Chang'an is good

Chapter 252 Who is the Rebel?

Although I don't know why Deputy Commander Chang is dressed as the Chuzhou army, but many of them are looking forward to Chang Kuo's return. At this moment, there is a commotion everywhere, and no one stepped forward for a while.

Li Yi was shocked when he saw this.

Chang Kuo is not dead!

He understood... It wasn't Chang Kuo who died, but the governor of Chuzhou!

That letter was just to lower his vigilance!
In a panic, he raised the head and shouted loudly: "Chang Kuo killed the governor of Chuzhou. He has already rebelled. Take him down!"

But soon there was a louder voice overshadowing him, that voice was loud and shrill, beyond ten years of scolding skills on the street——

The woman shouted loudly, her tone of voice was like cursing, although it was straightforward, it had the natural attraction of passing dogs wanting to stop and listen: "The one who rebelled is the governor of Chuzhou, not our General Chang! Chuzhou The governor colluded with Xu Zhengye and wanted to poison our General Chang to death, but fortunately God has eyes and didn't let the traitor who killed a thousand swords succeed!"

He also said sincerely: "I was originally a citizen of Hezhou City. I thought that General Chang only brought [-] troops to rescue Hezhou, so he was determined to die!"

It is the heart of living and dying with Hezhou...

Chang Suining wanted to correct but held back, so let it be, free play is also good.

"I'm leaving my words here today, even if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu rebelled, General Chang would not!"

When the shepherd's purse lady said this, she gave a heavy "bah": "Those who slandered General Chang are anti-thieves, and they are the ones shouting "stop the thief!"

Li Yi, who was shortly called by her name directly, turned pale when he heard that, how could there be a cursing woman here!

Can't Chang Kuo hire a woman to scold him? !

Seeing the discussion in the army, Li Yi became flustered: "Where did the vulgar woman come from, dare to talk nonsense here, why don't you kill these rebels!"

At this time, a young man in Chuzhou military uniform appeared beside Chang Kuo on his horse. The horse's hooves took half a step forward, looked at him, and raised his hand to show something.

It was a roll of bright yellow silk with dark blood stains on it.

This object stopped Li Yi's personal soldiers who were about to take the lead in attacking again.

The young man on the horse spoke with a girlish tone, and she looked down at Li Yi from above: "General Li claims he is not a traitor, if he is not, then kneel down and accept the order."

Looking at the things in her hands, Li Yi's eyes shook.

He searched the entire military camp that day, but failed to find the imperial decree brought by He Wei and the others...Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of Chang Kuo and the others!

He stared at the girl, who was also looking at him, and asked, "Aren't you going to kneel when you see the imperial decree?"

Li Yi gritted his teeth: "What imperial decree... I don't know if it was forged by you!"

But seeing that the other party didn't seem to be listening to him at all, he thought to himself: "It doesn't matter if you don't kneel, just stand and listen."

The girl unfolded the silk and made a loud statement.

Its voice was clear and spread everywhere.

It was the last time everyone in the army realized that it was Yi Shuai's will!

And to make He Wei replace the head coach...

He Wei was attacked and died, although many people have not seen it with their own eyes, they have heard about it.

"This edict was handed over to me by He Wei before he died." The girl finally said, "Li Yi didn't want to give up his military power, so he secretly killed He Wei."

"It's nonsense! The anti-thieves falsely framed and killed Zhongliang, which is no different from Xu Zhengye's actions in Yangzhou... Such dirty and insidious methods are not uncommon!" Li Yi refused to admit it to death.

Chang Kuo raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked loudly, "Xu Zhengye is also your master now, if you insult him like this behind his back, aren't you afraid that he will wear shoes for you in the future?"

There is no nonsense before the battle, even if you listen to it for ridicule, it also has the effect of stirring people's hearts.

Just like the imperial decree, not everyone would believe it, and Li Yi himself would not admit it, but that didn't mean it was useless.

"I'm afraid you don't know that Li Yi killed He Wei and wanted to trap me in Hezhou, and it's not the whole truth!" Chang Kuo's voice became louder and stronger as he was restless: "He has already communicated with Xu Zhengye for the song, This trip to Yangzhou is said to be a siege, but it is actually a defection to the enemy!"

"He Wei died in the barracks, and the [-] troops ahead who were supposed to go to support Hezhou, but are still standing still outside Yangzhou City, are the best evidence!"

"Li Yimou's crime of treason has already been reported to the capital, and the imperial envoy ordered to punish him is already on his way!"

Saying that, he raised his hand to kill Xiu, and shouted solemnly: "Today, I will kill the traitor Li Yi!"

"Followers who wish to follow will be rewarded after the fact!"

"If anyone still wants to conspire with Li Yi, they will be punished as fellow rebels!"

Chang Kuo's voice seemed to emit a murderous aura, causing the army led by Li Yi to hesitate and back half a step subconsciously.

"Don't listen to this thief's slander!" Li Yi's voice was high but trembling: "I am a child of the Li family, and my father is the king of Huainan, Li Tong, who is loyal to the can this mere outsider and thief be able to slander! Today Whoever takes the head of the rebel Changkuo, I will reward you a lot!"

After he finished speaking, he got on his horse first and made a brave gesture to kill the enemy.

Naturally, there are also his people in the army, and there are not a few of them. When they see the situation, they immediately follow, raise their swords and shout to kill.

The army is surging, but it is also chaotic.

Some of them are more willing to believe Chang Kuo's words.

The strangeness of Li Yi's march was questioned as early as when he left Shouzhou, but Li Yi suppressed it with strict military law.

At that time, it was because Chang Kuo was away, but now that Chang Kuo came back, with someone who supported and presided over the overall situation, everyone's long-suppressed dissatisfaction burst out at this moment.

What they care about is not only the truth, but also from the heart.

Regardless of whether Li Yi is a traitor or not, just talking about Yi Shuai's imperial decree does not seem to be fake!
Now that they have been replaced, they are no longer their coach, and what the other party confides is no longer military orders, but bullshit!

Who's going to listen to that bullshit!

Among these people, there were also leaders, so many people began to resist the comrades around them who still obeyed Li Yi's orders.

Seeing the chaos in the army, Li Yi gritted his teeth with hatred.

This is one of the reasons why he must kill so rich!

If he switched identities with Chang Kuo today, I'm afraid there would be no such chaos at all!
The hearts of these soldiers are all crooked. They don't believe him at all, and they never regard him as the real coach at all!

In the chaotic situation, he made people raise the flag of handsomeness, trying to stabilize people's hearts.

After all, he has the upper hand in terms of numbers. Although there are internal strife in the army, he will not lose the momentum in an instant.

And with a total of [-] troops, it is impossible for Chang Kuo's words to reach everyone's ears. Many soldiers behind do not know what happened, so they can only rush forward to follow the waving handsome flag.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Yi changed the uniform of the same soldier to confuse his sight, while he fled from the rear with two staff members and a group of confidantes.

Sitting on the horseback, Li Yi's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Just now, the reason why he acted like killing the enemy was only to deceive those soldiers.

Facing Chang Kuo, he knew that his chances of winning were slim, so how could he dare to risk his life!

Give up when it's time to give up, just let them fight each other as long as they want, the longer the better, the [-] army is precious, but it can't beat his life!
Abandoning the [-] army, he still has [-] ahead!
Fortunately, he sent a letter to Yu Zai the night before yesterday!
Yu Zai must be on the way to meet him at this time, as long as he meets Yu Zai, he can immediately rush to Yangzhou to find Xu Zhengye.

Right now, Li Yi only has one thought in his mind, escape, the faster you escape, the better!

He walked in time, and Shuai Qi was still there. With such a chaotic situation, Chang Kuo shouldn't find out too soon!

But there is one thing he doesn't know, when Chang Suining is facing the enemy, he always has the preference of capturing the thief first.

Capturing the thief first is not only a shortcut to victory, but also means that a war can be ended as soon as possible and the casualties of each other can be minimized, so Chang Suining prefers it.

But at the same time, this method is also extremely risky. If the commander of an army wants to capture and kill him, it means he has to go deep into the enemy's formation, especially for a commander like Li Yi who likes to hide behind.

Accompanied by Deputy General Jin, A Dian and others, Chang Suining had a clear goal all the way, and charged in the direction of the handsome flag.

The soldier pretending to be Li Yi, who was half-covering his face with a pocket coat, was already terrified. When he was knocked off his horse by the spear in Chang Suining's hand, he quickly sat up and shouted in a trembling voice: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Girl, this is not Li Yi!" Lieutenant Jin realized later and scolded, "That coward ran away!"

He pointed the knife at the soldier: "Tell me, which direction Li Yi is fleeing to!"

The soldier shook his head in panic: "...I don't know!"

After he was forced to put on this extremely unlucky coach armor, he didn't know anything!

Chang Suining had already seized the commander-in-chief flag, and shouted loudly, "The traitor Li Yi has fled, so hurry up and stop the battle!"

The surrounding soldiers panicked when they heard the words - in the middle of the battle, the coach ran away, who can not panic!

But the soldiers farther away couldn't hear it for a while, so Chang Suining threw the handsome flag to Chang Ren, saying: "Give this flag to Dad, let him stay to calm the battle!"

Among those who were still fighting for Li Yi, apart from Li Yi's confidantes, most of them were deceived by Li Yi. They shouldn't sacrifice their lives for this. The best way is to calm down and stop the war as soon as possible.

Chang Ren took it: "Where's the girl!"

"I'm going to chase Li Yi!" Chang Suining yelled "Drive", and rushed through the crowd with his horse and gun.

Ah Dian, Deputy General Jin and others followed immediately.

After rushing out of the crowd, Deputy General Jin caught up with Chang Suining who was leading the way: "Young lady, do you know where Li Yi fled to?"

"I know!" There was a fork in the road ahead, and the girl made a choice without hesitation.

Li Yi must be heading towards Yangzhou. There are many roads to Yangzhou, but he only chose one when he fled in panic - that is the road that can meet the [-] troops ahead.

It's not difficult to guess, especially if the other party is Li Yi.

Vice General Jin also figured this out quickly.

The girl thought of it before him, which made him, who has been marching for many years, a little ashamed.

What surprised him even more was that the girl was leading them along the trail, which seemed to be twisted and twisted, but after chasing for a quarter of an hour, they really saw Li Yi and the others leaving behind. Horseshoe marks!

good night!

(Gageng for book friend Chunhua Qiuyue 85, it is a very distant debt, and it is difficult to pay off the debt
The left eye has a sty woo woo woo

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