Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 94 He Qi: I am not from Dongyi

Chapter 94 He Qi: I am not from Dongyi

After the luncheon, He Qi went back to the chess hall, but did not see Brother Xun and Qian Xuan. After getting off work, after returning home, Gou Wa took out a telegram from Li Wan. , only a few numbers: "Can you arrive? I hope you will come back."

He Qi forgot to report safety at the first time, and hurriedly ran to the telegraph office again, and replied a telegram: "Cangshan is covered with snow, and the sky is brightly south."

In the evening, Ju Zhang came without warning and gave He Qi the first month's salary, a total of 200 yuan, but He Qi still refused to accept the resignation, nothing else, just simply not wanting to be cheap.

Ju Chang saw that the situation was urgent last time, if He Qi had something to do, he could protect him as a public official, but now that the matter is over, seeing that He Qi will not accept him, he will not force him.

After saying a few words, Ju Chang left, coming and going in a hurry.

In the following days, He Qi went to work in the chess hall during the day, returned home at night, and sent text messages to Li Wan every few days. She thought that this year would pass by like this, but unexpectedly, on the day of Xiao’an, He Qi boarded the chess hall again. After becoming popular, being pointed at by a crowd of people and scolded as a hypocrite, he is a deceitful person.

The thing is like this, because He Qi defeated Gaobe Dohei and Hirose one after another, this matter spread back to Dongyi, which caused a great uproar. Previously, Gaobe Daohei could sweep China in just one or four dans, but now Hirose eighth dan Unexpectedly lost.

Therefore, after analyzing He Qi's chess records, Dongyi chess players came to an astonishing conclusion. He Qi's Go thinking traces back to the source, and it is actually in the same line as Xiaomu Go, which originated in Dongyi. The two are surprisingly similar.

More than 200 years ago, in the match between Dao Ce and Inoue Ince, the white 10 split side with the strategic thinking of "China flow" was first played, and then the upper left corner was finalized, which is the same as the "China flow" used by Kuo Heqi. Flow" tactics are almost identical.

There is also the use of "Worriless Corner", which can be traced back to more than 200 years ago, in a game between Kashio Rigensen and Honinbo.

There are countless other similar places, so Dongyi's "Asahi Shimbun" published an article on this, analyzing He Qi's Go in a clear and logical manner, thinking that He Qi learned Dongyi's Go, so Takabe Michihei and Hirose Shimbun It was lost to Dongyi Go, not Huaxia Go.

When this article traveled across the ocean and came to China, there was a wave of crusade against He Qi, because He Qi had clearly said before that she had never been to Dongyi. Since she had never been, how could she learn Dongyi? The essence of Yi Go?
Therefore, some people think that He Qi lied.

At the beginning, when Qian Xuanlai talked about this matter, He Qi didn't pay much attention to the ah Q spirit of the Dongyi people. Then the incident intensified, and public opinion fermented again and again. Some Dongyi people even thought that He Qi had something The lineage of Dongyi.

In their view, the only ones who can defeat the Dongyi people are the Dongyi people, and it is absolutely impossible for the Huaxia people.

Later, He Qi just laughed it off and didn't explain why the Dongyi people also adhered to the "bringing doctrine" of the Universe Kingdom.

In the end, some radicals took advantage of the darkness and threw rotten eggs and stones at the gate and windows of the chess hall to vent their dissatisfaction caused by He Qi's deception.

He Qi went to the chess hall in the morning and saw that the window glass was broken all over the floor, and the stench was suffocating. He was immediately pissed off. Qian Xuan was cursing, and turned to look for Long Si, insisting on catching these bad guys. .

In the afternoon, people were tied up by Long Siwuhua, a few students, seeing He Qi, not only did not admit their mistake, but pointed at He Qi's nose and yelled.

A few students were blinded by public opinion, and they couldn't blame anything. He Qi sighed, waved his hand, let Long Si be released, and then went back to the chess room alone, really depressed.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Brother Xun leaned against the door frame, smoking a cigarette.

"I told you, do they believe it?" He Qi asked sullenly.

"If you don't say it, most people won't believe it. If you say it, some people will believe it. But you have to show your attitude first. If you keep silent like this, they will think you have a guilty conscience." Qian Xuan also came , with a face sideways, sat across from He Qi, very ugly: "Damn, I won the cheers of the Dongyi people for you before, and it's only been a few days. They have changed their faces one after another, adding viciousness to each other, without any sense of right and wrong, they are really mad at a birdman."

Brother Xun said: "When the east wind comes, the reeds will fall to the west together, and even the small reeds in the middle will fall to the west. When the west wind comes, they will fall to the east together. It's like this." Brother Xun said .

"A gust of wind across thousands of mountains and rivers can blow like this? If you say that there is nothing wrong here, I wouldn't believe it." Qian Xuan said firmly, and turned to see He Qi who was silent and muffled. Qian Xuan was suddenly agitated: "You stand up and speak! Aren't you usually good at talking? If you are in the nest, you will become dumb."

He Qi was also depressed and irritable, and immediately said loudly: "Are you annoying?" After speaking, she picked up a pen and began to write a statement, which was sent to the "Beijing News" by Qian Xuan.

The next day, the "Beijing News" published He Qi's statement, without changing a single word, which was as follows: "A long time ago, someone discovered that boats could carry people on the water, so the later boats were almost a Look. Someone invented the airplane, which can fly in the sky, so all the airplanes are equipped with wings. Someone invented the car, so all the cars have four wheels. Today someone said that I learned Go from Dongyi, I don’t know what Is it called "inheritance from master"? If my chess skills are like a ship, with wings and four wheels, and it is also "inheritance from master", then I admit that I am from Dongyi Go. If I judge this, I always feel It's too arbitrary, because Dongyi Go also learned from Huaxia Go, so judging by this logic, I should still learn from Huaxia Go."

"In addition, I reiterate that I have never been to Dongyi, and I am not from Dongyi. I have a long body, yellow skin, black hair, and small toenails with two petals. This is the characteristic of the orthodox Chinese Han nationality."

He Qi's statement showed her own attitude, sternly denying the report of "Asahi Shimbun", and even teased Dongyi people in words, such as "what is long body shape?"

This statement is not long, but everything that needs to be explained is explained. It is still in vernacular, which is easy to understand. Those who can read a little can understand it at a glance, and those who don't can understand it as soon as they read the newspaper.

By accident, the first piece of news published in the Beijing News turned out to be a statement in vernacular, which is really dumbfounding, and I don't know what the future generations will think.

However, whether the posterity will laugh or not is unknown for the time being, but He Qi's words of humiliation to the Dongyi people have annoyed the Dongyi people. There is also a Black Dragon Association in Beiping, and the leader is Soichiro Inoue, who decided to give He Qi A harsh lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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