Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 458 Gift

Chapter 458 Gift
Fang Dushu wanted to combine the Wuyun Armor into the body of the Thunderbolt Sword. The piece of Wuyun Armor had to be near him, otherwise the two treasures would not be able to sense each other and the combination would fail.

He also guessed that Fu Yuqing was hiding in the secret cave in the mountains, one step away from him. Once he combined the skills, he could lead Wu Yunjia to escape from the secret cave, and Fu Yuqing would also appear after that.

Of course, if Fu Yuqing is far away, no matter how Fang Dushu drives the thunderbolt sword, it will have no effect.

So Fang Dushu didn't expect to really complete the marriage, his purpose was only to find someone.

As he and Qing Qing joined forces to cast spells, the Thunderbolt Sword body began to regenerate and restore in the Evergreen Lotus Platform. The sword body gradually became virtual, like clouds and mist, and transformed into its original textual marrow form.

The traction force of the sword body also spread out, and it quickly locked the position of Wuyun Jia.

"Found it!" Fang Dushu exclaimed softly: "She must be living in seclusion here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a rainbow spirit bridge suddenly appeared. Half of the bridge was embedded in the mountain peaks, and the other half reached into the sky.

On the bridge exposed in mid-air on the top of the mountain, there is a glowing oracle bone floating on it, which is the Wuyun Suppressing Evil Armor.

Because this piece of oracle bone is being pulled by the body of the Thunderbolt Sword, the surface of the armor is slowly becoming blurred. If it had not been forcibly intercepted by a force of magic, it would have merged into the body of the Thunderbolt Sword in the blink of an eye and be combined on the spot.

Fang Dushu knew that this intercepting magic power should come from Fu Yuqing, so he did not dispel it, but sent a message into Hongqiao.

A moment later, Fu Yuqing also appeared on the bridge.

When Fang Dushu saw that she had appeared and was no longer snatching Wuyunjia, he signaled Qingqing to stop casting the spell. The Thunderbolt sword body immediately returned to its original shape, and the traction induction with Wuyunjia was also interrupted.

Fu Yuqing originally looked nervous, but after seeing Fang Dushu clearly, he immediately calmed down and said, "Brother Xian!"

She shouted and was about to jump off the bridge to meet Fang Dushu, but she found that Fang Dushu's body and cultivation were abnormal.

She stopped and asked, "Brother Xian, have you given birth to a baby?"

Fang Dushu smiled and said: "There is no baby! This body is a clone that I refined using the Xingming Cauldron. My real body is staying outside Kun Ruins, staying with your master and sister!"

"Master and senior sister also came to Kunxu?"

Fu Yuqing did not question Fang Dushu's words. With Fang Dushu's current advanced level of cultivation, she would not be able to stop him if something went against her. Just now she noticed that Wuyunjia lost control and was taken out of her cave, and she was unable to stop him. .

However, after she appeared on the bridge, Fang Dushu immediately finished casting the spell. At this moment, she had regained control of Wuyunjia and Hongqiao.

She had already figured out that Fang Dushu came here to find her whereabouts, so she came to Fang Dushu with her armor: "What kind of magical power did Brother Xian just use? I opened a cave at the bottom of the mountain and arranged a strict magic circle. , Brother Xian can actually sense the evil-suppressing armor through the formation barrier and summon it, which really shocked me!"

She was practicing martial arts in seclusion, but Wu Yunjia was suddenly taken away by someone without her noticing. Any monk would probably be at a loss when encountering such a sudden change.

She had just prepared to lose Wuyun Jia, but when she heard Fang Dushu's message, she immediately left the cave, teleported to the top of the mountain through the Hongqiao, and came out to meet Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu pointed to Qingqing, and gave her a brief introduction to Qingqing's help in merging the Thunderbolt sword body.

She had long noticed that Qingqing was beside Fang Dushu. This woman's appearance was too outstanding, and she was always close to Fang Dushu, which made her subconsciously feel uncomfortable.

After listening to Fang Dushu's introduction, she gave Qingqing a smile: "It's actually possible to combine several ancient relics into one to create a Nascent Soul level clone. This magical power is simply unbelievable. Brother Xian has already combined the Star Ming Cauldron, Can You Yue Zhong and Zhu Xian Chain combine the Evil Suppressing Armor into the clone?"

When she was on the eighth floor of the Fuyao Tower, she and Fang Dushu gathered the legacy of the four holy guards and were able to open the Demon Peng Cave. She knew that the four legacy spells were related to each other.

Thinking that she had stayed alone in Fuyao Tower for 30 years and lived in seclusion in Kunxu for 50 years, Zhenxie Jia was always with her. Over the years, she continued to practice the Hongqiao magical power. Just now, Wuyun Jia suddenly lost control. She guessed that it was with her. It is related to the combination technique.

Qingqing replied to her: "Miss Fu, I can only restore Wu Yunjia to its original state. If you want to complete the combination, you must do it yourself. I don't have such ability!"

At this time, Xiaopengnu saw her appearing and led the blood slaves to pay her respects.

Xiaopeng Nu and the Blood Slave both had Nascent Soul stage demon powers. She originally wanted to deal with them as a senior, but when the two demons arrived in front of her, they both knelt down.

Xiaopeng's girl's title was very affectionate: "My dear, I have met my aunt. These days, my dear, I have been following my father everywhere to look for you, and I have finally found you."

Fu Yuqing was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but look at Fang Dushu, with a slightly gloomy expression on his face: "Brother Xian, is she your daughter?"

He glanced sideways at Qingqing again, thinking that it couldn't be the child he had with this woman.

Fu Yuqing was originally quite indifferent and calm, but when she thought that Fang Dushu was married and had a child, she couldn't help but stir up emotions, which was not a pleasant feeling.

Fang Dushu knew that she had doubts and introduced her: "This child is my adopted daughter. She is the Qingpeng bird who followed me back then. Now she has transformed into a human."

Fu Yuqing felt relieved, and quickly stepped forward to help Xiaopeng girl up, and said with a smile: "Are you that bird? When you were in Fuyao Tower, you were hit by the Buddha's mark of the Demon Peng's legacy. Are you freed now?"

Xiaopeng Nu nodded and said: "Auntie still remembers this matter. The seal has been broken by the father, otherwise the child will not be able to shed its shell, let alone become a Nascent Soul!"

Seeing Fu Yuqing's enthusiastic attitude, she pointed to Hongqiao: "Has my aunt been living in seclusion here all these years? The environment of this secret cave is dark, so it must be uncomfortable to live there."

"That's not necessarily the case! I once used magic to move the Fire Cloud to a cave in the mountains. Now there is a different cave inside!" Fu Yuqing grabbed her hand: "Your father discovered you here back then. You must miss the place where you were born. I’ll take you down and have a look!”

After speaking, he looked at Fang Dushu and Qingqing: "Brother Xian, Miss Bi, you can come together too."

Fu Yuqing led Xiaopeng Nu forward, followed by Fang Dushu and Qingqing, and the blood slave walked at the end, one after another on the Hongqiao Bridge and into the secret cave in the mountains.

The moment she entered the cave, Xiaopeng Nu was immediately shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of her and couldn't help shouting: "Oh my God, there are so many spiritual trees planted in the cave!"

The environment in the mountain is completely different from that of the secret cave back then. There are more than a dozen giant trees growing inside, with a height of a hundred feet. Outside the trees are flaming red clouds and mist. The mist is inlaid with colorful gemstones, shining with strange light, rendering this area of ​​the sky beautiful. Huan.

Looking at the giant trees, there were all bird nests built, and dense flocks of birds were circling outside the nests. When they saw Fu Yuqing coming back, they kept chirping.The ground is no longer muddy and black soil, but instead covered with green grass, dotted with colorful elixirs and flowers. From time to time, some young birds jump up and run in circles around Fu Yuqing and Fang Dushu.

Looking around, it looks like a paradise hidden in the mountains.

Fang Dushu sighed: "Before you left Fuyao Tower, you once said that you would build a Nestlé here. It seems that you have achieved your wish!"

Fu Yuqing said: "The location of the nest I was looking for was not here, but near the Yuelong ruins. There are many burning clouds, and the clouds are all self-contained. It is very suitable for opening a bird's nest cave. As a result, more than ten years ago, there The location was exposed, someone was searching Yunchao, so I was forced to move into Kunxu."

The person she talked about was a disciple of Miaogong. At that time, Master You Jue sent his disciples to look for him everywhere.

She lived in seclusion in the Cloud Nest and was not concerned with worldly affairs at first. After the Cloud Nest was built, she took in all the birds that came to visit. As time went by, the scale of her Cloud Nest became larger and larger, and it gradually became the backbone of the Five Bird Cloud Cave. Owner.

These birds closely guarded her cave. As long as someone approached the Wuqinyun Cave, they would give her a warning in advance. After she learned that there were a large number of people who were haunted, she did not meet these people at all, so she directly led the birds. Kunxu.

"The terrain here is remote and deep in the hinterland of Kun Ruins. It is difficult for the monks nearby to set foot in, and it is even more difficult to search. However, I have been here with Brother Xian. If Brother Xian wants to find me, it will be very easy. "

Fu Yuqing glanced at Fang Dushu: "I thought that after the Fuyao Dharma Conference, Brother Xian would come to look for me. Who would have thought that I have lived here for decades and there has never been any news about Brother Xian."

Fang Dushu explained: "I ran into trouble while fishing in Xiankun Pond and was trapped. I only recently returned to Hexi."

Xiaopeng Nu interjected: "My father came to see my aunt just after he returned. He always remembered his agreement with you. Auntie, don't think he came too late."

Fu Yuqing said: "How could it be possible? I guess something happened to Brother Xian."

As she spoke, she stopped under a giant tree. There were several wooden houses built on this tree, which was also her retreat.

She led Fang Dushu and others into the house. Not long after they sat down, she asked Fang Dushu: "Brother Xian, since the senior sister and master have come to Kunxu, I want to meet them."

Fang Dushu said: "I can take you there."

He pointed at Qingqing and Xiaopeng Nu: "On their way to look for you a few days ago, they had some disputes with Da Ming Shang Court. The entire demon cultivator in Shang Court was searching for their whereabouts. Considering safety issues, I will let them Your master and sister stopped outside Kunxu and did not let them in."

Fu Yuqing was very thoughtful, and immediately figured out what Fang Dushu meant: "Brother Xian, is he planning to let them live in seclusion here? That's no problem! It's just because of my affairs, it must be a drag on the master and sister. I have been feeling sorry for all these years." , I will see them later, but I can’t bring them to my house as guests, and I don’t know if they will blame me!”

In order to make a promise, she resolutely kept her name anonymous. She has not been exposed for decades, did not cause Fang Dushu the slightest trouble, and also made the "Tai Chi Tao" crisis almost disappear.

She did this willingly and had no regrets in her heart. She just felt guilty towards her master, especially her senior sister Liang Shengyin. She didn't know how she had worried and missed her all these years.

Fang Dushu understood her difficulties and was grateful for the concealment she had done for "Tai Chi Tao" for so many years. He took out three heavy-loaded fish and placed them in front of her: "When I meet your master and sister later, I can give them one as a gift." Heavy fish, no matter how many complaints they have in their hearts, they should be happy."

Not only will she be extremely happy, but her relationship with Fu Yuqing will also get closer. Even if Fu Yuqing causes a big disaster in the future, Zhiwei Patriarch and Liang Shengyin will not draw a clear line with her.

Fu Yuqing looked at the heavy load fish, and his face was slightly moved: "This is too precious, brother Xian, I can't take it! I mentioned the situation of the master to you, and I didn't want to ask you for anything, you don't have to spend so much!"

Although she refused verbally, she was very happy in her heart. Just one heavy-loaded fish could make the old monsters of Yuanying fight with blood. Fang Dushu directly gave her three fish without blinking an eyelid, and let her take them. To send favors, this moved her even more.

However, Fang Dushu felt that it was not a waste at all. He was about to ask Fu Yuqing to exchange the Wuyun Armor. He still felt that the value of the heavy-loaded fish was too low, so he wanted to give some more compensation.

He said directly: "My thunderbolt sword body has a sword spirit when combined. A few days ago, this sword spirit was borrowed by your master You Jue from Zhongmiao Palace, and his spiritual wisdom was erased. It must be combined to dance." Only Yun Jia can make it recognize me as its master again..."

When Fu Yuqing heard this, he did not hesitate at all and handed the Wuyun Armor to Fang Dushu on the spot: "This oracle bone is just a personal possession. Since Brother Xian can use it, Brother Xian can use it."

The Wuyun Armor is the ultimate path learned by demon cultivators in the Transformation to God stage. Fu Yuqing can use it until the Transformation to God stage. She only needs to control this piece of oracle bone to be basically invincible in the same level of fighting. After the baby is born, one can even use this piece of oracle bone to establish a mountain sect.

But Fang Dushu made a request, and she still gave it away decisively, not because of the three heavy fish.

She pushed it casually and gave Fang Dushu another heavy-loaded fish, and then said: "Brother Xian should still remember that when I was in Fuyao Taque Mansion, I was lucky enough to find a cup of spiritual tea made from heavy-loaded fish. I didn't take it anymore. If necessary, it is enough to take two and send them to the master and senior sister."

Fang Dushu did not take it back. He smiled and said: "The gift has been given to you. There is no reason to take it back. You can accept it with peace of mind! Since you have taken the heavy-duty fish, you will surely realize the truth of childbirth in the future. You are now living in seclusion in Kun. There is no way to collect tributes, so I will raise money for you!"

This is also Fang Dushu's compensation.

Fu Yuqing pondered for a moment and stopped refusing. She suddenly found it difficult to open her jade palm and showed Fang Dushu a broken enlightenment vessel: "Wen Yin is too precious. Brother Xian, don't bother for me. I have an enlightenment vessel here. It was from years ago." The Dancing Skylark is left behind, as long as it can be repaired as before, I can use this dish to conceive babies in the future."

Fang Dushu still had an impression of this enlightenment dish. Fu Yuqing mentioned to him when he was in Fuyao Tower that this dish was an idea of ​​Wu Yunque, trying to enlighten a Taoist method that could improve the monks' qualifications for enlightenment. However, due to its age, The body of the vessel was damaged, making it impossible to read.

Fang Dushu took the dish of enlightenment and threw it to Xiaopeng Nu beside him. She had a way to repair it.

Having said that, Fang Dushu put away the Wuyun Armor, and Fu Yuqing also put away the three heavy fishes, and then they left the secret cave together, and went to meet Master Zhiwei and Liang Shengyin.

After the two left, Qingqing praised herself: "This Miss Fu has been in love with the young master for a long time. Even if the young master doesn't give her any treasures, she will probably give him the Wuyun Armor!"

"She can't stop the thunderbolt sword body from joining together, even if she doesn't give it away!" Xiaopeng girl laughed, and stepped forward to hold Qingqing:

"Mother, let's go take a look around first. I think this garden can still be expanded. When the child completes the ancient formation of Pengcheng, the entire Pengcheng skeleton will be opened up into our cave!"

"Didn't your father ask you to repair the Enlightenment Vessel? You'd better do that first!"

"Aunt Fu's cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Jindan, and she has not yet broken through to the late stage. Even if she repairs the Dao Enlightenment Vessel, she won't be able to use it now, so don't worry!"

"Then you can't remodel your Aunt Fu's home at will. Aren't you afraid of her being angry?"

"Build her house bigger, recruit more soldiers and horses for her, and recruit more bird subordinates. It's too late for her to be happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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