basketball never sleeps

Chapter 195 It's been a long time since I played off the ball

Chapter 195 It's been a long time since I played off the ball
"I still can't agree with the decision to send O'Neal away." At the press conference before the game, Zen Master said:
"I admit that his skills and physical condition have declined, and it is impossible for his value to rise again, but he is still O'Neal, one of the most dominant players in the league today, and perhaps no one will ever be able to do so." replace him."

Zen master hasn't shunned topics that might embarrass management and bosses like his predecessors did.

Rather than looking for excuses coyly, it's better to fail head-on... Especially, the failure was not caused by him.

Of course, Zen Master is not simply complaining here.

As early as last year, he mentioned this point of view in the autobiography "The Last Season" written after he left the Lakers. Now the old tune is repeated, in addition to showing his wise vision, selling O'Neal's face, and finding a way out for possible failure outside.

Mainly to relieve pressure on the team.

One thing to say, Kobe and Riley would get along very well, because they both like to pressurize their families.

In Zen master's basketball concept, the meaning of pressure to players is similar to that of water. It is an inseparable necessity for players, but too much intake can be harmful to health and affect performance.

Everyone understands the truth, but emotions, which are non-objective, are beyond his control.

Who would have thought that O'Neal could arouse Kobe's anger without saying anything.

None of the other Heat players had anything bad to say about Bryant or the Lakers.

Even the media didn't get as hot as they did last year.

The Heat won the championship, but the Lakers failed to enter the finals, so many things are meaningless to argue.

However, if a person starts to attack by himself, then there really is nothing wrong with others.

To say that he is not good is to look down on him; to not mention him or to mention him means that he is not taken seriously, which is to look down on him even more!
On the bright side, Kobe, like the Heat players, behaved quite chic and calm.

But as soon as he leaves the camera, the guy immediately puts on another black, oil-dripping face.

If it is said that Gang Leader Qiao has a perverted desire to win, then Kobe has a perverted desire to win.

However, this time, Kobe's brain supplement is really close to the truth.

The Heat players did not take the Lakers seriously, nor did they pay much attention to this Christmas game.

Oban no longer needs to belittle Kobe to reflect his greatness.

At the superstar level, the ring is the absolute right to speak.

Kobe has contributed a lot to the last two championships of the Lakers dynasty. O'Fang can't deny it, but he has a championship without Kobe's mark, which quite straightforwardly proves that Kobe is not irreplaceable.

NBC conducted a survey in Los Angeles this summer. Under the leadership of Kobe, how many championship rings can the Lakers win? Out of 65 votes, 0% of the people chose [[-]].

The Lakers' record has improved this year, and they can rank first in the league.

But there are also many top-ranked teams in the league, but only the Pistons have won them so far.

"Actually, it's not that the Lakers have no chance of winning. If they compete for stars, the two sides are not at the same level at all, but they also have their own advantages, that is, their mobility is not inferior to the Pistons." Kenny Smith forced the Lakers in the commentary room. Respect.

"And when it comes to staffing, the Lakers are not as weak as they think.

Needless to say, Kobe is currently second only to Iverson in the scoring list, and his shooting percentage is also the highest in the season since he entered the league. At the age of 28, he has entered the peak state of his career.

Rookie Chris Paul currently seems to be the best rookie in the 05 class. Even though there is still a big gap compared with those mature top point guards in organizing fast breaks, it is good enough for a rookie.

Odom, who was also selected by the Los Angeles (Clippers) with the fourth overall pick, does not have to undertake so much ball transfer work. I originally thought he could devote more energy to protecting the frame and rebounding, but I did not expect to improve first. It turned out to be his offense, averaging 18 points per game, and hitting a new high in both 2-pointers and 3-pointers! "

Although Barkley disagreed, it was rare that there was no direct rebuttal.

He just smiled and flicked the Heat's starting list in his hand.

"Oh yes, I admit that after Phil came back, the Lakers have improved a lot compared to last season, but do you need me to introduce their opponents to you? How terrible is the Heat who have only lost one game so far? ?”

Having said that, Kenny Smith, who was still excited just now, suddenly lost his temper, but changed into a dry tone:
"It's useless to talk too much, I still have to watch the game!"

Well blown, what facts are you talking about, can't you afford it?
On the court, amidst the cheers of the audience, players from both sides arrived one after another.

The Lakers don't have any family background, but they like to show off, and they took out everything they could get: Paul, Kobe, Sprewell, Odom, Kwame Brown.

In this lineup, Kwame Brown can barely stand up to O'Pang, but it's just a stand up. They mainly play fast break counterattacks.

Fast break should be Zen Master's best tactic besides the triangle offense. Whether it is the Bulls dynasty or the Lakers dynasty, fast break is an indispensable part.

The Heat came up with a regular lineup: Mo Wen, Wade, Finley, Haslem, O'Neal.

If it wasn't for O'Neill's unusual physique, the current Heat would really be a bit of a swaying formation in Riley's mouth.

The three young men Mo, Wei, and Ha all have the ability to push fast. Although Finley is old, he was also able to play 37 minutes in the fast break Mavericks last season. In addition, he has to make room for the substitute Rasul, regardless of physical consumption. His running ability on both ends of the offense and defense is no worse than that of young people.

The Heat's lineup, apart from not being able to defend against Stoudemire's kind of beast inside, really has no obvious shortcomings.

After throwing two sets of gifts to the audience on the sidelines, the Heat players reluctantly stood back on the field like children who were called home for dinner.

In the middle circle, Kwame Brown, whose neck was pressed against by the black mamba's fangs, exploded in potential. He took the lead in jumping and hitting the ball first, and performed a jump ball violation when he came up.

With the referee's whistle in his mouth, he hesitated again and again, but he still didn't blow it. He just gave the Lakers a staring warning.

There is a gap in strength between the two sides. For the "watching" of the Christmas game, even at home in Miami, they have to favor the Lakers.

The Heat players have also noticed this, but it's just a jump ball, and if it is given to the Lakers, it will be given to the Lakers.

After all, based on the success rate of Ao Pang's jump ball this year, it might be uncomfortable for them to come up and play first.

Paul wasn't nervous, just excited.

As a person with a strong desire for performance, he can show his skills in the Christmas game with the highest ratings in the regular season in his rookie season. It can be said that there is nothing more wonderful than this.

It's a pity that before he could be happy for a long time, the Lakers failed to hit the opening fast break, and the ball was taken away by the vicious Kobe.

Scanning the shrinking formation of the Heat as a whole, Kobe suppressed the urge to force singles.

After Zen master came back, he brainwashed him every day. He wanted to be a leader like Danzi and Ao Pang, learn to delegate power and train his teammates.

Of course, this can't change Kobe's stubborn cognition, but it also alleviates Kobe's obsession with singles to a certain extent.

The Lakers need Kobe's singles, but they don't need Kobe to be singles all the time.

Without the ball, Paul led Wade back and forth on the baseline. The two insiders of the Lakers reached the elbow area and found a madman's cover in the high post. Kobe stepped inside the three-point line and found Odom's cover. Mo Wen pulled away half a body distance, Kobe didn't take the ball, but ran in the direction of Kwame Brown.

Ao Pang, who had just settled down, was indifferent to Kobe's roll call, sticking to his inside line.

Kobe took a big stride and drifted back to avoid Mo Wen's flying body to seal his eyes.

On the way of gliding, Tianyinbo was thrown... oh no, it was a basketball.


The difficulty of this ball is really high, but it is still within the ability of the little blacksmith.

There is no problem with Mo Wen's chasing and defending, but no amount of experience with this kind of ball can prevent him.

Kobe's game experience is not as good as Mo Wen's, but his training time is unique in the league.

If you work a hundredfold, you will succeed in the end.

Ao Pang served from the bottom line, and Mo Wen held the ball and advanced steadily. Last night's "Christmas Eve Dinner" was very rich, and he was too full to exercise vigorously.

Suddenly thinking of the text message from last night, he began to think about it.

After passing the logo area, Mo Wen slammed on the brakes and bowed to Buddha.

Concentrating on it, Kobe stomped his feet and twisted his waist, turned his body and sealed it with his strong coordination ability.

This kind of ultra-long three-pointer Mo Wen almost has two shots in every game, which has become one of Mo Wen's symbols.

After the Heat's "emperor" became higher and higher, Mo Wen's style of play became more and more unrestrained.

At the beginning, this kind of behavior would make Pat Riley spit out his mouth, but after he found out that Mo Wen's shots were accurate enough, the pragmatist Riley stopped scolding and replaced him with the coach of the rival team who doubted his life.

And recently, after Mo Wen's ultra-long three-point highlights have become famous all over the United States, people who hate Mo Wen have further expanded to high school and college coaches.

The NBA of the dog said, misleading people's children, and harming people a lot.

In the 90s, their students who made Jordan harm were either leaning back in the open position or pulling the bar with an empty basket.

In the 00s, he promoted Ao Pang, Carter, and a child with a little bit of talent wanted to dunk. I don’t know how many arms were broken.

Now he made a super long three-pointer.

Those long rebounds can directly bounce out of bounds. Is this really a skill that can be used on the court?
Seeing that Lao Ke reacted quickly, Mo Wen didn't intend to hit the end, and Mo Wen slammed the basketball that was about to close to the side.

If Kobe had reacted a little slower just now, it would have been a real shot by worshiping Buddha.

Goodbye too late to wave.

Driving past the hideous Kobe Bryant, Mo Wen turned on the human-ball combination mode and ran towards the basket recklessly.

But what surprised Mo Wen was that on the way, a slightly short figure surrounded him from the side, trying to rob him.

Paul looks short and small, but his physical fitness is definitely at the ceiling level under the height of 180.

Then cooperate with his little black hand.

It's that flavor!
However, since he chose to challenge, Mo Wen could only respect him.

The young technician is not good enough, so Mo Wen can only demonstrate in person.

In the exquisite confrontation teaching, Mo Wen's speed was not affected much. Seeing that he was about to reach the basket, Mo Wen threw off the cannon with his arms and collected the tuition.

Kwame Brown, who came from the side, failed to get back to the basket in time, but missed the auxiliary car and caught Paul who was about to fall.


Mo Wen easily dunked the basketball in, just like he easily elbowed Paul.

2: 2.

After falling from the basket, Mo Wen didn't celebrate, as if the dunk was not worth mentioning. Naturally, he didn't care about the unwilling Paul on the other side.

Seeing Mo Wen just turn around and leave, Paul twisted his nose
As expected of a great power in the world, this confrontation skill is indeed much better than those dawdling people he met before.

And compared to Kobe's unskilled elbow full of whistles, Mo Wen's hand is the benchmark for point guards.

However, after playing such a good game, you don't even say "Welcome to the NBA, rookie", are you polite?
Fortunately, he was nervous for two seconds just now.

CP3 also experienced the humiliation of being ignored.

No, if you don't leave this sentence today, don't even think about leaving!

The Lakers attack.

Kobe and Paul, who had just been teased, had anger in their eyes.

Paul dribbled the ball forward quickly, trying to take advantage of the fact that O'Pang didn't return to his position and hit the number difference.

But the Heat's four-person rotation is quite mature, and it didn't give the Lakers much chance.

Kwame Brown has a height advantage, but layups against confrontations are not his advantage.

The current Lakers' fast break speed has increased, but their ability to open space has regressed compared to last year.

Atkins, Peterson, and Mihm, who could open up space, were either traded or sent to the bench. The Lakers' current starting lineup has only Kobe and Odom with three-point capabilities.

Paul's three-pointers in his rookie season were pretty bad, almost at Wade's level.

But it's not all bad.

Without the space and environment for singles, to some extent it is forcing someone to play tactics.

As long as they don't pass the ball to Kwame Brown, the Lakers' positional battle transfer is quite smooth.

Madman, Odom, Kobe, and Paul all have the ability to be the core of the ball.

After several interspersed moves, Kobe got the chance to single Wade in the low post.

He pushed twice against Wade, whose tonnage and strength were similar to his. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of O'Pang, who was stalking behind Wade.

Mo Wen raised his eyelids in surprise.

Pass the ball on the second turn?
Who are you? !
After receiving the ball, Paul was also unambiguous. He took the ball and pulled it out, taking advantage of his petite figure to start a breakthrough.

However, "Grandfather St. Paul" is an evergreen dungeon, and Mo Wen knows him very well.

When he was still a freshman, he was often taught by this clever little ghost with protruding ears. Today is the time to repay his favor.

Keeping a certain distance, watching his tentative footsteps, relying on his rich experience, Mo Wen could easily judge his attacking intentions, always stuck in front of him, relying on his height and wingspan to bully the small.

After shaking for a long time and slamming like a fly in front of the window, instead of finding Mo Wen's loophole, Paul was accidentally stabbed by Mo Wen and sent the basketball flying. Although he recovered the basketball in time, But under Kobe's cold gaze, he could only symbolically dribble twice and then pass it on.

After two passes, the madman caught the ball and threw the iron in the confrontation with Finley. Fortunately, Kobe, who was ambushing on the side, didn't trust him very much, or knew him very well. Seeing him shooting, he took the initiative to run to the inside to squeeze O'Neill took off and hit the ball before O'Pang's black hand reached out.

Kobe Bryant imitated someone, pretending to be cold and not celebrating.

Ao Pang curled his lips and gave Mo Wen a look when he passed the ball.

In the next round, Mo Wen slowed down further.

After Ao Pang was almost in position, he began to attack.

Outside running, inside positioning, the ball turns the flow of people, endlessly.

Seeing this scene, the Zen master touched his chin. It cannot be said that the tactics are similar, but they are exactly the same.

What the hell is a copy of the Lakers' triangle offense!

The triangle offense is not a simple static position, but a complex and changeable dynamic tactic.

Facing the triangle offense, as long as the defender doesn't go up, they can't create open space, only endless singles that test the quality of the stars.

Kwame Brown's nerves were quite tense in the slightly chaotic running position just now.

Nearby is Ao Pang who can crush him, in the distance is Mo Wen, a master passer, and on the other side is Wade, who has made breakthroughs. God knows how much pressure he is under.

The only one who can bring him a little warmth is Odangdang, who is next to him and swore to him, and is beaten by AA system.

Although Ao Dangdang's defense is also at the level of toilet paper in front of Ao Pang, he won't look too naive if he has one more person to suffer.

"Watch out Kwame!"

Paul's reminder made him tense his muscles subconsciously, so he was not directly knocked to the ground by Ao Pang's first round of force.

When he gritted his teeth and wanted to see how crazy Ao Pang was going, Ao Pang had already held a bright red basketball on his head.

bang bang-

Before he could figure out what happened.

Ao Pang's two hits were like S686 (double spray of shotgun) hitting his face, knocking him down to the ground.

On the way down, he also saw Odom's apologetic eyes on the outside.


Ao Pang split the buckle with one hand.

What does it feel like to be full of bullet speed and body weight?
That is, you see him dunk, but you don't feel his jump.


Kobe picked up the basketball on the ground, put the ball in the hands of Kwame Brown, who was pulled up by Paul, with a creditor's face.

"It's not Kwame's fault, Kobe."

Paul defended the hapless boy.

"This is the court, there are only results, no reason!"

Kobe's cold eyes swept away. He never concealed his harshness. Olney couldn't escape, and Kwame Brown would not receive extra preferential treatment because of his weakness.

4: 4.

The Lakers re-attacked, and Kobe conveyed the meaning to Paul with a death stare.

The first two rounds gave him a good feeling, and he wanted to try his own way to take over the game.

During the fast march, Paul found the right opportunity and passed the ball to Kobe who squeezed Mo Wen in the elbow contest.

Facing Haslem who switched defenses in front of him, Kobe swung him away with a smooth crotch change.

Holding the ball and turning around in a ballet, Kobe made a skillful layup and successfully bypassed Ao Pang's fat elbow.

Hanging the weight of the inside line, it is smooth but looks like a lightweight outside line. This technique makes the home audience want to applaud after seeing it.

6: 4.

"Kobe's hand feeling is good today. He made all three shots and scored all the Lakers' opening points." Barkley praised.

"You have to believe in Kobe. I found out that he has this magical quality before, and he will perform better than usual at critical moments." Kenny Smith found the feeling of tailwind again.

"Remember the game between the Lakers and the Mavericks two days ago, he scored 30 points in just the third quarter, and he scored 50 points in the third quarter. In my eyes, he is the scariest scorer in the league right now!"

"Hehehe, you didn't drink too much, don't you say that Iverson, who averaged 33 points per game, and James, who is next to him in the scoring list, just look at Mo, who is playing against him. They are not weaker than His presence."

Barkley's big face shook like a rattle.

"Do you want me to help you recall, Mo was the one who scored a terrifying 50+ triple-double in the previous playoffs! That's the playoffs! He doesn't score much now, it's all because the Heat have too many offensive points Now, give him a bad team, and his scoring performance will not be worse than Kobe, Iverson or James!"

"Charles, you are too one-sided. Mo's efficiency is very high, and he has also had high-profile performances, but you have to know that when he becomes the team's only scoring strength, the defensive intensity he will encounter is far from what it is now.

I remember someone counted that among all the players with 20 points, Mo had the most open shots. You can't ignore the blessing of the Heat lineup! "Kenny Smith retorted citing classics.

"50+ triple-doubles, I remember that the Heat are not full lineup, how do you explain this?"

"That's the highlight. Nash also had 40+ triple-doubles, but he is now leading the team to average 20 points per game, which is very reluctant!"

The commentary room was noisy and enthusiastic.

The atmosphere on the court is also gradually heating up.

Ao Pang is in good form today, and Mo Wen controls the rhythm, passing the ball as much as possible to let Ao Pang play more.

If you ignore his 5-of-1 free throws like dog crumbs, O'Pang's 7-of-5 shooting performance in the first quarter is absolutely perfect.

It's a pity that the Heat didn't lead by a few points, because Kobe's touch also exploded!
The referee's whistle on the breakthrough was very strict today, and both Wade and Kobe could easily earn the whistle.

With the whistle, Kobe played more easily and confidently.

The touch was also improved in free throws. In the first quarter, he made 10 of 7 shots, 8 of 6 free throws, 3 of 1 three-pointers, and scored 21 points in a single quarter.

It's not easy for Mo Wen to act in this kind of whistleblowing environment. Chaoju is hard to defend against, and with the blessing of a whistle, it's like black silk and lace. How can we resist?
The Heat also tried several double-teams in the middle, but it didn't make much sense.

When the superstar feels good, there are many defensive methods, which are all written in the foul penalty clause.

Mo Wen didn't want his hard work to be the backdrop for others, so he didn't play the full first quarter, and handed the stage to the referee in the middle... Oh no, it was Payton, so he went off to rest first.

Kobe was not only crazy on the offensive end today, but also bit him to death on the defensive end.

He interfered with Mo Wen's two three-pointers.

There is no positive confirmation, but judging from Kobe's defense against his own three-pointer, the bet in the text message should be real.

Then this is very interesting.

When his teammates are in good condition, Mo Wenle handed over the game to his teammates. On the other hand, Kobe is consuming his physical energy like he doesn't need money. How long can he last?

Do the math, I haven't played without the ball for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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