Chang'an is good

Chapter 256 Selling miserably for my own governor

Inside the tent, Chang Kuo and that General Xiao were both there.

Chang Kuo told Chang Sui Ning Ting about the general progress of tracking down Li Yi's party, and finally said: "But I haven't found other people's eyeliner in the camp yet..."

This "other people" refers to Prince Rong's Mansion.

Chang Suining specially reminded Chang Kuo to pay attention to the eyeliner placed in the army by Prince Rong's mansion.

In Chang Suining's ears, not being able to find it for the time being doesn't mean it didn't exist, it can only be said that it was hidden really well and cleverly.

In front of Wei Shuyi and that General Xiao, she just nodded, and the investigation will continue, and the investigation will continue.

While Chang Kuo was talking to Wei Shuyi, Chang Suining sat there and thought of Fan Ou on this matter.

From what Li Lu said before, it can be known that Fan Ou had communicated information with people in Li Yi's army, so Li Lu knew everything about the army well... Then, Fan Ou must know who his side's eyeliner is.

But this person's mouth is very strict, and it will take a lot of effort to get the words out of his mouth afterwards.

Many interrogation methods flashed through Chang Suining's mind, and he was thinking about which one was the most suitable for Fan Ou, or, if he needed, she could tailor it for him.

In short, this person's mouth is very valuable, she must pry it open.

The girl rested her chin, as if she was distracted. Ordinary people would have no idea what kind of bloody, cruel or treacherous interrogation methods are in her mind at this moment.

It wasn't until a soldier brought food in, and the smell of meat smelt his nostrils, that he regained Chang Suining's mind.

Chang Kuo and Wei Shuyi were so busy that they didn't have time to eat.

An hour ago, Chang Sui Ning had already had dinner with Ah Dian, but he did not delay eating with Chang Kuo at this moment, after all, it was already an hour, and it was time for a midnight snack.

And this meal was surprisingly good, it is said that it was seized from Li Yi's private treasury.

During the meal, Chang Kuo respected Wei Shuyi and that General Xiao with a glass of wine, Wei Shuyi remained calm and only lowered the wine glass, but that General Xiao was so panicked that he nearly lowered the wine glass to the ground.

Chang Kuo saw it and said with a smile: "General Xiao, is he drinking with Chang or with the same land master?"

Xiao Min laughed shyly, with a nervous expression.

Chang Kuo said to him: "Since we sit here together, we are in the same robe, so you don't have to be so restrained!"

Xiao Min said "yes" and relaxed a little.

But this relaxation didn't last long. After the meal, following Chang Kuo's move, he became anxious again.

Chang Kuo ordered someone to fetch the commander's seal and soldier talisman, and asked him to accept it.

"This..." Xiao Min's complexion changed, and he looked at Wei Shuyi subconsciously: "This matter may still be discussed."

Chang Kuohun didn't care: "The sage asked you to be the coach, you just do what you want, what's there to discuss?"

"General Chang didn't know something...Xiao was ordered in the face of danger at the beginning. At that time, the saint only thought that General Chang and the trip to the state would be bad luck..." Xiao Min looked terrified but sincere, and bowed to Chang Kuo: "Xiao's qualifications are still young...Since General Chang is in front, I really dare not accept the seal of this commander."

And it wasn't him who quelled Li Yi's chaos this time, he really had no prestige at all.

He had the audacity to accept the seal of command, he felt both uneasy and ashamed.

"This is the decree, General Xiao wants Chang to resist the decree?" Chang Kuo waved his hand at him, "Just follow the rules, don't worry, as long as you are not the second Li Yi, this old man will never make things difficult for you."

These words are straightforward, and at first they sound presumptuous, but they are indeed reassuring.

Xiao Min laughed in embarrassment: "General Chang speaks seriously..."

The sage asked him to calm down the chaos. Although he was a big guy, he had thought carefully. Of course, he would not become the second Li Yi, nor did he have the conditions to become one.

Looking at the bold and upright veteran, Wei Shuyi smiled and said: "General Chang's words are reasonable. Since this matter is decided by the Holy Majesty, General Xiao can only take over the post temporarily. As for the achievements of General Chang, I will report to the Holy Majesty when I return to Beijing. If the Holy Majesty has better arrangements at that time, it will not be too late to adjust according to the situation in the future."

These words are in balance between advance and retreat, leaving enough room.

Xiao Min looked at the handsome seal, still hesitating.

Chang Suining had been listening for a long time, and when he saw this, he said: "General Xiao can take it at ease, this commander-in-chief will not bite his hand."

This pun made Xiao Min no longer hesitate, held the handsome seal with both hands, and said: "Xiao has the audacity to temporarily act as the head coach... In the future, if there are any shortcomings, I hope General Chang will remind you."

As he said that, he turned to the girl who was still sitting there leisurely, and said sincerely: "This time, Mrs. Chang is lucky to kill Li Yi. Although the girl is young and a daughter, she is far more courageous than Xiao Min. Xiao Min really admires it."

Although these words are suspected of flattering to save his life, they are also his sincere words.

That's why he didn't dare to take this handsome seal rashly. Not to mention comparing with his father, he can't even compare with a girl. If he sits down for the position of coach...can he not panic?

Xiao Min is only in his early 30s this year, his background qualifications can only be said to be average, and his skills can barely be called above average, but he is full of self-knowledge.

Chang Kuo's thoughts are also very simple. This matter has nothing to do with humility. The imperial decree is here, and he doesn't intend to rebel at this time. What is there to compete with for the position of coach?

Besides, it's just a commander's seal. With Li Yi's unlucky example first, the aspirations of the army are destined to have more weight than the commander's seal.

Chang Suining and Xiao Min nodded: "In the future, I hope that the whole army will work together to eliminate the rebels as soon as possible, and restore the peace of the people in Jiangnan."

What kind of person Xiao Min is, we need to take a closer look at it later, but if we want to work together, we should also show friendliness.

The girl's words made Xiao Min feel a little more stable in his heart, but also inexplicably agitated, as if there was a resonance.

Before he came, or on the way, he felt that the situation ahead was not good, and he only wanted to make this trip as successful as possible. But at this moment, facing such a father and daughter, he suddenly felt that the road ahead was open, and the direction in his heart became clear.

Eliminate rebels and restore peace to the people.

Yes, it is true for generals.

Several people sat down to drink tea and discuss matters again. The atmosphere was much more relaxed than when they were eating.


The night is getting deeper, the stars are slowly fading, and the sky is getting brighter.


When the next day was approaching dusk, the rear army arrived, and Yuanxiang and Changji were indeed among them.

Apart from these two familiar faces, Chang Suining also met the Captain Bai.

At first, she exchanged the "water jug" for the fast horse captain Bai.

The other party also recognized her, or in other words, based on the rumors about the girl from the regular family these days, he had already guessed the identity of the young soldier who exchanged fast horses with him that day and left the team.

Chang Suining thanked him: "...If it wasn't for Captain Bai's help, I wouldn't have been able to catch up with Dad."

Captain Bai cupped his fists at her, bowed his head and said, "This is a matter of humble duty."

"I heard from Wei Shilang that Bai Xiaowei also helped him a lot this time. Yu Zai was punished, and Bai Xiaowei's contribution is indispensable." Chang Suining said with a smile: "Afterwards, after the merits are rewarded, you can no longer be called a school captain, but a general."

Xiaowei Bai also smiled when he heard the words: "Miss Chengchang said auspicious words."

But speaking of it, this lady Chang should also be rewarded.

But, for a girl... what kind of reward should I get?

There are few precedents for such things to refer to. The specifics can only depend on what the adults in Beijing and the Holy One think.

"Miss Chang!"

At this time, Yuan Xiang walked over quickly, with a smile on his face, and saluted Chang Suining.

Facing the bright and lovable smiling face, Chang Suining also raised his lips: "Long time no see, Yuan Xiang."

Seeing this, Xiaowei Bai retreated in due course, but his pace was a bit slow when he retreated, and subconsciously raised his ears to listen.

Because of Cui Jing, he and Yuan Xiang already knew each other, but they were not familiar with each other, but this did not prevent Yuan Xiang from secretly revealing to him on the way that he was ordered by the governor to come to help Mrs. Chang this time.

Therefore, the fact that Governor Cui loves to marry Mrs. Chang is not a rumor at all!

Bai Xiaowei wished he could turn into a fly and land on Yuan Xiang's body, to get a close-up look at the gossip, but it's a pity that he couldn't transform himself.

Yuan Xiang and Chang Sui Ning have already explained what happened: "...At first, when the governor heard that General Chang was trapped in Hezhou, he guessed that Mrs. Chang must be there, so he ordered his subordinates to bring people to the south of the Yangtze River, and tried to mobilize soldiers and horses to help them. Firstly, it was to relieve the danger of Hezhou, and secondly, it was also to plot Li Yi's rebellion..."

But before he arrived, he heard the news that Hezhou was out of danger.

It was at this time that he met Wei Shuyi who came as an imperial envoy.

Yuan Xiang learned the key to the current situation from Wei Shuyi's mouth. After discussing, he decided to hand over the token of his own governor to Wei Shuyi, and escorted him all the way to subdue the soldiers outside Yangzhou City.

These are not in the plan given by the governor, but Yuan Xiang knows that since the governor has entrusted him with the responsibility, he has to adapt according to the situation.

Yuan Xiang also knew that although his own chief governor and Wei Shilang seemed to be talking about each other, they were not really hostile. On the contrary, Wei Shilang was often trusted by the chief governor.

Yuan Xiang thinks that he still has some brains.

But the above phenomena absolutely do not apply to him and Wei Changji!

At the end, Yuan Xiang said with a sincere smile, "Your subordinate was traveling with Wei Shilang halfway, and didn't come directly to Mrs. Chang. Please don't blame Mrs. Chang."

Chang Suining smiled and said: "It's okay, you did the right thing, this is the safest way."

Hearing this affirmation, Yuan Xiang's eyes lit up, and he felt that the next thing would be easy to handle.

It was windy and cold outside the tent, Chang Sui Ning Si and Yuan Xiang were tired from the journey, so they invited someone to sit in the tent and talk.

Both Xi'er and Ah Che were there, and when Yuan Xiang came, they served hot tea.

Yuan Xiang thanked with a smile: "Thank you Miss Xi'er!"

Xi'er was a little suspicious. Although this General Yuanxiang was a nice person in the past, but he is so warm and polite today, and he always feels that he has a plan...

Chang Suining and Yuan Xiang asked about the situation in the northern border.

After Yuan Xiang answered them one by one, Chang Suining asked about Cui Jing again.

The words "Finally here" sounded in his mind, and Yuan Xiang grinned and said, "The governor said, if you ask him, let the subordinates tell him everything is fine!"

Chang Suining: "...?"

What kind of natural de-decorated way of reporting is this?
She couldn't help asking at a loss: "...Then is he really good or fake?"

"It's good and it's true..." Yuan Xiang smiled complicatedly: "But it's not that good."

Dai Changshi asked him privately how the governor got along with Mrs. Chang. He heard that the governor only reported good news but never bad news, and was obsessed with maintaining his invincible image. Dai Changshi's evaluation of this was-this is not good. You must learn to sell miserably in order to survive.

So, under the questioning eyes of Chang Suining, Yuan Xiang started his miserable journey as the governor.

On weekdays, in order to deal with official duties and forget to eat and sleep, I personally supervise the repair of border defenses, practice soldiers and horses, and do everything by myself, and because of the bitter cold in the north, the number of people has decreased a lot, these are not a problem.

In addition, Yuan Xiang also talked about a thrilling incident that happened not long ago.

"...A soldier came to report that day, saying that they found traces of Beidi soldiers and horses passing by within the border, and the governor led me to go to inspect it. Unexpectedly, heavy snow fell suddenly on the way back, blocking the way back."

The snow was so heavy that it was impossible to move forward. Fortunately, I found a cave to take shelter temporarily, but who knew that there were black bears in the cave, and the escape almost turned into death.

Yuan Xiang first explained how his chief governor fought and killed the black bear, and explained the thrilling process of being injured for this.

He also detailed how the governor took them out of the mountains when he was injured and had a high fever, and how he found the way back to the camp in the snowy field.

At the end, I did not forget to point out what the doctor said after the governor returned to the camp.

After speaking, Yuan Xiang quietly observed Chang Niangzi's reaction.

Chang Suining listened, thinking in his eyes and said: "Amazing..."

But if it was her in the past, it should be fine, right?But she hadn't killed a bear, which was hard to say.

Yuan Xiang looked a little confused.

Miserable was also sold, but why didn't Mrs. Chang show sympathy and soft-heartedness?On the contrary, it seemed... that it aroused Madam Chang's competitive spirit?

Is it because what he said was too real, without the exaggeration that Dai Changshi said, so it was sold out?
When Yuan Xiang was introspecting, the girl seemed to have recovered and said, "But you still need to take care of your body."

Yuan Xiang was refreshed, and just as he was about to answer, he heard the voice say: "At this juncture, if Cui Dadu collapses, who can be responsible for the heavy responsibility in the northern border?"

So do you care about the northern border or the governor?
Yuan Xiang sighed, don't care about it, now it's his family's chief governor's wishful thinking, it's good to care about it, why are we arguing about the cause and effect?

Sensible as Yuan Xiang, he put up a smiling face contentedly: "Yes, my subordinates will definitely tell the governor!"

Chang Suining then asked when they were going to leave.

Yuan Xiang: "The errands are over, they can leave for the northern border tomorrow!"

Chang Suining asked doubtfully, "What about you?"

Yuan Xiang grinned and said, "When I came here, the governor had confessed that he wanted his subordinates to stay and help Mrs. Chang!"

With these words, he became as good as a cabbage, and began to recommend and sell himself: "...This subordinate has been with the governor for many years, and has experience in and out of the battlefield. If it is really not good, it is better to just leave it for Mrs. Chang to run errands!"

He was more than happy to stay with Mrs. Chang to run errands.

For one thing, it is for the sake of the chief governor's lifelong affairs, and by the way, he can subtly take the title for the chief governor in front of outsiders - for this, Yuan Xiang admits that he has some ulterior motives.

Secondly, running errands is also a waste of time. After all, whenever Mrs. Chang encounters major difficulties, it is impossible for the governor to stand idly by. Last time he was sent back to the capital, and this time he was asked to come to the south of the Yangtze River...

Whenever he was desperately rushing on the way, Yuan Xiang felt that Kuafu might not run as hard as him every day.

"But the Commander-in-Chief said, it still depends on what you want, Mrs. Chang." In the end, Yuan Xiang put on a cute cabbage appearance that others can pick and choose: "Ms. Chang wants her subordinates to stay, and her subordinates will stay. Mrs. Chang wants her subordinates to go back, so her subordinates will go back!"

Thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭
Regarding Ning Ning’s fanart, it doesn’t matter if it’s not what everyone imagined. After all, fanart, everyone’s imagination is different, but it doesn’t matter if the anime image is not replaced by a real person, and everyone can use their imagination as they like.As for the ponytail Ningning that everyone mentioned, there are some, and I will post another one immediately for everyone to review (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

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