basketball never sleeps

Chapter 198 134:76

Chapter 198 134:76 (6.5K)

"It was finally refreshed after 23 years, with 34 points in a single quarter.The shooting frenzy staged by China Mo! "

"125:107!Christmas Eve Biao points battle! "

"One person against one team, the assist king showed amazing scoring explosive power, where is his limit? "

"The Lakers player bluntly said that matchup defense is like a nightmare, and he was beaten until he wanted to retire! "

"Mo Wen: Three-point shooting is not a preference, but a choice. "

34 points in a single quarter, 52 points in the game.

Not surprisingly, Mo Wen once again became the darling of major North American sports media.

34 points is not a particularly high score. Iverson, who carried alone in the 76ers, is now averaging close to this number.

But you want to say that you get these scores in a single section?

Hey, Area 51, there is an alien here, why don't you take it away and study it?
The photos of Mo Wen with the jerseys of Ao Pang and Payton hanging on his arms appeared on the covers of major sports media.

The wonderful combination of numbers in this picture can also be found at the mathematics level of Mei Guoren Primary School.

Mo Wen's jersey number 66, plus the jersey numbers of the two, add up to exactly 100.

After enchanting mathematics, this photo is even more classic.

It's a pity that both O'Pang and Payton were a little paddling in this game.

Their jerseys are purely just pendants.

Wade, who got 30+ triple-doubles as he wished, bought 10 different newspapers, but only found a photo of his face in the local Sentinel in Miami.

In other newspapers, there are basically pictures of Mo Wen, Kobe, and O'Neill arranged and combined.

Payton, who lifted Mo Wen up with Ao Pang, had a higher appearance rate than him.

Wade is very sorry, why is his back number 3?

No, why did Mo Wen only get 34 points?

If Mo Wen gets one more point, his No. 3 jersey will come in handy.

The jersey numbers of the three add up [101] although it is not as perfect as 100.

But after thinking about it, there is also a special charm-the combination of the Heat's macho 101, it seems to be more eye-catching than the Big Three of the Heat?
If Wade's boredom comes from "desire and dissatisfaction", Kobe, who scored 51 points in vain, simply felt the malice of the media.

This is the second time he scored 50+ this season, and it was scored when the overall strength of the Lakers was obviously on the weak side.

But the media's evaluation of him is far less than that of Mo Wen.

One is because he got too many free throws. Only 52 of Mo Wen's 7 points came from free throws, while 51 of his 20 points came from free throws.

The other is that Mo Wen has far more assists than him.

Mo Wen had 13 assists, while he had only 3.

Without comparison, Kobe's performance is absolutely outstanding, but with Mo Wen as a comparison, people even feel that his performance is not as good as that of O'Pang who only scored 18 points.

This kind of mood - family members, who understands?

The most annoying thing is that two days later, the "unscrupulous third-rate media" Fox Sports made two more lists-the top ten "worst teammates" and the top ten "worst teammates" of the North American professional sports league (the four major North American balls). Most Popular Teammate”

His name, Bryant, is "honoured" to appear on the "Worst Teammate" list, and he also holds the first place.

[He is a good player, a good scorer, but not a good teammate. 】

The NBA has a total of 3 people on the list, and the other two are their team's "Butter Hunter" Kwame Brown, and the other is Baiqiao Jason Williams, who is still waiting for the Grizzlies.

And Mo Wen, as expected, appeared on the "Most Popular Teammate" list.

With 34 points in a single quarter, no one questioned Mo Wen's ability to score points. People felt that Mo Wen's low scoring data was mainly due to the sacrifices and compromises made by the team.

Although Mo Wen had 52 points and 13 assists, and almost intervened in every offense of the Heat when he was on the court, people still felt that Mo Wen was selfless.

The person in charge of media public relations in the "Team Mo" smoked 8 packs of cigarettes in two days. He couldn't figure out how Mo Wen's reputation had developed to what it is today.

The blind date in the morning, and the baby in the afternoon, this job...was a waste of his life!
Faced with another explosion of popularity, Mo Wen has already adapted, and his life has not changed much.

It was the group of flies lingering around him that became more and more active.

It's different from other famous players.

Neither Mo Wen's physical nor emotional destination has been publicly determined.

This gives the media a lot of room for imagination and fabrication.

And the group of reporters and paparazzi always want to shoot some serious news.

Almost everywhere Mo Wen went, there were three or four cameras watching in bright or dark.

The Heat played the Warriors away, and there was a three-day break after the game. Mo Wen took the time to go to Sacramento to see Little Catherine.

Then the next day, news spread in the newspapers that Mo Wen intended to join the Kings.

The Heat played the Clippers away in Los Angeles, and Mo Wen just politely greeted Sharapova who had been calling his name on the sidelines. The next day's newspaper front page reported the scandal of the two having a night party.

He and Ao Pang went to listen to a "Black Scarlett" Alicia's concert together. After the concert, he, Ao Pang and Alicia took a photo together. As a result, Ao Pang was so big. I ignored it, I don't know which media, and directly compiled a 2000-word essay on the relationship between Mo Wen and Alicia...

To be honest, for the sake of Alicia's pretty looks, Mo Wen did exchange phone calls with her.

But the two of them only exchanged a few words back and forth, the Hollywood world is open and open, it really can't be so casual.

Mo Wen can still understand this kind of scandal caused by contact. There are also some small stars in the third and fourth tiers of the United States who have never met or communicated with Mo Wen. They publish some [ovulation literature] in front of the media, and they are " Thousands of miles of marriage is connected by a thread", Mo Wen really can't understand.

This is of course to be blamed on little Catherine. She and Mo Wen already have a "two-box" relationship, and the outside world can basically guess the relationship between the two, but little Catherine just feels too much pressure and has been reluctant to share the relationship between the two. The relationship is open.

Mo Wen showed her his ever-growing address book, but she didn't care, the main thing was trust... The main reason was that she was not by Mo Wen's side, and the only thing she could do besides trust was to break up.

It is impossible to break up. Let alone the relationship between Mo Wen and her who is still in love, the little girl Christina (sister) is still watching.

Every time Mo Wen came, that little girl was more attentive than she was in dressing up, and that brother-in-law who was so coquettish and coquettish, showed no respect, and was all temptation.

She didn't notice it at first, but after a few people went out to play, Christina didn't hold her sister's arm, but ran to the other side of Mo Wen, and she suddenly realized that her sister had also arrived to have a boyfriend old.

She recalled the last time Mo Wen watched a small movie with three of them together, and she found that she really couldn't stand it on her own...

Calculated, Christina is also 16 years old. After two years, maybe I won't have to work so hard, right?
Ah bah bah bah——!

After the Christmas-New Year's week, the results of the second round of voting for the All-Stars came out.

Stern looked at the counted votes and lost himself in thought again.

He notified the top management to hold a meeting to discuss the delineation of overseas ballots.

Mo Wen once again raised the upper limit of the All-Star votes.

Dayao has once again undoubtedly secured the position of the starting center of the Western Conference All-Stars.

This is not a big problem. Mo Wen's performance and statistics are worthy of being the top voter. Western Dayao is also far ahead in the center position in terms of statistics, and has no competitors.

The question is, how did Wang Zhizhi get involved?
Because of Webber's departure, the Kings team that Big Zhi joined had a vacancy in the power forward position. Peja was unwilling to play the [-]th position all the time to do the dirty work of grabbing the board. Adelman swept around and only studied in the Heat. The one-year-old Dazhi barely has this ability.

Although Dazhi is still weak because of his body, Kongyou has no "internal strength" to support his martial arts, so he can't perform it most of the time.

But after going through a lot of tossing and experiencing a wave of championship road with the Heat, he has made great progress in his attitude and confrontation skills.

He can cover the fourth position below the star level.

Da Zhi has a good golf IQ, and after being under the influence of coach Mo Wen for another season, he quickly adapted to the complicated Princeton.

On the defensive end, he can get in position and grab rebounds, and on the offensive end, he can make transitions and make long-range shots. In addition to his physical strength and low-post offense and defense, he is almost meaningless. He is really suitable for the current Kings, and the starting position also allows him to sit firmly.

After two months, Da Zhi averaged 29 minutes per game, scored 13 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists. He was nicknamed Dongfang Weber.

With the removal of the ban, and the addition of Xia Dazhi leading the Chinese team to win the Asian Championships, his popularity in the country has returned to what it was when nothing happened three years ago.

Stern also added Dazhi to the All-Star candidate list on a whim.

But after the two rounds of voting ended, Big Zhi's votes actually ranked fourth among the Western forwards!

In case the Chinese fans get excited and put Big Zhi in the starting lineup, it will be a lot of fun. The western forwards are already fierce, and if there is another "traffic star", will the powerful faction still have fun?

Entering January, the Heat's western tour after the Christmas War has also come to an end.

Warriors, Timberwolves, Clippers, Trail Blazers...

The Heat bleed all the way.

Mo Wen also killed blood rolling all the way.

Cough cough, don't get it wrong, the damage caused by Mo Wen here is mainly aimed at the owners of the various teams.

A champion core superstar who is about to become a free man really hit the hearts of the fans and owners of each team.

For the sake of team unity and taking care of his teammates, Mo Wen has said many times that he will not contact any team before the end of the season.

But that doesn't mean those bosses can bear it.

Everyone is in business, and everyone knows the truth that if you want to make money, you can't follow the rules.

Mo Wen abides by the principle here, no matter whether it is a player appointment or an appointment with the boss, it is all oil and salt. Human also knows what Mo Wen thinks, and he does not hold back, and he is full of official talk and business.

In fact, it’s okay if everyone keeps silent, or just expresses their opinions in private.

But someone rolled up first.

Baylor faced the risk of a fine and publicly expressed his appreciation and welcome to Mo Wen. At first, everyone laughed at him for not making much money as a manager. After paying, everyone recollected it.

Even Sterling has begun to show "financial resources", how can they lag behind?

If you don't want to pay a fine for a "male god", you still have the nerve to say that you love a "male god?"

If everyone rolls it up, that roll is meaningless.

But as long as there is one person who does not roll, that person is doomed to be out!

The alliance did not expect that the growth point of the alliance's non-operating income this year would come from Mo Wen.

Of course, this is just a joke. This kind of fine of 1 to [-] is really not much money.

At the beginning of the season, Xiao Fan was fined 10 knives by the league for taking the team to a casino to play in a diversion. This is a windfall.

The Heat stumbled all the way and pushed their winning streak to 11 consecutive victories.

It's a pity that they still left the final head in Phoenix.

It was back to back again, O'Pang took his daily breaks, and Wade's old problem of migraines also happened again, so he directly hung up the water dispenser.

However, without them, the Heat's lineup still looks better than the Suns.

But it just looks better than the sun.

Mo Wen played against Nash the whole time, and his offensive and defensive presence was full, but he couldn't hold back his teammates and collapsed.

Finley couldn't crush an old teammate Nash, and Marion and Diaw, the short and stocky strikers, were in much better condition than Walker and Haslem.

Payton, who came off the bench, was beaten by the speedy little Barbosa every day.

Mo Wen got another 40+ triple-double, but facing Walker's 14-for-3, 6-for-0 three-pointers, and Finley's ruthless backstabs of 11-for-3, he could only look at the basket and sigh.

Basketball is a team game, and God has to cooperate with the team to play.

After playing the Suns, there will be another Nuggets game before going back.

Anthony, who was silent at first, saw the fatigue of the Heat, and jumped out with a snap.

Directly release harsh words, let the Heat see the scenery of Denver and taste the taste of losing streak.

After hearing the news, George Karl said hello three times!He spoke out overnight to support his players.

As early as when he was coaching Anthony, he discovered that this kid was another "big dog" (Glenn Robinson), but it was different from the NBA civil servant who would clock in and go to get off work on weekdays. Melon's self-awareness and competitive awareness Significantly stronger.

Especially when meeting star players in the same class as him, his desire to win is obviously stronger.

In order to stimulate Anthony to improve, George Karl will also talk about other players in the 03 class from time to time.

The seemingly naive operation really worked.

Anthony's scoring average has also risen from 20 points last year to 27 points this year.

It's just that people seem to be a little dazed.

I heard from other players that he would call LeBron when he was dunking, Dwyane when he was laying up, Moe when he was shooting, and Chris when he was rebounding...

And this symptom was greatly aggravated after a NBC rearrangement of the 03 draft program a month ago.

Old Karl is quite pleased to be in this state.

After all, after coaching Sean Kemp and Glenn Robinson, he attaches great importance to the players' fighting spirit.

He didn't want to train another giant baby who was satisfied with a full meal.

To be a master player is to have fighting spirit, drive, and eat meat!

They should not have read the news carefully.

Migraines get better in one to three days even without medication.

And Ao Pang is just taking a rotation, not really absent due to injury.

Although it is not the first time that the winning streak has been interrupted, Heat players will still be annoyed by losing.

In fact, everyone has psychological construction when they rest O'Pang and DNP Wade, but they still feel regretful if they really lose.

Because the Heat lost not only the "ordinary" 11-game winning streak, but also the hope of sprinting the NBA's largest winning streak.

When the schedule is halfway through, it is almost impossible to sprint for 33 consecutive victories.

The Heat have gone so smoothly along the way, it is rare to have negative emotions.

Anthony jumping out at this time is tantamount to holding a lightning rod on a rainy day.

On January 1, the Heat played against the Denver Nuggets.

Before the game, Wade put on anti-glare glasses to prevent migraines, and took the initiative to find Mo Wen, hoping to play a dozen more.

Mo Wen readily agreed.

Migraine is a closely related mental and psychological condition, usually triggered by a series of stressful life events.

Wade's migraines are related to a tragic childhood experience.

Started as a single-parent family, his mother was a drug addict, and Wade used drug trafficking when he was just sensible. Once Fobo checked the water meter, and the scene of his mother being violently arrested became a psychological shadow for his life, as well as the root cause of migraine.

This disease is usually linked to depression. A mentally tough person like Wade will not be depressed, but he definitely needs to vent.

Ao Pang also approached Mo Wen and said bluntly that he must play well.

After losing the game, many people were criticizing O'Pang for delaying the Heat's winning streak.

Coupled with the further decline in Ao Pang's data this year, the voice of that little beast that he can't compare to Magic has appeared recently.

Mo Wen also has nothing to do.

Ao Pang has been paddling, it's time to shine his paws.

The Nuggets' starting center Camby is indeed a good prestige target.

Watching the full lineup, the energetic Heat players, Anthony and George Karl realized that they were sloppy.

But, the big deal is losing, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

And they may not necessarily lose.

The Nuggets are also a speed team. What the Suns and Pistons can do, they may not be able to.

O'Pan won his 6th opening jumper of the season.

Mo Wen didn't waste this good opportunity. He wasted one in the Nuggets' midfield at the beginning. Luckily, he went straight in.

The entire Nuggets team immediately went on alert because of Mo Wen's goal.

After half a season, it has become the consensus of all teams not to let Mo Wen, who has a good touch, raise his hand from the outside.

Just like the protagonist in a horror movie, those who don't believe in evil will basically die.

They put a lot of "spotting eyes" around Mowen

Four minutes into the game, Karl called a timeout.

Pointing to the scoreboard where the Heat had reached double digits and the Nuggets were still at zero, he roared at the players on the field.

"Want to sleep, get down and sleep, what kind of shit are you hitting!"

His roar woke up the Nuggets players.

After another 4 minutes, seeing the 15-point difference, Karl Sr. was forced to call timeout again.

This... How the hell is it going to be beaten in half a quarter?

George Karl didn't take the lead, changed players, changed formations, and changed his style of play.

At the end of the first quarter, the Pepsi Center Arena was as quiet as a training hall.

The Rocky Lion, the mascot of the Nuggets, deliberately fell down while performing hip-hop and pretended to be an idiot in order to warm up the scene, but there was no feedback from the sidelines, as if it was a real idiot.

38: 18.

It's hard to imagine that this is the difference in the first quarter.

Anthony, who was radiant in front of the camera before, is like serving a 300-jin rich woman at the moment.

Head drooping, walking step by step.

No matter how much garbage time was drawn, the first half could not be counted, and they were afraid that they would not have playing time in the second half. The Big Three played hard for 7 minutes in the second quarter before they had to end.

In the end, because the score has been stretched to 30 points by them.

The Big Three of the Heat have begun to release water, reduce their defensive intensity, and even intentionally stop chasing fast breaks.

But Camby can dunk empty baskets, and they can't help it.

Da Fan, who felt a little too much, put the second team up.

Payton, Finley, Walker, Doriak, Mourning

Because they played so badly in the last game, Finley and Walker were arranged by Da Fan to play off the bench today, and they are only playing now.

Da Fan also felt a bit bullying, but the 12-man roster, excluding the starting 5, was really not many people.

Moreover, they can't really treat them as leftovers arranged randomly for the sake of the champion's salary reduction, and they still have to guarantee their playing time.

These old guys who played also wanted to keep their hands, but it was still the same sentence - you can't even give up points for the sake of conscience.

What's more, they have a clear conscience.

You can't celebrate when you score a goal, do you know how painful it is?

Payton shut up, Finley stopped punching, Walker stopped twisting his hips, they all paid a huge price to take care of the feelings of the home fans, the kind that can't be cured by not ordering two girls at night.

Halftime Heat 69:36 Nuggets
As players from both sides walked into the player tunnel, the fans booed loudly.

Back in the second half, the two teams were booed as usual.

But it was much smaller than before.

Because many loyal home fans couldn't bear the anger and chose to leave.

Under George Karl's chicken soup and whip, the Nuggets finally cheered up.

They still have a chance!

There is still a chance to narrow the point difference to less than 20 points.

Treatment cannot be given up.

In the first half of the third quarter, they succeeded.

Because the Heat put all the rookies who can be on it.

Dorrell White, who was reimbursed last year, and Taft, the thug recruited this year, all played.

The Nuggets players were hungry and pressed the two to withdraw money, which was very successful, and the score was close to 30 points.

Da Fan couldn't bear his children to be tortured like this, so he replaced them again.

Walker and Finley played again.

Started to widen the gap again.

No, change Haslem and Rasul.

Rasul has a contract year this year, so he won't treat garbage time as leisure time.

And Haslem just won a big contract and it happened to be a positive time.

The Nuggets worked hard for a whole quarter, and they saw a 45-point difference.

Old Carl was on the sidelines, and he never stopped talking.If you put potted flowers in front of him, the flowers will die from waterlogging.

But it was useless.


The Heat put two rookies on it again.

"Don't have a psychological burden, just hit whatever you want."

Da Fan really had no choice.

It is impossible for him to let the players act and release water clearly.

That will definitely be fined by the league, or even suspended.

He doesn't arrange tactics anymore, he puts players on and plays casually.

You can't blame me anymore, can you?

But what Da Fan didn't expect was that the two rookies in a relaxed state did not have the rigidity at the beginning, but were very active on the field because of their abundant physical strength.

The coach will be scruples for the sake of the overall situation, but the players will not.

Although the two tigers didn't perform supernaturally, they were positive, and the Nuggets' forward attack was restrained by them.

At the end, there were still 70 seconds left, but no one was playing anymore.

Heat 134:76 Nuggets.

Looking at the few fans left on the sidelines, Melon felt lucky that there were few fans for the first time.

Looking at Mo Wen and Wade, who spread their hands in apology, Melon gave them a strong smile, then bowed their heads without saying hello, turned and walked to the locker room.

He is going to see how many rounds of bullets are left in the m1911 he put in the locker room!
It was night, and the Heat, who had done bad things, didn't dare to stay for a long time, and ran away overnight with the plane on their shoulders.

Anthony, on the other hand, got drunk in the bar.

In a drunken dream, he killed a basketball in one hand and an m1911 in the other hand from Miami all the way north to Cleveland, bleeding like a river...

 Sure enough, I am a waste, but it seems that the daily update has been completed?

(End of this chapter)

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