Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 95 You are the one who cursed

Chapter 95 You are the one who cursed

"The 28th of the twelfth lunar month, decals for making cakes and steamed buns".

According to Chinese folk customs, on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month in the lunar calendar, every household, whether making noodles or steamed buns, will start to prepare staple food for the New Year, and new red window grilles will be pasted on the windows.

But the chess hall was still open. He Qi was alone, so he didn't pay much attention to the Chinese New Year. He went to work in the morning as usual. As soon as he went out to the entrance of the alley, he heard Qian Xuan shouting behind him.

He Qi turned around and waited for Qian Xuan.

"Yubai, Yubai, have you read the newspaper in the morning?" Qian Xuan, holding a roll of newspaper in his hand, hurried forward, his eyebrows beaming, as if he had won the general, very happy.

He Qi said: "Not yet, I'm going to go to the chess hall to watch, what's the matter?"

Qian Xuan took the plunge, took out a newspaper from a roll and handed it to He Qi, pointed to an article, and said with a mysterious smile: "You can read this newspaper now."

"Dongya Daily" is the capital of Dongyi people behind it. He Qi had dealt with it when he was in the Shanghai stock market. After taking over the newspaper and scanning this article, he strongly condemned He Qi for being rude and so on. So it is not surprising.

He Qi didn't understand, so she returned the newspaper to Qian Xuan, wondering, "What's wrong?"

Qian Xuan pouted: "Hey, think about it, we usually condemn them, but it's your turn to condemn you twice. You scolded them, but there's nothing they can do about you. It's something to be happy about."

"Promise!" He Qi gave a blank look, and said that it was something happy, turned around and continued to walk towards the entrance of the alley.

"Don't go! There are more!" Qian Xuan grinned, followed, turned out the "Peking Daily", pointed to one of the articles and said with a mean smile: "Look at this article, scolding you You can write articles, saying that you have such a great reputation, but you are actually a reckless and reckless person."

He Qiwu stopped by himself, took the newspaper and read it, suddenly felt an unknown fire in his heart, sprawled hundreds of words, the whole article was full of curse words, but he didn't say what the curse was, just like a shrew, simply making trouble for no reason.

He Qi asked himself if he hadn't offended him, so why did he curse at others, and even with the evil fire from before, he asked, "What the hell, who is this Zhang Houde?"

Qian Xuan was very satisfied with the effect, and said with a smirk, "He! Lin Qinnan's proud disciple."

He Qi stared: "Who is Lin Qinnan?"

Qian Xuan rolled his eyes and said in surprise, "Lin Shu, the name is Qinnan, don't tell me you haven't heard of it?"

He Qi said: "Is it awesome? Do I have to know?"

Qian Xuan curled his lips, nodded again and said, "Let me tell you this, Gu Tangsheng, you know that you have to be respectful when you see Lin Qinnan, there are two people who are called 'madmen', and they are Mr. Taiyan with him."

That was indeed "crazy", but when He Qi thought about it, no matter how awesome he was, what did he have to do with him?Straightening his neck, he said, "Well water doesn't offend river water, and I didn't offend him. You don't talk about irrelevant people, just talk about Zhang Houde, what is he doing? Where does he live?"

Qian Xuan was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

He Qi said angrily: "He scolded me, I naturally want to scold back in person, what else can I do?"

Qian Xuanshen said with a smile: "Since ancient times, masters and apprentices have shared weal and woe. After scolding the younger ones, the old ones come. Let me tell you about Lin Qinnan first. This person believes in the Tongcheng School, has a solid foundation in Chinese studies, and is a translator. The amazing thing is that he doesn't know foreign languages, but he can translate great works, and he translated "La Traviata in Paris."

He Qi naturally didn't believe it: "Don't fool me, you don't know a foreign language, what a ghost to translate?"

Qian Xuandao: "A person who knows a foreign language will first explain the general meaning of the original work, and then Lin Qinnan will use Chinese literature to process it into classical Chinese. It is like you know English, and you tell me, and I am reconstructing the meaning according to what you said. Back then As soon as "La Traviata in Paris" came out, it was immediately expensive in Luoyang. I also read it, and it was really good. Yucai said that Lin Qinnan's translation was even better than the original."

"Is it so awesome?" He Qi was shocked for a moment, thinking again, it's not right, "One yard is worth one yard, I'm going to settle the score with Zhang Houde, no matter how awesome Lin Qinnan is, it doesn't matter to him."

Qian Xuandao: "Okay, let me tell you clearly. Earlier, Yucai and I went to the Shanghai stock market and chatted with Cheng Zhongpu. He also very much agreed with the vernacular, and proposed that we write vernacular articles and mail them to him. On "New Youth". We were both worried about not knowing how to write vernacular. It just so happened that your "Statement" came out, and Zhang Houde immediately scolded you. You took him for real. You don’t know etiquette? In their eyes, classical Chinese is noble and vernacular is vulgar, so people who use vernacular are also vulgar. You are so angry today, want to scold back, use vernacular or classical Chinese? You don’t know classical Chinese, use vernacular, He continues to scold you with this, not only he scolds you, but also a large group of people behind him will scold you, Lin Qinnan, Li Qinnan, Zhang Qinnan will all come out. What will you do then? "

He Qi really didn't think about it so much. Before he could think about it, his "Statement" provoked Dongyi people to condemn him, but unexpectedly, he was scolded by the Huaxia people first. What's the matter?

"Before they scolded me, I endured it, but you know it, in exchange for more scolding. Persimmons only pick soft ones, tigers don't show off their power, treat me as a sick cat, let it go, he scolded me, I’m going to curse back today. If I can’t write classical Chinese, then I won’t write, and I will curse with my mouth.”

Anyway, let's talk, seeing that He Qiniu's temper is getting up, and he insists on going, Qian Xuan doesn't stop him, and when he exits the alley, Lao Wu's car is already waiting, Qian Xuan got into another rickshaw, looking for Zhang Houde and go.

The snow on the street hadn’t cleared, and it was all piled up on both sides. The Chinese New Year was only two days away, and all the people who bought new year’s goods took to the street. Lao Wu dragged his cart and crawled like ants among the crowd. It took a long time to arrive. Yangzi Hutong.

Qian Xuan got off the car at the entrance of the alley, and asked firmly, "Are you really going?"

He Qi said impatiently: "There's so much nonsense, which one is it? I'll go by myself."

Qian Xuan chuckled: "Zhang Houde likes opera, and he likes to hum a few words at home when he has nothing to do. Everyone who lives in this alley knows it, and I know he lives here. I really don't know which one."

Just as he was talking, Qian Xuan stared suddenly, and looked into the distance, but saw a man walking with a birdcage, wearing a long robe and mandarin jacket, dragging a small braid, humming a little song, feeling comfortable very.


Following Qian Xuan's gaze, He Qi looked sideways, and her gaze was fixed on Zhang Houde. When she was seven or eight steps away, she pushed her chest forward and rushed forward, blocking Zhang Houde's way.

Zhang Houde was humming a ditty and singing, when he was suddenly blocked by a tall man, he thought he was bumping into the road, so he staggered away.

He Qi immediately turned her body to that side, blocking the way again.

Zhang Houde suddenly became angry, held his head up, and said in a bad tone: "I have already given way, why stop it?"

He Qi was condescending and said angrily, "Zhang Houde?"

Zhang Houde subconsciously said: "I'm right, I don't know what your Excellency wants to do?"

"That's right, I blocked the way for you, Zhang Houde." Before Zhang Houde could speak, He Qi cursed: "You are not worthy of the name, you should be called Zhang Quide."

Zhang Houde was stunned immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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