Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 96 "He Qi's Big Evil"

Chapter 96 "He Qi's Ten Evil Symptoms"

"My name is Zhang Houde."

"But just now someone called me Zhang Quide."

"I went out to have breakfast in the morning. On the way home, I was humming and singing a song. Suddenly, someone cut me off. The person came up and scolded me. Before I finished a sentence, he cursed three times. , not out of breath."

"It really pissed me off!"

"I think Zhang Houde is Mr. Qinnan's high-achieving student. Although not well-known in Beiping, I am also well-known. However, all the dramas I have commented on are often well-known, and I have won the title of a drama with a golden mouth."

"Being so humiliated today, I must ask for an explanation, otherwise what face will I have to show others in the future?"

"However, I know that this person is good at scolding others. In such a short time, he has already scolded a dozen sentences, and the sentences are not repeated. I am definitely not an opponent. It just happens that this place is close to home, and there are many people watching , so I recruited the neighbors in the neighborhood, and prepared to arrest this person, but I want to see how he still scolds me?"

"Unexpectedly, this person is quite cunning. Seeing that the situation is not right, he ran away. Before leaving, he kicked over my birdcage, and I was also brought down, eating muddy water all over the floor."

"When I stood up, this person had disappeared. Later, someone nearby said that this person came with Mr. Deqian. I suddenly understood that the person who scolded me was called He Qi, because I wrote an article to scold him yesterday. gone."

"He came out on purpose for revenge."

"He Qi, a barbarian after the show, doesn't know good and bad, doesn't know etiquette, and writes articles in vernacular. He should have scolded him. He thought he would be able to return from the wrong way, but he is so shameless. It really makes my heart ache. .”

"Since that's the case, I don't have to be merciful. Wait for me to write a composition and scold him for turning the world upside down."

Qian Xuan followed He Qi and ran for a while, but when he saw no one was chasing him, he stopped, put his hands on his knees, gasped heavily, and shouted forward: "Stop, stop, no one is chasing. "

He Qi was okay, unlike Qian Xuan, who supported a big tree on the side of the street to rest for a while, just now he scolded Zhang Houde, his heart was open, how could he use the word "cool".

What He Qi scolded just now was so sharp, and his sentences were not repeated. Zhang Houde who scolded him couldn't say a word. Qian Xuan was shocked at the time. At this time, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up to He Qi, and laughed loudly: "I I found out that you are really awesome, but you kicked over his bird cage, and he lost his footing, and fell to the ground, which is really wicked."

He Qi glanced at him: "Don't talk nonsense, it's clear that he didn't stand firm, fell down, and wanted to set the blame on me. This is called Pengci, red mouth and white teeth, don't wrong a good person."

"Hahaha, have you ever seen someone put their face into the mud under the watchful eyes of everyone?" Qian Xuan almost burst out laughing, and reminded: "You'd better plan early, you've had enough of your mouth today, tomorrow you should scolded."

He Qi snickered: "I didn't even say who I was? How could he know it was me?"

Qian Xuan laughed again: "Are you stupid? He doesn't know you, but there were so many people around at that time, and you dragged me to run away. Who in Beiping doesn't know that I am someone? Thinking of me, your identity Is there any need to say it?"

He Qi was right when he thought about it, but he didn't panic: "I can't afford to offend the old man, and I'm afraid he's small? Look at his cowardly appearance, he looks like he's not much older than me, how can he look like a soft-footed shrimp?" Yes, before I met him, he fell down. If it weren’t for relying on the ability to read a few words of “Zhizhe Ye”, it would be like this, and it would be a waste of food if it was released in the countryside and could not be lifted by the shoulders or hands.”

"Does he think he is the only one who can swear? Swearing also requires technical content. As long as he dares to post an article to scold me tomorrow, just wait and see. I will scold him bloody, so I will scold him in vernacular to save money." people don't understand."

Qian Xuan was startled: "Aren't you afraid of a bunch of old people surrounding you and scolding you?"

He Qi snorted and said: "The windows and doors have been smashed, so many people scolded me a few days ago, there are not many old ones, just take this opportunity to promote the vernacular, come early and come late, they all want to come, I took it."

When Qian Xuan thought about it, he suddenly realized: "Yubai, I dare to love you on purpose!"

He Qi disdained: "I didn't do it on purpose, I just wanted to vent my anger by cursing people."

"As soon as your He Yubai sticks out your butt, I'll know what you're farting. Don't worry, when the time comes, I'll help you. I like fair and honest spraying." Qian Xuan laughed and slapped He Yubai. Qi's shoulder.

He Qi said: "Help? How can I help? Pull out a radish with mud, two fists can't beat four hands."

Qian Xuan patted his chest, and said arrogantly: "Don't worry, I have my own tricks, and they are not worthy of spouting people."

One morning passed quickly, and a piece of news quickly spread in the market. He Qi, a national go player, beat up Zhang Houde.

He Qi was generous, she didn't deny this point, but she explained that she just scolded Zhang Houde and never touched Zhang Houde, nor beat him up, but he was touching the porcelain and framing him.

The people who eat melons were all shocked. At this time, it doesn't matter whether they are beaten or not. The important thing is that there are melons to eat.

In the afternoon, some melon eaters brought the latest news, saying that Zhang Houde wrote a long article, full of curse words, and greeted He Qi's eight generations of ancestors.

He Qi just smiled and said, "I haven't figured out where my eighth-generation ancestor is? If he knows the truth, I'd like to thank him."

At the same time, He Qi was not idle this morning, and also wrote a small composition, scolding Zhang Houde for three large sheets of paper, and Xun Geer and Qian Xuan, who were serving tea, both smiled and crossed their hips. He said directly: "This kind of swearing is unheard of. It is rare in ancient times. It is a strange writing."

The next day, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, is the New Year’s Eve. Usually, there will be a family banquet on this day, and you should go out as little as possible, but the little brother who delivers the newspaper is not so particular. He starts a busy job early in the morning and delivers the newspaper to the various.

Ever since, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, and then burst out laughing, saying that the editor-in-chief Shao of the "Beijing News" was very good at it, and he published both He Qi's short essay and Zhang Houde's long curse on one layout.

In the old days, newspapers were arranged vertically, with He Qi’s short essays in vernacular on the left and Zhang Houde’s long essays in classical Chinese on the right.

Zhang Houde's long essay titled "He Qi's Ten Evil Symptoms":
First, He Qi is a despicable villain. The ancients said that a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, but He Qi actually killed him. It is not a gentleman's behavior, it is rude and arrogant.The bottom line of being a man has been lost.

Second, it can be seen from this that He Qi's character is so bad that Dongyi people say that He Qi learned Dongyi chess secretly, and nine out of ten it is true.

Third, He Qi's plot is so serious that she secretly learned Dongyi Go and lied that she had learned it. There is no honesty, and she has lost the bottom line of being a human being.

Tenth, He Qi's words are so vulgar, she can't bear to look straight at her when she opens her mouth to swear.

Exactly ten items, one of which is not a lot. After watching the melon-eating crowd, they couldn't help laughing. I don't know, but they really think that He Qi is a heinous person?
However, after reading He Qi's essay, the melon-eating crowd expressed that they had learned it one after another, calling out: "Good guy, I have seen it, and I can scold people like flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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