Chang'an is good

Chapter 222 The light boat has crossed ten thousand mountains

This girl whose words and deeds are unexpected is still useful to Shizi. Although she cannot be killed, she must be stopped as soon as possible!

He attacked from the side, and just as the poison dart in his hand was about to approach the girl's arm, the girl seemed to have noticed it, and pulled his family's son back suddenly to avoid it. Going up, it changed to pressing Shizi's shoulder——

The moment he pressed the shoulder of his family's senior, the girl lifted herself up from the water with her strength, and when she brought up a curtain of rain, she saw her figure turned sideways, and cold water droplets flew from the skirt in the air, and her foot landed heavily. Kicked him on the side of the jaw.

Fan Ou suffered from pain, and spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and her body lost balance, and she plopped on her side to the surface of the water.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Li Lu, who was pushed into the water by Chang Suining, emerged from the water, coughed from the water, and grabbed his hands in panic. Chang Suining grabbed the back collar of his robe in time to prevent him Just drowned.

"My son!" Fan Ou struggled to readjust his balance in the water, and rushed to Chang Suining again, trying to save Li Lu.

"What are you afraid of? I've already said that I have no intention of making enemies, so I can still kill him." While speaking, Chang Suining pushed Li Lu forward, towards the two guards of Prince Rong's mansion who had just swam over.

Seeing that she returned the man back, Fan Ou was still startled, and only heard the girl even confess to the two guards: "Take him back and make him a bowl of ginger soup."

The two guards hurriedly grabbed Li Lu, one left and one right held Li Lu's arms, and they felt ridiculous when they heard the words-do they still want to thank the prince!
But the other party had no intention of holding the prince hostage, so why dragged the prince into the lake? !
This question also appeared in Fan Ou's mind at the same time, and soon he had the answer.

Just as they were chasing after them in the water, a small boat that appeared at an unknown time was already approaching here quickly.

The other side had been prepared for a long time, someone was waiting on this waterway ahead of time, and the girl did it only after calculating the right time!

"You protect the son and go back to the boat first, hurry up!" Unable to understand Chang Suining's intentions, Fan Ou feared that Li Lu would make a mistake, urged her urgently, and threw her fist at Chang Suining again.

She knew the secret, no matter what, she couldn't just let her go!
"No..." Li Lu struggled, seemingly uneasy and left. He coughed and let out a weak voice: "I can't kill her..."

Facts have proved that this sentence is really unnecessary.

As soon as Fan Ou's fist was about to get close to the girl's face, the person suddenly sank into the water and disappeared.

Fan Ou was on guard in his heart, and immediately looked around, and the next moment, with the sound of "crashing" water, a hand suddenly grabbed the back of his neck from behind.

Fan Ou was shocked, and was about to stab the opponent with a hidden weapon when he returned his hand, but the opponent grabbed his shoulder with the other hand, and with a soft "click", his shoulder and arm were dislocated, and the hidden weapon in his hand fell in the water.

Fan Ou, who was completely controlled by the other party, groaned in pain, gritted his teeth and asked, "What is your purpose!"

Chang Suining looked at Li Lu who was backed away by the two guards, and said, "My son, follow them back, and I will take the witness away."

"From now on, if there is anything wrong with my father, I will definitely write an essay that will not lose to Luo Guanlin, and tell the world what the Rong Palace has done."

"From now on, the son of the world will be careful in his actions, and I will be cautious in my words. You and I will go our own way."

Fan Ou finally understood her intentions and the person she really wanted to kidnap, and her face was shocked for a moment: "You..."

"It's not time for you to speak yet." Chang Suining raised his elbow and knocked him unconscious.

At this moment, the small boat had come behind her, and Ah Dian on the boat stretched out his big hand towards her: "Little Ah Li, come up quickly!"

Chang Suining first pushed Fan Ou up and handed it to A Dian, then he climbed onto the edge of the boat and jumped onto the boat.

"Is the girl injured!" Chang Ren, who was rocking the boat, asked immediately.

"Don't worry, Uncle Blade, never." Chang Suining confessed to A Dian: "Drag him into the cabin and tie him up."


Ah Dian dragged him into the cabin with only one hand, and with a click, Fan Ou also dislocated his other arm.

Chang Suining stood up and watched the two guards quickly bring Li Lu onto the boat.

"Take the prince into the boat to change clothes!"

Sitting on the bow, Li Lu stopped the two guards from helping him into the cabin with a weak voice: "Wait a minute..."

One of them patted his back and helped him spit out the water, and the other took out a thick fox fur and wrapped it around his body.

After coughing again, Li Lu, who was breathing more evenly, stared steadily at the direction of the boat.

It turned out that this was her compromise strategy... to blackmail him in turn.

It's not that he didn't think about it, she promised to go on a cruise with him today to have other plans, but at most he thought that she wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about some secret things, to test him and the Rong Palace, and in fact she did.

But he thought he had a good sense of proportion and didn't reveal what he shouldn't.

However, only then did he realize that the above were all illusions...

From the very beginning, she planned to take Fan Ou away in front of his eyes!
She must have suspected that Huainan King's death was related to Rong Wang's Mansion, so when she heard his proposal to let Fan Ou come to answer the question, she agreed to have a secret talk with him on a cruise...

Looking at the figure standing on the board from afar, Li Lu suddenly let out a laugh.

Who would have thought that after just drinking a pot of tea, the positions of the two of them were completely reversed, and now he suddenly became the passive one.

What a compromise.

It is because he is inferior to others.

"My lord, do you want to send out a signal so that someone can chase after you!" the guard asked for instructions.

Although they and Fan Ou were the only ones on the boat, they were still on the shore.

"Chasing? Will she be caught without a fight?" Li Lu sneered: "...the palace is always watching out for my whereabouts. If they show up again and cause unnecessary disturbances, do you think I will be rewarded?" State?"

At that time, the Holy Book Emperor only needs to be accused of raising private soldiers with the intention of causing trouble, and he can be completely detained.

Losing Fan Ou today is already a trouble, and there must be no more trouble.

"It's my subordinates who didn't think carefully..." The guard frowned, looked at the boat that was leaving unhurriedly, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

This Chang Suining kidnapped their people from the Rong Palace, how could they have the confidence that they would not be able to chase them back?Afterwards, they can go directly to the General's Mansion in Xingningfang to beg for people!

Li Lu smiled coolly again: "So that's how it is..."

It turned out that kidnapping Fan Ou was just one of them, and she used the boat trip with him tonight as a cover to leave Beijing...

Therefore, pretending to agree to his marriage proposal is probably just a slap in the face.

To whom do you want to show it?Of course it was the saint.

From this point of view, she must have leaked the conversation between the two in Dayun Temple to the palace today.

She deliberately made the saint think that she would leave the capital due to their marriage, so she let go of her short-term precautions, but in fact, the time for her to leave the capital is at this time tonight, at a moment that no one expected, Get away in unexpected ways.

With the support of a guard, Li Lu stood up tremblingly.

The other party's boat was not lit, and she came to the appointment today, wearing a very light blue skirt, and the cloak was the color of the moon above the night.

This kind of light color has just been washed in the water, and now it stands under the moon, without a lamp, but it also has a lingering light.

Under the darkness of night, the waves on the surface of the gloomy lake swayed, making the light-colored owner look like a fairy under the moon. The ghosts in the lake were bright and strange, and completely lost the aura that mortals should have.

However, his behavior is really annoying.

At this moment, she casually picked up the bow hanging on the cabin door, nocked the arrow, and aimed at his painting boat.

"My lord beware!"

The guard was about to protect Li Lu to avoid it, but he heard Li Lu's voice cold and authentic: "Don't worry about it."

The sound of piercing the sky rang out against the moisture of the lake, and the arrow stabbed impartially on the deck two steps away from Li Lu's feet.

Li Lu looked down, and saw that hanging on the arrow was the letter of engagement he handed her just now.

He couldn't help laughing, or rather angrily.

He really seldom gets pissed off.

When he looked up again, the girl's hand holding the bow was already behind her back. She raised her other hand and waved it at him twice with a slight smile.

"Tch." Li Lu laughed again.

As the distance between the two boats gradually increased, the chaotic lake surface gradually returned to calm.

As the boat moved forward, Chang Suining was tired from standing, so he sat down on the board, and was a little tired from sitting, so he simply lay down with one leg bent.

On the night, the bright moon and stars are reflected in the eyes, the breeze is blowing by the ears, and the green hills on both sides of the lake are sleeping in the night, but they are disturbed by this small boat passing by by chance, accompanied by the sound of insects and birds.

Chang Suining lay relaxed on the board of the boat, seemed to let out a breath slowly, and said softly to himself: "The light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains..."

After passing this mountain, she will decide the direction of the future.

The farther she went, the brighter the stars seemed to be. When Chang Suining let herself let go of her thoughts, suddenly a pair of eyes brighter than stars appeared above her head.

"You're going to get sick like this!"

Ah Dian took off his coat and covered her body.

His coat was warm on his body, like a quilt that had been tanned by the sun, with the sweetness of tea and fruit snacks. Chang Suining simply put a hand behind his head and invited him: "Let's watch the stars together." ?"

Ah Dian blinked at her, followed her example and lay down, and asked curiously: "Will the stars be brighter when you look at them like this?"

Chang Suining curled his lips, "I think so."

Ah Dian opened his eyes wide and looked, surprised and said: "It seems to be true!"

The smile on the corner of Chang Suining's mouth grew even wider.

"Little Ah Li, will they catch up?" Ah Dian asked, and hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid if they catch up, I will beat them all away!"

Chang Suining smiled and said, "Don't worry, he won't come after you."

He is Li Lu.

"As for's too late to catch up." Her tone was relaxed and comfortable.

At this moment, Empress Ming should be thinking about preventing her from marrying Li Lu.

If the other party wants to keep her, he needs to stop her before he realizes that she has the intention to leave the capital. Once she is let go, there will be no chance to stay, so her plan from the beginning was to leave unexpectedly and take advantage of it.

There is no need for the saint's permission for the official's children to leave Beijing. Even if she "cuts first and plays later", it is very reasonable.

She wants to take her elder brother to seek medical treatment. Does the emperor not allow people to treat illnesses?
Even if someone chases her in the dark, she still has plenty of ways to get rid of it.

That's why it is said that the light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.


The sky is getting brighter, and the stars and the moon return to their nests and disappear.

After the early court, the news was sent to Emperor Shengji.

There was a moment of surprise in the eyes of Emperor Shengji: "Going?"


Then the confidant servant explained the news from outside the city one by one.

Emperor Shengji's eyes changed several times: "What about the people in Dayun Temple?"

"The monks in the temple said that Mr. Chang Lang left just after dawn. He said he was looking for a doctor, and he also explained where he went."

The servant presented a piece of letter paper with a place to go: "This is left by the lady of the Chang family. She said that yesterday she heard from a lady that there was a doctor who was good at treating bones and injuries a hundred miles away from the city, so she accompanied her brother to go there. have a look……"

The emperor of the holy book took the letter paper, and when he saw Li Shang's handwriting that "extremely resembled" it, he seemed to be distracted for a short time.

After a while, the emperor said slowly: "She used Li Lu to confuse my sight..."

It turned out that Li Lu was not chosen, but Li Lu was used.

Should she be happy?
Fortunately, that girl didn't want to fall for King Rong.

"Your Majesty, do you want to chase?" the confidant servant asked while looking at the letter paper.

"She won't stay here and wait for me to chase after me." Emperor Shengji looked at the handwriting and said, "They'can't find' that Langzhong, so she will take Chang Suian to change it." Seek medical treatment far away."

The confidant servant couldn't get the emperor's favor for a while, so he just said: "I guess there will be some clues along the way..."

After a while, the Emperor of the Holy Book said: "Then try to find it. By the way, I heard about this, and I am worried that Mr. Chang's injury has not healed, so I asked someone to accompany him to seek medical treatment..."

"Yes, slave will do it now."

The servant lowered his head and took a few steps back, but he heard the voice of Emperor Shengji again.

"That's it."

The Holy Book Emperor said slowly: "There is no need to do things in vain."

Vaguely, she thought of the word "put" that Master Tianjing asked her to comprehend.

"Let her go."

She said: "There's no need to go after her... but I need to pass on my secret order to let everyone outside the capital pay attention to her whereabouts. If there is anything, no matter how big or small, it will be reported to me in time."

"Yes, I obey the order."

The servant backed out of the palace door, and the eyes of the Emperor Shengji slowly fell on the censer.

Could it be the word "put"?
"But it wasn't that I let her go..." the emperor whispered, "It was she who escaped from me."

Where will she go after escaping?

If you are A Shang, you will go to uneven places.

The incense mist is lingering on the incense burner, revealing a sense of tranquility.


Soon, many people in Beijing heard about the brothers and sisters of the Chang family going out to seek medical treatment.

Wei Miaoqing was always well informed about the news about Chang Suining.

"A hundred miles outside the's not too far away. Then when people come back, mother will invite Mrs. Chang to come to the house to enjoy the plum blossoms, right?"

The Wei family built a mansion in the garden, and there are always endless flowers to enjoy throughout the year, and the seasonal flowers always bloom earlier than those nearby.

Duan didn't speak for a moment, subconsciously looking at his son who came to pay his respects.

Wei Shuyi sat in the chair and took a sip of tea, smiled, and said, "I don't know how many times the plum blossoms in the mansion have to bloom before she comes back."

Wei Miaoqing looked at her elder brother in puzzlement.

At this time, the servant who came to pass the decree had already arrived outside the gate of Zheng Guogong's mansion.

Soon, all members of the Wei family rushed to the front hall to receive the order.


After the servant who announced the edict was sent out of the mansion, Wei Miaoqing held the edict of bestowing marriage, unable to recover for a long time.

This bad luck, is it really her turn? !
The light boat has passed Ten Thousand Mountains, and the capital roll is over~
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