Chapter 196 1000

"Run, run, run! Don't stop for as long as you guys are on the field, don't stop for a moment! If you want to rest, I'll take you off, but on the field, don't let me see you guys on camera Show off your sneakers!"

Zen master clapped the tactical board on the sidelines.

For this game, not only the players are important, Zen Master also wants to win.

He has no direct conflict with Riley, but he just doesn't want to lose to Riley.

At that time, the Cardinal commented that he was an opportunist who only picked up off-the-shelf, picked up superstars to coach, and won the championship by relying on the "champion". However, Riley, who was born in the rival Lakers, highly praised Riley, because Riley had led a weak team all the way. Experience for a strong team.

Now he and Riley have switched positions. He has become a warrior who leads a weak team to become stronger, and Riley has become a person who wins the championship with a "champion".

It's a pity that the hard power gap between the two teams is there.

If you want to smooth out the objective gap, you can only make more efforts subjectively.

Back in the second quarter, the Lakers made a change. They replaced the two insiders with Brian Cook and Mihm who had excellent shots. Odom took the No. 3 position. Rhythm, began to plan to compete with the Heat.

Paul is very happy, he likes to cooperate with these tall insiders the most.

These tall insiders do nothing else, just being a stake on the court is very useful for him, not to mention that the Lakers' inside players basically don't have much autonomous offensive ability except for Odom, they just rely on eating cakes to survive.

If Kwame Brown can be free, Odom and Mihm can get distracted on the court from time to time, and Cook's card position can be a little bit harder... that would be even better.

Thinking about it, Paul glanced at the luxurious Heat on the opposite side.

Being able to play on that kind of team is the ultimate dream of all point guards.

In the first quarter, he didn't feel how Mo Wen was working hard. Looking back at his statistics, he had 5 points and 5 assists.

After personal experience, Mo Wen's passing is like Ah San's Indian flying cakes, quite casual.

But the Heat are like the three brothers in a crowd, no matter how Mo Wen flies, someone will always get the cake.

And when he was in the Lakers, he was free to pass the ball to Kobe, but he had to be careful when passing the ball to others.

Every time his family called him and asked him how he was doing in Los Angeles and whether he was happy.

He would take a deep breath, forcefully forget the unhappiness, and then squeeze out an empty happiness...

But only he himself knew how hard he had been.

The game restarts.

The Heat replaced O'Pang and let Mourning temporarily replace them, while the others continued to use the Heat's starters from last season.

The focus of the game between the two sides shifted to the outside lines on both sides.

Faced with the "strongest perimeter combination in active service in the league" recognized by various media, Kobe's fighting spirit was raging.

Tonight, he will have a good time!

Kobe, who was full of fighting spirit, got frustrated at the beginning.

Mo Wen, who is in the third grade, has already left the ranks of no "talent", and Wade can be called the obese defender, taking into account both weight and speed.

The two just stand on one side, one left and one right, which can bring great shock and tear to the defensive front in front of them, and bring many opportunities to teammates.

But if you want to truly exert the greatest power of the two, it depends on the pick-and-roll cooperation between the two.

The "Little Malong" who was chasing and defending Mo Wen accidentally bumped into "Little Steel Cannon".

Other outsiders may be knocked down by this violent impact, but Wade just swayed, moved his heels and stabilized, and even when Kobe was out of breath, he cut inside and slid down while giving Kobe a shot. dark elbow.

Since ancient times, no one has elbows in life, you have elbows and I have elbows!
Wade's elbow successfully attracted Kobe's hatred and completed the "pull monster".

Paul, who had purposely tightened his butt just now to give Kobe room to walk through, was dumbfounded.

Looking at Mo Wen, who was a full head taller than him, with a smirk.

An indescribable grievance welled up in his heart.

Such a tall man, how dare you come to grab our point guard's job?
When discussing defense before the game, Zen Master asked him, which one would he want to defend, Wade, who is 20 kilograms heavier than him, or Mo Wen, who is 20 centimeters taller than him?
He chose Wade without even thinking about it.

Wade's shooting is not good. As long as he doesn't get dumped too cleanly and cooperates with his teammates inside, he can still cause trouble for Wade.

But Mo Wen is a hooligan!

Countless games before have proved one thing——

He's really inappropriate when there are short players guarding him!
There is no martial arts at all, and it is a big jumper in front of you!
Although he also wanted Kobe to lose the bet with him.

But he didn't want to win the bet because of his "water release".

Mo Wen backed away, but Paul resisted the bitterness and resentment in his heart, and followed.

He wants to pressure Mo Wen's offensive options with an aggressive steal defense.

However, after many years of training, Mo Wen is so familiar with both the road ahead and the road behind.

With a small change of luck, Mo Wen successfully pulled out half a step.

Knees slightly bent, eyes looking at the basket.

The basketball was also spun in front of Mo Wen.

Paul had no other choice but to jump up and close his eyes. After half a second of hesitation, he might not even be able to interfere.

The corners of Mo Wen's mouth twitched slightly.

Under Xiaopao's desperate eyes, he dodged forward, stepped on the free throw line in two steps, and scored the goal with a textbook mid-range shot.

35: 29.

Kobe glanced at Paul with some dissatisfaction, and Paul glared back at Kobe not to be outdone.

In the offensive round of the Lakers, Paul, who felt that he was bullied by his height, was determined to fight back in person.

Paul made a gesture, and the Lakers' insiders hesitated for a while before executing it.

Although Paul is a rookie, he has performed well since entering the team. It is not impossible to replace Odom as the second head of Los Angeles in time.

The Lakers launched a trap card: "Separation of Heroes"!
Kobe gave him a cold look, and ran according to the tactics.

Faced with Wade's pressing and oppressing, Paul used a deft turn and hesitated to stagger half a step, and then began to go around the pile.

It was just a small loss of position, and Wade would never be able to catch up again if he went to chase and defend.

Wade's ability to squeeze the pick-and-roll is top in the league, but Paul's flexibility around the pick-and-roll is also top-notch.

Haslem judged that Wade couldn't keep up and chose to switch defenses, but he ran into Mihm within two steps.

No way, Mourning could only stand in front of Xiaopao, and after admiring Xiaopao's fancy dribble, he watched Xiaopao throw and hit the board.

35: 31.

Turning around, the Heat's strategy remains the same, and it's still Morway's pick-and-roll.

Kobe completed the pick-and-roll this time, but only passed the first hurdle.

Haslem's pick-and-roll followed closely behind, and Brian Cook could only choose to switch defenses when he saw that Kobe couldn't make it through.

Brian Cook is nicknamed "The Bankrupt Horry". His main job on the court is to shoot three-pointers and grab rebounds. He has a very active defensive attitude, but his role is limited.

Mo Wen tricked him without much effort.

Kobe, who had expected it for a long time, assisted in the defense very timely...

Fool who got tricked +1
On the court, game experience has a marginal effect-the utility of unit resource input for increasing revenue is constantly decreasing.

But if you invest enough, you can still widen the gap between you and others.

Haslem, who sneaked over, seized the opportunity and received an alley-oop from Mo Wen. He didn't feel sorry for his home basket, but just a violent dunk.

37: 31.

The Lakers returned to the offensive end again, and the little cannons who thought they had performed well just now continued to play along their own thinking confidently.

Use Kobe to attract the defense, and then go around the pile by yourself, find the wrong position to play the big, or attract the double-team and pass the ball to assist.

Not to mention, the effect is really good.

Kobe Bryant's 21 points in the first quarter really filled the appeal.

As long as he runs on one side and shows the movement of catching the ball, the surrounding defenders have to pay attention to him, as if he is not Kobe, but Monroe with a skirt against the wind.

After all, Heat players don't want to see someone score high in their own arena.

If Kobe scored fifty or sixty points, they wouldn't be so happy if they won.

This round allowed Xiaopao to find another opportunity. After he attracted Haslem and Mourning's pincer attack, Cook from outside the three-point line got an open shot and scored a three-pointer.

37: 34.

The Heat turned the ball around, this time it was Wade holding the ball, looking for Mo Wen's pick and roll.

This pick-and-roll is very unreasonable, because Wade is looking for Kobe's defensive strength with the ball.

Kobe didn't think much about it, and subconsciously switched defenses.

Paul, who was walking around the pick-and-roll, looked at Mo Wen, who received the pass, and fell silent again.

He looked at Kobe, then at Mo Wen in front of him, and for a moment he couldn't tell who was the dog.

Kobe squeezed his crotch, hiding his embarrassment in a more embarrassing way.


I'm a little flustered, if this makes Mo Wen score three points, it should be blamed on him.

He wants to make amends, but Wade is still fighting for space with him, and he can't get away.

Mo Wen glanced at the Heat, neither of whom had a deep inside position, so he didn't choose to force a small shot on the outside.

It is true that three-pointers are prone to long rebounds, but his shooting arc is very high, and more rebounds are distributed under the basket.

After shaking the small cannon, Kobe's flank attack followed.

The two confronted all the way to the basket. Mo Wen made a rebound and then threw the ball, passing the ball to Wade behind him.

Wade ran up and caught the ball easily with one dunk and two.

After landing, Wade's two big cheeks became wider by two centimeters because of his smile.

It's comfortable, it's comfortable.

This buckle has ridden the All-Star ticket champions in the East and West together. Last year's top ten balls, isn't it too much?

Lakers possession of the ball.

Paul made the same tactical gesture again.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with Kobe's throat, and he coughed violently twice in a short period of time.

Paul, who pretended to be ignorant, was heartbroken, and turned his head away, out of sight.

But this time, the Heat shrank the lineup and failed to play tactics.

Paul took advantage of this and Mihm's small-scale pick-and-roll to find a good shot.

Unfortunately, the shot missed.

In the next round, Mo Wen and Wade crossed positions. After breaking through the bottom line all the way, they passed the ball to Rasul on the outside, making another three-pointer.

Coming back again, when the Lakers were serving the ball, Nao Ke did not choose to go down quickly but took a posture of catching the ball in the backcourt with Paul.

He failed to touch the ball for three consecutive rounds.

Is there still Wang Fa!Is there still a law?
Odom looked at the two people who were both asking for the ball. It was a bit difficult. One side was the boss, and the other side was the coach's order. Who should pass it to?

After thinking about it, he lost his mind.

He also didn't know why his thoughts diverged to the philosophical question of whether the elasticity of the buttocks could heal the wounds of the soul.

But when he came back to his senses, he could clearly feel that all eyes were on him.

After a shiver, Odom finally remembered that he still had the ball to serve...

After the ball passed through Kobe's hands, it was passed to Paul.

He doesn't have to play alone, he is also very happy that his teammates can help him share the pressure.

It's just that there was no ball in his hand, which made him very uncomfortable, as if there were ants crawling on his body.

In the second quarter, the perimeter combinations of the two teams alternately exerted strength, and the point difference was also bitten to death.

Ao Pang played for a while in the second half, but the effect was mediocre.

(Fat Shark uses a water splash...nothing seems to happen.)
The Lakers have a lot of insiders, and O'Pang will go to the free throw line when he catches the ball.

After winning the championship, Ao Pang indulged in addition to his size and his free throws.

He averaged 42 percent from the free throw line this season, tying him with Big Ben.

But for Ben, who is basically not responsible for the end most of the time, almost is almost, it doesn't matter.

But Ao Pang's current body, you let him be a blue-collar responsible for screen or defense?

Oban agreed, but Riley, who gave him an annual salary of 2000 million, could not agree either.

Just because of O'Pang's free throws, many people now feel that he is no longer the most dominant "first center" in the league.

Mo Wen didn't play the full second quarter, and he got two more fouls in the middle, and three fouls in the half, so he left the game early for a rest.

The two fouls were not all on the defensive end.

On the offensive end, Kobe drew an offensive foul with a poorly-acted flop.

This wave, ah, is the cross-border linkage of the American cultural and sports circles.

Whether the acting skills are good or not, whether you can be a movie star or not, it’s useless if you say it, it’s up to the judges/judges to admit it or not.

At the end of the scene, Mo Wen stopped in front of the close-up camera and drew a question mark in the air, leaving a dot at the end. He moved closer and tapped the camera twice with his finger.

"Enough is enough!"

There are some things that he doesn't want to say too blatantly.

It's strange that there is no outside interference for a game that has special significance but has nothing to do with the overall situation, such as the Christmas game.

Stern, who was standing in front of the TV, straightened his tie without blushing.

He did make some small arrangements.

Raising the difficulty a little bit is his Christmas gift to the Heat, no thanks.

At midfield, in the visiting team's locker room, Kobe smugly patted Paul on the shoulder.

"Boy, I think you'd better prepare a bench, and high heels are fine, otherwise, with your height, you won't be able to defend against me at all."

"Don't get complacent too early. It's only halftime. I've seen Mo's game video. His three-pointers are much better than yours. Can you miss a three-pointer you defended? You just wait." Already!" Paul said not to be outdone, but muttered in his heart.

It shouldn't be. Although Mo Wen's three-pointers are not the most in the league, they are the most productive in the league.

He, like Ray Allen, is a man who needs to score 10 points by three-pointers every game.

How could it be prevented casually?
But in the first half that just passed, Mo Wen made four three-pointers, but failed to score one.

Isn't it said that superstars are very sensitive and can't help being stimulated?

Why does it feel like Mo Wen has the opposite effect here?


The atmosphere in the Heat locker room has not changed because of the anxious environment on the court.

Everyone is still talking about Christmas day.

"Did you stay up late last night? Let me guess, were both of your arms tied to the head of the bed, then whips, candles, clips, tape..."

"There are also chains, handcuffs, claps, and clasps!"

Payton and Ao Pang approached Mo Wen, teasing Mo Wen's performance in the first half.

In fact, Mo Wen's performance is not bad. In the first half, he had 10 points, 10 assists, 5 rebounds and 1 steal. Considering that he didn't play the full amount of playing time, it can even be said that he performed better than usual.

The main reason is that he missed all 4 three-pointers, which was a bit unexpected.

But the probability game is like this. As long as the sample is large enough, there will indeed be some things that do not meet some average probabilities.

It’s like playing a lottery when I was a child. The aunt who set up the stall told him that he would win a watch after drawing a board, and then drew a prize of 2 yuan for a 10-yuan watch. In the end, the auntie was embarrassed to find that he didn’t seem to put the note of the watch in it.

When I grew up, I sold tickets to return home during the Spring Festival, and the ticket-grabbing software used a 90% probability to grab them for a week, and only brought back one disappointment.

Facing the ass of these two perverts, kicked them one by one.

He said that he didn’t understand, and cursed the pervert in his heart, and took the opportunity to memorize those props... Don’t get me wrong, Mo Wen was just curious, he seemed to have seen similar things in the drawer where Ruth put the fascia gun, Just don't know how to use it.

Turning around, Mo Wen found Wade again.

Young man, I see that your bones are amazing. You are a rare card-dealing wizard. I have a basketball here. I will give it to you when I see you!

Wade was also quite pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

But after the start of the game, he quickly discovered that his thinking was too simple.

"Ball ball ball!"

"This, this, this!"

"Ball ball ball!"

In the first round after returning from the intermission, Mo Wen showed the enthusiasm he had never had in the first half.

He led Kobe to run circles on the outside and circle around the inside, looking for all opportunities and preparing to catch the ball.

Wade glanced at Kobe, who couldn't keep up at the first time, and passed the ball anyway.


In the first round back from midfield, Mo Wen disappointed the lively media.

He easily hit the three-pointer.

However, Mo Wen's journey has just begun, and he will not be satisfied with this one ball.

Turning around again, it is still a familiar formula and a familiar taste.

Mo Wen was very happy and led Kobe around again.

After a classic figure-of-eight move by the little bee, Mo Wen opened up a little space and received another pass from Wade.


Kobe took a step slower, and the basketball slipped through the basket again.


Paul appeared behind Chatter like a ghost.

One minute later, Paul appeared behind Kobe again.


 The first time after Yangkang weighed himself, he gained 10 jins...Crash

(End of this chapter)

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