Chang'an is good

Chapter 223 Willing to Marry

After a while, Wei Miaoqing was able to open her mouth and make a sound: "Mother, Father, Brother, Second Uncle and Second Aunt... Tell me, why did I fall like this..."

Before the word "mildew" came out, Duan dragged her daughter into the cubicle.

Following Zheng Guogong Wei Qin and Wei Shuyi also walked into the cubicle, Wei Yu, the second master of the Wei family, stepped forward and silently closed the door of the cubicle, and then consciously went outside the hall with his wife and children to watch out.

Standing in the corridor, Wei Yu sighed.

Eldest brother by nature pursues slack and freedom too much. To put it bluntly, he is out of tune. Such an out of tune elder brother married him a sister-in-law who is also quite accomplished in out of tune...

And the fact that the two can give birth to such an over-the-top child like Zi Gu can only be explained in one direction - when things are extreme, they are reversed, when they bottom out, they rebound, and they come out of adversity.

But this kind of thing is extremely rare, something like a spectacle in the world is destined to be hard to ask for, so in comparison, Qing'er's temperament is much like her parents.

Therefore, in the compartment at this time, Zi Gu probably has with the key and three with the non-key.

The youngest one, who is out of tune, has no outsiders at the moment, has given up expression management, and said with a mournful face: "...the hard work of the princess, no matter how many times, it still fell on me. I always remember my brother's words." Confess, the performance is clear and not outstanding!"

As he spoke, he cried and looked at Wei Shuyi: "Brother, you have to give me an explanation!"

Wei Shuyi sighed lightly: "Brother, I know that you have acted very incompetent. You can only blame me as an elder brother. I am too outstanding in the court, but I have troubled you."

"It's also my father's fault." Zheng Guogong also seriously reflected on himself: "It's all my fault that my father is the eldest son of the family. Although he is not as good as your uncles in every way, he also took over the position of Zheng Guogong and gave you such a decent and outstanding family background." ...that caused you to be chosen as the Crown Princess."

Seeing such father and brother, Wei Miaoqing stopped crying.

"Aniang is also responsible." Duan took her daughter's hand, her eyes were reddish, and she was even more ashamed than her husband: "Who told Aniang to give you an impeccable good looks? A mole on your face? You won’t be chosen as the crown princess.”

"..." Wei Miaoqing couldn't cry at all, it was really hard for her not to doubt: "Are you comforting me, or are you taking the opportunity to boast?"

"Even if there is a suspicion of boasting, it is the truth." Wei Shuyi's face turned serious, and he said: "Since the saint liquidated the eldest grandson's party, there have been countless vacancies for real positions. It is the time when he is competing for power with the Cui family. Such a critical moment. , it is necessary to appoint the crown princess as soon as possible, so as not to be taken advantage of by those gentry."

"Secondly, in Luo Guanlin's proclamation, he wantonly belittles saints, harms and treats the crown prince harshly. Only by selecting a real noble daughter from a family background as the crown prince concubine can some criticisms be effectively dispelled."

When Wei Shuyi said this, his voice was a little lower: "But in order to prevent losing control and indirectly making the crown prince powerful, this candidate has to be selected from the family of courtiers that the sage can trust..."

"In short, these conditions are all right for me." Wei Miaoqing wanted to cry again, she didn't want to be a princess!
Zheng Guogong comforted his daughter, but seeing that the usual words of comfort did not work, he said: "...I heard that the sage is also preparing to grant a marriage to the son of King Rong. If you marry and go to Yizhou, it will be difficult to see your parents again."

"Thinking about it this way, being selected as the crown princess, at least she is still in the capital, is considered a blessing in misfortune..."

This phrase "lucky in misfortune" made Wei Shuyi want to touch his forehead, these are some outrageous words.

"What are you talking about?" Duan glared at her husband, hugged her daughter's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "If you want to tell my mother, judging from the current situation, whether the Crown Princess can do it or not is another matter." ...The crown prince is still young, and it will take at least two or three years to prepare for the big wedding. I heard that since Changsun Yuan was taken away for punishment that day, the crown prince was so frightened that he couldn't get sick. Maybe he will... right? ?”

Wei Miaoqing: "?"

A Niang was covering her mouth, but she didn't completely block it.

Seeing that the whole family looked at him with complicated expressions, Duan said blushingly: "It's definitely not me who cursed people... That is to say, this situation, it is here now, even if it is better, people are still there, but Maybe one day the crown prince will be replaced by another person, so this marriage will naturally be... right?"

Wei Miaoqing was strangely persuaded.

"What my mother said...although it's not appropriate to explain it to outsiders, it's true." Wei Shuyi finally said, "You might as well read it while walking."

Although Wei Miaoqing felt that her elder brother was very incompetent in matters of love, she still obeyed him in matters of business, so she also settled down and nodded her head.

Although she seems to be bluffing, she is not a willful person in her heart. She is a daughter of the Wei family, and she understands some truths. Even if there is no solution to this problem in the future, she will not leave it at home for her own selfishness. .

But this didn't prevent her from asking: "Speaking of marrying Prince Rong's son, has the candidate for Prince Rong's son been decided?"

It was a bit unkind to say, but she would like to know which girl was more unlucky than her.

Wei Shuyi: "It hasn't really been decided yet. Prince Rong's son heard that he had contracted a cold and fell ill. He is still recovering from his illness these few days. He will not be able to leave Beijing for a while, so the sage is still thinking about it."

At first the saint was so anxious, it should be related to her...

With her gone, the sage could regain his composure and better consider and weigh the matter.

"But it should be just two days."

As Wei Shuyi said, he had already seen through his sister's thoughts, and sighed: "You must know that not everyone thinks like you...whether the position of Crown Princess or Princess Rong is not a bad thing in the eyes of many people. Just marrying into the royal family is enough to make countless people flock to it."

After comforting Wei Miaoqing, Wei Shuyi asked the second uncle's family to come in and talk.

Wei Yu, who was waiting outside on the porch, was sticking his hands out of the porch to check the drizzle.

A drizzle added another two points of chill to the capital.

The next day when the sky cleared, it was the day when the Imperial College was closed for ten days, and people from Xunmei Society and Wuer Society ran into each other again in the listening hall.

Different from the tense situation when they met here last time, since the Confucian Temple incident, the festive prejudices between the two parties have been silently removed. Because of the presence of Cui Lang and Qiao Yubai, everyone can even talk amicably at this moment.

"I heard that Mrs. Chang took Chang Langjun out of the city to seek medical treatment. I wonder when I will return?" A student in the Xunmei Society asked Chang Suining.

Cui Lang could only look at Qiao Yubai, feeling a little aggrieved when his master went out to Beijing to seek medical treatment, but he didn't say anything to him.

Facing Cui Lang's wronged eyes, Qiao Yubai smiled without saying a word, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

"Thank you for your concern. The date of return has not yet been set, so there is no rush to seek medical treatment." Qiao Yubai replied with a smile.

"This is also..."

"Speaking of which, why can't we invite that Lang Zhong to the mansion to treat Mr. Chang Lang?"

"Many talented people have their own weird rules..."

"When Mrs. Chang comes back, I hope brother Qiao will let me know."

Qiao Yubai responded.

Although Song Xian said nothing, he listened carefully and patiently.

He also hoped that she would come back as soon as possible. His words of apology had been stuffed in his heart for a long time.

The students in this room gather around to talk and chant poems. In a box on the second floor, there is a light green figure of a girl sitting alone, drinking tea absent-mindedly.

She has always liked rhythm, and this listening hall is where she comes most often. At this moment, a female musician is playing the pipa for her through a beaded curtain.

"...Why did it stop?" The girl came back to her senses when the music disappeared.

The female musician had known her for a long time, and she couldn't help saying angrily: "After playing a piece, no one is allowed to stop? My family has played so hard for so long, Madam Ma is afraid that she hasn't listened to a single note?"

After Ma Wan was startled, she said apologetically, "It's true that I was distracted... Don't blame the voiceless lady."

After finishing speaking, he asked the maid to offer the silver.

There are tea, wine and music in the listening hall, but if the musicians sing for themselves alone, they have to pay extra money.

After the female musician accepted it, she didn't make any jokes, just hugged the pipa with a smile on her face, and retreated gracefully.

"Does the girl have something on her mind?" the maid asked in a low voice.

Ma Wan didn't answer her.

The maid sighed in her heart, she didn't need the girl to answer, she knew it in her heart, no one else knew what the girl was thinking, but she, the personal maid, could see clearly.

After a while, Ma Wan opened her mouth, but she said with a dejected expression, "Go back."

She would come to the listening hall to listen to music when she was free. She looked the same as usual, but she knew very well in her heart that everything had changed since the mid-autumn hibiscus feast.

Maybe she won't have to be here again soon, maybe it's time to let it all go.

When Ma Wan got up, her expression suddenly changed, she turned her head to look at the window, and listened quietly for a while, before asking the maid: "Xi Qin... did you hear that?"

After getting the maid's nod, Ma Wan immediately raised her skirt, stepped out of the box, went downstairs, and headed towards the elegant courtyard.

The long-lost flute sound guided her step by step to a lotus pond.

When she saw the back of the young man whom she had not seen for a long time, she slowed down and looked at him in a daze for a moment.

At first, she was attracted by the loneliness in the sound of his flute, it seemed a kind of incomprehensible loneliness, bottomless and far away, but she couldn't help but want to get closer.

The two of them had had fun before, and they didn't talk about anything else. She didn't know at that time that he was actually Li Lu, the son of Prince Rong.

Until at the hibiscus flower party, she saw him, knew his identity, but also witnessed his affectionate promise to others.

Only then did she realize that she thought she knew each other, but she was being superfluous. Also, she didn't even know each other's identity and family, so why talk about other things?
When the sound of the flute stopped, the young man standing by the pond turned around and looked at her, a familiar smile appeared on his weak and handsome face: "It's Madam Ma, long time no see, how are you doing?"

This was the first time he called her by her surname, but he didn't feel any sense of identity... It turned out that he used this tone when he called her "Ma Niangzi".

Ma Wan silently tightened the embroidered handkerchief in her hand, it's absurd to say that the thought that she was about to give up on, suddenly spread in her heart in this greeting.

Was it in vain that she thought she had a noble heart, but she was so humble? Even knowing that his heart was for others, she couldn't really cut off her thoughts.

"I'm fine... I don't know if the son's cold disease has been cured?"

After Ma Wan asked, she felt that she had slipped her words, which undoubtedly revealed her unusual concern for him.

The young man smiled, nodded and said: "It's mostly healed, thank you Madam Ma for your concern."

"That's good." Ma Wan loosened and tightened her fingers holding the handkerchief, and looked at the bamboo flute in his hand: "Just now I heard the sound of Shizi's flute, I seem to have something on my mind..."

Li Lu said: "Leaving Beijing is imminent, so I can't help but think about it."

"Your Majesty..." Ma Wan didn't know how she mustered up the courage, but she actually asked, "Did you not let Madam Chang go?"

The deeds of the lady of the Chang family are really shocking, and she has been thinking recently that it is indeed difficult to really let go of such an impressive girl.

The young man looked at the withered lotus pond, and said slowly: "You can't force things in the world. Since you know there is no fate, after a long time, you can slowly let go of your expectations."

He didn't answer "I've let it go", that would make it appear that his previous affection was too cheap, and in some things, it's too much to go too far.

Women will always be attracted and moved by affection, even if the affection is given to others.

Ma Wan couldn't tell what kind of feeling she was feeling in her heart, but seeing his expression, it really didn't look like someone who didn't want to get out of that obsession, willing to get out... is very good.

She unconsciously took two steps forward, and also showed a smile: "Then, I hope that my son... will regain his peace of mind as soon as possible."

"Auspicious words from Madam Ma." The young man asked with a smile on his face, "It's hard to find a bosom friend. I haven't heard Madam Ma's piano for a long time. I don't know if I will be lucky enough to sing a song with Madam Ma before I leave Beijing."

While he was speaking, he raised his hand to show the gazebo beside him.

There is a piano in the pavilion all the year round for visitors to play.

Ma Wan suppressed the slight ripples in her heart and nodded lightly.

The two sit in the pavilion and play the qin, and the other stand by the pool and play the xiao. The two sounds are in harmony with each other, and there is a tacit understanding without words.

The gurgling music seems to calm all anxiety, but the maid of Ma's family became more and more disturbed when she heard this scene... Is it her illusion? The girl's dark thoughts!
That day, when Ma Wan returned home, it was already dark.

On the way back, she had made a decision in her heart, went back to the courtyard to change clothes, and then went to find her grandparents.

Please rest, Ma Wan said: "Wan'er has something to discuss with her grandparents alone."

Ma Xingzhou then ordered his servants to retreat.

In the hall, Ma Wan knelt down and said, "Grandfather, Wan'er is willing to marry the son of Prince Rong."

Ma Xingzhou and his wife exchanged unexpected glances.

"Wan'er..." Ma's old lady asked in shock, "Why did you suddenly have such an idea? But what did you hear?"

"Yes, Wan'er knows that the sage is currently choosing a concubine for Prince Rong's son, and Wan'er also knows that she is on that list, and the sage is very fond of Wan'er."

"But your aunt told you?" The old lady of the Ma family sighed, and looked at her most beloved granddaughter with pity: "But don't worry, your grandfather hasn't nodded in agreement, and His Majesty will not force our Ma family to do so. I am also discussing this matter with your grandfather..."

"Okay." Ma Xingzhou interrupted his wife, and looked at his granddaughter kneeling there: "Let me talk to Wan'er alone first."

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good night!

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