Chang Suining took it, and saw that it was a neatly folded letter paper.

She unfolded it and looked through the firelight. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Wei Shuyi: "...Cui Dadu?"

Wei Shuyi, who then took out another object from his sleeve, was surprised when he heard this, "How did Mrs. Chang know?"

Chang Suining put away the list and said to him, "I also have a copy."

Wei Shuyi understood it, and immediately showed another thing, and asked with a smile: "Madam Chang has the list, so I don't know this item, does Madam Chang also have it?"

He originally asked this as a joke, but Chang Suining looked at it and nodded: "There are."

Wei Shuyi laughed in astonishment.

"I wonder why Cui Ling'an asked people to go out to do errands, why did they only allow half of the copper talisman..." He looked at the half of the copper talisman in his hand, and said with a smile: "So the other half is with Mrs. Chang."

This Cui Ling'an, when he likes someone, he really has everything and no reservations.

He didn't know what to think of, his downcast eyes were filled with thought and stupefaction, until Chang Suining returned the list to him: "So, this time, Wei Shilang got the list of available people and tokens from Governor Cui to help him?"

"That's right." Wei Shuyi came back to his senses and sighed: "I have worked so hard for so long in vain, but in the end all the credit and limelight belong to him... Mrs. Chang should understand why I avoided talking about it just now, right?"

Hearing this self-joking remark, Chang Suining went to fiddle with the fire to make it burn more vigorously, and casually said: "Wei Shilang's merits are really placed here."

If Cui Jing's bronze talisman and that list alone could subdue an army of [-] troops safely and smoothly, then she would have passed by long ago.

Wei Shuyi's success this time, in addition to Cui Jing's help, he also had his own extraordinary courage and strategy, as well as his status as an imperial envoy and the imperial decree to punish Li Yi as blessings.

All in all, the right time, place and people are indispensable, and this is an objective point of view.

Wei Shuyi smiled when he heard the words, turned slightly, faced her, and asked curiously: "In the opinion of Mrs. Chang, Cui Ling'an or I, who deserves more credit? If there is [-]% of the credit, what percentage will I get, and what percentage will Cui Ling'an get?"

Chang Suining glanced at him: "For the matter of rewarding the meritorious service, you should go to the saint."

Wei Shuyi laughed.

But he didn't ask for a reward.

But the girl was obviously not interested in the division of credit, so she only asked him: "I don't know where and when Wei Shilang got the token of Governor Cui from whom?"

"Before entering Shouzhou." Wei Shuyi replied, "From General Cui Yuanxiang."

Chang Suining was a little surprised, Yuan Xiang came to Jiangnan?

Moreover, Wei Shuyi's entry into Shouzhou should have been at least ten days ago. After doing the calculations like this, the time when Yuan Xiang left the northern border must have been half a month ago.

Half a month ago, the battle with the state was not over yet...

So, it was Cui Jing who asked Yuan Xiang to hold his token and come to Jiangnan to try to help after learning about the war in Hezhou?
Wei Shuyi's emotional voice sounded: "It can be seen that although Governor Cui is in the northern border and cannot leave without authorization, he has always been concerned about the situation in the south of the Yangtze River..."

I also always remember the people in Jiangnan.

Wei Shuyi looked at the girl at the side, and said with a smile, "It's thanks to him being so concerned about Jiangnan that he made me pick up this ready-made bargain."

"Wei Shilang has always been lucky to pick up cheap deals." Chang Suining echoed him, and asked, "Where are Yuan Xiang and the others now?"

Wei Shuyi said: "It was Yuan Xiang who secretly escorted General Xiao and me all the way to subdue the [-] troops—"

The journey was not smooth, and it was not easy to detect and avoid Xu Zhengye's eyes and ears. Every step of the journey was thrilling.

In the barracks, the hardships and dangers are only a little more, and the lieutenant named Yu Zai is very arrogant, and the scuffle cannot be avoided.

Speaking of which, he and the people brought by General Xiao are also very good players, but when faced with such a situation, they are far inferior to Yuan Xiang and the others.

After all, Cui Yuanxiang, who was born in such an elite division as the Xuan Ce Army, and who has followed Cui Jing on the battlefield for many years, seems to be missing a few tendons...

But after seeing it with his own eyes, Wei Shuyi knew where the other party's missing tendons were being used.

But this phenomenon of "whatever you lose, you will always gain" made Changji unable to shut himself up for a while-so, he is the only one who is really weak?

Changji couldn't accept this fact, and tried hard to find out where his missing tendon was, but so far to no avail.

Wei Shuyi said: "In order to respond to General Chang in time, General Xiao and I led the front army to go first, and the rear army was slower. In order to prevent business trips on the road, Yuan Xiang and the others followed to control the situation."

Chang Suining nodded: "It's very good, it's safe."

"Thanks to Yuanxiang and the others for this trip." Wei Shuyi said with a smile: "No matter how the sage divides the work, I must thank Cui Ling'an."

As he said that, he looked at Chang Suining with a smile: "I would like to thank Mrs. Chang for allowing me to take great credit without any effort."

The word "you" refers to the matter of Zhao Fu in Hezhou at the beginning.

At that time, he was standing in front of the window of the tea house, watching two "little thieves" slip into his car. The little thieves were very particular, and when they left, they left him a piece of silver as a reward for taking refuge temporarily.

Under the broken silver, there is still the confession of the kidnapper and his wife in Zhoujiacun.

That was the first time he met her.

Thanks to the few confessions she left behind, he was able to catch Zhao Fu's handle very smoothly, which really saved trouble and effort.

This time it was even easier. He had come to arrest Li Yi, but he didn't even touch Li Yi's clothes, so someone helped him complete the errand.

"Speaking of which, Wei was an imperial envoy twice, and he had to complete the mission satisfactorily. I really want to thank Mrs. Chang." He said with a smile: "I'm afraid Mrs. Chang is not Wei's lucky star."

He joked half-truth and half-falsely, but his thoughts drifted back to the time when he first met Hezhou, and it was difficult to get away for a while.

Looking at the girl warming up in front of the fire, he suddenly thought of Cui Jing's "Sorry, I can't say" that rainy night in the temple, and the mysterious Tiannv Pagoda.

"I also want to thank Minister Wei." Chang Sui Ning said.

Wei Shuyi looked at her with a smile: "What is Mrs. Chang thanking me for?"

"Thank you for letting me kill Li Yi."

"Thank you for not dragging you down?"

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Chang Suining glanced at him: "It's all there."

Wei Shuyi laughed again, the laughter was bright and broad.

"However, when it comes to killing Li Yi, Xu Zhengye's secret is what he said..." It took him a while to stop laughing, and he stretched out his hands to roast over the fire. His hands were like his own, with slender knuckles, fair and moist complexion, and it looked like hands that were only used to hold pens.

He said unhurriedly: "I had someone interrogate that staff member. According to his final confession, Xu Zhengye's main secret is that he has a beautiful nature..."

What is Xu Zhengye's beauty so secret?
Chang Suining: "It's hard for him to keep secrets for a non-existent thing."

If the trial continues, it will almost reveal the series of secrets that Xu Zhengye has to eat and drink every day to clean the house.

This staff member was also unlucky, following such a master, he even dug a hole for him before he died.

But thinking that Li Yi's actions were mostly instigated by his staff, Chang Suining couldn't help but feel that the two are for mutual achievement, and no one is more unlucky.

"However, this person recognized an important matter..." Wei Shuyi's expression turned serious: "He said that the reason why Li Yi was able to secretly kill He Wei was because he knew the plan of the sage Yi Shuai and the person who would replace him in advance. It is said that he got a secret letter to inform him, but Li Yi didn't know who wrote the letter."

Chang Suining already knew this from Li Yi, and said at this moment: "Therefore, there must be traitors in the capital, and they are only in the court hall, near the emperor."

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know such secret news in advance.

Wei Shuyi looked at her subconsciously: "Is there anyone who suspects this traitor... Mrs. Chang?"

Chang Suining shook his head: "I don't know much about the emperor's surroundings, so I can't doubt or guess. But who is the traitor doing, I have doubts—"

Wei Shuyi looked at her seriously.

With ears everywhere, Chang Suining took a branch to fiddle with the fire, and wrote a word beside the fire.


Rongwang Mansion, Rongwang, Rongwang's son?
Wei Shuyi's eyes changed slightly, and he asked in a low voice, "Why does Mrs. Chang have such doubts?"

"Because he once told me personally that Li Yijun has his eyeliner, so he has the conditions to deliver the secret letter." Chang Suining said: "Furthermore, the character and behavior of the man who watched the fire from the other side, fueled the flames, and wanted to take advantage of it is also very similar to the him I know."

Prince Rong's son?
Wei Shuyi thought of that sickly face. Obviously, Li Lu in the eyes of the world is almost completely different from the person she just described.

He was pondering and also curious. How did she know "he who I know" in her mouth?
"Of course, I'm just guessing. There's no real evidence. You just need to be careful to investigate and be on guard." Chang Suining finally said.

"Wei understands, I will tell the saint, and be careful about others."

Chang Suining didn't speak any more, just took the branch and scratched out the word "Rong" with one stroke.

Wei Shuyi watched her movements, and said with a smile, "Ms. Chang has a heart for the community."

He said: "I thought that after Mr. Chang's incident, Mrs. Chang's treatment of the court and saints would be somewhat distasteful..."

His words were very tactful, after all what she did in the Confucius Temple that day, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was in line with a saint.

But at this time, she took the initiative to mention Li Lu's suspiciousness, and where the Rong Palace might have stretched her hand, and asked the saint to let the court be on guard.

However, she heard her say: "The two are not in conflict."

Wei Shuyi was taken aback, did he mean that having the country in his heart and not being used to saints and the imperial court was not in conflict?
"If you don't like it, do you have to fight against it all the time?" Chang Suining did not deny that he was "unaccustomed" to the Empress.

She had no intention of taking revenge on the other party. In her opinion, there was always a clean relationship between her and Empress Ming.

Of course, she didn't want to help either.

She is just doing what she wants to do, there is no clear boundary here, how to do it depends on whether she needs it or not, it was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

If the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River is really related to Rong Wang's mansion, then she can only be right about the matter and not about others.

Wei Shuyi looked at the girl through the firelight.

He couldn't help but think of the unusual look in her eyes for He Weiming today. She and He Wei hadn't had any intersection before.Her grievances were due to her regret at the death of a military general in vain.

Wei Shuyi suddenly realized that her way of doing things seemed to have deviated from the usual sense of likes and dislikes and the so-called distinction between distance and distance.

At this moment, through the girl's open and calm eyebrows, he saw the vast galaxy farther behind her.

The sense of vastness he saw at this moment originated from the Milky Way and also from her.

Wei Shuyi seldom felt so truly ashamed of himself, or never had, even though he was still smiling: "It's Wei who thinks and sees narrowly."

"No, I'm also very narrow-minded." Chang Suining said, "Many times."

Wei Shuyi smiled and said: "Then you and I are like a group of people?"

Chang Suining looked at him: "Isn't it too blunt?"

Wei Shuyi laughed again.

It is indeed very blunt.

It's rare for him to talk to people with such blunt nonsense... He knows very well that this is abnormal.

Chang Suining asked him about Mrs. Duan's current situation, and about Wei Miaoqing's appointment as the princess.

Wei Shuyi: "Don't worry, everything is fine, let's go and see..."

Chang Suining nodded, then asked him again: "But then again, why did Minister Wei come here as an imperial envoy?"

These words are asking him whether he was ordered by the Holy Spirit or whether he has other inside stories.

Wei Shuyi smiled slightly and replied, "Holy orders must not be violated."

At this time, Vice General Jin came over and saluted with fists cupped.

"The general invites the girl and Wei Shilang to go over."

Chang Suining dropped the branch and got up.

Wei Shuyi followed, and asked her in a low voice on the way: "...Do you think Li Yi really knows what Xu Zhengye wants to keep secret?"

"I don't know when I'm alive." Chang Suining said, "Maybe after I become a ghost after death."

Wei Shuyi suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and couldn't help but glance behind him.

It is true that he is afraid of ghosts.

This is probably the only similarity between Wei Shilang and his mother.

In this regard, Chang Suining's evaluation is - what to be afraid of.

He'd better not know her real face forever, otherwise, if something bad happens out of fright, she might not be able to explain to Duan Zhenyi.

But thinking of his repeated temptations, he can't help but feel that this person is really good and loves to play.

"...What if he really knew something when he was alive?" Wei Shuyi waved away his fear, and continued the topic just now: "Then Wei, who just watched Mrs. Chang kill him, didn't he cause a catastrophe?"

Chang Suining understood: "Could it be that Wei Shilang wants to seek favor with me?"

Wei Shuyi smiled and said, "Don't dare."

Chang Suining didn't intend to pay attention to him, so he said, "Don't worry, I won't let you miss the job."

"Oh?" Wei Shuyi turned to look at her.

"I will take back Yangzhou from Xu Zhengye." She said, "I don't need any fanciful secrets, I can win him too."

The girl's tone was casual, as if she was talking about what to eat for supper.

Wei Shuyi smiled and asked her: "Why is Mrs. Chang so convinced?"

"On the battlefield, of course you have to increase your prestige."

While the girl was speaking, soldiers in front of her opened the tent for her, and she bent slightly and walked into the tent.

Wei Shuyi was a few steps behind, looking at the back with a smile in his eyes.

No one knows, he just lied.

He took the risk of going south this trip, not because of his sacred order, but because of his own recommendation.

Because he also has people in Jiangnan who he cares about.

Seeing that Qing was safe, he felt at ease, but what he heard and saw made the fog in his heart intensify...

At this moment, Ah Dian's innocent voice suddenly sounded in his ears——

Is it "exactly the same" as His Royal Highness the former crown prince?

After a while, Wei Shuyi lifted his foot and followed into the camp.

Good night everyone, I will post an Easter Egg chapter later, it is a fan picture made by Huahua for Ningning hehe~ If you are interested, you can take a look

(Hey, after the update, I went to Weibo and saw the trending search. I was shocked and heartbroken... When I was very young, I could see the advertisement of "Haodi is so good" when I turned on the TV. I can still remember the picture and sound of the advertisement.)

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