Chang'an is good

Chapter 232 I'm Pretty Famous

Chang Sui and Ning were on their way to the school grounds to receive their punishment when they suddenly heard a commotion behind them.

Looking back, I saw many soldiers rushing towards the same direction, and some people shouted: "Quick, there are assassins!"


Chang Suining found it incredible, but without hesitation, he turned around and quickly joined the chaotic soldiers.

Seeing this, Chang Ren and the two hurriedly followed.

Chang Suining was not too happy to join in the fun, but the assassin was really weird, and seeing that everyone was rushing towards the camp of the coach and lieutenant general, she was worried that this matter was aimed at Chang Kuo.

As they approached quickly, there was gradually the sound of weapons clashing and fighting.

When he got closer, he was able to see the fighting situation clearly, and Chang Suining's eyes couldn't help but change.

Those masked assassins were all dressed in black, roughly a hundred of them!
Even though Li Yizhi's army was loose, it was still daylight. How did so many assassins get into the camp?

This is obviously too weird.

"Girl, don't go forward..." Chang Ren, who was walking quickly, grabbed Chang Suining's arm in the confusion and stepped back a few steps, dissuading in a low voice.

Chang Suining looked at the brutal fighting scene, and quickly judged the situation.

She saw Li Yi being protected and backed away, her face was panicked, and she shouted: "Protect your lords!"

Chang Suining then looked at the "Masters" he was talking about - it was easy to tell from the clothes, they were a group of people who looked like eunuchs, and there was another...

It's He Wei!
Chang Suining recognized the middle-aged man surrounded by a group of assassins.

Accompanied by a group of eunuchs, He Wei suddenly appeared in the Shouzhou camp...

So, this assassination...

"Boom!" He Wei kicked a black-clothed assassin into the air, and the assassin fell heavily to the ground, but soon after, more assassins surrounded him.

The eunuchs ran and screamed, and many of them fell in a pool of blood one after another.

The rushing soldiers tried to kill these unknown assassins, but the assassins were all very skilled, and their moves were deadly killing moves.

Soldiers fell under the swords of those assassins one after another, and the bloody smell filled the sky, urging the Xishan Jinwu to slide down faster.

These soldiers probably didn't know until their death that the person who took their lives was not an enemy assassin, but...their commander.

Chang Suining could almost conclude that the mastermind behind this so-called assassination was none other than Li Yi himself.

Under the protection of his confidants, Li Yi no longer knew where to hide.

Under the siege of the crowd, He Wei couldn't cope, and was stabbed in the back. He tried his best to find a way out, and temporarily escaped from the assassin's siege.

"Chasing!" The leading assassin raised his knife and shouted.

Chang Suining broke away from Chang Ren's hand.

She moved quickly and had a dexterous figure, and because she was wearing the same military uniform as many soldiers, she was submerged in the chaotic crowd and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He Wei's footsteps were gradually staggering and slow, but he didn't dare to stop.

The footsteps of those assassins were getting closer, and his breathing was getting heavier.

Just when He Wei felt that he was about to lose sight of the road ahead, an arm suddenly stretched out from one side and pulled him over vigorously.

Almost at the same moment, a small hand covered his mouth and nose: "Don't talk."

The voice is not loud, it sounds like a teenager.

After the "young boy" explained to him, he quickly piled up a few wooden buckets and straw mats to cover the two figures.

This is the gap between the two camps, which is probably the place where the soldiers rest. The tents are very close to each other, and the wooden barrels even exude a pungent smell of urine.

He Wei slumped down powerlessly, and the next moment his partner stuffed a pill into his mouth: "To stop the bleeding, swallow it."

He Wei was not suspicious, so he just swallowed it. In other words, he no longer had the need to be suspicious.

His voice was hoarse and weak: "Little brother, don't be so busy...the knife is poisonous, I can't live."

Chang Suining frowned, hurriedly went to check the wound on his back, but saw the blood was black.

This injury was the most serious, but it was not his only injury. The same was true for other large and small wounds, all of which showed signs of poisoning.

Soon, thick blood gushed out of He Wei's mouth, and he spat out the pill that he swallowed just now.

He forcefully took out a roll of bright yellow silk from his bosom, and handed it to the soldier in front of him: "...Li Yi has rebelled, so try to hand this thing over to General Chang, must be General Chang ...Only if he comes forward to expose Li Yi, can he stabilize the morale of the army as much as possible..."

He obviously already knew what caused this murder.

Taking over the position of other people's coach in the middle of the battle, there are risks in this trip, but Li Yi has prepared such a killer move early, there is only one possibility... Someone leaked the news to Li Yi in advance!
Therefore, he failed to meet Chang Kuo, but had to go to see Hades first.

Seeing that the little soldier didn't move for a while, He Wei smiled weakly, stuffed the silk over it, and said, "Don't be afraid, this is a great achievement, if you do it well, you can change into a decent armor to wear it." Wear it... Wealth and honor, do you seek it in danger?"

He still had the mind to say something to ease the atmosphere.

Although it wasn't very funny, Chang Suining smiled weakly out of flattery, and clenched the blood-stained silk tightly.

She didn't answer for a while, not because she was afraid, but because she was unwilling to watch such a general die.

Although she is not familiar with He Wei, but she does know him, he is quite talented.

Perhaps this was the reason why the Ming Dynasty chose him to replace Li Yi. Those who knew about this matter must have placed a lot of hope in this one of the few available generals, hoping that he could turn the tide.

But such a character, who didn't even have time to go to the battlefield, was about to die in this small, dark, pungent-smelling gap.

Li Yi's methods are clumsy, and people can tell the clues at a glance, but it is such a clumsy method, but relying on a "geographical advantage", he can easily obliterate such an outstanding general.

No one knows better than her how difficult it is to train an outstanding general. He needs to be courageous and resourceful, so that he can go through hundreds of battles without dying and never waver.

After another sound of footsteps passing by and moving away, He Wei coughed weakly twice, and asked in a low voice, "Little brother...why don't you talk?"

Chang Suining lowered his eyes: "I am cold by nature and don't like to talk."

This atmosphere seems to bring her back to the countless years of saying goodbye to her comrades-in-arms. She didn't have a deep friendship with He Wei, and this emotion can't be said to be heartbreaking, but it always weighs heavily on her heart. , it is very depressing.

He Wei smiled: "...When a person is dying, they seem to be a little scared, always wanting to hear something... Just say anything, don't you have anything to ask?"

Seeing that the "little brother" was still silent, he gathered some strength and said again: "Then let me ask you a question... What's your name? You are also considered half of my benefactor, remember the benefactor's name, Huangquan Road It’s good to have a thought…”

Chang Suining: "Are you going to watch on Huangquan Road to see if I do what you told me?"

After being startled for a moment, He Wei laughed again: "Little brother is not only cold by nature, but also suspicious by nature... Don't worry, I promise I won't stare at you, you can just say it with peace of mind..."

"Chang Sui Ning."

"Chang..." He Wei seemed a little dazed, but he couldn't make any clear expressions on his face, and his thoughts gradually became dull: "Is your surname Chang too, why does it sound familiar..."

"Of course, I'm quite famous."


After a while, He Weicai finally uttered the last weak voice: "It turns out that it's not the little brother... It seems that my luck today is not too bad..."

For a moment, Chang Suining raised his hand and covered his lost eyes: "Go well, General He."

She put away the silk, saw the timing and walked away quickly in the twilight.

At this moment, the camp is already doing the final siege to those assassins.

Li Yi seemed distraught, and kept asking about General He's whereabouts and safety. When He Wei's body was finally found, Li Yi looked at the tragically dead body. After a moment of stunned, he couldn't help covering his face and crying.

"...Those assassins came after me, but in the end they asked General He to die for me!"

When Li Yi was in grief and panic, Chang Kuo walked in with big strides: "Dare to ask the commander, what happened in the camp?"

"General Chang..." Li Yi looked at him a little unresponsively: "How is your injury?"

Chang Kuo frowned and said, "Chang has been fine for a long time. If the head coach hadn't ordered someone to guard outside Chang's tent day and night, how could Chang have survived to this day with such a small injury?"

He heard the sound of fighting in the tent, so he wanted to leave the tent to check. The guards still refused to let him leave the tent on the grounds that "the commander told you to take good care of your wounds", but he knew that the opportunity was rare and the current chaos was big It's a title, so——

"Fuck you shit, it's all messed up now, and you dare to stop it, I think you're running up your nose—it's the other way around!"

He just typed it out.

Coupled with the cooperation of some trustworthy subordinates, he was able to leave the camp smoothly.

But now it seems that it is too late.

Chang Kuo looked at He Wei's body, and listened to Li Yi crying and explaining, "I'm also worried about General Chang's health, or the subordinates are too inflexible in their work" and so on.

Chang Kuo didn't care to talk to him about this matter at this moment, he just asked in a fixed voice: "The coach just said that those assassins came for you, so that means you know their origin?"

Li Yi: "I have already been interrogated, they were originally sent by Xu Zhengye to assassinate me!"

Chang Kuo didn't speak for a while when he heard the words, he just looked at the panicked and timid man.

Is this coward really what he looks like?
Chang Kuo finally asked: "General He and others came here suddenly, but what advice does the sage have?"

"It should be, but I haven't had time to say it..." Li Yi said, and was about to cry again: "General Chang, how am I going to explain to the saint now!"

Should I say it or not, Chang Kuo was really stopped by him: "..."

Pretending to be cowardly is indeed the best protection.

He knew that the other party was acting, so should he expose the other party at this time?
Chang Kuo silently clenched his fist in his sleeve.

Although he has been reckless since his mother's womb, but the experience of going to and from hell for so many years, and having a lot of drinking and talking with Lord Yan many times, makes him destined not to be such an impulsive and brainless person.

The premise of debunking is to have the conditions for dealing with the aftermath and convincing evidence.

Apparently, he had neither.

If He Wei is still alive, everything is easy to talk about, and with the cooperation of both parties, things can be accomplished.But He Wei and the others are already dead at this moment. With no proof of death, he alone, with empty words and no evidence, can't stand at all, and most of the time he will be bitten back in the next moment, so he will be labeled as a "rebel". The fate of a decapitated family.

Thinking of this, Chang Kuo looked at Li Yi's crying for help, and even felt that the other party was probably deliberately disgusting and angering him, so that he would jump into the pit.

But as he calmed down, Chang Kuo knew clearly that he had no advantage at this moment.

On the way here, he already knew that his confidants Chu Xing and the others had gone out to fight against the enemy, and they hadn't returned yet, and they didn't even know whether they were alive or dead.

For him at this time, this camp was already in danger.

Perhaps, compared to exposing Li Yi, he should be more concerned about another issue at this moment... that is his own life and death.

After thinking through this point, Chang Kuo looked at Li Yi's weeping face again, and felt that it was not impossible to bear it...

He suppressed his nausea and patted Li Yi's shoulder: "Okay, let's sit down and discuss it."

It's for acting, for survival, not to be ashamed.

Li Yi probably didn't expect his hot temper to be so bearable, so his crying paused slightly.

The next moment, Chang Kuo took out a cotton towel out of nowhere and wanted to wipe his tears.

Li Yi's heart trembled, and he quickly took it over: "I'll do it myself... General Chang, please sit down."

Chang Kuo nodded, and was about to sit down when he heard an urgent call from outside——


"Xu's rebels have broken Jiangning Mansion, and the army is attacking Hezhou!"

Chang Kuo sat halfway, his empty buttocks tightened, and suddenly he stood up again: "What?! Jiang Ning was broken?!"

How can it be!

It's only seven or eight days!
Seeing Li Yi's pale complexion, Chang Kuo's mind boomed: "Could it be that the coach didn't send reinforcements there?!"

They clearly made a plan to send troops to defend Jiangning!

"I thought...Jiangning is easy to defend. I have [-] troops to defend the city, and Hezhou should send troops to help. I think it is enough to resist Xu's rebellious army..." Li Yi was really scared, and he broke Jiangning in such a short time , Xu's rebels are really fierce!

It is right for him to reserve more troops for self-defense deployment!
Chang Kuo saw through his thoughts at a glance, and was so angry that he almost carried his back.

This trash has been holding the soldiers in his hands all the time, and he dared not send troops because he expects these soldiers to give birth to his cubs!

"Hezhou must not be lost again!" Chang Kuo said in a deep voice, "Otherwise Huainan Road will be lost!"

"That's right..." Li Yi looked at Chang Kuo in disbelief: "Then, according to General Chang's opinion, who should be sent to lead the troops to Hezhou to resist the rebels? I will listen to General Chang!"

Chang Kuo looked at him steadily.

After thinking twice, Chang Kuo spoke.


The night outside the tent was getting darker, and rows of soldiers were lined up one by one, waiting to be searched.

Li Yi didn't find the secret decree brought by He Wei and the others, and suspected that it was hidden by someone taking advantage of the chaos, so he immediately summoned all the soldiers who might be close to the place when the incident happened, and searched them one by one in the name of investigating the assassin's internal response.

Good night~
(Reporting the condition, the fever is gone today, but the stomachache and nausea continue _(:з"∠)_)

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