basketball never sleeps

Chapter 199 Dream and No Dream

Chapter 199 Dream and No Dream
In the noisy Toyota Center arena, a black guy who doesn't look young is holding the trophy that symbolizes the All-Star MVP in the center of the stadium, accepting the worship of the media and fans.

His hard work in the first half won applause from the audience; in the third quarter, he commanded the team well and led the team out of the quagmire of 21 points behind; Ma's passionate collision, at the moment of the team's life and death, he successfully interfered twice, blocked McGrady's desperate shot, and maintained the 2-point lead to the end.

In the end, under his leadership, the Eastern team defeated the significantly better Western team. His 32+30+6 performance in 3 minutes of playing also brought him the first MVP trophy in his career.

"In the game, I just want to go all out, desperately shooting, attacking the basket, fighting for rebounds. I played all my abilities. As for the 'MVP', I don't care, I just want to win the game"

"I am very surprised to be able to win the AMVP at the age of 21. I would like to thank my teammates. They worked hard with me and won the final victory for us. We were able to win by one point when we were 21 points behind. Recovering one point and finally completing the comeback, this is definitely the most memorable game I have ever experienced!"

"Personal honor doesn't mean everything to me. In my opinion, if the team can succeed, personal glory will naturally follow. Today's team success and personal honor are double happiness. I have made a lot of money!"

In front of the camera, he was full of smiles and talked freely, and the tattoo of "The Chosen One" under the jersey seemed to be shining brightly, reflecting his image even more great.

The ribbons floating down from the sky seemed to be the holy light from heaven, crowning him with music.

Everything that is beautiful doesn't seem real.

The camera of the temporary interview was removed, and before leaving the field, James found the players on both sides and began to hug one by one.

The smile never disappeared from his face.


The last three are left...

Wade: "Sorry, James, I hope this trophy can make you feel better."

Mo Wen: "Let's let the past go, and we have to look forward to the future. Well, don't you feel great now?"

O'Neill: "Come on, the future is yours."

The smile disappeared from his face, and some painful memory seemed to break through the seal and resurfaced in his mind. He didn't want to recall it, but he was subconsciously thinking about what it was.

"Good job, Mr. 58 points!"

"You know how to work hard this time, why did you get scored 58 points back then?"

"It's amazing, the subjugated king with 58 points actually stood up again!"

The fans on the sidelines forced the horn with both hands to shout "confession" to him, but the words were full of sarcasm.

A kind of sadness and anger surged from the bottom of his heart, and the sound of 58 was like a match in the dark, igniting the last layer of fig leaf in his dark heart.

No, labor and management don't have 58, go to your 58!

With hysterical roars and exaggerated movements of his teeth and claws, the scene in front of him dissipated like flowing clouds.

The hustle and bustle of the All-Star is gone, and everything has returned to his familiar arena.

The feeling of suffocation and dead silence filled his brain again.

The head wrapped in the towel was still dripping with sweat.

The fuzzy angles of the teammates could be vaguely heard in the chaotic footsteps on the field.

Raising his head in a daze, the score difference on the big screen was dazzling and desperate.

58 point?
How on earth is this done? !

What frightened him even more was that the game was not over yet.

He looked to the sidelines, and the tears of the fans gathered into streams, flowing along the steps from the stands to the stadium.

Some seats are empty, others are slumped like soggy tacos, others have been turned into skeletons, still holding their heads in disbelief.

His strong and healthy body seemed to have been drained of all energy, like a scrapped old car, he could only stay where he was, feeling all this with ashes in his heart.

Exhausting his last bit of strength, he fixed his head on the position where he looked up at the score difference. Looking at the beating numbers, the despair in his heart became more and more intense.

Finally, the referee blew his whistle, and the despair in his heart was maximized at this moment.

His shrewd mind calculated the terrible difference in a few seconds.

No, no, no... no~~~!

Lost strength surged from his limbs again.

NO! ! !

In a mansion somewhere in Cleveland, on a custom-made big bed, the burly male owner clutched the sheet tightly, almost exhausted his whole body strength, and roared angrily.

The crow flapped its wings outside the window and flew away. The hostess on the bed also screamed in shock. On the children's bed not far away, the one-year-old baby was also awakened by the roar, and burst into tears in confusion.

In a panic, the hostess turned on the light in the bedroom.

The dazzling light made James see the familiar and relaxing ceiling again.

In a few breaths, everything seemed to be calm again.

The screams of the men and women stopped, leaving only the cries of the children on the other side.

"Honey, what's going on?"

Seeing that there was no danger or accident around, the hostess breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned and looked at the man.

Shaking his head and looking at all the familiar things, James panted hard while recalling all the things in his mind just now.

"A nightmare."

He wiped the sweat off his brow, then patted his face vigorously with both hands.

The pain made him very relieved.

It was so real, he couldn't tell the difference, really couldn't tell the difference...

The woman who got the answer didn't ask any more questions, but comforted the child on the other side.

Still in a daze, James picked up the clock on the bedside table—three o'clock in the morning.

He lay back on the bed, and the uneasiness in his sleep surged up again.

Pick up your phone.

A missed text message was sent exactly 5 minutes ago.

When I opened it, it was Melon's apology.

[Sorry, brother, I was drunk just now, I vaguely remember what I said to you badly, that was not my intention, I hope you can understand, next time I come to Denver, I will buy you a drink, and I will apologize to you... ...]

Patting his head, James finally remembered where his anxiety came from.

After watching the game, he figured out the time to call and wanted to comfort Anthony, but he didn't want Anthony, who had drunk a lot of horse urine, to show him his true feelings, a set of "Fuck Squid, James" x20, Give him the whole thing directly, thinking that he made some mistake.

In the follow-up, under James' guidance, Anthony's sanity finally returned for 3 minutes.

Just 3 minutes of communication is like James seeing Anthony's broken heart.

As the sufferer who was also slaughtered by the Heat for [-] or [-] points, James can fully understand Anthony's feelings and empathize with him.

Therefore, even if he was accidentally injured by Anthony just now, James didn't take it to heart.

Lying on the bed for a while, the feeling of uneasiness still lingers.


Because the Heat's next opponent is them!

Although it was more than half of the United States away from Anthony, the smashed juice from the "melon" still splashed on his face.

In this state of the Heat, the pressure on the Cavaliers is not so great.

Although the Nuggets are still pulling this year, they are also a team that has steadily entered the playoffs in the Eastern Conference.

Think about it, the Heat all came off the bench in the end, and they still beat them by 58 points.

Beast, beast, devil!

The Cavaliers have already played against the Heat this season, but that game caught up with Ridley and lacked an outside main attacker. James could only barely hold on for half the game before being forced to surrender.

Although Reid is back now, if the Heat can still have this state...

Thinking about it, James felt that the originally soft spring bed was covered with needles, and he couldn't lie on it anymore.

After saying sorry to his wife, he packed his sports bag and drove to the arena in the cold wind.

To his surprise, the lights in the arena were still on.

The slightly warm training hall has already exposed that the person should have been here for some time.

"Hey, why are you here? Sure enough, you couldn't fall asleep after watching the game, LeBron?"

Reed, who was covered with fine beads of sweat, came over and hugged James.

"I fell asleep and just had another nightmare."

James joked about what happened to him in his sleep, successfully making Reid laugh.

"It's really interesting, but I feel that you are a little bit too worried. Although we are not as good as the Heat, we will definitely not lose that much to them. James, don't underestimate yourself."

Reid wanted to relieve James' anxiety, but he forgot that he was obviously a lost lamb who couldn't sleep and came out to practice.

There is not so much hypocrisy and politeness in an arena with only two people.

James didn't think about saying the bright words during the day, so he just replied thank you.

In the deserted arena, the two looked at each other speechlessly, looked at each other, and smiled wryly together.

"Do you think we still have a chance this year, Michael?" James held the ball and stood outside the three-point line, practicing meaningless three-pointers.

Reed rubbed his red eyes from staying up late, looked up at the empty ceiling, and did not reply directly, but thought for a moment.

"If you have a chance, don't be intimidated by them. They are strong, but you are not weak. You are the most talented player in the league. As long as you develop your skills, no one will be your opponent."

"The Pistons and the Heat are both championship teams. They are both strong, but we are not weak either. Don't forget that the last team with two top ten scorers established a dynasty!"

Reed's self-confidence is not without reason. Just like OK complements each other, his and James' characteristics also complement each other.

Young Zhan is still at a stage where his playing depends entirely on his body, and technically he only has breakthroughs and points.

Rough is rough, but with talent here, it's a misplacement to hit anyone, and it's really not that easy to defend against.

His weakness is also obvious. If he leaves the basket, he can't guarantee his shooting rate at all, and he can't use mid-range and three-pointers to punish the opponent's retreating defense.

As for Reid, his mid-range and long-range shots last season were more efficient than Kobe and Ray Allen. Three-pointers are not top-notch, but they are still top-notch.

His problem is that his ability to play the ball is too poor. He started as a scorer in the early stage of his career. In the year before he officially became the leader of the team, his teammates were Payton, Ray Allen and Cassel. The defender does not need him to work on the ball.

It is said that Kobe and Iverson are alone, but in fact Kobe and Iverson both have good ability to play the ball, and their teammates almost have no choice. Reed, as the core of the outside line, averaged 6+ points per game in 20 seasons, but Only one season with more than 3 assists, he can be regarded as one of the players who will least use his scoring influence.

As far as the division of labor is concerned, there are two people, one inside and one outside, one breaks through and radiates the whole team, and the other outside catches and shoots or makes a forced solution.

Plus a [Love without a three-point version] Big Z.

This lineup combination, at this point in time, can no longer be reasonable.

Up to now, they are only 1 game behind the Pistons, who were first in the league in time and space, and are now second in the league. They have fully demonstrated their dominance.

Before the start of the season, when Mo Wen saw the Cavaliers lineup, he thought that this year's Eastern Conference Finals might be due to a match against Young Zhan.

In the original time and space, Larisius only played 3 rounds due to injuries in the Eastern Conference semifinals, and the young Zhan, who was still at the level of his nephew, fought with the Pistons until the tiebreaker.

Now Hughes has been replaced by Reed, who has a better relationship with Ajan. Even if the Pistons have some more role players because of him, it is difficult to say that they can please Ajan.

It's just that the failure experience of falling in front of the playoffs in the past two years made Azhan's self-confidence still in a state of compression.

Now he is not talking about comparing himself to the crown, he is very happy to be able to show in the second round.

"Last night, I called Carmelo, and he told me not to give the Heat a chance." Ajan did not accept Reed's expectations, and instead talked about the conversation with Anthony on the phone last night.

"Impossible. The Heat don't talk about those stars who hug their legs. We can't completely restrict the Big Three."

Reid is very good at defending himself. Although he is not small, his defensive ability and defensive habits are not good. Both Wade and Mo Wen can find breakthroughs from him. He wants to practice. But technology is not something that can be practiced in a day or two.

"No, he's not talking about defense." James shook his head, "He's talking about surrender. Surrender requires decisiveness and speed. If you see that the momentum is wrong, you must never give them a chance to score points..."

Reed: "..."


March 1, 16 am.

The buzzing phone woke up those who were still under the covers.

In a daze, Mo Wen crossed two mountain peaks to get the phone.

"You're late again, Mo, it's already 10 o'clock, are you planning to come after lunch?"

Listening to Da Fan's helpless voice on the other end of the phone, Mo Wen didn't have much emotional fluctuations, and even yawned.

"If I can, I plan to go after my nap, I'm running out of time, and it would be a shame if I don't use up the note that Riley gave me.

Besides, these two days happen to be Chinese New Year, and the biological clock of rest has been engraved in our genes, so we have to sleep in these two days. "

As he said that, Mo Wen still got up from the bed.

Thanks to the angle of the sun in the low-latitude area, although there is a small gap in the curtain, the sunlight reading bar stays in front of the bed very politely.

Kicking away the extremely poor quality stockings, Mo Wen began to look for clothes to cover his body.

"I really don't understand why you suddenly became so lazy. Come early in the afternoon. The coaching staff and management team have to discuss some signings. Riley also wants to hear your thoughts."

"Come on, it's good for everyone if I take a little bit of laziness. If you don't believe me, Riley didn't say anything. Wait for me to have lunch, and I'll be there in a while."

After hanging up the phone, Mo Wen patted Catherine's buttocks. He intended to get back the boxer pants that were under her body, but he didn't expect her to stagger the upper legs too sensiblely.

Inexplicably unlocked the chain mission.

An hour later, Mo Wen went downstairs with a slightly tired body and refreshed spirit, and enjoyed the breakfast he had arranged before.

It's another Spring Festival when I can't go home.

However, fortunately, he received a pretty good gift this Spring Festival——

[Signal Jammer Type I]: It can shield signals from unknown sources within 120 hours.

(Note 1: You can choose to stop forcibly during use, and the item will be scrapped immediately after stopping) (Note 2: Please use it with caution)

This is an item he brushed out in the recent [Hell Dungeon]. At first, he was a little confused, not knowing what this thing was for, and he didn't feel anything else when he tried it.

He thought his hard work was in vain, but the next morning, Mo Wen found out inconceivably that he didn't seem to have the copy memory of last night.

In other words, the copy space was temporarily blocked by him, and he regained his sleep for the first time!
Although the copy space has proved that sleep in a narrow sense is not a necessity for him, Mo Wen still wants to enjoy the happiness that ordinary people can enjoy.

The feeling of sleep and dreaming that he had lost for 2 years.

Pointless, waste of time, but... cool!

Every day when he closes his eyes is the game, and when he opens his eyes, it is basketball. Even if he has formed a habit, he still feels somewhat hopeless in his heart.

The emperor has three thousand beauties in the harem, so it's not like he has to flip his cards every day.

Gotta give Jill a break.

Becoming a pervert in the copy every day, learning to sit and forget, he is really afraid that one day he will confuse reality with the copy.

Although the duration of the props is only 5 days, and the explosion rate is not high according to the current situation, there is always something to look forward to, isn't it?
According to the refresh rate of the dungeon of hell and his current clearance rate of about [-]%, he can probably clear the level once or twice a month.

But this is not enough.

He still has to work hard to become stronger, try his best to pass the hell dungeon [-]%, and then get more blockers to get more vacations for himself!

But why does this routine sound so much like having to study hard to get out of school?


In the afternoon, as soon as he came to the door of the locker room, Mo Wen heard two howls coming from inside.

Through the crack of the door, Mo Wen clearly saw a nearly naked big black fat man wearing only a Japanese-style loincloth, pressing Wade under him in a non-standard wrestling posture.

Carrying the bag, closing eyes, turned and left.

He felt that it was necessary for him to ask Riley for a mental damage fee and an eye wash fee.

Ao Pang is a pervert, and he usually does some things like training in pants and socks. As a result, Riley recently hired a sumo teacher for Ao Pang in order to cooperate with the TV station to work on the program effect.

This is equivalent to giving Ao Pang a reasonable excuse to release his abnormal character-practicing sumo.

Ao Pang had a good time playing, but the rest of the Heat suffered a lot.

Think about a 300-pound naked man who will stick to you at every turn, press you down and rub you, push you against the base of the wall and spank you.

Not to mention the experience, when the onlookers watch from the sidelines, they can feel very shocked...

Even if you know he is straight, you will still think crooked.

Run to the second floor.

The meeting Da Fan talked about has been going on for a while.

Riley glanced at Mo Wen and thought about it, but he held back his anger.

He just threw a stack of player reports over and motioned for him to take a look.

It's nothing to look at, and these corners are mainly free agents who haven't found a job yet, or small roles who don't have much role in other teams.

The Heat's life is booming, but the life of other teams is not easy. The traffic is sucked away by the Heat. Generally, even if they have some ability, they can't let them go to the Heat.

Taking a step back, the only two rookies on the Heat's 12-man roster are Taft and White.

In fact, it would be great if the Heat can achieve a 10-man rotation. After all, their main focus is star tactics.

If there are too many players, the data of the stars will also be ugly.

After a symbolic consultation with Mo Wen, the Heat finally sent invitations to the three for trial training.

Vin Baker, Shandon Anderson and an undrafted pick, Gerald Fitch.

However, the four-time All-Star in the past, Wen Baker, who played with Payton in the Sonics before, has become a piece of waste out of control. Riley saw that he could not finish the physical fitness test, so he sent him home directly.

Shanton Anderson is not bad. Although his body has declined a lot, his shooting is not bad, and he was also a person who worked with the Jazz duo. He has experience in the finals and is very skilled in handling the ball. He may threaten White's position. .

Gerald Fitch signed him with the Heat to let him take the position of Lu's guidance, but unfortunately he only has speed and no confrontation, which is not suitable.

1 month 17 number.

The Heat, who had just slaughtered the Nuggets, came to Cleveland.

Cleveland fans are very worried about whether the Cavaliers will be turned upside down by the Heat.

Facts have proved that their concerns are not unreasonable.

O'Pang and Wade, who hadn't been able to refresh before, chose to continue to complete the unfinished feat in the last game.

In the first half, the two crazily rushed inside, smashing the Cavaliers' weak inside defense to pieces.

Only at the end of the first half, the combined score of the two exceeded 40 points.

A-Zhan also successfully "limited" Mo Wen's halftime scoring to 8 points through his hard work on defense. As for Mo Wen's 12 assists and the Heat leading the Cavaliers by 10 points, that doesn't matter.

Seriously, whoever checks the positive and negative value of Zhan Mi?

In the second half, Azhan finally made two whistles from Ao Pang through a desperate breakthrough.

But the Heat's offense did not degrade with O'Pang's departure.

On the contrary, the Heat's defense has improved a little because of the lack of O'Pang.

Ao Pang's stance at the basket is very restrained from Azhan's breakthrough, but Azhan's counterattack and fast break ability has been developed to a small degree, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in offensive and defensive matchups. It is still normal when the whistle is tightened. It is not easy for Mo Wen, who has a human structure, to defend against A-Zhan as before.

It may be that he discovered that the Heat are not as invincible and terrifying as imagined, and Ajan's follow-up performance is getting better and better.

However, this may also have something to do with the Heat gradually replacing the substitute after widening the point difference.

In the end, facing the Cavaliers with the third full team in the Eastern Conference, the Heat, who were in good shape, won the game with a "slight" advantage of 16 points.

It's really not that the Cavaliers are not strong, O'Pang and Wade are not fishing for the Heat, you pull the Nuggets over and do it again, maybe it will still be the same point difference.

(Anthony: Impossible, absolutely impossible, this time my gun is fully loaded!)
In the subsequent game in January, the Heat continued to maintain their form and played another wave of 1 consecutive victories.

It may be because the team has been going too well recently, and the restless Ao Pang organized another yacht party.

Don't think this kind of life is absurd. It is absurd that multimillionaires don't need to work hard for three meals, don't need to worry about work, don't have some fun, and devote all their energy to training every day.

Why do you say that your circle is chaotic, because you are free.

996 Fubao people have the lowest crime rate, because they have no energy to commit crimes other than work.

Mo Wen didn't get on the yacht that degraded human civilization, but he didn't pretend to be a saint either. He also successfully "befriended" the daughter of a rich friend of O'Neill at the party outside.

That rich man was quite famous later on. Last year he got married for the third time in Miami. Ao Pang spent a lot of money and gave him a Rolls Royce. Mo Wen also went to join in the fun.

Of course, Mo Wen's purpose was not so pure, or purely outrageous.

At that time, he was thinking of getting to know the eldest princess, but unfortunately, the fat baby princess didn't seem to like her stepmother very much, so she didn't come to the wedding.

This time it can be regarded as making up for regrets...

The rich man has always wanted an athlete son-in-law, because the rich man has always wanted to be an athlete, but although the big princess is not so stubborn about appearance, she also started with Joaquin Phoenix, and Christian The kind of Bell that is okay, the average athlete will definitely not be able to reach it.

There was definitely no problem with this standard for Mo Wen.

There were quite a few celebrities who came to the outfield party. Their fame, figure, appearance, and wealth reached Mo Wen's level. As long as he nodded, he could choose whatever he wanted from the top ten richest unmarried women in the world.

It wasn't that he was talking big, there were only four people at this party, and they all left him a phone number.

Mo Wen didn't want to go further with this long-legged princess, anyway, it was just for fun, the kind where the two didn't recognize each other when they left the room.

He still dares to be the son-in-law of T800. This one doesn't have much water, but the water is too deep.

The consequence of the relaxation of all members is a collective decline in the state.

At the end of January, the Heat lost another upset to the Mavericks, and almost lost to the Nets behind them.

Riley got angry, but it was useless. Ao Pang was small-minded but not stingy. Everyone did it, and Mourning was the only one who chose to return to the shore because of hardware reasons.

Winning the game against the Nets was the result of Mo Wen's [57] legend combined with this year's [58] miracle, which polluted their spirits for the entire game.

After the game, Carter and Kidd, who were furious, bluntly said they would break up with him.

No, after【57】do they still have friendship?

Oh, [57] After that, the Nets seemed to be swept by the Heat in the first round of the playoffs without O'Neal...


(End of this chapter)

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