Chang'an is good

Chapter 196 Laughing chapter buy 1 get 1 free

Chapter 196 Joke Buy One Get One Free

It was Wei Miaoqing who secretly slipped it to her today when no one was looking.

On it is Wei Shuyi's handwriting, written in two short lines - the sage has doubts, does not allow the third division to close the case hastily, and has been secretly investigated, hope you are at ease.

After Chang Suining read it again, he looked towards the fading night in the east.

The empress did not allow the third division to close the case hastily, and ordered people to investigate it secretly, because the emperor did not allow himself to be deceived and deceived, and did not allow things beyond his control to occur.

If the murderer is someone else, she may have a little hope in this.

But once the empress knows that this matter is related to the Ming family, will there really be a possibility of dealing with it impartially?

Wei Shuyi said this because he didn't know that the real murderer was most likely Ming Jin.

But she knows, and after Feng Min's incident, it has been confirmed nine out of ten.

Therefore, she is doomed to be unable to "be quiet".

But no matter whether it is safe or not, no matter what method is used, this time, she will definitely make Ming Jin pay for it.

After another quarter of an hour, the door behind him was pushed open, and Chang Suining turned his head.

It was Xi'er who came out.

Chang Suining asked, "How?"

"Girl, the wound has been treated and bandaged, and the bleeding has stopped, but Dr. Sun didn't say what happened to her."

From the moment he brought the man over to now, this Dr. Sun hasn't said a single word.

If other people cherish words like gold, then this Dr. Sun cherishes words like life, as if saying one more word will ruin him forever.

Xi'er, who has never left the capital, has spent the past few days with Dr. Sun, and has always wanted to ask - in your place, if someone speaks rashly, how many years will the government usually punish?Is there any upper limit for the local people to talk each year?
Chang Suining then walked into the room: "Dare to ask Dr. Sun, can the person be saved?"

Dr. Sun said in a low voice: "I'm only [-]% sure about hurting my heart...the remaining [-]% will be known after people wake up."

Chang Sui Ning breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Dr. Sun."

Dr. Sun clenched his freshly washed hands awkwardly, and after a while, he pointed to the opposite guest room: "... why don't we just place people here."

It is also convenient for him to treat and take care of him.

Chang Suining thanked him again.

Xi'er praised from the side: "Doctor Sun doesn't like being disturbed so much, yet he still offered to leave the wounded behind, which shows the benevolence of the doctors!"

The man was invited by the girl with great difficulty, so it is always right to boast more to maintain the favor.

Doctor Sun looked embarrassed.

This praise is quite the opposite...

For one thing, the unconscious wounded man didn't have the ability to disturb him.

Secondly, the reason why he chose to keep him was because he was afraid that someone would keep looking for him... If that happened, his body and mind would be in a tense state of preparation all the time, and he would be unable to do anything.

After arranging Feng Min properly, Chang Suining then left the guest house, and on the way told Chang Ren to let someone guard the courtyard.

Feng Min is now a key witness.

Even if her own words are not enough, they will most likely be refuted by the Ming family with "empty slander", but who can be sure that Feng Min must not leave other evidence in his hands?
Taking a step back, if she is an accomplice, she must know many inside details, which will bring progress to the case.

But all of this has to wait for Feng Min to wake up.

Fortunately, my life was saved.

Chang Suining looked back at the distant guest house.

Although Dr. Sun said few words, he was very cautious. Since he said that he was [-]% sure, Feng Min would not die.

Today's incident also confirmed her previous guess - when "she" met Dr. Sun, he claimed that he was only good at eye diseases and knew nothing about other injuries. This statement was really just an excuse to avoid people.

When Chang Suining turned his head in thought, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from the side.

"Girl beware!" Chang Ren hastily reminded.

Chang Suining dodged sideways and grabbed the arm of the black shadow that was attacking her.

In the thin night, the black figure covered his face moved extremely fast, with great strength, and immediately hit her with the other hand.

Chang Suining dodged quickly, using the arm she was holding in her hand, the other hand grasped his shoulder, and jumped behind him with the strength, and strangled his neck in the next moment.

"you lose."

The man in black deliberately suppressed his voice and asked, "Then guess who I am!"

"...The one who wins can be guessed." Chang Suining let go of his neck and pulled off the scarf covering his face: "You have lost."

"That's because I let you!" Ah Dian, who was wearing night clothes, turned around and said seriously, "I'm afraid I'll hurt you!"

Chang Suining smiled at him: "I know."

Only then did Ah Dian grinned, and lowered her voice to show off to her: "I jumped back from the wall!"

Chang Suining nodded: "How is the errand done?"

"It's all wiped, I wiped it clean!" Ah Dian said, turning his head and dragging another black-clothed companion who followed him over, asking him to be a witness for himself: "Little Ah Li, if you don't believe me, ask he!"

He and another of Chang Ren's subordinates are responsible for the response and aftermath of the operation tonight.

The companion gave affirmation: "Where General Ah Dian has passed tonight, there is no trace left."

"That's right!" Ah Dian was complacent, and said to Chang Ren: "Why don't you wipe it off, I haven't wiped enough, why don't you drop more!"

Chang Ren: "..."

Such an innocent tone, but such chilling words...

He would like to give the child some more wipes to play with, but if he continues to drip like this, he may only be able to carry back a dried up corpse.

Ah Dian didn't have a clear understanding of this, he just felt that the work was over before it was done, and the trip was not enjoyable: "Xiao Ah Li, next time you have such an errand, remember to call me again! "

Chang Suining nodded in agreement.

Ah Dian walked back together with her, talking non-stop along the way, especially in high spirits.

"Little Ah Li, I'm still very useful, right?" He looked like a child who was finally able to do his best, excited and eager to be recognized: "I told you before, Your Highness always praised me for being great, now you should believe me Bar?"

Chang Suining nodded: "I have always believed that Ah Dian is a good boy who is smart, capable and diligent."

With this affirmation, Ah Dian couldn't hide her joy, and jumped up and down: "...Your Highness said so too!"

"Hmm...Your Highness has discerning eyes." Chang Suining boasted by the way: "Otherwise, why would I choose you the first time I saw you?"

"You know all of this!" Ah Dian asked, "Then do you know how many people His Highness chose me from?"

Chang Suining shook his head cooperatively: "I haven't heard of that."

Ah Dian immediately stretched out her two big hands, her ten fingers spread wide, and her extraordinarily clear and bright eyes also widened: "There are ten people!"

Chang Sui Ning lightly "wow": "So many?"

"Yes!" Ah Dian said, "I am the tallest! The strongest!"

But those teenagers who were about his age were not afraid of him because of his height. Those people would hide away and throw stones and mud at him, calling him a useless fool.

Thinking of this, Ah Dian's eyebrows drooped sadly, but soon, his expression changed again.

But His Highness said that he is a smart, capable and hard-working boy!

His Highness said that day that only one person can be chosen to take away.

He didn't feel at all that he would be chosen, but he kept looking at the boy in the armor and leading the horse--that armor is so beautiful, he wants one too, if he can have that armor, Those stones shouldn't hurt him anymore!

The way the young man selected people was very special. He didn't ask any questions, just stretched out his hand and pointed at them one by one, saying slowly in his mouth——

"Order soldiers and generals, ride horses to fight, whoever you call, follow me, if you don't leave, you will be a puppy."

When the last word was read, the finger landed in front of him and pointed at him.

I'm not a puppy! — he said hastily.

With a smile in his eyes, the boy said to him - if you don't want to be a puppy, then come with me.

He ran over quickly.

Ah Dian felt that his memory was not good, he had forgotten many things, but he always remembered things related to His Highness very clearly.

He often couldn't tell what year and month it was, whether it was winter or summer after spring, but he always clearly remembered that the moment His Highness pointed at him, the sun was extraordinarily warm and the wild flowers beside the mud road were extraordinarily vigorous.

So he felt that His Highness was like the sun, like a flower.

If he could clearly express his inner feelings, then he would definitely call that day the day when he was blessed by luck for the first time in his life.

On the way, His Highness asked him what his name was.

He thought about it—fool.

Everyone said that his mother was also a fool, but I don't know where she came from.

As for father... There are many men in the village, he doesn't know who his father is, and no one knows.

He tried to ask everyone in the village - are you my father?But every time he would be driven away with disgust, beaten and scolded.

So no one gave him a name.

A Niang was taken away by the river god. This was told by a kind grandmother in the village. That grandmother raised him. Later, when the grandmother was gone, he ate other people's leftovers, scooped up slops, caught voles, and robbed pigs. dog food.

He also felt that it was not good to rob things, but he was so hungry that he was almost starved to death. Every time he finished robbing, he would wipe his tears and kowtow to them to apologize.

As a result, more voices called him a fool.

But His Highness said that he could have a new name, and His Highness thought about it—order soldiers and generals... Be a small soldier first, and then a general, why not call him Ah Dian.

After His Highness finished speaking, Uncle Chang on the other horse laughed, saying that His Highness's ability to name names had not improved.

But he liked the name so much, he had the first thing in the world that belonged to him.

Later, more and more things belonged to him, all of which were given to him by His Highness, just like that bamboo dragonfly.

"Go back and get some sleep, sleep more to grow taller." Chang Suining and Ah Dian said.

"En!" Ah Dian obediently responded, and then suddenly asked: "Little Ah Li, can we really save Xiao Sui'an if we do this?"

Chang Suining nodded: "It's definitely possible."

Ah Dian felt relieved and went back to sleep.

"General A Dian is really like a sensible child when he is with the girl." Xi'er said, "I heard that General A Dian is too stubborn, he doesn't listen to anyone, and always clamors to find His Royal Highness the First Crown Prince... ...That's why he can only be kept in Xuan Ce's mansion by Cui Dadu."

"But with a girl, it's really well-behaved and sensible." Xi'er said with emotion.

"It's probably because I have a predestined relationship with Ah Dian." As Chang Suining spoke, he looked towards the sky that was about to break dawn.

The wedding sedan chair that the Ming family went to pick up, should have already rushed to the Feng family.

But this bride is destined not to be received, nor killed.


After all, it is Duke Ying's mansion. Although it is said that he is marrying Chongxi's concubine, the ostentation is not small - this is mainly what Duke Ying meant.

There were also many people who came to watch.

Some are purely for fun, some are purely for jokes - Mr. Xie has always had a high heart and thinks he is superior to others, but in the end the granddaughter of the family has ended up being sent to make fun of others, so it is not a joke.

At this time, these people have not yet thought that this joke is even buy one get one free.

As the sun got higher and higher, the onlookers didn't see the bride coming out for a long time, so they couldn't help talking about it.

Inside Feng's residence, Xie's face turned ashen.

Nanny Liao's expression was also extremely gloomy: "...the wedding sedan chair arrived, but the person ran away. How does Mr. Xiejun want me to explain to my wife!"

Mrs. Xie said coldly, "Whether Min'er left by herself, or if there are other secrets, I'm afraid it's not yet known."

"Ms. Feng packed her bags and left late at night. This was witnessed by the maid of your mansion. Is Mr. Xie still trying to shirk responsibility?"

"I, the Feng family, will report this matter to the officials for a detailed investigation!" Mrs. Xie said, and immediately wanted to send people to the government to report the case.

Seeing that Nanny Liao didn't stop her, Xie's heart sank. It seems that the Ming family did not do it?
Her mouth was tough, but her heart was full of anxiety.

If this marriage is ruined, her son's official position will be lost, and the Ming family will be completely offended!
That evil obstacle did not escape early or late, but escaped on the eve of leaving the pavilion... The wedding sedan chair is still outside, how will this end for her!

"Your family should report the crime." Nanny Liao sneered, "Otherwise people will be left outside and cause disasters, and in the end they will have to punish the county lord!"

This is a naked threat.

Mrs. Xie pursed her slightly white lips, and asked patiently: "I'm afraid I won't be able to find him for a while, the most urgent thing is to discuss a feasible strategy first, as an excuse to the outside world—"

"Why don't we let the maid take Min'er's place in the sedan chair?" Feng's father urgently suggested: "Afterwards, find Min'er and send him to your residence immediately!"

Always finish the marriage first!
Feng's mother, who was wiping away tears, looked at her husband when she heard the words - thanks to him coming up with such an idea!The daughter ran away, obviously not wanting to marry, but he was lucky, thinking of capturing her and sending her over!
Just wanting to cling to the Ming family... Why don't I just use a pair of scissors to cut off the obstructing thing below, put on the hijab and get into the sedan chair!

This idea is certainly absurd, but what is even more absurd is that if this method is really feasible, she believes that her husband will definitely not hesitate in the slightest in order to climb into the Ming family!

Faced with such a miserable husband, Feng's mother cried even louder for a while.

Nanny Liao sneered again and again: "Your mansion's calculations are loud, but if the man can't be found later, is it true that our Ying Guogong mansion will hold a maid as a concubine for the rest of his life? Someday your mansion's records will be wrong." , and then come to the door to beg people, how can we make it clear? What else do we need to say to the outside world now, just tell the truth!"

She said, ignoring Feng's family's words, and said to Xipo in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

So, how did the welcoming team come, and how did they return to the Ming family.No matter how the sedan chair went there empty, it also came back empty.

Soon, the matter spread in the city.

Ying Guogong was so angry that he almost fainted, and Ming Jin, who agreed to wear this wedding dress after the Chang family talked about it before, went crazy on the spot and smashed the wedding hall into a mess.

Chang had no time to pay attention to her crazy son. She walked out of the wedding hall restlessly. When she was going down the stone steps, her foot became unsteady and she almost fell.

A hand held her.

Chang followed that slender white hand and looked at the person coming.

 (The Feng family joked that buy one get one free, monthly tickets also buy one get one free, and there are double monthly tickets for the last few minutes, really don’t you think about voting?
(End of this chapter)

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