Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 457 Pengcheng Ancient Formation

Chapter 457 Pengcheng Ancient Formation
"The territory of Kun Ruins is too large, and the Immortal Killing Magic Lightning is densely distributed. It is not safe to travel through it."

Fang Dushu replied: "We can wait outside Kun Ruins and let the sword spirit go find Yuqing alone."

While he was speaking, he had already flown into the Yuelong ruins and arrived at the edge of Kun Ruins.

He found the barren mountain where he had stayed, and accompanied Patriarch Zhiruo and Liang Shengyin to the top of the mountain.

It was here that he observed Master You Jue's great breaking of the summoning curse, and it was also here that he sent the thunderbolt sword body into the lightning of Kunxu.

He took out the sword spirit and threw it into Kun Ruins.

Sword Spirit was severely injured by a calamity. Although he took Master Zhuge's healing elixir, he did not recover much from his injuries and only woke up from a coma.

Patriarch Zhiruo saw the sword spirit escaping into the lightning area alone, and asked worriedly: "If we let it enter the ruins alone, will there be any problems?"

Fang Dushu smiled and said: "Don't worry, Patriarch. Although it is injured, it does not need to cast spells by itself. I left a secret treasure in Kun Ruins a few days ago, which can pull it from a long distance. It just waits for the two sides to become one." , we can detect traces of Yu Qing in Kun Ruins!"

The secret treasure he was talking about was naturally the Thunderbolt sword body.

In the past few days, Fang Dushu's body has been guarding Zhuge Guru's dojo, observing Youji's Chongguan Huashen, but the Thunderbolt sword body is wandering around in Kunxu, and Fang Dushu can vividly remember all the scenery along the way. .

He can do two things at once. Even if he is at Yuelong Pass, he can cast his consciousness from a distance and possess the body of the Thunderbolt Sword to monitor the situation of Kunxu at any time.

After several days of searching, the Thunderbolt Sword Body has discovered clues of Fu Yuqing, and it is currently staying near the ancient roc skeleton.

Just now, the Thunderbolt Sword Body had been instructed by Fang Dushu to cast a spell to draw the sword spirit and rush to join them.

Patriarch Zhiruo had never seen the Thunderbolt Sword Body and did not know how the Thunderbolt Sword Body and the sword spirit could find Fu Yuqing. She asked slightly confused: "Then what do we need to do?"

Fang Dushu spread his hands: "The Patriarch doesn't have to do anything. He just needs to meditate and rest here. When the sword spirit finds Yu Qing, he will send Yu Qing to meet the Patriarch!"

He then motioned to Liang Shengyin: "Sister, please take a break for now!"

Liang Shengyin responded and followed his advice, but felt a little strange about his approach.

When Master You Jue was fighting with the Whirlpool Giant Arm that day, Liang Shengyin watched the whole process. Afterwards, she also witnessed Qingqing, Xiaopeng Nu and the blood slave, all hiding in the body of the Thunderbolt Sword, and entering the Kun Ruins along with the sword body.

Fang Dushu could have summoned the sword body, but he didn't do so. Instead, he asked her to stay here with Patriarch Zhiwei and wait for news about the sword body. She guessed that Fang Dushu didn't want to expose the situation in the sword body. Unwilling to disclose Fu Yuqing's seclusion location.

Liang Shengyin was keenly aware that Fang Dushu lacked trust in her and Patriarch Zhiwei.

However, there is nothing wrong with Fang Dushu doing this. After all, the Thunderbolt Sword Body involves his own privacy, so it is natural that he does not want to leak secrets.

Liang Shengyin was an open-minded person and did not care about these little details. She did not ask Fang Dushu to inquire about the details of the Thunderbolt Sword body, and began to accompany Patriarch Zhiruo to wait patiently for the news.

Fang Dushu left his true body beside her and Patriarch Zhiruo, and his spiritual consciousness had already come to the body of the Thunderbolt Sword Body.

At this moment, the sword body is standing on the top of a thousand-foot-high mountain. Qingqing, Xiaopeng Nu and the blood slave have all come out of the sword body. They are looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain and discussing the situation here.


Xiaopeng Nu raised her foot and stepped on the dark stone surface on the top of the mountain, and said in confusion: "The last time I accompanied my father here, a hole dozens of feet wide opened on the top of the mountain. Now the hole has disappeared, and there is no trace of it anymore."

"When did you come here last time?" Qingqing used to be inseparable from Fang Dushu. She had visited all the places where Fang Dushu had been, but she was very unfamiliar with the surrounding environment. She knew that she must be trapped in the underworld. During the court hearing, Xiaopengnu accompanied Fang Dushu here, but she was not with Fang Dushu at the time.

"When did you come? It must be seven or eighty years ago. Mother should still remember the entrance to the palace. At that time, you were captured by the water ghost, and your father entered the Falling Star Garden by mistake. He got lost along the way in the Falling Star Garden and finally drifted here. "Xiaopeng Nu continued to step on the rocks, and suddenly shouted to the Thunderbolt Sword Body:

"Father, this mountain peak has been enchanted. We have searched all over Kun Ruins, but there is only something abnormal here. Aunt Fu must be hiding inside. When will the sword spirit come back?"

"Almost!" Fang Dushu raised his arms and pointed in the direction of the main body, leading the sword spirit to come quickly. He turned his head and glanced at Xiaopengnu: "You don't have to jump around anymore, it will make people panic!"

Xiaopeng girl stuck out her tongue and calmed down.

Qingqing thought she had childish fun and liked her even more. He asked her with a smile: "Peng'er, how did you conclude that Miss Fu is hiding here?"

Xiaopeng Nu began to recall the past: "Back then, Aunt Fu drifted to Kun Ruins with my father. They came here together and explored the mountain caves together. Mother, look at this world..."

She pointed around the top of the mountain: "The land is wild and everything is dead. It is the most suitable place to live in seclusion. Originally, there was a big hole on the top of the mountain, but now it has been filled in and a magic circle is arranged. It is obviously Aunt Fu's hands and feet! By the way, mother, The child’s egg was also born here!”

"What?" Qingqing was surprised: "Is this your original residence?"

"The child has been living in a cave in the mountains since he became conscious." Xiaopeng's voice sounded uncertain, "But after the child was born, he was entangled in the Immortal Killing Demon Chain. There is another possibility that the child was in another place. He was born somewhere, and then he was captured by the magic chain and suppressed in the cave."

Regarding the secret of her origin, Xiaopengnu herself is at a loss. Where did she come from? She has yet to find the real answer.

The mountain peak under her feet was the place where the Lightning Eagle mistakenly entered in the past and triggered the Immortal Killing Chain Spirit. At that time, she had awakened her self-awareness. In order to release the imprisonment of the Demonic Chain, she followed the Lightning Eagle to leave Kun Ruins and travel through the Yuelong Ruins. , fled back to the snowy plains through the Yuelong Pass, and settled in Luopengpo until he was discovered by Sun Feilu, a disciple of the Feixia Sect.

Later, Sun Feilu was possessed by a magic chain, which led Sun Aofu and Fang Dushu to explore the snowfield, which eventually led to her encounter with Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu first learned about the situation of Kun Ruins through a trace of illusion left on the Zhuxian Demon Chain. He originally thought that Kun Ruins was mysterious and difficult to find.

As a result, he accidentally passed through the palace gate and entered the Evergreen Realm. He happened to get lost in the Falling Star Garden and luckily drifted to Kun Ruins.

The entire Kun Ruins was shrouded in the Immortal Killing Demonic Electricity, turning the entire area of ​​thousands of miles into a barren land with no grass growing on it. The terrain inside the ruins was basically flat, except for a huge stone statue lying in the center.

This stone statue has the outline of a bird, spanning a distance of hundreds of miles. Because the bird is so huge and the bones have all turned into rocks, it is impossible to identify its origin. Is it a weathered bird after death, or a naturally formed bird? Shaped stone mountain, so far no conclusion.If viewed from a high altitude, the skull of this bird looks like a giant peak thousands of feet high. Since the peak body is not conical in shape, the top of the mountain is flat and broad, like a flat-topped square.

The top of the mountain where Xiaopengnu and Qingqing are currently located is exactly on the skull of the bird.

Last time Xiaopengnu came here with Fang Dushu, a cave entrance with a diameter of tens of feet was revealed at the top of the mountain. The cave was completely hollow and contained a secret cave of the abyss.

This secret cave is also the birthplace of the original Little Peng Girl’s roc egg.

After hearing about her life experience, Qingqing said empathically: "Peng'er, you were born in the extreme realm. You don't know who your parents are. You were born alone. I am actually the same, but I was born in the water and you were born on the ground."

Xiaopeng's daughter didn't feel sad about her life experience, and suddenly smiled: "In this way, children and mothers are born to raise them. We are called blessed by nature, and we will be blessed in the future!"

Qingqing glanced at the Thunderbolt Sword Body: "Good fortune is not something I am born with. I have been in many disasters since I was born. I encountered monsters one after another. They either yelled at me to beat me or to kill me. If I hadn't met the young master, I would have died." I’m afraid I won’t survive now!”

"Mother, if you say that, then the child will encounter much more serious disasters than you!" Xiaopeng girl said carelessly, as if she was recounting the experience of an outsider, and said with surprise: "The child was born with a magic chain. , the baby was very confused at first and always suspected that I was born with a chain. If the chain hadn’t wrapped me around so much, I would have recognized him as a brother!”

Qingqing was amused by her.

The two of them seemed to have endless things to say, so the blood slave next to them never dared to interrupt.

When the two people's laughter gradually stopped, taking advantage of this gap, the blood slave asked: "May I ask, Your Highness, what is your true origin?"

Xiaopeng Girl immediately put on a serious face: "This princess is the sacred bird Dapeng. What's wrong? Do you want to be related to me?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" The blood slave shook his head repeatedly, and his face became excited: "Excuse me, Your Highness, which branch of the Dapeng Bird are you?"

"Yeah? You actually know how many clans the Pengniao has?" Xiao Pengnv looked at her differently: "You have been following the Red Lotus Corpse King in the Great Underworld Demon Court all year round, so you must know something about the past of the ancient demon clan. This princess will tell you the truth. This princess is from Qingpeng, and she was born with Qingyu, without a trace of color!"

"Is His Highness really Qingpeng?" The blood slave knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Young man, see the Holy Peng Emperor!"

"What kind of emperor is not the emperor?" Xiaopengnu scolded: "My father is the emperor, and this princess is at best a daughter of heaven!"

She had already seen that the blood slave knew some secrets of the Peng clan, and asked: "Do you know something about our Qingpeng clan?"

The blood slave said excitedly: "As a bird, I pay special attention to the deeds of the bird clan when I am in the demon court every day! I heard that before the Great Underworld Demon Court, the person in charge of the Evergreen Realm was Shengpeng. Not only the Evergreen Realm, but the entire Qinghe Divine Continent is under the control of our Bird Clan, and the first Peng Emperor who created the Holy Peng Shangting was the Qingpeng Divine Bird!"

Xiaopeng girl became interested: "Qingpeng is the founder of Shengpeng Court. Is it true or false?"

The blood slave swore firmly: "This is absolutely true! I once observed the murals of Qingpeng Yushi on the demon mountain of the Great Underworld Demon Court. These murals were left over from ancient times and were specially designed to convey the style of the ancient demon clan!"

He turned around and pointed, and said, "Your Highness, the skeleton of the divine roc in Kunxu was a green roc before it was alive. Your Highness, you must have been conceived from its blood!"

Xiaopeng Girl immediately grinned: "It has been dead for many years, and its bones have turned into stone. Why did it conceive this princess?"

She felt uncomfortable when she thought that she was born from a stone.

The blood slave was afraid that she would not believe it, so he hurriedly shook his sleeves, took out a spiritual feather, and presented it to her: "Your Highness, the Great Underworld Demon Court was built on the site of the Holy Peng Shangting. There is a broken roc skeleton inherited in the Demon Court. He also set up an 'Pengcheng Ancient Formation' with this corpse. This formation can release the demonic power left in the Peng's remains. Why don't Your Highness preside over the 'Pengcheng Ancient Formation' and give it a try? If you can use the magical power of this ancient green roc Released, it means you must be of its bloodline!"

These words shocked Fang Dushu.

At this time, the sword spirit happened to fly over from the Yuelong Relics.

Fang Dushu held the sword spirit and walked to the blood slave. He took the spirit feather and looked at it while asking: "Pengcheng Ancient Formation? Why do you think that running this formation can prove the blood relationship?"

The blood slave kowtowed and replied: "Your Majesty, the Pengcheng Ancient Formation must be of the same Peng clan blood in order to host it!"

Fang Dushu immediately questioned: "Who is in charge of the ancient Pengcheng formation in the Great Underworld Demon Court? Is there a living Peng in the Demon Court?"

The blood slave quickly explained: "The ancient demon court formation has been perfected by successive emperors, and it can operate without a living roc! But it must use a specially refined array device. This array device tempers roc blood with the same roc bones. If a small blood bird is used to drive the array weapon, it can maximize the power of the ancient array. Therefore, the small one was lucky enough to sit in the Pengcheng Ancient Array and study the operation of the ancient array in depth. The small one secretly used the ancient array's The layout method has been deduced!"

He is a blood swan and can sense the blood of a roc. Besides the living roc, he is also the most suitable demon cultivator to preside over the ancient Pengcheng formation. Only then was he valued by the Great Underworld Demon Court and asked him to practice the ancient Pengcheng formation in the demon court. If In the future, if the Demon Court is attacked, he can assist in its defense.

Fang Dushu listened to his words and asked again: "If this ancient Pengcheng formation is in operation, how powerful will it be? Compared with Master You Jue's Dragon Binding Formation, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

The blood slave was startled for a moment, and then replied in an enthusiastic tone: "Your Majesty, this is the ancient divine roc. If the power of the divine roc can be awakened, I think that even the ten dragon-binding arrays will not be as good as the ancient Pengcheng array." !”

"So strong?" Xiaopeng Nu began to gear up: "Father, why don't I start training now and try to create this ancient formation?"

She doesn't care whether the ancient roc skeleton under her feet is her close relative who gave birth to her. She is only interested in the power of the ancient Peng Cheng formation. If a great magical power formation can be arranged around the roc skeleton, then Then you no longer have to worry about any external attacks.

She only needs to sit in the Pengcheng Ancient Formation and she will be as safe as a rock.

Fang Dushu handed the spirit feather to her: "You can give it a try first, but don't have too much hope. This skeleton has been dead for so long that there may not be any demonic power left!"

The blood slave does not agree with this view. He firmly believes that the Peng skeleton still contains powerful divine power, because the Peng skeleton gave birth to a little Peng girl. This is proof!

But as a slave, the blood slave would never refute his master, so he kept silent and made up his mind to help Xiaopeng Nu activate the ancient formation of Pengcheng.

Fang Dushu let him and Xiaopeng Nu set up the formation, raised his hand to hold up the sword spirit, turned to Qingqing and said: "I want to unite and dance the cloud armor, Qingqing, come and protect me!"

Qingqing hummed, and immediately offered the Evergreen Lotus, throwing it towards Fang Dushu's feet, and placed Fang Dushu in the center of the lotus platform, protecting it.

(End of this chapter)

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