Chang'an is good

Chapter 229 Which one do you like?

After the box was opened, what came into view was a neatly folded object.

Chang Suining took out the thing curiously, his eyes moved accordingly, and after unfolding it with both hands, he realized that it was actually a armor suit.

But it is impossible for ordinary armor to be folded like this. This thing is soft but extremely dense. Chang Suining looked at it intently, his eyes were slightly bright. The method of making this armor is extremely exquisite. She had never seen it before.

She looked at it carefully for a while, and felt that she couldn't put it down. After a while, she sat down, put down the armor temporarily, and opened the letter instead.

The Zhan letter is Cui Jing's handwriting, just like his person, not only the handwriting, but also the content of the letter - the words on it are very concise, only half a page of letter paper is written.

He first summarized the affairs of Bingzhou in two sentences, and explained that he would rush to the north after handling the affairs of Bingzhou.

Then he asked about Chang Suian's recovery from his injury.

He thanked her with another sentence, saying that it was fortunate that she wrote to remind her.

Then he told her that this armor is generally unbreakable by swords, guns and arrows, but it is more light, and it can be worn next to the body when going out to avoid the danger of vital organs.

In the end, I told her that there was also a list attached to the envelope, on which were the people who met him in the Yangzhou rebellion army. They were all credible people. Chang Kuo also knew it, but just in case, I decided to make a list with her. ,in case for need.

This concise letter ended here, and Chang Suining went to check the envelope again, and there was a list in it.

When she was looking at the list, Ah Dian came in from the outside, followed by a few cats, and came to ask Xi'er for water.

Xi'er teased him with a smile: "It seems that the little raccoon slaves are not so easy to teach, but the master is exhausted."

While speaking, he passed the tea over: "Order general, drink slowly, and be careful not to choke."

A Dian thanked her, took the tea and gulped it down.

When he put down the teacup, he saw the armor and said "Yi": "Isn't this the Yanling chain armor? Why did you come here?"

Chang Sui Ning looked at him after hearing the words: "Do you recognize this armor?"

"Of course, this is Xiao Jing's goose feather armor." A Dian said, picked it up, and said to her: "I heard that a very powerful craftsman killed five hundred geese and stripped off the last part of them. For the hard feathers, I killed two more cows and pulled out their strongest tendons to make this armor!"

Chang Sui Ning was stunned.

That sounds really cruel.

But in terms of reducing merit, it is indeed her dream lover.

A Dian continued: "I wanted one before, but I heard that the craftsman is no longer there, and other people's craftsmanship is not as good as his, so this goose feather armor is the only one in the world!"

Chang Suining was a little surprised, just this one?
Indeed, this armor is not only made of special materials, but also has copper and iron objects as hook locks. Each piece is very fine and thin, and the weaving technique is also very rare. If there is no armor maker to teach the method, it is really difficult to imitate.

A Dian said, comparing the armor in front of him, wondering: "But why does it look so much smaller?" He compared it in front of him, like a big and strong doll hanging in front of him. A small pocket that can only be worn during the full moon.

When Chang Suining heard this, there was still something he didn't understand.

Even Ah Dian quickly realized, and suddenly realized: "Oh! I know, it was Xiao Jing who made it smaller, and now I give it to you to wear, right?"

He widened his eyes and exclaimed: "Little Ah Li, Xiao Jing also likes you too much! He even gave you the Yan Lingjia!"

The word "like" he said was very simple and pure, but Chang Suining was startled when he heard it.

This goose feather armor was only one piece, but he gave it to her as a gift, and it had been reduced in size beforehand, so he didn't give her a chance to return it.

"Put it on quickly and try to show your prestige!"

While Chang Suining was in a daze, Ah Dian had come to her, impatiently put the goose feather armor on her body, pulled her up again, held her shoulders and let her turn around.

"Sure enough!" Ah Dian said with bright eyes, "little Ah Li, you might be able to become a great general if you wear this goose feather armor!"

Chang Suining raised his eyes subconsciously, looking at the bronze mirror in front of the dressing table.

In the mirror, the girl combed her hair in a bun, wore pearl flowers and wore a skirt, and was covered with such a silver and copper two-color armor, which looked a bit nondescript, and she didn't feel the prestige, but it was funny.

The girl in the mirror couldn't help smiling at herself.

Chang Suining caressed the cool armor with one hand, and looked down at the list in the other hand.

He didn't ask much, but he knew what she wanted and what she wanted to do next.

"Girl, there are still many letters in this box!"

Xi'er's voice sounded, and Chang Suining looked back.

And a letter?
Xi'er took out the stack of letter papers that were pressed under the armor, and handed it to her own girl.

Chang Suining was attracted by the goose feather armor just now, but he didn't notice that there were still these letter papers at the bottom of the box.

At this time, I saw it, but felt very strange. These letter papers were stacked one by one, but they were not put into the envelope, and there were wrinkles on the surface, as if they were crumpled and then flattened.

What's even more strange is... Although the handwriting is also Cui Jing's handwriting, the content of each letter is similar, and the beginning is almost the same, and they are all written to her.

Chang Suining was puzzled, he didn't even bother to remove the armor, and sat down to look at each one carefully.

It is not difficult to find out that none of these letter papers was finished, and all of them were discarded by the letter writers in the middle of writing.

So, these are all useless letters written by Cui Jing?

There are more than a dozen of them?

The first letter she read explained in detail the causes and consequences of the Bingzhou Rebellion, and his suspicion that what Xiao Chuan said might not be true.

In the second letter, she was asked whether she had adapted to Xuanzhou, whether the journey was hard, whether there were many boats or horses, whether the injury on her arm had healed, whether senior Ah Dian was well-behaved and sensible when he was away from home...

The third one elaborated that although the goose feather armor was worn by him, it had already been cleaned by Yuan Xiang repeatedly, and he remade it by himself overnight, so it should roughly fit, so she could wear it with peace of mind...

The fourth, the fifth...

The tenth, the reply is very late, don't blame it, the war is over, the previous letters were intercepted by Xiao Chuan's subordinates, and I just saw the letter today...

When Chang Suining read this sentence, he realized that this guy had lied... Didn't the "serious" letter at the beginning say, "Fortunately, she wrote to remind me"?

The result was that when he saw her letter, the battle was clearly over!
How can there be such strange things in the world that would rather make up nonsense than thank others?

Chang Suining finally turned to the last one.

This piece of letter paper is a bit different. The previous ones were at most half-stopped, but this one was not enough, and the last two lines were crossed out with pen and ink, probably because the person who wrote the letter felt that these two sentences were very inappropriate. inappropriate.

But the content of those two lines crossed out with one stroke is not difficult to recognize. What is written on it--I will go to the north in a few days, and the distance between the north and the south has become more and more distant since then, and I hope that the reunion will not be far away.Please take care until the day we meet again.Winter is coming, you need to keep warm, drink more hot food, and ask for winter peace, and look forward to stretching your eyebrows.

After reading it in his mind, Chang Suining blinked slowly.

Isn't this... well written, why do you have to cross it out?

"...Cui Dadu sent so many letters to the girl?" Xi'er was amazed.

Chang Suining, who had been reading for half an hour, subconsciously looked at the last letter.

It is true that he wrote it all, but as for sending it... it should not be his intention.

Just now she felt that he was as trustworthy as he was, it was too simple.

and so……

Simple right?
Yes, after all, it was in exchange for the lives of more than a dozen scrap letters.

Chang Suining tapped the stack of letter papers with his fingers, and asked A Dian curiously: "Cui Dadu usually writes letters to people, but does he always make drafts over and over again?"

Ah Dian was squatting aside to smooth the fur of several cats in turn. Hearing this, he raised his head, reacted for a while, and then shook his head: "I haven't seen it before!"

Chang Suining also felt that it shouldn't be, if he was so entangled every time he wrote a letter, he wouldn't have to do other things.

When he made up his plan to lure the snake out of the hole in Bingzhou, he might not have spent as long on these letters as he did.

At this time, A Dian said in a natural tone: "Of course Xiaojing wrote you so many letters at once because she likes you!"

Chang Suining's subordinates paused slightly as they lit the letter paper.

According to Ah Dian's theory, it is because she "likes" that she writes so many letters to her, but after writing, she discards them and doesn't want her to read them, then it is because... she doesn't want her to know that he "likes" "She?
Or is it because he knew that she was Li Shang, so he thought about it word by word, and didn't know how to get along with her?

And it should be noted that there are many kinds of "likes". It is very common to "like" her, and even she herself likes herself, but which kind does he like?

Chang Suining was tired from reading the letter, and now he rested his chin and began to think.

Like "a bosom friend, but a knife in both sides"?

Like "sprinkling blood on the battlefield and cherishing each other"?

Or, "Cui Jing Shuzi, do you want to mess with my ambition"?

She dared to think about it at the last level, but she felt that it was not appropriate to jump to conclusions, lest she end up with eye bags.

People's hearts are unpredictable, which answer is the only one who knows best, Chang Suining no longer insists on pondering, just put those letters back in the box and let it go.

"Ning Ning, I heard a letter from Governor Cui?"

Chang Suian's voice came from the outside through the bamboo curtain.

Receiving the response from Chang Suining's voice, Jiantong just pushed Chang Sui'an in.

"Ningning, what did Governor Cui say in the letter?"

"..." Chang Suining took a look at the small box, and felt that if he told them one by one, he might not be able to finish it before dark.

She chose the serious and concise letter to talk to Chang Suian.

"In the midst of his busy schedule, Governor Cui still remembers my injury..." Chang Suian was quite regretful: "Nowadays, there are rumors about Bingzhou everywhere... If I could have set off with Xuan Ce's army back then, what should I do?" How nice."

"Brother, if you can maintain your muscles and bones well, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Chang Suian: "Now I am following the doctor's orders as military orders!"

"But Ningning... what are you wearing?" Chang Suian took a closer look: "Jiayi?"

Chang Suining was about to answer him, when he suddenly heard Chang Ren's voice from outside: "Girl, Lao Kang is here!"

Chang Suining straightened his face: "Please come in."

The "Old Kang" in Chang Ren's mouth is one of the veterans of the Chang family, and he is also the leader who sent money and food to the barracks this time.

Lao Kang, who is nearly sixty years old, still has good legs and feet, walked in quickly and clasped his fists to salute: "Girl, sir!"

"Why did Uncle Kang find this place himself?" Chang Suining immediately asked, "But the situation is different at Father's side?"

She had previously agreed with Lao Kang and the others that after they saw Chang Kuo, they would send a letter to her, but they did not see the letter, but the person came at this time, obviously something was wrong.

"Yes." Lao Kang's face was tense, "I was waiting for this trip, but I couldn't see the general."

"Didn't see Dad?" Chang Sui An suddenly stood up from the wheelchair: "What's wrong with Dad?"

"Following the girl's instructions, I took the documents from the household department and sent the money and food to the barracks. I asked to see the general, but the people in the barracks refused to allow me on the grounds that the general was recuperating and no one should disturb me." See you later!"

They tried to negotiate with the people in the military camp for a long time, but the other party refused to let go no matter what, and finally even put out military regulations, saying that if they persisted, they would be punished according to military regulations.

Lao Kang and the others had no intention of starting a dispute at this juncture, so they had to take a step back and let them help pass a message to Chang Kuo.

The other party responded perfunctorily, and it is unknown whether they will do so in the future.Lao Kang sensed that something was wrong, so he left his staff nearby to continue to inquire about the news, and he came to Xuanzhou soon to tell the girl about it.

Chang Suining frowned: "What about Uncle Chu and the others? Didn't see them either?"

Lao Chang also brought a team of personal soldiers, led by Chu Xing with nearly a hundred people, they can't all be "healing their wounds", right?

Lao Kang: "I found a familiar school lieutenant in private to inquire about it. Old Chu and the others were ordered by the army to deal with Xu's rebels in the Sizhou area. They fought for many days and have not yet returned."

"Then, does this famous captain know how father's situation is?"

She had heard from Li Lu before that during the Battle of Liangshan, Father was injured by an arrow to save Li Yi from the siege, but it was not serious, how could it be so bad that he couldn't even see anyone?

"This person hasn't seen the general for several days. He only knows that Li Yi ordered people to stay outside the general's tent, claiming that no one is allowed to disturb the general's recuperation. Only medical officers and soldiers who deliver food come in and out every day."

Chang Suining's brows became tighter and tighter: "I'm afraid Li Yi is imprisoning Dad in the name of recuperating..."

But house arrest is still the best possibility.

"Li Yi is the head coach, and Dad is the deputy commander. Why would he do this!" Chang Suian wondered, "Is it because of a disagreement, or because he hated Dad for preventing him from returning to the Huainan Palace?"

Chang Suining also told him some things on the way to Xuanzhou.

Chang Sui Ning didn't waste any more time guessing, she got up and went out, raised her hand to remove the armor on her body, and held it in her hand: "Uncle Blade quickly prepare horses and dry food, and I will bid farewell to His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess After that, you immediately follow me to Shouzhou."

Shouzhou is closely guarding the Huai River, which is where the rebellious army is camping now.

"Ningning...!" Chang Suian hurriedly followed.

Hearing Chang Sui Ning came to bid farewell, behind the bead curtain, the salted plums in Princess Xuan'an's hands fell with a "click".

Her "Happy to Leave" plan failed so quickly?
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