Chang'an is good

Chapter 195 It's Getting Fierce

Chapter 195 It's Getting Fierce

The moment Feng Min stepped out of the old threshold, he turned his head as if observing something.

However, it was precisely this turning around that the incomparably sharp long knife suddenly appeared in her pupils, causing her pupils to shrink sharply.

The instinct to survive made her scream out loud and back away again and again.

The two approached her with knives, Feng Min dodged in a panic, and accidentally fell to the ground. She didn't care to pick up the burden, and quickly sat up, and when she was about to run forward, she felt the cold coming from behind!

She seemed to hear the sound of a sharp knife cutting through the clothes on her back, and then cutting the flesh and blood of her shoulder blades.


Feng Min staggered and fell to the ground.

The pain of the flesh and bones on her back being torn, and the chill brought by the rapid blood loss enveloped her, she stretched out her hand, and tried her best to crawl forward.

At this moment, the image of Changsun Xuan's maid lying on the ground with blood all over her head suddenly flashed before her eyes.

The maid had also crawled forward like this, trying to survive.

But she quickly chased after it with the stone. She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and smashed down hard again.

Then, again and again, until the maid had no strength to move anymore, the red blood spread into the fiery red maple leaves, dyeing the maple leaves in the forest even redder.

Then she dropped the stone and sat on the ground tremblingly, tears of terror welling up in her eyes.

She killed!

Killing is a terrible thing!
She was terrified.

Even though she tried her best to avoid thinking about it, what happened that day still haunted her like a nightmare, trying to drag her into the abyss. She almost took it for granted that it was the most terrifying experience in the world.

But at this moment, she suddenly understood that compared to killing people, the feeling of being about to be killed is the most terrifying, most desperate, and most helpless!
When she killed the maidservant, she had no mercy or hesitation.

And now, she will be killed like this.

At this moment, there were tears in Feng Min's eyes, whether it was regret or fear and pain.

Just when the blood-stained long knife approached her again, just when she thought she was going to die, the blade that was about to fall on her body suddenly made a loud noise, and flew out as if being hit by something, and then "Bang Dang "Fall to the ground!
A burly and tall black figure rushed towards the wind, cut through the neck of the man in black who had lost his weapon, and killed him decisively.

When another man in black came forward with a knife, the man flew up and kicked the man in black in the chest.

The man in black slammed into the wall, then fell to the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

Taking advantage of this short gap, someone who came picked up Feng Min and carried him on his shoulders, but disappeared in the thick night in an instant.

"...was taken away by someone?!"

"To the point where people lost it right under their noses... what on earth are you going to do!" Nanny Liao was shocked and furious when she heard the words.

The injured man in black said: "This man is extremely skilled, and he appeared suddenly. The two of us are invincible without any precautions... Zhang Qi is already dead. I was just going to chase him when I heard someone in Feng's courtyard Come out, afraid that this matter will be seen by others, so I can only hurry to clean up the blood-stained corpse..."

It was right to do so.

The Chang family has repeatedly confessed that if the time permits to do something, it must be done cleanly, and it must not be a wave of unrest, which will cause the trouble of murder and attract the attention of the government.

But Nanny Liao was still furious, after all, everyone was gone!

"You can see what that person looks like!"

The man in black said: "The other party's face is covered... I only know that he is tall and his skills are not like ordinary martial arts!"

After he answered, he hastily continued: "But the little lady suffered a serious stab wound on the back of her heart, even if she was taken away, she would hardly have a chance of surviving!"

"It's better to be like this!" Nanny Liao said, "Otherwise, you and I will have to die for her!"

But since he was injured, there would be bloodstains along the way, so Nanny Liao arranged other people to try to chase him, and repeatedly explained that the traces on the scene must be cleaned up.

Others were also cleaning up the blood left by Feng Min along the way.

When Chang Ren took Feng Min back to Chang Mansion, Chang Suining hurried away with his clothes on, only to see that Chang Ren's body was covered with blood, and Feng Min, who was brought back by him, had his eyes closed, his face was pale, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. .

"Uncle Blade is injured?"

"Please punish the girl!"

Chang Suining and Chang Ren spoke almost at the same time, and Chang Ren knelt down to plead guilty.

"My subordinate was never injured, but this girl from the Feng family was seriously injured. Although my subordinates tried their best to stop the bleeding on the way, the situation is very bad!"

Chang Ren said: "This subordinate was guarding the main back door of the Feng family, but this girl from the Feng family came out from the back side door. When the subordinate noticed the movement and hurried away, it was already one step too late!"

It was his miscalculation. He didn't know that Feng Min had been discovered before he escaped, so he didn't dare to go through the back door, but took a detour and chose the side back door which was rarely opened.

"In order not to overwhelm others, I only dared to let Uncle Yan stay outside Feng's house alone, planning to catch up with the accident, and it is not easy to bring him back smoothly under the lack of resources—"

Chang Suining never scolded, and walked quickly to Feng Min who was temporarily put down while speaking. She bent over and probed the other person's breath. Seeing that there was still breath, she hurriedly confessed: "Go and ask Dr. Sun!"

Immediately changed his words again: "No, send it directly to Dr. Sun!"

It is faster to send someone back and forth directly.


Chang Ren carried Feng Min on his back again, walked quickly all the way to the guest courtyard where Dr. Sun was, and kicked open the courtyard door.

Dr. Sun, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up.

what sound?
Is it a thief?

But this is the General's Mansion, what kind of thief can't think about it so much!

If it wasn't a thief, then it wouldn't be... the house was ransacked!

After all, the husband of this family is involved in a life lawsuit!

Just when Dr. Sun was thinking about whether to pack up and leave quickly, the door of the room was kicked open.

"Doctor Sun, please save people quickly!"

In the dark, Chang Ren put Feng Min down, and soon Xi'er came in with a lamp. After a burst of confusion, Dr. Sun, who was still sitting on the bed, looked over blankly, and then his body shook——

It must have been violent, to see such a bloody thing without warning.

Just when Dr. Sun suspected that he was dreaming and was considering whether to lie back down again, Chang Ren had already pulled him off the bed.

At this moment, Dr. Sun is extremely thankful that he has just come to a strange place and has not followed the habit of sleeping naked...

Otherwise, I don't know if he can save the one on the ground, but he himself must not be alive first!
Chang Suining also arrived soon.

"Thank you, Dr. Sun." Communicating with the other party, Chang Sui Ning said concisely: "If this person can be saved, I will give another hundred taels of consultation money to Dr. Sun."

As he spoke, he looked at Chang Yan and Xi'er: "Uncle Yan will follow me out and wait, Xi'er will fetch some pots of hot water and help Dr. Sun."


"Girl, don't worry, the blood along the way has been cleaned up and no trace will be left."

When he came to the corridor outside, Chang Ren was able to talk to Chang Suining in detail.

Chang Suining nodded.

Whether there are traces left or not, the Ming family will definitely suspect her, but suspicion alone is useless, just like she suspected Ming Jin, but she still couldn't bring him to justice.

After Chang Ren retreated temporarily, Chang Suining subconsciously took out a note from the interlayer of the cloak.

 Thank you for your monthly pass, happy weekend, go to bed early tonight (plus more debts minus one
(End of this chapter)

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