Chang'an is good

Chapter 191 Okay, I Promised

The officer's words made Yao Yi's eyes change slightly, he nodded, and the officer withdrew.

There was an unexpected sound of surprise from the crowd of onlookers.

The young boy who questioned that Prince Rong's son might perjure himself just now frowned slightly.

Prince Rong's son didn't come?

Some people in the crowd began to whisper.

"Sick and unconscious?"

"Would this... be too much of a coincidence?"

"It's too coincidental to be someone else, but isn't Prince Rong's health always bad?"

Chang Suining looked at the officials in the majestic hall who were discussing in low voices because Prince Rong's son had not arrived.


The son of King Rong, who would have been so frightened to get sick when he saw her being attacked by a god in Dayun Temple before, traveled back and forth for many days during the autumn festival, and he also heard about the murder of his eldest grandson Seventh Lady, so he fell ill and fell into a coma. Reasonable.

The key witness hadn't arrived, and the trial was blocked. After the three divisions deliberated, the trial could only be postponed temporarily, waiting for Prince Rong's son to wake up.

Yao Yi ordered that Chang Suian be temporarily detained pending retrial.


The young man with the white silk around his wrist strode forward and questioned angrily: "The evidence is so overwhelming, why can't he be convicted? Just because he told a lie, the retrial will be postponed... Could it be that Rong The crown prince has not recovered, so the case will be shelved forever! Who knows if someone will try to exonerate him secretly while shelving it!"

Yao Yi looked at the young man, and said seriously: "This is the process of handling the case, please calm down, grandson Langjun."

This is the son of Changsun Yan sitting in the hall, the grandson of Zuo Xiang, Changsun Ji.

Although he is Chang Sun Xuan's nephew, but he is only a few years younger than Chang Sun Xuan, the two of them grew up together, they are sister-in-law, but they are no different from their own sisters.

Seeing Yao Yi, who has seen many sufferers lose his composure due to dissatisfaction with the progress of the case, he can understand the other party's overly verbal mood because of the loss of a loved one.

A 13-year-old boy is one of the most troublesome species in the world, not to mention that the other party has experienced such a sad thing for the first time.

Yao Yi could understand the young man, but the young man didn't buy it, and became even more angry for a moment: "I think it's clear that Yao Tingwei is using public favors for personal gain, deliberately covering up!"

Who doesn't know that Yao Tingwei has a close relationship with the Chang family now!

The young man's eyes were red, seeing Chang Suian being led out of the lobby by two yamen servants, he grabbed the inkstone held in the hands of the people beside him——

"My inkstone!" the literati exclaimed.

Chang Suian has practiced martial arts all year round and has a sense of danger, but two government officials restrained his arms, one on the left and the other on the right, so he could only turn his head to one side.

In other words, he didn't dare to dodge with big movements, otherwise the thing coming towards him would definitely hit the guard.

Chang Suian let the inkstone hit his head, he frowned in pain and took a step back, his right forehead was red, and the remaining ink from the unwashed inkstone splashed all over his face and body.

"You murderer give back my sister-in-law's life!"

Surprised and restless.

With ink stained into the corner of his eyes, Chang Sui'an's eyes turned red: "I'm not a murderer, I didn't kill anyone!"

"You still haven't pleaded guilty!" Changsun Ji gritted his teeth: "You guys who come from a rough and uneducated martial arts family are brutal in your bones and have no humanity at all!"

"Your father ruined all his achievements on the battlefield because of his bloodthirsty disobedience to military orders. Sure enough, you are also reckless, brutal and terrifying, and only know how to kill!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Chang Suian was aggrieved and angry, and was about to break free from the restraints of the two guards.

It's fine to wrong him, but you can't humiliate his father!

His father was injured all over his body, and now he is still leading troops outside to fight against the enemy!
"Aji!" The grandson Yan in the hall scolded after hearing the words, and finally stood up.

But in the chaos, the young man didn't hear his father's call to stop. Seeing that Chang Suian seemed to want to fight him, he immediately raised his fist to rush forward.


Someone tightly grasped his newly raised wrist, and at the same time, a girl's cold voice came into his ears.

The girl looked at Chang Sui'an, and when her eyes met, Chang Sui'an stopped struggling, and tears could no longer be controlled, gushing out of her eyes.

He shook his head at his sister - he did no harm!

Seeing the expression of the embarrassed young man covered in ink, Chang Suining felt a dull pain in his heart, and nodded with him—of course she knew.

Changsun Ji turned his head and recognized Chang Suining: "It's dare to come!"

"My elder brother and I are both innocent, why don't you dare come here." Chang Suining looked at him, "Not only me and elder brother, but also my Chang family is innocent and upright. My father is good at killing, but What he hit was a traitor with wolfish ambitions, and what he killed was a foreigner who had the heart to kill me and never die.

"The bloodthirsty person in your mouth is defending against the enemy with an old and disabled body at this time, but what are you doing? Contempt the law, indiscriminately hurt people, and use hearsay to tarnish Zhongliang? "

"You..." Changsun Ji's face turned red and white, and he tried to shake off Chang Suining's imprisonment, but he couldn't break free.

It wasn't until two of his followers stepped forward that the opponent loosened his wrist.

"Take care of your master." Chang Suining was talking to the two attendants, but his eyes turned to the young man beside him: "If you dare to bite people again, I will pull out his teeth."

She sees that the other party is the one who suffers. In this situation, it is understandable to be blindfolded by grief, so she doesn't care about it.

But she is sympathetic, not indebted.

She and her elder brother don't owe the eldest grandson's family anything, and they shouldn't bear each other's emotions without limit.

Changsun Ji was stopped by the servants at home, and the yamen servant also stepped forward to control the situation. When Chang Suian was about to be taken away, he suddenly turned his head and shouted anxiously: "Ning Ning!"

His eyes were full of tears, but at this moment he tried his best to hold back, and he suppressed all the grievances and sobs in his throat——

"Don't be afraid! The truth will be revealed soon!" He tried his best to sound confident enough.

Chang Sui Ning's heart felt astringent.

Silly brother, you have to turn around and comfort her at this time.

My elder brother has not been sharpened since he was young, and because he grew up in a rich and harmonious environment, he has nurtured a pure heart, but he doesn't know that there are countless unjust cases in this world.

"He said he didn't harm anyone, so why take him away! Xiao Suian won't lie, why are these people unreasonable! They only bully people!"

Ah Dian on the side said anxiously: "Little Ah Li, let's take Xiao Suian home! His face is dirty, let's take him home and wash him!"

As he said that, he was about to go forward and grab someone.

"Not yet." Chang Suining held his arm and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will take brother home."

"I'd like to see what methods you will use to help him deny his guilt!" Chang Sun Ji stared closely at the girl who spoke.

"The method I want to use is to find out the real culprit who killed Mrs. Changsun Seven." Chang Suining looked at him: "At that time, I will ask Mr. Changsun to apologize to my elder brother in public."

Changsun Ji paused every word and said: "If the murderer really is someone else, I will not only make an apology with him, but also prepare another generous gift to kowtow to thank you!"

He spoke in a decent manner, but his tone obviously did not believe that there would be another real culprit at all, it was just a way to block people's anger.

Chang Suining didn't care what he thought, just said: "Okay, I agree."

"You..." Changsun Ji shut his mouth, pointed to her nose, and was about to speak again, but was stopped by his father's voice.

Chang Sunyan came over.

He came here today to hear the trial, but the case suddenly came to a standstill. Although he was not in a hurry to say anything, his face was also very ugly.

The younger sister of a compatriot was killed, and the grief and anger in his heart was only much more than that of his son.

And apart from grief and anger, he was more regretful and unwilling-feeling regretful and unwilling for his sister.

At this moment, he stared fixedly at the girl who was about the same age as his sister, his eyes were icy cold.

The girl didn't seem to be afraid of him at all, instead she met his gaze calmly, and said to him calmly and firmly: "Master Changsun, there is someone else who killed Mrs. Changsun Seven."

"Really." Changsun Yan threw out two words coldly.

Chang Suining: "Yes."

Facing the countless eyes around her, she said: "I have found some clues, I believe the truth will be revealed soon."

"Then my eldest grandson's family will be waiting for the truth from Mrs. Chang's mouth." The eldest grandson walked away with a sullen face.

Changsun Ji left behind him.

As Chang Suian was brought down, the members of the eldest grandson's family left, and seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, the onlookers began to disperse in twos and threes.

"I don't know when Prince Rong's illness will be cured? When will he be able to testify?"

"Did you hear... that lady Chang said just now that she has found a clue?"


Everyone discussed and left, Cui Lang lowered his voice and asked, "Master, what did you find out? Can you really clear up brother Sui'an's suspicion?"

Chang Suining shook his head and said, "No, I told them on purpose."

What she found wasn't enough.

"..." Cui Lang sighed: "But the members of Changsun's family won't believe it after seeing it. Master said that, and they probably think that Master is going to use some means to cover up the crime for Brother Sui'an."

Once people are preconceived by some cognitions, it is easy and difficult to change their minds.

"I know." Chang Suining looked at the onlookers who left: "I'm telling them."

She mentioned "tell them" twice, Cui Lang followed her line of sight, and realized belatedly: "Master, this is..."

Chang Suining didn't say anything further, but walked towards the person who went to pick up the inkstone.

Qiao Yubai understood.

Since someone framed Suian, he must be worried about the possibility that the frame would fail. In today's court trial, there might be someone behind him staring at him!

What Ning Ning said is to make the other party feel uneasy and to lead the other party to attack?

This is exactly what Chang Suining thought.

Although she has some clues now, if she wants to go further, forcing the other party to make a move is the fastest way. At this time, she is most afraid that the other party will act indifferently and hide too well, and will not give her a chance to catch the tail.

Picking up the inkstone that was broken into two pieces, the literati became worried.

Why is it that the members of the eldest grandson's family are like this, casually taking things from others and throwing them at others, without mentioning compensation afterwards.

It's not easy for him to come to the door with his things to claim compensation, right?
The man thought about it carefully, and felt that doing so would easily end his unopened official career, so he could only sigh on the spot.

At this time, a money bag was handed to him.

"Lao Tan Juren, please buy another inkstone."

Tan Li followed the purse to look at the girl who was talking, and said in panic, "Miss Chang, how can this make..."

"This matter is also caused by my Chang family, Tan Juren, please accept it."

"This is really inappropriate..." Tan Li sighed and said, "Miss Chang's family has encountered such an accident, and Mrs. Tan can't help, so how can she accept Madam Chang's money again."

Although he is poor, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way.

"Because of the changes in the family, the luck is not good. If you do more good deeds, you may be able to change your luck. Buying an inkstone for a talented person is also considered a good deed." Chang Suining handed the purse forward again, smiling slightly She smiled: "Tan Juren's deeds of perfection are also doing good deeds."

And this statement?

Tan Li was speechless for a moment.

After a while, he took it with both hands: "Then Tan has the audacity to do good deeds... Cough, I have the audacity to accept it."

Taking money in this way can be regarded as helping others... Helping others is also the way.

It's just that holding this wealth in his hands is even heavier than he imagined.

This is not only a compensation for his inkstone, but also the charcoal money he used for heating this winter this year!

The capital is not only hot in summer, but also very cold in winter.

He was worried that he would not be able to draw out his hand to write in winter, but now he can spend this winter well and wait for the next spring.

And the girl in front of him said that she was buying inkstone for him, so how could she know that she was not thinking of helping him, but she was just using a nice and decent excuse to protect his scholar's face.

His winter is certainly much better, but Mrs. Chang...

Tan Li had mixed feelings, and finally said: "May Tan's inkstone be broken, and this disaster can be broken for Mr. Chang Lang. The remaining ink in the inkstone can only stain its surface for a while, and the day when it will be washed away is set in front of us." .”

Chang Suining nodded, "Borrow Tan Juren's auspicious words."

Tan Li bowed deeply to her and left.

"Brother Tan, you are..."

Several literati waiting not far away had already noticed the movement on Tan Li's side, and they all surrounded him at this moment.

Tan Li: "This is the inkstone money that Mrs. Chang gave me."

"Miss Chang is too rich..."

Someone held the inkstone and sighed regretfully: "If I had known this, I should have gotten closer just now!"

At first seeing Brother Tan's inkstone being smashed, he subconsciously hugged his inkstone tightly, but now he only regrets that his size is too small - he also came here with the inkstone in his arms, how could he miss such an opportunity!
Song Xian who was on the side frowned and reminded: "Is this time a joke?"

He subconsciously looked at the girl standing there.

Although he is also a student of the Imperial College, he is close to the imperial examination and can enter and leave the Imperial College freely.

He came to Dali Temple because he found a job for several acquaintances but struggling to write a plaque for a new house in a member's house. pass by here.

Chang Suining also saw him at this time.

Song Xian avoided her gaze: "Let's go."

"Gentlemen, do you think... that Mr. Chang's family was really wronged?" On the way to leave, a Juren asked in a low voice.

"In my opinion it must be so."

"You took the money to buy the inkstone, but what you say doesn't count..."

"Mr. Chang's family is upright, and there is probably a grievance in this matter." Song Xian looked forward.

Several people looked at Song Xian subconsciously.

Since losing chess, Song Juren's attitude towards matters related to Mrs. Chang seems to have changed a lot.


"...She really said that?"

In Duke Ying's mansion, the Chang family quickly learned of what had happened in Dali Temple, and their brows were tightly furrowed at this moment.

Thank you for your monthly tickets, good night!

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