basketball never sleeps

第197章 奇迹诞生,单章34分!(8.5K2合1)

Chapter 197 A miracle is born, 34 points in a single quarter! (8.5K [-] in [-])

Mo Wen scored consecutive three-pointers, and the Lakers did not mess up. Instead, several commentators from TNT started arguing over his three-pointers.

Kenny Smith, as a champion guard who used to rely on three-pointers for food, very predictably proposed that Mo Wen may lead a future-a future filled and dominated by three-pointers.

But Barkley offered a strong counterargument to this:

"As you know, I have always been the person who is most optimistic about Mo. I have watched every game of the Heat in the past two years. Mo's three-pointers are very strong, but three-pointers are just a goal for Mo. It’s just a means, including he himself has repeatedly emphasized in interviews that he only shoots three-pointers because those teams hide inside with zone defense every day.”

"The charm of basketball is that it is like a great sex, it is constantly moving, full of rhythm, close-range offense and defense without the protection of protective equipment, it depends on the superb skills of you and your teammates Going out of your way to get the ball in the hoop."

"Every player on the court has his own style of play, and those various movements are as sexy as they are."

"Three-point rule? Stop messing around! When that day comes, everyone is shooting from the outside, so what's the point of the game? Don't you think so, Kerr?"

As a guest, Cole lowered his head and pursed his lips in a classic smile: "As for the three-pointer, I think I still have a little say. Like Kenny, I was one of the few people in that era who relied on three-pointers for a living. But for the three points, my opinion is about the same as Charles'."

"Because of the existence of the zone defense, the three-pointer will definitely become an increasingly important offensive method, but you must know that it is very rare for a genius like Mo who has developed all his skills at a young age.

Now the league is filled with all kinds of talent, talent can let you easily get 15 points, talent can let you easily get a big contract, most talented young people will waste their good time for nothing because they are greedy for enjoyment, and shooting is a This is a skill that needs to be honed for a long time. This is a human instinct and it is difficult to change.

Of course, this is also good news. Because of this operating law, players with ordinary physical fitness like us can find a place in the league.Otherwise, everyone will grab the shooting job from us, what else can we rely on for food?By making fouls? "


On the field, Mo Wenyi's sudden gust of wind and rain did not destroy the morale of the Lakers in one breath.

Although Kobe and Paul, who hold the ball for the Lakers, were also overwhelmed by these three-pointers, they are not children who have never seen the world.

After being surprised and confused, the Lakers quickly responded.


Kobe has a good touch at the basket and mid-range today, but for three-pointers...he still needs to find a feeling.

On the defensive end, the Lakers didn't dare to neglect any longer, and adopted a tighter blockade on Mo Wen, and began to double-team.

Kobe also didn't care about his own face, just like what Mo Wen thought, Kobe, who had barely rested until the third quarter, was already a little bit powerless.

His physical ability is not fake, but if you let him do everything on both ends of the offense and defense, and still maintain a high level of competitive state, it is really a bit embarrassing.

It's just that if "a division's strength" is used on the three-point line to strictly guard against an off-ball passer, the Lakers' defense in other areas is basically equivalent to the old widow's gate-nothing.

Mo Wen, who was walking outside the three-point line, drew the attention of two or three people. Rasul also put on a stance to ask for the ball in the corner on the other side and scratched his head. Wade, who was holding the ball in the middle, was numb. In front of her is like an undefended sister on a party.

Various postures, just rush.

Oh, you can't say that, after all, the small cannon can't be compared with the air, the chair and Nash.

Paul's defense has become the last half of the Lakers fig leaf.

It is roughly equivalent to the thong...C-shaped pants worn by girls, which adds a little fun to Wade's dragon impact.

Paul realized that he was wrong. Whether it was Mo Wen's height or Wade's weight, there was not much difference in essence. They were all fucking inappropriate.

And what makes him most desperate is that the small moves in the past have not played much role in front of the Heat's outside duo.

In terms of small movements, Mo Wen is at the professor level, while Wade is at the old teaching aid level.

Although Wade's black hand counterattack was not as spiritual as Mo Wen's, he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. After a long-term confrontation with Mo Wen, it was difficult for Wade to break through the defense within the degree of confrontation allowed by the camera.

Wade: Not bad not bad, this little move already has the power of [-]% success when Mo first came last year.

The Zen master watched Paul suffer and was helpless.

The Heat's perimeter combination is a killer for small guards.

Two guards who can play small forwards, plus a professional small forward, put three forwards on the court, and the small guards can't defend at all.

Down Paul?
Walton and Parker also have their own problems. The defensive end may not be able to do better. The madman gets older and more independent. If he turns around and kills the current smooth offense, he can really get off work early for Christmas.

The Zen master caught in the dump truck seems to have entered a "zen" state in the camera.

But his meditation has not yet reached home, and the time on the court has not slowed down or stopped.

The Zen master had no idea, and Kobe and Paul couldn't find a solution to break the game.

After a while, the big cheeks made three ins and three outs, two easy layups, and one foul.

The east side is not bright, the west side is bright, press the gourd to float the scoop.

The point difference between the two teams was stretched to double digits. The Lakers players made a conscious choice and let go of Mo Wen.

No matter how accurate Mo Wen's three-pointer is, it is impossible to keep going in, but Wade can go in and hit two-pointers in a continuous loop.

There is no problem with their thinking and decision-making.

It's just... did I let you go?

Seeing that your buddies and teammates stole your home, do you want to go back to the city?
Don't worry.

Mo Wen raised his hand again as if asking for the ball.

"Don't find Haslem covering, and shoot another three-pointer! Kobe is one step slower in chasing and defending, and the ball is scored!"

"Wade's breakthrough was assisted by defense, and he passed the ball without looking at the back of the head...someone, Mo received the ball...directly shot...scored! This coordination is too smooth!"

"Three-pointer~ hit it! Kobe made a crucial three-pointer, keeping the hope of winning for the Lakers, and they haven't given up yet!"

"Mo's running is really like a ferocious wolf hunting on the grassland. You don't need to get close to it, you can bring a great sense of oppression to the defender, and you can't keep watching him, because the Heat are now a wolf den. He is not the only one who eats meat!"

"Holysh*t! It's the fifth three-pointer, can he really use three-pointers to dominate the game? You try to make another one, and you make another one...I'll kneel down for you!"

"...OK, director, please cut the shot, Charles is going to kneel."

"Kobe assisted Kwame Brown and made a counterattack. How many times is this his assist today? How do I feel that he is developing in the direction of Mo Wen?"

Several commentators were mesmerized, and the audience also watched the climax one after another, and the cheers were louder and louder.

Just...that's it...go on...don't stop!

If you want to edit highlights, this section is almost all shots-excellent drives, perfect three-pointers, excellent offense.

The Lakers really couldn't defend, but the Heat gave the referee face and didn't do their best to defend.

Of course, Mo Wen and Wade also had a tacit understanding to release some water.

The team is leading, and it's live broadcast across the United States. Everyone is in good condition today. Ao Pang, Dinghaishenzhen, has been resting off the court, so there is no need to kill the game so quickly.

We all have to eat.

Although the score should be conscientious.

Points are gone, you can go again.

But if the conscience is gone... then you can get more!
The point difference was opened too early, which not only wasted the good feeling of today, but also felt sorry for the fans who spent money to buy high-priced tickets to watch the game.

They have absolutely no selfishness.

With 2 minutes left in the third quarter, Zen Master called a timeout.

Although he didn't have any good ideas and nothing to say about the situation on the field, but judging by the current point difference between the two teams, even from the perspective of being worthy of the salary that Old Buss paid him, he should call a timeout.

Off the court, Paul made a [5] gesture towards Kobe.

Kobe, wiping his sweat, glanced at him with a frown.


Kobe bit his lower lip, frowned and thought of something, then put on a malicious smile and nodded towards Paul.

OK, good job.

"Okay, the morning after tomorrow, I'll be waiting for you in the arena, you have one day - you can't finish your shots, don't let go!"

"What? I remember we didn't tell the time?" Paul was confused.

"Yeah, so now that I've said it, do you have a problem?"

Kobe put his hand on Paul's shoulder and squeezed it hard.

He turned the depression and unhappiness of falling behind into a murderous look on his face, and looked at Paul unquestionably.

"No, Kobe, you're cheating!" Paul was very unconvinced, he didn't expect that too many rewards could become a burden.

"I didn't play tricks, rookie, you can still use me as a stake to practice top three-pointers, but my time is limited, and it is impossible to accompany you all the time."

The offensive and defensive changes, Kobe also had a smile on his face, and he patted Paul on the back.

"Hahaha, don't think too much, I'm just bullying you, what can you do?"

"Fake squid!"

Before the timeout ended, Zen master finally made a decision to replace Paul with a madman. He also wanted to see what the actual effect of the full striker lineup would be.

In today's game, the reason for falling behind is quite clear, but the point difference is somewhat unclear. After the game is over, he will study again.

He looked enviously at Da Fan who was stupidly wearing a Christmas hat cos Santa Claus.

Recently, some people always say that Da Fan is very similar to him. They both lead the team to win the championship in the second season of coaching the team, and there is a high probability of establishing a dynasty.

As a result, his reputation has dropped by a notch.

Because everyone found the champion coach, the coach of the Dynasty seems to have no difficulty.

Just do the job of the coach well, handle the relationship with the players well, then find the big brother or dad, hand in the tactical board, and just find a position to lie down.

During the first three championships of the Bulls, there were a lot of scenes that the Zen master handed over to Jordan to play.

In comparison, the difference between Zen Master and Da Fan is that Zen Master pretends to be better, and he will use some religious clothes to pack himself, making it mysterious.

The Zen master was angry and disdainful for such remarks-do they understand basketball, do they know how troublesome it is to get along with superstars?

One by one knows how to talk nonsense.

There are many honest people in the NBA, but how many honest people can play well?
Only the coach knows the coach's suffering, of course, except for that idiot Santa Claus on the opposite side!

On the court, after Sprewell came on the court, the pressure on the defensive end of the Lakers dropped a lot.

Although Madman is also 35 years old, his body is still quite tough. He only missed 2 games in the previous two seasons with the Timberwolves.

After coming to Los Angeles, he originally wanted to enjoy himself, but meeting a rookie Xiaobao who could threaten his "status" aroused his competitive spirit.

Madman, Artest, and Rodman are almost the same stuff. They really do it when they put it on, but if you give him a reason to fight, then they will really work hard.

In order to be able to hold down the small cannon all the time, the madman who has regained his training is even better than when he was in the Timberwolves.

Of course, the speed of the madman must not be able to keep up.

But the madman sees it very openly. If you can't catch the sand, it's better to raise it. If you can't keep it, just let him go.

Passed by Wade?

It doesn't matter, when it's time to make a fool of yourself, make a fool of yourself!

But it’s a shame to make a fool of yourself, the crazy man who loses but never loses implements what it means to be a dwarf in action and a giant in words——

"You soft coward, if you have the guts, you can shoot, continue to be your coward outside the three-point line, you have no ability, come on, have a touch with brother's big bird, labor and management will definitely beat you to the ground Bloom, Mazefak!"

Hot knowledge, before the three-headed monster of the Timberwolves, the madman, the hard man, and the alien Cassel were all talkative.

The kind that goes to the grave and burns the family tree.

Mo Wen didn't know why he was facing Wade, but he was facing himself when he said this.

Maybe, maybe, maybe he envies the big contract that he will sign in the future that accounts for 35% of the team's salary?

However, the swear words were heard, but Mo Wen felt nothing in his heart, and even felt rather boring.

It's all clichés, nothing new, and there's not even a flow, so you're ashamed to open it.

Mo Wen wanted to open his mouth and give him the whole unique skill.

But Mo Wen swallowed the words down his throat.

This is not a dungeon anymore, Brother Ni and others seem to be unable to say a lot of words casually.

Those sets of lines memorized before have no soul.

And Kobe, who was defending in front of Mo Wen, also turned his head and glared at him dissatisfied.

This is my opponent, what kind of scene are you grabbing from here, what kind of fire are you playing, if you want to guard against him, you should have told me to switch defenses!
Standing behind Laozi, is it okay for the dog to bark at you?
But what Kobe didn't expect was that when he was distracted, Mo Wen caught the details.

Mo Mou, who doesn't talk about martial arts, seizes the opportunity to collect the ball, which is a golden rooster independence.

Kobe's reaction was still quick, but he only had time to close his eyes.


Stealing the chicken was successful, cool!

Looking at the falling basketball, glancing back and forth between Mo Wen and Madman, he didn't know who to rage at.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be ganked by a teammate.

Off the court, Paul looked at the ceiling on the court and pretended not to see this wonderful goal.

He is now thinking again whether the upper limit of the bet was 1000?

The madman felt good today. After Cook's screen, he caught the ball and made a three-pointer.

He is also a three-pointer. He once created a record of 9-for-9 three-pointers, but he played under Sanders in the Timberwolves in the past two years, and the three-pointers were gradually sealed-don't look at Sanders' mouth. The banner of offensive basketball, he is also a master who does not want players to shoot three-pointers.

But when he came to the Lakers, the team needed his three-pointers again, so he picked them up again. The most important thing is that this skill can also severely suppress and ridicule Ah Pao who has not adapted to the NBA three-pointer.

During the Heat's offensive round, Sprewell was kicked by the black-faced Kobe to Mo Wen's side.

However, Mo Wen didn't plan to shoot a three-pointer this time.

To be able to compete on the same stage with players who retired from the original time and space, this is not a good greeting.

Mo Wen has now scored 28 points, and scoring another two points is enough for him to complete his small goal of 30 points in a single quarter.

Wade is also looking for opportunities.

He has also scored 25 points, three rebounds in double figures, and only one goal away from assists in double figures.

He also felt the urgency of Ricky Davis and Sura to force the board for the triple-double.

If he scored a 20-point triple-double or even a 30+ triple-double in the Christmas game broadcast live across the United States, wouldn't his name be the headline of tomorrow's newspaper?

It's beautiful when you think about it.

Mo Wen scored a high score in a single quarter?It wasn't all his assists!
"Old man, have you bought insurance?" Mo Wen patted Sprewell's arm with an American bully smile on his face.

"Boy, are you threatening me? Ha, who do you think I am? When labor and capital are fighting with others, you don't know where you are. You better be careful. I won't rely on commercial contracts like you guys. The hypocrite who eats is as hypocritical as hypocrisy, and labor and capital will deal with it very hard!"

Sprewell pouted, lifted the big gold chain that didn't exist around his neck, moved his shoulders twice, and grinned to reveal a mouthful of yellow teeth, like a big brother in the slums.

The whole is very good.

Who said that black people don't know how to be considerate, Mo Wen was thinking about how to get over his soybean-sized guilt, when Sprewell gave him a push with his appearance.

Players without the ball generally play low confrontation, and the only position that requires high confrontation without the ball is the inside position.

Mo Wen has always shown himself to be true from the outside, but he actually wanted to find an opportunity to show off his inside skills.

Who is the most famous short insider besides Ben?

Well, that's right, the No. 2 power forward under [-] meters, TNT No. [-] - Barkley.

Although Mo Wen didn't have the exaggerated butt and weight of Master Bajue, he had the same basket skills as Dameng.

Coupled with his top-notch force-exerting skills, it is no problem to say that he is a [weight-loss version of Barkley].

The madman was still thinking about what tricks he should use to torment Mo Wen, but he didn't expect a pain to hit him first.

Mo Wen actually took the initiative to contact him, and then went inside against him?
Losing the opportunity, the madman could only imitate his old teammate's stunt, try his best to parry Mo Wen's elbow, and use the strategy to retreat to the basket while fighting and retreating.

For the first time on this palm-sized court, he felt lost.

The inside players on both sides are stretched outside-the Lakers replaced Mihm with Kwame Brown for impact, and the Heat replaced Mourning with Walker to increase space.

And he was on his way to the basket.

Seeing this scene, Wade was not in a hurry to attack.

During the Heat's training game, there were two wonders, Ao Pang's second-rate ball handling skills, and Mo Wen's first-rate low-post singles.

It's just that the two don't usually use it in official competitions.

Ao Pang's ball handling may be a bit ostentatious, but Mo Wen's low post play is not at all watery.

Anyway, according to what Ao Pang said, Mo Wen only needs to gain a little weight, and his low post ability is not inferior to the black mamba in front of him.

And this black mamba, after the recognized Danzi, has the strongest low-post offensive ability.

Think about it, after Ao Pang catches the ball, it is considered Mo Wen's assist to score within three moves. As long as Mo Wen doesn't ink, it's not appropriate to let him get an assist?
Sprewell, who couldn't handle Mo Wen's elbow and weighed less than Mo Wen, retreated steadily in the middle of the confrontation, but couldn't wait for support. The main reason was that Mo Wen chose a good cut position, and the insiders on both sides wanted to follow back to defend. Come over, you can only put down the players in front of you. The Heat's two insiders on the court have shooting ability, and they dare not bet.

Kobe, with Wade on the three-pointer, has the conditions to support or switch defenses, but he is also afraid that Wade will take the opportunity to find Mo Wen's pick-and-roll, and go directly to the no man's land under the basket.

In the fierce confrontation, the madman wearing a pain mask can only grit his teeth to reduce the invasion of the pain to the brain.

But this was just Mo Wen's off-ball offense.

After feinting to pass the ball to the inside corners on both sides, Wade handed the ball to Mo Wen.

Bang bang—boom!Bang bang—boom!

Mo Wen's back hit was very rhythmic, but it was a pity that Sprewell couldn't hold on for two beats.

Feeling that the madman had given up his defensive position, Mo Wen was not polite, jumped up and hit the board with a hook, and easily scored two points.

"Mo's back hit Latrell (Sprewell) can't resist, 30 points! Mo became the second player to score 30 points in a single quarter this season. It's crazy. God, there is no free throw. Single Festival 30 minutes!
Mo created a miracle, he is more miraculous and great than Bryant's 30 points in a single quarter! "

Barkley yelled in the commentary room.

The live broadcaster also promptly switched the big screen above the arena to the interface of Mo Wen scoring in a single quarter.

"I've been wondering how many points Mo got, God, is that 30 points?"

"It's so accurate, it's so accurate! He's even more accurate than a missile!"

"Mo is why I like to come to watch the game live, those stupid cameras will never catch his beautiful shooting arc!"

"This must be Mo's gift to Miami fans!"

"With 56 seconds left in the game, he still has a chance to break the "Iceman" scoring record in a single quarter!"

No one cared what move Mo Wen used to score this time. Everyone only knew that Mo Wen had created a miracle and had a chance to break the record that was listed as a miracle.

Zen Master, who realized something, couldn't sit still. Kobe went to the referee first and asked for a timeout.

He just wanted to let the madman have a taste of Mo Wen's power, and something happened to the madman in the past two rounds.

"Can't, can't, absolutely can't let him score again, let him catch the ball, let him see the ball, everyone else can score, but that dog* must guard him to death!"

Kobe and Zen master reached an amazing tacit understanding at this moment.

The game was 15 points behind. Although there was still hope, it was already difficult to catch up. At this time, they would rather be a little further away from victory than become the backdrop for Mo Wen's record breaking.

Paul, who was not very convinced before, stared blankly at the big screen above.

He felt that it was absolutely a complete mistake for him to regard Mo Wen as the target of pursuit.

This guy is not a serious point guard!

As for the Heat, Mo Wen stopped acting, and arranged two cover tactics for himself with the tactical board.

At the same time, Ao Pang, who has a larger cover area, was also invited back to the field.

There is a chance to break the record first.

"Mo!" "Mo!" "Mo!"

The fans on the sidelines also cheered Mo Wen desperately.

It is still the Lakers' possession to come back from the timeout.

The Zen master was afraid that Paul was too young to be stable, so he didn't replace him. Kobe held the ball and kept cruising around to delay time.

Mo Wen tried several times to steal but failed. He didn't start dribbling the ball until there were 5 seconds left in the round, and finally watched the time clock to make a shot.

In order to avoid Mo Wen's steals and blocks, the completion of this ball was not high.

A bunch of people rushed towards the basket like crazy, and it had to be Ao Pang who picked up the rebound with his bigger body.

Kobe stuck in front of Mo Wen trying to prevent Mo Wen from receiving the ball.

Ao Pang also understood very well, he didn't pass the ball directly to Mo Wen, but distributed it to Wade next to him, and smashed the ball to Mo Wen's side.

The pass was a bit strong, Mo Wen ran and fought, and finally caught the basketball before it went out of bounds.

Shaking Kobe, who was baring his teeth, with a feint, Mo Wen turned around and found a space to escape from the other side.

However, the rest of the Lakers also fought hard to defend.

As soon as Mo Wen and Kobe got tangled up to the basket, Lakers players appeared on both sides.

Mo Wen, who was used to playing key shots, didn't panic.

They danced before the encirclement formed.

In the true and false movements, Mo Wen really found a gap.

After confronting for a while, pushing away the annoyed (scratched) Kobe, Mo Wen raised his hand unpretentiously to pick the basket, and sent the basketball to the basket.

The basketball entered the frame, and Mo Wen aggressively pushed away the left and right Lakers players and appeared in the camera.

He didn't do anything to celebrate. He put his index finger by his mouth with one hand, made a downward movement with the other hand, and pointed to the timer.

29 seconds left.

It is amazing that the audience at the scene cooperated with Mo Wen and suppressed the excitement and excitement in their throats.

Mo Wen's confidence at this moment made them want to believe it.

And the Lakers players who also witnessed all this felt shrouded in an unspeakable fear.

Why can't they stop Mo Wen after they have reached that level?

Zen Master did not call timeout again, he chose to hand over the game to Kobe.

Kobe was the only Lakers player who still had unwillingness and anger written on his face on the court.

Come back, Kobe is still delaying time with the ball.

But this time the Heat chose to flank and force Kobe to score the ball.

It is very moral for the Heat not to foul Kobe now.

Think about the later successors of the Mamba, for the sake of the record, they didn't blush when they fell behind.

Facing the siege of three people, Kobe held on for a few more seconds before sending the ball out.

In just a few short rounds, the madman lost the arrogance he had just now.

Seeing a Heat player running towards him, he was like a frightened bird, frantically pulling the ball and running to the side.

There seemed to be a walk in the middle, but the referee hesitated and didn't blow.

Seeing this, Stern in front of the TV smashed the table.

What kind of virgin are you pretending to be at this time, let Mo go to the record!
This is the Christmas game that the whole United States is paying attention to. If we can set a record at this time, the NBA's heat meter will explode!
This hot potato was dumped to Odom.

The Heat players surrounded him from both sides.

Feeling full of people in all directions, Odom also panicked, not knowing where to pass, so he threw the ball to the basket in a strange way.

Unexpectedly, the goal was scored.

But no one on the Lakers side showed a happy expression on their faces.

They gave the Heat... Mo Wen 10 seconds!
Before he had time to accuse Odom, Kobe quickly returned to defense with cursing.

But this time, someone finally remembered Mo Wen's ultra-long three-pointer.

After halftime, Kobe ran up to Mo Wen, but Mo Wen didn't get the ball.

Taking the ball at this time is too easy to be targeted.

After halftime, the Heat players consciously set up a cover for Mo Wen.

The Lakers' pursuit is also very tenacious.

The five people on the court ignored others and just stared at Mo Wen.

It felt like they wanted to hold hands and form a human wall to isolate Mo Wen in the stadium.

Of course, the specifics are not that exaggerated. Except for Kobe, other people don't have that much anger and fighting spirit in their hearts.

"Mo is running, he is still running, trying to find a suitable catch and shoot opportunity!"

"Kobe and Latrell are chasing and surrounding him. They won't let themselves be the background board so easily!"

"Mo received the ball behind O'Neal, and no one can interfere with him except O'Neal in front of him!"

"It's a hit! Kobe couldn't block it, and under the cover of O'Neal, Mo Wen made a mid-range shot that represented a miracle!"

"After a lapse of 23 years, a new layer has finally been extended on the dusty gods. After scoring 34 points in a single quarter and breaking the assist record in the finals, Mo Wen left his name in the long river of NBA history. !"

"Let's shout his name! More—WIN!!"

Mo Wen opened his arms, making the appearance of the angel in the church waving the holy light.

O'Neal, who was also excited, took off his jersey. What made him a little dazed was that it was no longer his No. 34 jersey, but No. 32 jersey.


At this moment, a No. 2 jersey appeared in his hand in due course.

"Here, let's hang it up for him!" Payton took his No. 2 jersey, and Ao Pang's No. 32 jersey hung on Mo Wen's left and right arms like flags.

But they still didn't feel satisfied, so they bent down and lifted Mo Wen up.

The fans on the sidelines were all standing in their seats. In this atmosphere, no one could sit still.


The emotion that Mo Wen had made them suspend just now was like a spring that had been pressed down, bursting out even more violently at this moment.

They witnessed the birth of the miracle and even had an "interaction".

This gave them a strong sense of substitution.

Today's ticket is only twice as expensive, and the boss of the Heat is crying!

34 points in a single quarter.

Although the game is not over in name, it is actually over.

Kobe beat his depressed chest and looked weakly at the celebrating Heat.

He also has 40 points now.

There is definitely a chance for Ao Pang to see him score 50 points with his own eyes tonight.

As long as he can score 50 points, no matter whether he wins or loses, it is equivalent to him winning O'Pang.

But now, all of these are meaningless.

His scoring 50 points would at best be a footnote to Mo Wen's miracle.

Winning can reverse everything.

But look at the 17-point difference, and his listless teammates, and Mo Wen, who replaced him on Ao Pang.

It's tiring, but I have to try.

After a brief celebration, the fourth quarter arrived as scheduled.

What everyone didn't expect was that Kobe was still trying to lead the team forward when everyone else was discouraged.

He is still so passionate, fighting for every ball with all his strength.

Even if it is garbage time scoring, the mental state of different people is different.

Some people can give you a feeling that he really wants to fight again, while some people make you feel that he is purely for the data sheet.

The difference is not a subjective double standard, but an objective contribution on the defensive end.

Being behind, it is nothing to be willing to pay on the offensive end, but willing to be like a role player and maintain aggression on the defensive end, that is the real desire to win.

Mo Wen didn't let himself go because of the lead of more than ten points. His rich experience of being overturned made him always respect these top scorers.

Kobe wanted to persevere, and Mo Wen stayed with him all the time.

At the end of the quarter, Mo Wen and Kobe played for another 7 minutes. They both scored 50 points before hugging and leaving the game.

(Wade: So you guys really aren't spamming each other honestly during garbage time?)
After the game, O'Pang originally wanted to have a touching scene of "forgiveness and reconciliation" with Kobe.

But Kobe saw the two jerseys in Ao Pang's hands from a distance, and hurriedly left with a dark face without looking back.

He hated 34, then, and today.

 It's not easy to open the chapter even later.

  Set yourself a goal that is destined to be sprayed by you, it can be regarded as a motivation for yourself, update at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning...

(End of this chapter)

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