Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 93 General Songpo

Chapter 93 General Songpo
The luncheon was held in the mansion in the old section of Xiangbi Hutong. This was He Qi's first visit. When he first arrived, he saw a simple plaque hanging on the lintel. The style of lacquered wood and copper nails on the door, if you pass by the door, it is just an ordinary door.

Lao Duan's so-called "six nos" seems to be in line with his personality.

After entering the courtyard, I immediately had a different sense. The size of the courtyard is very large. It is an exaggeration to say that there are pavilions, towers and pavilions, but there are rockeries, flowing water, green bamboos, etc. Although He Qi can't see the way, she also knows that there is something wrong.

Since Go is a small circle, the scale of today's luncheon is not large, and it is all people in the circle. He Qi has more or less contact with most people, and the topics discussed during the meeting are all related to Go. , so it is not very restrictive.

By the way, Lao Duan also made a suggestion at the wine table. He and Mr. Zhang Danru will take the lead, and the rest will contribute money and strength to unite with the Go world in the south and use the "Top 20 Tournament" as the model to establish a national chess competition. Go tournament.

For a long time, there has been no national competition in Huaxia Go, which has always limited Go to a small circle. By holding competitions, it can expand the popularity of Go and allow more people to participate, so that new forces will join in. This The proposal was unanimously approved.

So who will host the game?

After discussion, it was decided to establish the Huaxia Weiqi Association. The fundraising or fundraising for the competition, the first president was Lao Duan, the vice president was Mr. Zhang Danru, and three directors were selected, and He Qi was recommended as one of them. .

The Weiqi Association is a non-governmental organization, and the government will not have financial support, so Lao Duan and Mr. Zhang Danru are the biggest benefactors. It should be natural for them to be the president, but things are things, but they are not done this way.

How could it be possible to make a hasty decision in private without the consent of the Southern Weiqi community?

He Qi has a lot to say in her stomach, but after thinking about it, she still holds back, this is probably a style inherited from the same line! !
People at the table were making suggestions for Huaxia Go, but He Qi didn't talk that much, leaning on the chair, eating a few bites of food, drinking a sip of wine, and then looking at the rustling snow outside the window.

General Songpo was not in good health, so he only drank a glass of wine, and Lao Duan arranged him to sit on the left side, which was the VIP seat, He Qi sat under General Songpo, and Yang Shiqi sat on Lao Duan's right friend seat, The two of them have been old colleagues for a long time.

"Mr. Duan, I'm not in good health and can't drink, so I won't sit here to ruin everyone's fun. When I came here, I saw bamboo in the courtyard. I love bamboo the most in my life. I want to appreciate it. Please forgive me." General Songpo had a smile on his face when he spoke.

"In ancient times, Wang Huizhi loved bamboo. Today, Mr. Songpo loves bamboo. Both pine and bamboo are evergreen, and he loves houses and birds. Mr. Songpo, is this the reason?" Yang Shiqi said.

Lao Duan was a little dissatisfied with Yang Shiqi's insinuations, but he didn't speak either.

He Qi frowned, leaned back, and watched the changes.

Mr. Songpo said: "My name is Songpo, but I don't like pine trees. Pine trees are born of mountains and rocks, and they are strong and strong. My body is weak, which doesn't match it. Although pines and bamboos are evergreen, it's hard to say that I love houses and crows."

Then he asked back: "Mr. Xingcheng, cute Xing?"

The old Duan didn't give Yang Shiqi a chance to speak, and said: "Xingcheng doesn't love Xing, he is the best chess player, the next step is five moves, I have played chess with him for more than ten years, and nine out of ten losers. Mr. Poe, you go."

There are not only bamboos in the courtyard, but also a few wintersweet flowers, which are in full bloom in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month. The fragrance dances with the snow. General Songpo stood in front of the bamboo, gazing quietly, and his thoughts lingered in his heart. Unfortunately, this bamboo is too short. I can't hear the sound of Yuduan.

He Qi also found an excuse and got away from the table, just at this time came to the courtyard, saw Mr. Songpo appreciating the bamboo, so she went to talk to him, and said softly: "General Songpo, I'm so excited."

He turned around and looked back, seeing that it was He Qi, he was taken aback for a moment, because He Qi seemed to be hiding something, and suddenly said with a smile: "You have had too much contact with De Qian and the others, and De Qian is Mr. Taiyan's apprentice, so you don't have to be afraid." 'Aiwujiwu', was it said?"

Indeed, as General Songpo said, since he issued a statement in support of Lao Yuan, many people scolded him, and there are many people who cursed him to die early. He Qi also laughed and said, "Isn't Guan Yunchang also scolded?" ?”

General Songpo's eyes flashed, he became more and more interested, and asked again: "I am in Beiping, and I have nothing on my body. Why do you call yourself General?"

There were snowflakes, and there were scattered whites in his black hair. He Qi knew that he was not in good health, so he pointed to a pavilion not far away, and stretched out his hand to signal: "It's snowing, let's go to the pavilion and talk."

There are no walls to block the pavilion. He Qi invited General Songpo to sit facing the bamboo, but General Songpo sat facing the wintersweet, and the bamboo was on the side. He Qi said: "Bamboo is good, but the fragrance of plum is more moving. .”

General Songpo gave a surprised look: "Are all of you good Go players like this?"

This is to say that He Qi, like Yang Shiqi, is good at calculating. He Qi shook his head and smiled: "I just saw the general sitting opposite Lamei."

General Songpo nodded, sniffing the fragrance of wintersweet, fascinated, in a trance, his thoughts flew to the south of the colorful clouds, and suddenly looked at He Qi, and said: "I heard you say before, standing by the river, thinking whether to Cross the river, and you went to Xiyang, and I went to Dongyi, so according to what you see, has Dongyi crossed the river?"

He Qi said: "After crossing the river, the head is still on the other side of the river?"

Dongyi's monarchy is different from Western ones. Their emperors still hold power, but they are restricted by the parliament. They are not so-called mascots. General Songpo, who has lived in Dongyi for a long time, naturally knows, so the rise of Dongyi is a Stubbornness of the body.

General Songpo agreed with this, and continued: "Yubai, have you been to Dongyi?"

He Qi shook her head and said, "I haven't been there."

General Songpo then asked, "What kind of nation does Yubai think Dongyi is?"

He Qi quoted de Gaulle's words and described: "A sinister and cunning cruel nation, ruthless to itself and even more ruthless to others. At the same time, this nation is very powerful, and its crazy bloodthirsty degree is similar to that of the vampire Dracula in the Middle Ages in Europe. Once he saw the weakness, the throat was immediately bitten by him."

Faced with such a sharp evaluation, General Songpo gave another amazed look, and asked curiously, "Since you have never been to Dongyi, why do you know so much?"

He Qi said: "A nation is like a person when viewed from a small perspective, and a person's habits are not formed in a day. Looking at the history of Dongyi, it is not difficult to understand."

"The Japanese plague has never been eliminated, and the family and country are in trouble. Cough cough." General Songpo coughed a few times, spit a mouthful of red saliva into the snow, turned his head to look at He Qi, and said weakly: "The courage of a man is also There's nothing left to spare."

He Qi wanted to say a few more words, but unfortunately, someone came, and the conversation had to be stopped halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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