Chang'an is good

Chapter 230 Can I Call You Sister?

Li Tong had already pulled up the bead curtain and came out. Hearing this, he was even more panicked, feeling like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Why did Sister Chang leave suddenly?"

She stepped forward to hold Chang Suining's hand, and quickly asked: "But don't you like the food? The servants are not serving you well? Sister is too noisy? Or is the bad weather in Xuanzhou recently disturbing you?"

"No, everything is fine." Chang Suining explained to her: "I lost contact with my father. I need to go to Shouzhou to confirm whether my father is safe."

"General Chang?" Li Tong's complexion changed, and he subconsciously turned his head to look behind the bead curtain.

The Eldest Princess had also gotten up from the beauty's couch. Hearing that her feet were sluggish, when she came out, there was only a serious expression on her face: "Lost contact?"

Chang Suining nodded and briefly explained the situation to her.

The eldest princess's heart jumped a few times, as if the inexplicable uneasiness in her heart these days had really been verified.

She also sent someone to Shouzhou to inquire about the news before, and the reply should arrive within two days, but she didn't expect to learn from Chang Suining that something was wrong with Chang Kuo.

"Don't be afraid, don't make a mess." The eldest princess did not forget to appease Chang Suining first, and said: "I will send more people to Shouzhou to investigate this matter, the situation is not clear now, you should stay in Xuanzhou and wait for news. "

"Thank you, Your Highness, but it is because the situation is unclear that I have to go all the more." Chang Suining said: "To tell you the truth, Your Highness, I left Beijing this trip to go to Shouzhou to find my father, and I have already made all the preparations , so please rest assured, Your Highness."

The girl's words were calm and calm, her eyes revealed a firm decision, but Princess Xuan'an still hesitated: "But now the Xu family's rebels are making trouble everywhere, there are bandits everywhere, and the entire Huainan Road is not peaceful, so it will My Xuanzhou can live in peace, your daughter’s family is going to Shouzhou, not to mention me, even your father must not be at ease..."

"The rebellion of the rebel army is nothing more than the forced recruitment of soldiers and money. As for the ordinary bandits, the people I bring should be enough to deal with them." Chang Suining said: "I will act carefully, Your Highness does not need to worry."

She still has some experience in walking in a war-torn place to protect herself.

Of course, the word danger cannot be avoided, but in comparison, Chang Kuo's safety is more important. At such a critical moment, the whole body is affected. It is natural to leave the matter to others and let her sit in the house and wait for the news. is impossible.

Besides, even if it had nothing to do with Chang Kuo, she would always go.

In the midst of military chaos, the place of stability should be used to protect the old, the children, and the weak. Those who are strong and have swords in their hands should spare no effort to calm down the chaos.

The eldest princess couldn't persuade her anymore after hearing this, she could tell that the little girl was just saying goodbye to her instead of asking her opinion and asking her to help make up her mind.

This girl's idea is very firm, very assertive.

This point, she has already understood from the seven or eight days of getting along.

The eldest princess sighed.

"This junior, besides saying goodbye to His Highness, I have one more request to ask." The girl finally said: "My brother has not recovered yet, so it is not appropriate to go with you, or you will have the audacity to bother Your Highness for a while."

After these days, in Chang Suining's view, there is almost no doubt about the previous guess.

That's why she dared to speak up with confidence.

"What are you talking about? It should be so." The eldest princess said: "Since you have made up your mind, I can't force it. You can rest assured that Mr. Chang stays in Xuanzhou, as long as it will..."

As she spoke, she made another "request". She asked someone to pick a capable confidant, secretly follow Chang Suining around, and escort her to Shouzhou.

"If you, child, refuse to agree to this, then as an elder, I really can't let you go." At the end, the Eldest Princess said softly and forcefully.

Chang Suining, who didn't intend to refuse at all, smiled: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Only then did the eldest princess nod in satisfaction, and immediately gave orders.

In addition, he explained many things that Chang Suining needs to pay attention to. At the end, his voice was low and his eyes darkened a little: "If there is anything wrong...don't act rashly to put yourself in danger, and come back to Xuanzhou and tell me I."

If he really did something good or bad at his age, she would avenge him even for the sake of the child.

In the current chaos, Princess Xuan'an has already prepared for the worst in her heart.

At this moment, Chang Sui'an finally came after him.

Chang Suining told him a few words in front of the eldest princess, so that he could heal his wounds with peace of mind.

Is Ningning going to leave him here alone?

Chang Suian was uneasy, but he didn't dare to say those unrealistic words when he met his sister's eyes. Now it is very difficult for him to walk around the yard every day, let alone go to Shouzhou.

If he keeps up, no matter how powerful the younger sister is, she will be dragged down by him.

After deciding on this, Chang Suining bid farewell to the Eldest Princess, went back to change clothes, and prepared to leave.

Li Tong followed, and repeatedly told Chang Suining on the way.

At first she treated Chang Suining warmly, out of love and curiosity, but after spending eight or nine days together, she has truly fallen in love with this younger sister.

She hasn't had many playmates of the same age around her these years, and she always looks down on those noble girls in Xuanzhou city. Finally, a younger sister who suits her appetite came, and she is racking her brains to figure out how to grow up. After a long time, people will leave in the end.

Really just teased her so much that she wanted to abandon her and go to that dangerous place, and she couldn't help but miss her in every possible way.

Li Tong didn't give up, and Chang Suining, who came out of the inner room, had changed his dress into a robe, tied up his hair, and dressed up as a teenager, walking and demeanor are also youthful.

Li Tong stared blankly for a while, then subconsciously stretched his head to look into the inner room.

Isn't this really hiding her sister Chang?

In fact, if you look closely, it's clear that there's not much concealment on that face, why does it look like a real young man?
The "young man" walked out of the outer hall, and Chang Ren came up to greet him and saluted: "Girl, everything is ready... But there is one more thing, do you also want to bring the people in the secret room?"

Chang Suining shook his head: "This trip is in a hurry, so it's inconvenient to bring any burden."

Ah Che, who was standing with everyone, hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and consciously walked to Chang Suian's side.

"?" Chang Suian looked at him.

Xiaoduan Xiaowu in the crowd did not move, standing upright with his head held high like those guards, with a dignified demeanor.

Archer: "..."

If only he was as confident as they were.

Chang Suining looked over: "Ache is with me, Xiaoduan Xiaowu is too young, stay here."

A Che's eyes lit up, and he strode forward.

Xiaoduan and Xiaowu walked towards Chang Suian resentfully.

"Brother, when you have free time, teach them to practice martial arts and calligraphy, and don't let them slack off." Chang Suining arranged work for the three of them in one sentence.

She has always loved talents, but talents rarely fall from the sky, so she needs to deceive, rob, and cultivate with heart.

Chang Suian nodded in agreement, and repeatedly confessed: "Ningning, you must be careful in everything."

Chang Suining replied "Okay", looked around but did not see A Dian, just about to ask a question, he saw a tall figure running over with a bundle and an orange cat in his arms.

A Dian rubbed his cheeks, took a few more breaths, and then reluctantly stuffed the cat into Chang Sui'an's arms: "Xiao Sui'an, I will leave the oranges to you."

With that said, he walked quickly to Chang Suining, "Little Ah Li, let's go!"

Chang Suining looked at him: "Are you going too? This trip may be very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid of danger!" Ah Dian's wide eyes were full of pure longing: "I just want to be with you!"

Looking into those eyes, Chang Suining seemed to hear the familiar yet distant phrase "A Dian only wants to be with His Highness" in his ears.In his eyes, there are only two places in the whole world - the place where His Highness is, and other places.

Chang Suining smiled: "Okay, then let's go together."

Ah Dian was overjoyed and quickly followed her.

Chang Suian insisted on sending his younger sister out of the Dachang Princess Mansion.

A group of people set off from the back door, and the people arranged by the eldest princess were waiting there. Seeing Chang Suining, he presented the customs clearance documents prepared by the eldest princess and the road map of Huainan Road.

Chang Suining unfolded the road map and took a look, then rolled it up, put it under the cloak, and jumped on the horse: "Come with me."

"Yes!" Ah Dian straightened his chest, with an extremely serious face, and responded loudly.

Chang Suining turned her head to look at him, and her four eyes met. She seemed to smile, and then raised her whip and rode her horse.

Ah Dian himself was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and then hurriedly drove his horse to follow.

The people and horses went away, and the dust and smoke they brought up also floated and settled, and Jiantong pushed Chang Suian back to the eldest princess' mansion.

At this moment, Chang Suian was worried about his father and sister, and felt lonely and hesitant.

Sensing his emotions, Li Tong comforted: "Don't worry too much, General Chang and Niangzi Chang have their own auspices, and they will be safe."

After finishing speaking, he patted Chang Suian's head twice to comfort him.

Chang Sui'an tensed up all of a sudden, and looked up at her in disbelief.

My sister just left, is she going to touch him?

Seeing his expression, Li Tong asked in an excellent tone: "What's wrong?"

Chang Sui'an's lips trembled, and he made a stiff expression that seemed to be touched, and asked cautiously, "I...can I call you sister like Ningning?"

He tried to pull up a line of defense called ethics to protect himself.

Ning Ning is not here, he has to learn to protect himself.

Li Tong was stunned for a while before revealing a look of surprise: "Of course it is possible!"

She raised her hand in great joy and rubbed Chang Suian's head twice: "Let's hear something first?"

Chang Sui An forced a smile on his face: "Ah... Sister."

Li Tong showed his face: "Hey!"

Chang Sui'an felt inexplicably more at ease.

Jiantong didn't look sideways, and pushed Lang Jun whose hair was messed up to move forward.

It seems that Lang Jun is more willing to sell his soul than his body... It's really hard to judge.


Chang Suining and his party left Xuanzhou City and headed north all the way.

The horseshoes picked up the dust, stepped across the shallow stream, broke through the mountain fog in the morning, and chased the sunset at dusk. The girl in the crow-blue cloak rode the horse to lead the way, and arrived in Luzhou the next day.

It was getting late, even Chang Suining did not dare to be so arrogant as to drive the night on Huainan Road today, so the group rested in Luzhou for a night, and inquired about Shouzhou by the way, and set off for Shouzhou again when the sky dawned and go.

On the road from Luzhou to Shouzhou, the naked eye can see that it is no more stable than the vicinity of Xuanzhou. There are refugees who describe it as a mess everywhere, and occasionally people from unknown directions pass by quickly.

Chang Suining asked Chang Ren to take out the remaining rations and distributed them to a group of refugees, mostly old and weak, women and children. After asking, they found out that they came from Yangzhou and had been in exile for several months. As the man spoke, he shed tears.

It turned out that Xu's rebel army not only forcibly recruited strong men, but also ordered the people to turn in money and food to fill the army treasury.

However, the imperial army fought several times, many fertile fields were destroyed during the battles, the city gates were frequently closed, and the people at the bottom were cut off from their livelihoods, and the rebels were unbearable from time to time. If you go down, you can only flee with your family.

Hearing that Xuanzhou was not affected, many of them planned to go to Xuanzhou, but because the area of ​​Runzhou was also occupied by Xu's rebels, and the fighting continued, they had to detour through Luzhou.

This section of the road is not so easy to walk, there are rebels, bandits, people from the government from all over the country obstructing and expelling them, and there are also many refugees who are in similar situations but not necessarily friendly.

Chang Suining glanced at the hungry children beside the old woman, didn't ask any more questions, and only gave them some broken silver and copper coins.The old woman looked around vigilantly, and after hiding quickly, she kowtowed to the "young man" in front of her to thank her.

Chang Suining helped her up with one hand.

That's all she can do right now.

A group of people continued on their way and successfully entered Shouzhou City before it got dark and the city gate was about to close.

Thirty miles away from Shouzhou City is where the army camped.

Chang Suining and others rested in an inn, and that night, the people left by Lao Kang came to find them.

"Meet the girl!"

"How have you been these few days, have you found any news about Father?"

"I still haven't seen the general. Today I tried to go to the camp to inquire about the recovery of the general, but I couldn't even enter the gate of the barracks!"

The last time I was able to go in, it was probably because they brought money and food, and those soldiers were willing to talk to them, but this time they simply stopped them, and even stated clearly that if they dared to approach the barracks without authorization and interfere with military affairs, they would be punished. No wonder they don't have eyes for swords and guns in their hands.

Chang Suining: "It seems that this barracks is obviously impossible to enter."

She had been stopped once before, so she naturally couldn't fail to think of this possibility.

Lao Kang and the others gathered together to discuss countermeasures, while Chang Suining looked at the door of the guest room: "No hurry, let's fill our stomachs first, and wait for Ah Zhi to come back."

When entering the city, there was a group of three people in front of her, driving two empty carriages into the city, and they were wearing the military uniforms of the rebel army.

So she asked Ah Zhi to follow them quietly, keeping an eye on their whereabouts.

Ah Zhi quickly turned back and brought back the news.

"Girl, after the three soldiers settled down in an inn, they changed into regular clothes and went to drink flower wine together."

Hearing the words "drinking flower wine", Chang Suining's eyes were full of disgust, and the disgust was mainly towards Li Yi.

It seems that Li Yi's army is not doing well.

During the war, eyeliner was everywhere, and soldiers even dared to drink flowers and wine when they went to the city to run errands. If they were so careless, they would give opportunities to people with ulterior motives—such as her.

"What's the girl's plan?" Chang Ren asked from the side.

Chang Suining looked at Xi'er: "Look at the old rules."

Seeing Xi'er's response, she turned around to search for something, several veterans and guards were a little confused, what are the old rules of girls?
Good night early today.

I'm going to drive back to the countryside tomorrow, the wheat is ripe! (Do you have any recommendations for online shopping for delicious meat dumplings? I am eager to eat meat dumplings (﹃))

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