Chang'an is good

Chapter 253 Who Came?

Li Yi was galloping on horseback under the guard of his own soldiers.

He had never ridden such a fast horse in his life, and it seemed that his internal organs would be knocked out, but the whip in his hand kept falling, urging the horse even faster and more urgently.

There was the howling cold wind in winter, but Li Yi's face was covered with sweat, dripping down the sides of his ears.

He didn't know how far he had run, and he didn't know how long it would take to see Yu Zai who was coming to meet him, so he just urged the horse to gallop.

Until he suddenly heard a scream from behind, and it seemed that there was a new sound of horseshoes behind him.

Li Yi looked back in panic.

One of the staff members was a little behind. At this moment, he was shot in the back and fell off his horse!

Looking back along the staff who fell from the horse, Li Yi was horrified to find the figure of the pursuer.

How could he catch up so quickly!

He couldn't believe it, but couldn't help being even more frightened, so he had to bite the bullet and drive the horse faster.

He didn't want to stop, but it soon became too much for him.

While running for his life, it was difficult to take care of the defense at the same time. The soldiers he brought were shot down by arrows one after another, and more than ten people fell down, so they could only be forced to defend.

Those people rushed over quickly, and the two sides fought hand to hand.

Li Yi brought a hundred soldiers, Chang Suining only brought 30 people including Vice General Jin and A Dian, but the latter was unstoppable and menacing, and they were all elite fighters.For example, Ah Dian, if he opened up the fight, there are only a hundred people in this area, and it is not enough for him to beat him alone.

Moreover, it is not difficult to imagine that since they have arrived, there will inevitably be more pursuers following them!

Thinking of this, Li Yi panicked.

"...Boss, come with me!"

The staff's voice rang in Li Yi's ears, and while Chang Sui Ning and the others were blocked by the soldiers, they rode their horses towards the dense forest beside the path.

The trees in the forest were messy, and the ground was covered with dry thorn bushes. There was not even a road in sight. Seeing that the horse could not move, the staff immediately said: "Commander, quickly, abandon the horse and go into the forest!"

At this point there is no other choice, reckless fighting is obviously not an option, and escaping is also doomed not to be far away, if you can hide, there may be a glimmer of life!
Li Yi, who had no idea at all, could only obey and dismount in a hurry.

The staff member swung his whip to the horse's belly, and the two horses quickly neighed and galloped away along the path to confuse the pursuers.

Li Yi and the staff got into the dense forest with wild vegetation.

This forest is very large, the two walked through it, their robes and military uniforms were scratched by the thorny branches.

Not far away, Li Yi suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes coming from outside the forest, his feet stopped suddenly, and he subconsciously held his breath.

It won't come, it won't come... They should follow the tracks of the horseshoes!
He kept chanting silently in his heart, wishing he could kneel down and pray for the blessing of the gods.

Soon, the sound of horse hooves gradually faded away and became lighter until it disappeared completely.

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and grabbed the arm of his staff: "...Did you hear that they left?!"

The staff also relaxed slightly and nodded with him.

However, at the next moment, the sound of grass and trees being moved suddenly sounded behind him.

Then, there was the sound of footsteps on dead leaves.

Li Yi's expression froze, and his heart sank suddenly—someone is still coming!

Could it be his man?

He was extremely looking forward to this possibility in his heart, but he didn't dare to make a sound to test it out, and his staff hurriedly pulled him away.

Most of the vegetation has withered in winter, but the dense forest here is uneven, and it is still possible to cover yourself with the half-person-high dead grass.

The two squatted down to hide, not even daring to make the sound of breathing.

Soon they heard an innocent voice.

"Little Ah Li... Will they really hide here?"

"Not sure, but look for it." Chang Suining looked around and walked forward.

Ah Dian walked in front of her, swiping his sword to cut off those thorny branches that got in the way for her, his eyes were full of eagerness: "Little Ah Li, how did you know that I like playing hide-and-seek the most!"

Hearing these childish words, Li Yi almost cried - he doesn't like hide-and-seek, especially this kind of hide-and-seek that kills if caught!

From the sound of the horse's hooves going away just now, it can be seen that the opponent should have split into two paths, chasing along the horseshoe marks all the way, and searching in the forest all the way...

In other words, it was divided into three routes, and the sound of fighting could be heard faintly over there. It should be that the people he brought were still resisting and blocking.

At this moment, Li Yi only hoped that he would not be discovered, or that his people could get away quickly and come here to save him!

His staff only hoped that he wouldn't shake so hard that the vegetation around him would tremble non-stop!

Fortunately, there was a wind in the forest, which covered up the little movement on their side.

Li Yi looked through the gaps in the bushes, and soon confirmed that there were only two people coming!

One big and one small, walking forward.

Li Yi didn't dare to vent his anger. Just as the two were about to leave his sight, the younger one suddenly stopped.

"Little Ah Li, what's the matter?" Ah Dian hurriedly asked, "Did you find them?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure they must be hiding in this forest." Chang Suining looked forward and said, "This forest is too big. When the two of us are going to find it, you go out and ask some people to come and search together."

Although Ah Dian really wanted to continue his hide-and-seek, he nodded obediently: "Okay, I'll call them!"

After walking two steps, he turned around and told Chang Suining: "Little Ah Li, you are not good at kung fu, you have to be careful!"

In his eyes, Chang Suining still can't beat him, he is not as tall or as strong as him, compared to him, his kung fu is really not good, it just takes advantage of his agility.

Chang Suining smiled at him: "Well, then go and come back quickly."

Ah nodded and started to run quickly.

Chang Suining withdrew his gaze, the smile in his eyes faded, he continued to search and walked forward slowly.

The forest is too big, and the line of sight is not wide, so it is too time-consuming to find it.

So, she wanted to change it, such as throwing a bait in.

Seeing that figure walking away, Li Yi was anxious and his eyes flashed: "Who is she? How can there be such a little girl in Chang Kuo's army?"

The other party has asked people to go out to call for someone. When there are more people, he will be searched out sooner or later!
Combined with the girl's act of reading the imperial decree before, he already had a guess about her identity. If this person is really the one he guessed, he might as well take this opportunity to hold her hostage... On the contrary, he can get a glimmer of life!
Facing other people, he might panic, but in front of him is just a thin little girl.

The staff lowered their voices and said: "This should be Chang Kuo's daughter, I heard that she is..."

Before the words were finished, Li Yi suddenly jumped up and ran towards the girl's back with a knife in his hand.

The pupils of the staff were shocked - I heard that she was the one who killed Ge Zong!
He hasn't finished talking yet!
In Li Yi's eyes, there was a look of certainty.

He had also heard about Chang Kuo's daughter beheading Ge Zong, but he never really believed it. Chang Kuo had always spoiled his daughter too much, so what lies couldn't be told?
Just relying on such a little girl raised in the boudoir in Beijing since childhood, beheaded Ge Zong?

It just makes me laugh out loud!
Even if it was, Chang Kuo probably brought Ge Zong to his daughter and asked her to behead him to make her famous!
And he has been a military officer for many years, so he has some skills.

Coupled with the suppression of the natural body shapes of men and women, it is difficult for him to put this girl in his eyes.

And the girl didn't seem to notice that he was approaching at all, and she was still walking forward at a leisurely pace.

Without stopping, Li Yi raised the knife in his hand.

But he doesn't intend to hurt the other party's vitals, he still wants to keep her as a hostage to help him escape!

However, just as his knife was about to approach the girl's shoulder, he suddenly saw her footsteps stop.

Then, the girl suddenly turned around and jumped up. At the same time, she raised her right leg and swept towards him, kicking him on the jawbone and neck.

Immediately afterwards, he almost had no time to react, and was crushed to the ground by the flying opponent.

The girl knelt down on his back and removed his right arm with a "click"!
Li Yi let out a scream that resounded throughout the dense forest.

He struggled to raise his head, but she hit her elbow hard on the jawbone that was injured just now, his jaw dislocated immediately, and blood spit out from his mouth.

When the jaw is hit hard, people are prone to dizziness. When Li Yi was dizzy from the pain, there was only one thought in his mind - what the hell is... "You are not good at kung fu, you have to be careful"? !

Just ask who should be careful!
The staff who witnessed this scene trembled.

What the hell is the coach doing!
It's not good to hold someone hostage, why can't I think about holding her hostage!

It was as if he had chosen a Zhantian Sword from a pile of broken copper and rotten iron to compete with himself, and accurately selected the only one from the hundred roads that could lead directly to the Palace of the Underworld!

I rushed to kill myself!

The only thing left in the staff's mind was the word "it's over", but they also realized that the girl had just dismissed the helper, and she probably deliberately lured the snake out of the hole... She is trying to save trouble!
Just now when Li Yi ran out, Chang Suining had already heard where the noise was coming from. At this moment, she restrained Li Yi, and turned her eyes to the hiding place of the staff.

When they met that gaze, the staff was startled, and they didn't care to save Li Yi, they got up and wanted to escape.

Chang Suining didn't even chase him, but only pulled Li Yi up from the ground.

Li Yi still struggled, spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and his voice was indistinct: "You..."

Chang Suining looked at him amusedly: "Do I look easy to bully?"

His whole life's courage was probably spent on the matter of rushing out to attack her just now.

Ah Dian really went and returned quickly, and quickly brought five or six people over. He was shocked to see that Li Yi had been found by Chang Suining—this hide-and-seek game ended too quickly!
Chang Sui Ning pointed him in the same direction: "There is one more."

Ah Dian was like a round-headed hound, and immediately ran after him.

Chang Suining led someone to drag Li Yi out of the forest.

Ah Dian quickly brought out the staff member.

More than half of Li Yi's [-] men have fallen. Now that Li Yi has been captured, the rest either fled or dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Li Yi was escorted by two people and knelt down on the ground. Chang Suining walked towards him holding a dagger.

Li Yi's face was pale, and he shook his head tremblingly at her.

"I ask, you answer, how?"

"...Okay!" Li Yi nodded hastily: "Ask! I'll tell you everything!"

"Who guided you to defect to Xu Zhengye?"

"...A long time ago, Xu Zhengye sent someone to deliver a letter to me first!" Li Yi said, and suddenly looked at the staff: "Later...they persuaded me to cooperate with Xu Zhengye and trapped General Chang in Hezhou. They also asked me to do this!"

Chang Suining glanced at the staff, and asked again: "How did you get the news about the Empress' desire to be handsome?"

Prior to placing Lao Chang under house arrest and planning to kill He Wei, Li Yi was clearly prepared for Yi Shuai.

"Someone sent me a letter... that person told me in the letter!" Li Yi lost his mind: "He also told me who are the eyeliner placed by the saint around me... Let me get rid of it as soon as possible!"

"That person..." Chang Suining narrowed his eyes slightly: "Who is it?"

"I don't know!" Meeting her eyes, Li Yi shook his head in panic, tears streaming down his face: "I really don't know!"

Chang Suining didn't know whether he believed it or not: "If you don't know who the other party is, you dare to do what you believe in, so you aren't afraid of being used by others?"

"I have no choice!" There was a trace of hatred in Li Yi's eyes: "...the saint crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Once the father dies, she will regain the military power!"

And if he makes a mistake in using troops, he will be punished severely afterwards!
He has had enough of being bullied since he was a child!

"I only know this much... The matter of General Chang, I was obsessed for a while. I listened to their instigation, and I already knew I was wrong. Don't kill me, please don't kill me!" He began to beg Chang Suining for mercy.

The commander of the first army, begging for mercy from a girl, this scene seems sad and pitiful.

Chang Suining sneered at his pitiful appearance.

She used to feel sorry for Li Yi who was bullied by the princes and helped him when he was young.

But not all poor people will grow into a kind and soft heart of "do unto others as you would have them do to you", and they will also become pitiful and hateful perpetrators.

If he hadn't been restrained, Li Yi would have kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Chang Suining drew the dagger out of its sheath.

Li Yi's breathing was stagnant, his mouth was slightly opened, and he was overwhelmed by great fear, unable to make a sound.

But in the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his eyes to look forward and sideways.

He heard the sound of hooves!

This direction... will not be Chang Kuo's people, but the direction Yu Zai and the others will rush to meet!

Is Yu Zai here? !

"You can't kill me anymore, my reinforcements are here!" His lips trembled, his voice was unsteady: "Otherwise they won't let you go!"

Chang Suining turned his head to look.

Soon, reinforcements arrived behind her, and it was Chang Ren and Mrs. Shepherd's Purse who led hundreds of cavalry to chase after her.

And the people coming from the front are very powerful, it is obvious that a large army is rushing to attack, if they collide head-on, they will not be able to deal with a few hundred people like her.

But it doesn't matter, Li Yi is in her hands.

After Lao Chang stabilized the situation over there, he would lead his army to come soon.

But first she wanted to see if it was Li Yi's reinforcements that came.

The scouts of the army in front discovered that they were here, and quickly reported to the leader.

Not long after, a group of strikers first appeared in the sight of Chang Suining and others.

Their uniforms were indeed the troops led by Li Yi, no doubt they were the [-] troops that were sent to Yangzhou earlier.

Li Yi looked very surprised, his eyes were burning, he stared at the direction of the army without blinking, trying to find Yu Zai's figure as soon as possible.

But he has been unable to meet the person he wants to see.

Until one person and one rider appeared in the opposing army, they slowly drove their horses, wearing civilian robes.

It was a fair-skinned, handsome young man.

Li Yi, whose face was just lit with hope, suddenly froze, and said an unbelievable voice: "Wei...Wei Shuyi?!"

I deliberately wrote [-] more words to answer the title of this chapter, and today is also a day without broken chapters!Ask for a monthly ticket (sincere face)
Good night!

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