The maid lowered her voice and replied truthfully: "Yes, the eldest grandson and his son still said that they would wait for her to find out the truth..."

Restlessness and uneasiness appeared between Chang's brows.

Today's interrogation was so unsatisfactory that Chang Suian could not be convicted of the crime, and the witness Prince Rong's son appeared on the way... Although he was unable to testify temporarily due to illness.

She didn't have the eyes of the sky, so she couldn't predict everything in advance, and everything she did was to take a step at a time. Because of this, whenever there was an uncontrollable change, it would make her extremely uneasy.

At such a time, Chang Suining's words of "the clues have been found" are more like a long needle, piercing the important place.

The servant girl thought for a while, and said: "It may not be her bluffing, talking nonsense to confuse people..."

"No..." Mrs. Chang shook her head, "Just now someone came to spread the word that someone secretly went to Furong Garden to inquire in detail about the servant who fell into the water and died in the racecourse... Who do you think did this?"

"Is that Chang Sui Ning?" The maid was slightly startled, that little girl is so sharp?
Chang's: "She doesn't have such methods herself, obviously Si Gongtai is helping her."

The servant woman calmed down slightly: "Madam, don't worry, the servants in the racecourse are pretty clean, they shouldn't find anything..."

"But if they can find out about the waiter in the racecourse, they must be able to find out elsewhere." Chang frowned and said, "There are so many people who are helping her secretly... maybe she really has found something."

She was doing something for which she was unprepared, and this way of doing things while checking for leaks made her extremely suspicious when faced with any trouble.

In particular, she was the only one who planned this matter secretly. Whether it was Duke Ying's mansion or a sage, they were not the ones who could help her back up, but the ones she needed to beware of concealing...

All these things exacerbated Chang's tension and anxiety.

"I've said it a long time ago, that little thing from the Chang family is not a fuel-efficient lamp!" She slammed down a jade vase with a thin-leaved orchid in it, and a murderous look flashed in her eyes.


"Ningning, is this too risky?"

Qiao Yubai sent Chang Suining back to Chang's mansion, and the two came to the outer study where Chang Suining usually stayed, and Qiao Yubai asked worriedly when there was no one else beside him.

"What is brother Yubai referring to?" Chang Suining walked to the desk.

"You bluntly said that you have found a clue. Although it may lead the other party to take action, what if..." Qiao Yubai lowered his voice, and frowned because of worry: "What if the other party kills you because of this?" ?”

"It's just right, I'd like to wait for him to kill." Chang Suining had already sat down behind the book case, "If the other party is really such an impulsive person and messed up so easily, then it will be easy to solve this matter."

I'm afraid the other party is not such an impulsive and blind person.


The clean white jade bottle shattered, and the sharp crack seemed to be shining coldly.

The maid didn't bother to call someone in to clean up for a moment: "Madam, don't you want to..."

After a long while, Chang squeezed out a sneer: "I really want to...but I can't right now."

If she went to kill Chang Suining at this time, if she accidentally missed, it would be tantamount to not calling herself, and sending the evidence to the other party.

Even if the matter is successful and Chang Sui Ning is killed, the matter will not necessarily end there. It is impossible for Si Gongtai Yuzeng, Guo Zijian Qiao Yang, and other members of the Chang family to give up helping Chang Sui An escape because of this. Thoughts of sin.

And in this way, it is like telling everyone that there must be grievances in Chang Suian's case, and it is destined to only lead to more troubles.

She would only do this kind of stupid thing that is not worth the candle!
Chang calmed himself down and tried to analyze the situation rationally.

There are only two "accidents" that the eyes can see now, she might as well keep an eye on these two first.

"It makes people keep an eye on the movement of Prince Rong's mansion... If you hear the news that Prince Rong's son is waking up and recovering from illness, please let me know immediately."


"Have someone go to Feng's house and let them get ready. Three days later, there will be a wedding sedan chair to pick you up."

The maid hesitated for a moment, but she also understood Madam's thoughts. It is not too late for such matters, and there will be changes every day. It is safest to welcome people in earlier.

"Yes, the servant girl will arrange it now."

After the servant woman left, a female emissary entered and quickly cleaned up the mess on the ground.


"But in this case, your situation is really dangerous." Qiao Yubai said seriously: "Ningning, I will stay here with you. If you need to do anything, just let me know and I will do it."

Now that there is only Ningning in the Chang family, he is really worried.Parents are also very worried, A-Niang has made an agreement with A-Die, A-Niang will come over tonight, even if she just guards Ning Ning, it is good to take care of Ning Ning's daily life as much as she can.

On the way back, Chang Suining had already heard from Qiao Yubai about this matter, so she said at this moment: "It is enough to have Sanniang here, Brother Yubai came here today to skip class, so we must not delay schoolwork any longer."

He added: "Brother, don't worry, the Chang family has no shortage of available people, I won't put myself in danger."


Qiao Yubai wanted to say more, but Chang Suining said to him: "Brother Yubai thinks, which one is the most suspicious?"

Since she sat down, she has been carefully looking at the list in front of her.

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yubai walked over seriously.

The list spread out, occupying half of the desk, filled with densely packed names, but most of the names have been crossed out, presumably excluded by Ningning...

Among the rest of the names, there are a few places circled with a vermilion pen, which must be the main object of suspicion.

Qiao Yubai's eyes naturally fell on those eye-catching places.

When he saw the surname at the front, the young man's heart sank.

"Ningning, if it's really..." After a while, he looked up at Chang Suining: "Then how should we deal with it?"

"No matter who it is, I can't let my elder brother take the blame for him." Chang Suining looked at the word "Ming Family" written on it, and said: "It's a matter of course to kill people and pay for their lives."

At this moment, Qiao Yubai suddenly thought of the Dragon Boat Festival kick-knock match in the Imperial College.

At that time, he was injured by Chang Miao and suffered unfair treatment. It was Ning Ning who regained the word "justice" for him and all the students who participated in the execution in a way he couldn't think of.

But now, what Sui'an is encountering is even greater injustice.

Faced, or more difficult to shake the enemy.

Although the two things are completely incomparable, he can already foresee Ning Ning's determination from it - and it is Ning Ning's determination that is more difficult to shake than the enemy standing at the top.

After a while, Qiao Yubai also nodded firmly: "Yes, it should be so."

Soon, Chang Suining asked for Supervisor Bai to come over.

"Have someone go to the storeroom to get the best supplements and send them to Rong Wang's Mansion." Chang Suining confessed: "You'd better go there in person to show our Chang family's attention and concern."

The white manager should go down.

Qiao Yubai was a little worried, thought for a while, and reminded: "Ningning, is it inappropriate to do this?"

Logically speaking, at this time, it is right to avoid suspicion with witnesses.

"Brother Yubai's thinking is reasonable, and it is inappropriate to talk about whether it is suitable or not." Chang Suining said: "But now my father is not in the capital, and I am worried about my brother's safety. It is reasonable for witnesses to show their favor, right?"

Qiao Yubai is not a stupid person, after hearing this sentence, he understood Chang Suining's thoughts.

At such a juncture, the closer she got to Prince Rong, the more obvious her intentions became, and the more unable to sit still behind her.

This move is the same as the purpose of publicly stating to the eldest grandson's family that "the murderer is someone else, and clues have been found".

As for whether someone would question the son of Rong's perjury "for her" in the future - Chang Suining did not intend to consider this possibility right now.

She only said: "Not only must I deliver it, but I must deliver it every day until Prince Rong's son recovers and can go out."

Send it off for two days first, and then wait for the person to "wake up", and then she will come to "visit" in person.

It's just different from giving gifts, if she wants to visit, she still needs to avoid people's eyes and ears.

Chang Suining looked at the list in front of him, quietly thinking about his next plan.


When it was getting late, a guest from Feng's family came to the door.

It was Chang's confidant servant who came, and Xie came to see him in person.

"My wife has agreed to understand the Jun Jun's proposal, and set the auspicious date in three days. I don't know what the Jun Jun thinks."

Although the maid said she was asking, there was no hint of inquiry in her tone, she was just telling.

Mrs. Xie doesn't mind at the moment, since it is a transaction, one must have the consciousness to do transactions with others.

Although Chong Xizhi's words were not pleasant to hear, she couldn't refute them. If she wanted Min'er to pass through the door as soon as possible, she had to have a title so as not to arouse the suspicion of outsiders.

Therefore, Xie Shi nodded with a smile.

Not long after, the maidservant of the Ming family left.

Mrs. Xie asked his son and daughter-in-law to come over, and also explained the matter in an informative tone.

"Three days later?"

"Chongxi... as a concubine?!"

"How does this work!"

Feng's father reacted greatly: "How can Min'er do such a concubine to make people happy...Why did mother agree to such a request from the Ming family!"

Since Jie's reputation was discredited and he was demoted to the title of county lord, he became increasingly dissatisfied with his mother.

Mother Feng on the side was also shocked, but she was different from her husband. After so many years, her fear and obedience to her mother-in-law had been carved into her bones, and she did not dare to express her dissatisfaction directly at this moment.

Facing his son's questioning, Mrs. Xie just said in a low voice: "What kind of family can Min'er match now? How can a regular wife of an ordinary family compare to being the concubine of the Ming family? Besides, the son of the Ming family does not have a real wife right now. When the son marries, he will be no different from the main wife."

Seeing that her son wanted to say more, she said in front of her: "Don't hold on to Chong Xizhi's talk anymore. You must know that if someone hadn't been able to calculate the horoscope, such a good thing would not have happened to Min'er easily."

Father Feng's complexion changed.

"Being in-laws with the Ming family is the same as marrying a saint. Don't you even understand this?" Mrs. Xie sneered: "Let's put away that useless self-esteem and look at some practical and long-term things."

Seeing that her husband seemed to be persuaded, Mother Feng scolded "a dog man" in her heart, and finally couldn't help but say, "Ke Miner, she..."

Mrs. Xie glanced at her daughter-in-law, and interrupted her daughter-in-law with a cold face: "Min'er is willing."

Mother Feng couldn't believe it.

She is very clear about her daughter's disposition. There is nothing too outstanding about her, but she can't bear to want to marry high - this is thanks to the teachings of her mother-in-law.

With such a high-minded daughter, how could she be willing to be a concubine to make others happy?

Mother Feng quickly found her daughter and wanted to ask her clearly.

When she arrived, Feng Min was happily having his body measured and prepared to make a wedding dress.

Mother Feng: "..."

It seems that there is nothing to ask.

After finally waiting for everyone to leave, Feng's mother thought about it and only asked: "...Min'er, do you know that Ming Shizi has a romantic nature?"

"Of course my daughter knows." Feng Min asked back: "But does A Niang think that I married him?"

What she wants to marry is only the eldest son of the Ming family.

Seeing that her mother wanted to say more, Feng Min said impatiently: "And the marriage has already been settled, there is no possibility of going back on it. Rather than saying these are useless, mother, why not make more plans for her daughter, so that she can go out in a better way."

She didn't want to hear it anymore, and her mother didn't know how much she had suffered for this, let alone that she had no other choice.

Now she only hopes that her grandmother's words are true, that after she marries into the Ming family, she can be treated well and live a life as she wishes.

An incident two days later made Feng Min feel more at ease.

That night, when her father came back from the Ministry of Industry, his face was full of joy.

His Shangfeng revealed to him the news that he will be promoted to be the servant of the Ministry of Industry, and also told him that the Ming family helped him arrange the management, and patted him on the shoulder and said that he has a good daughter, such a good fortune It is really enviable, and let him take care of him in the future.

After such a flattery, Feng's father was a little ecstatic, and completely cast his dissatisfaction with Chong Xizhi's theory to the sky.

Feng Min was overjoyed when he heard that, and subconsciously looked at his grandmother.

Xie smiled and nodded with her.

Feng Min became more and more grateful to her grandmother - it must be that the conversation between her grandmother and Mrs. Ying Guogong went well that day, and the Duke Ying's mansion really did not mean to despise her!
Even though she is a concubine, she is more honorable married than ninety-nine percent of the women in the capital. No one dares to look down on her!
Because of this thought, Feng Min didn't plan to hide this matter, and even invited many ladies from Beijing to add boxes for her the day before she went out.

She only gets married once, even if she is a concubine, she still wants to have a good time!


In the early morning of this day, Yao Xia, Wei Miaoqing and other girls made an appointment to see Chang Suining together.

"You didn't have to come." Chang Suining said bluntly, "It's not a good thing to get too close to me at such a juncture."

She will not question their friendship because of this short "estrangement".

These girls are girls from official families in Beijing, and their fathers and grandfathers were mostly officials in the court. With this restriction, they are destined to not be able to do things as they want.

This world makes things difficult for them, and she can no longer make things difficult for them in the name of friendship.

"What are you afraid of? The eldest grandson's family can still eat me?" The arrogant girl of the Wei family has a big business and a big garden, and her elder brother is particularly competitive.

"With my uncle here, it's not my turn to avoid suspicion." The girl from the Yao family is the one who's 'the sky is falling, and my uncle will bear it', and 'people's words are awesome and let my uncle be afraid'.

There are also many people who are optimistic, have a particularly long-term vision, and have a bit of chivalry——

"Anyway, my lord was wronged, and sooner or later the truth will come to light!"

"That's right..."

"Sister Chang, don't be afraid."

A group of girls surrounded Chang Suining to comfort him.

Chang Suining looked at those cute and young faces.

Even though they may be separated soon - but she will remember them well.

The young girls gathered together, at first they were serious about comforting Xie Chang Suining, but later they turned a corner while chatting.

But this turn just turned into Chang Sui Ning's heart and gave her a new clue.

Please ask for a monthly ticket. The plot needs to be coherent. In the past two days, I will try my best to write more (or save up for everyone) Good night!

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