all afternoon is more tiring than taking a train all day.

But Li Wan mainly chose the suits carefully for He Qi, and spared no effort and trouble. The clothes she bought herself were very casual, and she bought them as soon as she liked them, without asking the price, so He Qi couldn't say anything.

So, as it was getting dark and the lights were on, Li Wan, who had been shopping all afternoon, proposed to go to a western restaurant for dinner, but He Qi declined.

Just kidding, he spent a lot of money on Li Wan in the afternoon, without paying attention to the money at all. You don't need to think about it, you know, the western restaurant you go to must be expensive. Even if He Qi doesn't think about herself, she has to think about Qian Xuan wallet considerations.

Moreover, the two suits I bought in the afternoon are also expensive. He Qi is more than 1.8 meters tall, and the suits that can fit this size are basically foreigners' suits, but the shoulders of foreigners' ready-made clothes are relatively wide, which does not meet the shoulder distance of Chinese people. You have to change the money on the spot, and you have to pay an extra sum of money.

At the end of the day, a set of clothes turned out to be tens of dollars. He Qi gritted his teeth and could still afford it, but when he thought about it carefully, the pain was too much!It belongs to slapping a swollen face to fill a fat man.

The car drove back slowly under the night, the faint fragrance of lilies lingered in the car all the time, and the neon lights outside the window alternated light and dark inside the car, as if hiding something, He Qi was very self-aware and kept looking out the window.

On the other hand, Li Wan pursed her red lips, glanced at He Qi in a neat suit from time to time, and couldn't help but think of Mr. Deqian's letter, and suddenly blushed. Qian Xuan said in the letter that He Qi was a different person, An unpretentious person, a person with many shortcomings, but He Qi's advantages are like the sun, when the sun shines brightly, all the shortcomings disappear.

After an afternoon of contact, Li Wan didn't see the sun-like advantages of He Qi, but "different" is an insight. After all, no man would refuse two dinner invitations from a beautiful lady, right?
(End of this chapter)

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