Chang'an is good

Chapter 231 Entering the Barracks

Until Xi'er found three sacks.

The veteran who didn't know Chang Suining yet was still wondering secretly, "How can a girl carry a sack with her when she goes out?" Chang Ren had already picked up the sack and said to Ah Zhi: "Which flower house, lead the way."

Ah Zhi nodded, Chang Ren nodded to two others to follow, and the four left quickly.

When we turned back again, it was late at night.

A few dark shadows entered from the back wall of the inn, making almost no sound in the night.

The lights in Chang Suining's guest room have not been turned off. Following Chang Ren's return, three tightly tied sacks were thrown on the ground. When he went there, it was empty, but when he returned, he had everything he needed.

The person in the sack had been knocked out, and was motionless at the moment, only the pungent smell of alcohol came out through the sack.

"Girl, do you want to pour the person out and wake up to ask questions?" A Che, who was always active and willing to do something, was eager to try.

"No need." Chang Ren took out the things and said: "Before they fainted, I asked them about the errands they had to do when they entered the city. handed over."

Chang Suining took the purchase order, unfolded it and glanced at the three sacks: "Peel off their coats first."

Archer was quick to do it.

Chang Suining looked at the general appearance and figure of the three people. One of them was very young and not tall, while the other two were strong and tall, and they were all about 40 to [-] years old.

Chang Suining put on the shortest man's coat, only to feel the smell of alcohol.

She also pointed to Chang Ren and another close follower, and changed into the clothes of the other two.

"Uncle Kang, after the three of us cover up our appearance, we will go to the inn where they are staying to rest at night. You stay here and wait for news."

"The girl is going to sneak into the camp instead of them?" Lao Kang frowned: "How can this be done? The girl has never been to the camp, and she doesn't know the rules in the military camp, so she will be exposed easily. Let the subordinates do it!"

"It's okay, I'm a quick learner, just ask Uncle Yan to teach me on the way."


Chang Suining interrupted him: "Don't worry, Uncle Kang."

The young girl's demeanor and words are gentle, but there is a sense of indifference.

Ah Dian patted Lao Kang on the shoulder, imitating someone else's tone, and said earnestly: "Uncle Kang, you are already so old, you should be old and foolish, you must behave well when you go out, and listen to young people. Yes! You see, I didn’t even make a fuss and insist on following!”

Old Kang: "..."

Chang Ren and Lao Kang promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect the girl."

These words are actually just to deceive the old man, after all, in his opinion, the girl may be more likely to protect him.

Lao Kang sighed, and there was nothing else to do, so he could only ask: "Then what is the girl going to do with these three people?"

People will wake up sooner or later, and it is not an option to always hide in this inn where people come and go.

It was absolutely impossible to let them go, but Chang Suining didn't think that the three of them had reached the point where they should be decisive, so he thought of a kind and generous way to make the best use of everything.

She ordered people to secretly set up a villa near Shouzhou to house Lao Chang's rich family wealth. For the sake of concealment, she has recently asked people to build storage and dig secret roads.

"Send them to dig the soil and take care of the food."


The next day, the three people who had been stripped down to only their coats woke up from the cold. When they opened their eyes, they were already in a strange place.

They tried to escape but failed, and after being severely beaten, someone threw them three ragged jackets, three steamed buns, and three shovels.

The three of them were terrified, they wanted to cry but they didn't have any tears. Did this fall into the hands of the black mine exploiters? !

When the three were forced to bury their heads in the ground, three other people were already wearing their military uniforms and drove their carriage back to the camp outside Shouzhou city.

When the carriage approached, several soldiers guarding the camp gate were talking.

"It was just now that General Chu sent people back to urge food..."

"The grain and grass sent by the capital are still on the way. How can there be any grain and grass in the camp to send to them?"

"A few days ago, didn't you hear that someone from the Chang family just sent a batch of food and grass?"

"Speaking of which, I don't know how General Chang's injuries are now..."

Several people were talking, and they seemed to be inexplicably disturbed. Seeing the carriage approaching, they raised their hands to stop it.

The three "soldiers" who returned to the camp handed over their waist badges and the documents given by the camp when they went out to buy.

The soldiers guarding the camp routinely lifted the oilcloth on the carriage to check the purchases. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, they waved their hands.

The three of them led the carriage to the camp.

The wagon wheel had just rolled around a few times, when suddenly the voice of the camp guard came from behind: "Wait a minute."

Among the three, the leader Chang Ren suddenly mentioned it.

The soldier who spoke was already walking towards them.

"That's not right." The soldier looked at Chang Ren: "You left the camp yesterday and entered the city, right? Why did you delay returning until now?"

Chang Ren hurriedly said: "Yesterday when I entered the city late, many shops were closed, and I will have time to buy them in the future..."

The soldier smiled inexplicably: "Really?"

As he said that, the meaning of looking in his eyes became even more serious.

At this time, the remaining soldiers also came over.

Chang Ren's heart beat fast, and when he was thinking about what to say, the young "little soldier" behind him stepped forward quickly.

"Next time, I must pay attention to the time. This time, I would like to ask a few elder brothers for your convenience..." He said in a low voice, and hurriedly stuffed a money bag over it.

The soldiers guarding the camp raised their eyebrows and looked at him.

This little soldier was young, with a slightly dark complexion, and a pair of beady eyes smiling.

The soldiers guarding the camp looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to this side, so they took the money bag over, and their expressions finally eased.

He laughed and cursed again: "Next time? You have a good idea, why, this fat job can always be your turn every day?"

"Exactly!" Another camp guard smiled and raised his foot to kick the "little soldier": "This small body looks like a fake, how dare you run around the city to steal something?"

"Xiao Bing" laughed out loud, and did not argue or refute.

A few people benefited, and after joking and cursing a few words, they let them go: "Okay, let's go."

"Little soldier" thanked him again, and then pulled the cart into the camp with the other two companions.

Chang Ren heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the voice fade away behind him, and subconsciously looked at his own girl who had her face blackened and pretended to be a soldier.

Fortunately, the girl is alert.

There are more than [-] soldiers in the camp, it is impossible for everyone to know each other, and the patrols and guards will be changed every day. Logically speaking, even if those people think they are new faces, they can't easily see that they are fake. Yes, but it's hard to say after a long delay...

Fortunately, the girl responded in a timely manner.

What he said when he came here, the girl protected him almost...

But Matsushita's tone was just a matter of a moment, Chang Ren quickly settled down, entering the camp is only the first step, or in other words, one must be more careful when entering this military camp, otherwise once someone notices something strange, how can he die? Do not know at all.

Pulling the carriage through a section of gravel road, I met two teams of patrolling soldiers. Seeing the scattered tents in front of them, they soon encountered the first unavoidable problem—to send the purchased things to where?

Everywhere is busy with their own errands, it is impossible for someone to wait to guide them, and it is even more impossible for them to ask for directions.

"Come with me." Chang Sui Ning said in a low voice without squinting.

Out of wartime, due to strategic considerations, the layout and locations of the camps are mostly the same.

And she was very sure which tent the purchased item was going to be sent to.

Chang Ren and the two pushed the cart and followed Chang Suining forward, not looking much along the way.

It's just that Chang Ren couldn't help but wonder - why does the girl seem to be familiar with everything in the barracks?

"Why did you come back!"

When they were about to approach a large tent, they saw the armored soldiers guarding outside the tent stepping forward quickly, and scolded displeasedly: "Even dare to neglect the things in the manager's account, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand to make people come forward: "Move everything in quickly!"

Chang Sui Ning and the others rushed to help, but they didn't dare to lift their heads when faced with the soldier's scolding.

But even if they were helping, they only unloaded the things on the car. Such low-rank soldiers like them were usually not allowed to enter the commander's camp.

That's right, these things were bought for Li Yi.

When Chang Suining saw the purchase order last night, he already guessed it.

On that list were items that Li Yi used to use when he was young, and the only ones who could make this special case were the commanders or lieutenants in the army.

And since it is a special case, it is originally non-compliant. Although the food used by the high-ranking generals will be given preferential treatment when they are marching outside, it is to choose the best on the basis of the distribution in the army, not to order. Soldiers enter the city to buy separately.

Li Yi's move was not what a qualified coach should do.

Going up and going down are effective. Looking at it all the way, it can be seen that the atmosphere in the army is really not good.

Even though he failed to follow in, Chang Suining was able to quickly glance into the tent by taking advantage of the opening of the tent door, and saw a man in armor in his early 30s in the tent. Pacing back and forth, it was Li Yi.

Two other scribes and staff members stood aside, seemingly discussing matters.

Or because the curtain was raised, they stopped talking temporarily, but Li Yi, who was walking back and forth, seemed to be anxious about something.

After unloading the things, the armored soldier pointed at Chang Sui Ning and the three of them: "You three missed the time to return to the camp, go to the school grounds and tie sandbags and run ten laps each!"

The three of them answered "yes" immediately, and turned their heads to the direction of the school grounds.

The school yard is the largest open space in the camp, and the three of them saw it when they came.

Although it is said that he will be punished for others, Chang Suining optimistically feels that there is nothing wrong with being punished to run laps at this time, at least there is no need to worry about the possibility of being found out by returning to the usual post .

Chang Sui Ning originally planned to go for an honest run first. After ten laps, the sky must have darkened. It will be more convenient to do things in the dark, and then go to Changkuo in secret.

But the three of them suddenly had an accident on the way to the school grounds.

It started when the three of them were about to leave when a soldier hurried forward to spread the word.

"Report to the commander, there are imperial envoys from the capital!"

Hearing the soldier's words, Li Yi's face was shocked, and he subconsciously looked at the two staff members. After exchanging glances with them, he calmed down and said, "Please hurry up."

Soon, a group of people dressed as eunuchs and a tall and straight middle-aged man walked into Li Yi's tent together.

During the ceremony between the two parties, Li Yi's eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and he felt a sudden chill in his heart.

This is Huaihua General He Wei...

He Wei bowed his hands to him: "General Li, long time no see."

"General He." Li Yi showed a hint of surprise, and asked quickly: "I didn't know that General He and you are coming to Shouzhou. Why don't you let someone inform you in advance of such an important event? I'd like to let people wait for you earlier! "

The leading eunuch explained: "General Li is out leading the army, and everything is busy. Now that the battle is so tense, how can we wait for the army to wait extravagantly?"

Li Yi was still a little embarrassed: "In the end, I missed it!"

But the heart is full of chills.

He didn't want to be extravagant, it was clearly coming in secret, and he wanted to catch him off guard while he was unprepared!
No wonder I only arrived in Shouzhou today, presumably I deliberately took a detour to avoid the eyes and ears along the way.

The man really didn't lie to him in the letter...

Someone secretly told him that the sage suppressed those Yi Shuai proposals for him on the surface, but it was just a cover-up. In fact, the sage not only wanted to replace him, but also asked him to return to Huainan Road to mourn for three years...

Since the father died of illness, most of the soldiers and horses in Huainan Road have been taken back by the sage.

His father is not just his son, the Huainan king's title belongs to his elder brother, and he has been in the capital for many years and has no foundation in Huainan Road. If he returns now, he is doomed to get nothing...

And he was cautious and cautious in the capital, worked hard for many years, and finally got the position of General Wei, the leader of the left army.
His father is no longer there, and he returned to the Huainan Palace in desperation at this time, so he could only look up to his elder brother and continue to live the days of swallowing his anger when he was a child...

Li Yi's heart was pounding, and he was very polite, asking the group to sit down and rest.

The leading official said with a smile: "You don't need to sit down, our family is here on the order of the saint..."

Li Yi straightened his face, and was about to salute, ready to listen to the eunuch's order, when He Wei asked, "By the way, why haven't you seen General Chang?"

"In the previous battle, General Chang was shot by an arrow to save me, and he is still recuperating." Li Yi said this with a guilty look on his face.

He Wei hurriedly asked, "How is your recovery?"

"The arrow wound is not a serious problem at all, but General Chang has a lot of old injuries, so he broke out at the same time..." Li Yi said: "The military doctor told him to rest."

According to common sense, when you hear the word "quiet rest", this topic should stop, but He Wei said: "General Chang and I are old acquaintances, and I want to visit for a while. Go back as soon as you go, no It would be too disturbing."

The servant, He Wei, faintly sensed something was wrong in his insistence, and a smile flickered in his eyes, and he said, "When we came here, the sage also specifically told us to bring a few words to General Chang... Since General Chang is injured If you are unable to move, please ask General Li to lead the way."

Hearing this, Li Yi knew that there was no room for rejection.

He thought, he knew why He Wei and the others had to meet Chang Kuo first...

Once He Wei and the others meet with Chang Kuo, they will be able to force him to hand over the military power of the commander after receiving the support of Chang Kuo, a prestigious lieutenant general, and then showing the imperial decree.

In order to prevent him from having a different opinion, this is the safest way for He Wei and others to accept the orders of the general.

And this is one of the reasons why he recently chose to put Chang Kuo under house arrest.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to let He Wei and others see Chang Kuo.

Facing He Wei's seemingly calm gaze, Li Yi seemed to think about it for a while, and finally nodded: "In that case, then everyone, follow me."

He personally led the way and led He Wei and his party out of the camp.

The commander's camp is not far from the lieutenant's camp, but this seemingly short distance is enough to produce unexpected changes.

The author, who is still suffering from a low fever, has updated 4200 words~
Thank you for your concern. My headache is much better today, but I am a little dizzy, and my mouth is very bitter. I have no appetite for anything, and I feel nauseous. Unfortunately, I haven't eaten zongzi yet!

Everyone should also pay attention to your body recently, wear a mask when going out, and do a good job and rest!
Good night~

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