Chang'an is good

Chapter 259 "Daily Tutor Going Crazy"

Yao Ran came here for this purpose.

Although she lives in the Buddhist hall, the fact that the lady of the Chang family is too sensational, and the servants near the Buddhist hall are also discussing it secretly.

She heard some intermittently, although not complete, but enough to make her surprised and curious, and couldn't help but want to ask for verification.

Seeing her cousin's reaction, Yao Xia immediately smiled, and stepped forward to pull Yao Ran: "Then cousin, sit down quickly!"

Next, she also turned into a storyteller, and she spoke more vividly than Wei Shuyi. In the end, to prove the credibility of her words, she took out a letter from Chang Suining and read it emotionally.

This situation is better than Chang Sui Ning has no way of knowing, if he knew, this casually written letter would never have the chance to be born.

Yao Ran was so dazed that he seemed to forget to even blink.

Her folded hands in front of her were unconsciously clutching the dress, and her heartbeat was beating loudly in her chest, as if she had suddenly glimpsed a new world that she had never imagined, and an overwhelming new scene rushed towards her.

After leaving the dining hall, Yao Yi personally sent his daughter back to the Buddhist hall even though he had a lot of thoughts.

Although he worked very hard to be an outsider's father outside, he never neglected his responsibilities as a houser's father.

In the past, Mrs. Pei looked down on Yao's family and him, so she didn't want her daughter to get too close to him. There was always regret above the affection between father and daughter.

Later, seeing his daughter bear Pei's fault and live such a life of austerity and atonement, he inevitably feels distressed and has the heart to make up for it.No matter how busy the business is, as long as he can return home before dark, he will definitely go to the Buddhist hall to talk with his daughter and exchange Buddhist scriptures and dharma.

What he did was to accompany and guide.

As a father, who would have the heart to see his own daughter die like this ancient Buddha?

At this time, on the way back to the Buddhist hall, Yao Yi asked his daughter with a smile: "...the thing that I didn't understand when I read the scriptures the day before yesterday, did you figure out the true meaning in these two days?"

The Buddhist scriptures he read and talked about are also a reflection of Yao Ran's state of mind.

She said at this time: "I didn't figure it out when I came here, but I just heard about Mrs. Chang, and I seem to have an epiphany."

"Oh?" Yao Yi looked at his daughter and was about to say something, but she heard her say in front: "Father, can I ask you a question?"

"Ran'er just ask."

The girl's words were straightforward: "Why do you treat Mrs. Chang so special?"

She knew that there were still rumors that Mrs. Chang was her father's illegitimate daughter. The reason why this rumor was like a fire that could not be extinguished had a lot to do with her father's never avoiding suspicion.

In her opinion, her father's not avoiding suspicion is enough to explain how special Mrs. Chang is.

The father and daughter talked heart to heart, and the servants followed from afar, Yao Yi smiled unabated, and said: "You still remember, father said before that he was looking for the daughter of an old man..."

"Daughter remembers, but didn't father say at the time that he had made a mistake, misunderstood, and that the person he was looking for was not a very lady?"

"That's because it's inconvenient to tell outsiders..." Yao Yi didn't hide it from his daughter, but he didn't go into details, but said frankly: "Father doesn't want to hide it from you, but the origin of a person, before she opened her mouth, even though father As an old friend but also an outsider, it is inappropriate to make up your own mind and speak for her..."

Yao Ran heard this, and nodded slowly after thinking: "Daughter understands."

She didn't ask any more questions, and only said: "Ms. Chang is really different from ordinary girls."

"Everyone is different." Yao Yi said, "We, Ran'er, are too."

Yao Ran smiled: "Father doesn't have to comfort me all the time..."

She looked at the night and the stars and the moon ahead, and said: "Chang Niangzi's difference is unique in thousands of miles, rare in the world, and it is difficult to find such a difference in a hundred years."


Yao Yi also looked at the thousands of stars in the night sky, each star is different, but it is undeniable that what the world can see at a glance is always the bright moon.

But she is not as quiet and calm as the moon... wherever she goes, she will be a sensation.

When she was in the middle of the capital, he would be worried when she was fighting with others... After leaving the capital, he even went directly to the battlefield to fight with people, instead of beating people, he would kill people instead!

If this continues, Yao Yi feels that he will be scared to death sooner or later.

But compared to the unchanging stability, under the thrilling, there will always be more unknown possibilities...

Yao Yi was in a state of mind, he had already arrived outside the Buddhist hall, so he stopped.

Looking at the deserted and simple Buddhist hall, Yao Yi sighed softly in his heart, and said: "Ran'er, since you have comprehended that Buddhist scripture, you should know that there are thousands of predestined relationships in this world, and the choice you have in front of you is not the only one you choose. Only this one."

Yao Ran thoughtfully, stood quietly for a moment, as if she had made up her mind, raised her eyes and asked: "My daughter wants to write a letter. I wonder if my father can help my daughter to send it to Mrs. Chang?"

Yao Yi was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he didn't refuse.


On the morning of the next day, Yao Yi listened to Chang Suining's story again from Wei Shuyi's mouth. Although he listened to it again, he still felt astonished—after all, his niece is a full-fledged eyeball, and the way of expression is relatively It reduces the tension of the audience.

But Wei Shuyi was different, he just stated the most unbelievable facts in the most objective words.

Above the main hall, all the officials have different expressions, some are puzzled, some are puzzled, and some have doubts.

It's not that the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty have nothing to do, they all pay attention to this little girl's affairs, and make a fuss about it, but what this little girl did is too eye-catching, and it's not a private or family matter, but a national and political affair .

Not only was this little girl a blockbuster, but she also cut through the gap between ordinary girls and the court with a single sword.

Li Yi's rebellion is over, and afterward, she will be rewarded for her merits. Her merits are really there, and it is impossible to bypass her - if the credits are true.

After some officials chatted in private, they couldn't help coming out, and said, "I don't know if Wei Shilang's words are true? It is said that General Chang loves his daughters too much. Is there... a possibility of exaggeration?"

The death of He Wei made people angry, and everyone knew about He Wei's ability... But what even He Wei failed to do, a little girl could do it so easily?

Chang Kuo, didn't he deliberately push all the credit for himself and his subordinates to his daughter?

"Ms. Chang captured and killed Li Yi, and Wei witnessed it with her own eyes." Wei Shuyi smiled slightly, and replied to the official: "The witness was not Wei, and there is no possibility of exaggeration."

Amidst the discussion, someone asked again: "Then... what about killing Xu Zhengye's general called Ge Zong? After all, Wei Shilang never saw it with his own eyes, did he?"

Since I didn't witness it with my own eyes, why did I have such a firm tone when I relayed it just now?

It was no longer Wei Shuyi who spoke this time, but the Holy Book Emperor who sat high on the imperial steps and never made a statement.

"This matter has been clearly confirmed in the memorandum sent to the capital by the son of the governor of Hezhou and the officials of Hezhou." The empress said slowly: "Ge Zong was indeed killed by the lady of the Chang family. It was not just beheading Ge Zong's many contributions to the establishment of Hezhou have been witnessed by all the people in Hezhou."

Finally, he said: "I have already ordered people to secretly go to Hezhou to check the facts. This matter is true. The Chang family's girl contributed a lot to the protection of Hezhou City."

The empress's voice didn't fluctuate, it only sounded majestic and fair.

"This..." the official couldn't help but finish.

If it is said that she captured and killed Li Yi, or that Li Yi was injured on the way to escape, she was lucky enough to get this feat... Then what is the explanation for killing Ge Zong?

This Ge Zong was rumored to be extremely brutal and brave. With such a fierce enemy and such a dangerous battlefield, how could it be possible to "get credit"?

But if it was all true, then how did she, a girl in a boudoir, come to have such monstrous abilities?

The discussion in the palace still couldn't stop.

The Holy Book Emperor watched this scene quietly, without any fluctuations on his face.

She could understand the uproar in front of her eyes and the shock of these civil and military officials.

This kind of general who was almost born out of nowhere is a woman——

Yu Chaotang has always been on the battlefield, and women's actions will always attract more doubts and face more resistance. She has always been very aware of this... This is exactly why she chose to make Ah Shang into Ah Xiao. one of the reasons.

A Shang, disguised as Ah Xiao, climbed up to the crown prince's position. Although there were many obstacles, at least no one could use the distinction between men and women as the opening line to question all her achievements.

But now, she just used her original daughter's identity to do exactly the same thing as before.

As a daughter's family...

So, Ah Shang wanted to use this to prove to her that she was wrong in the past?
Under the crown, the empress, who had added white hair in just a few months, closed her eyes for a moment, and when she spoke again, the noise in the hall was interrupted.

The empress has no intention of staying on this topic for too long, now that the political affairs are complicated and the situation is precarious, and there are more and more voices of rebellion, her mind is destined not to stay on just one thing.

So she brought up the matter of rewarding meritorious deeds and asked the officials for their opinions.

Among the different voices, many people spoke with a fair attitude: "General Chang and his daughter spared no effort to preserve peace in the state, and put down Li Yi's chaos in time. Both of these are great achievements, and they should be rewarded generously!"

As for how to reward, for generals like Chang Kuo who have received the rank of Hussar General, the reward is nothing more than gold and silver fields and houses, and if it is higher, it is a knighthood.

However, some people euphemistically said that Xu Zhengye's matter is not settled, and it is too early to be knighted at this time.

After talking about Chang Kuo, naturally I also want to talk about the girl from the Chang family.

Someone suggested that he could be granted the title of county head as a compliment.

"County Lord?" Taifu Chu raised his eyebrows and looked at the man, who hadn't spoken all this time: "Since he has made meritorious service on the battlefield, even if he wants to be granted a title, he should also be given the post of general. Grant?"

Today is the county lord, and tomorrow you can become a concubine princess!

Is this the greatest reward for a girl who has made great achievements on the battlefield?What a joke!

"The post of general... how can a woman take the post of general?"

"And this girl from the Chang family is not a member of the military, nor has she ever joined the army..."

"What army to join?" Taifu Chu sneered: "My old man remembers that at the beginning, the Holy Majesty issued a notice, which clearly stated that anyone who gave the head of the rebel Xu Zhengye, regardless of his family background, would be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels and an official of the third rank." .The other culprits and leaders under his command will also be awarded the fifth rank."

"May I ask how Ge Zong is not one of Xu Zhengye's culprits?"

Taifu Chu's old voice spread throughout the main hall: "This notice has already stated that since it doesn't matter whether you are a scholar or not, how can you talk about whether you are a man or a woman? Regardless of the achievements of the Chang family girl in capturing and killing Li Yi, just relying on A head of Ge Zong is enough to bestow rank five generals!"

All the officials in the hall had different expressions and exchanged glances with each other.

Wei Shuyi's eyes moved slightly, as if there was a hint of a smile.

He is a close minister of the emperor, and when the emperor's attitude is unclear, he should not speak too much.

But with Mrs. Chu around...why can't she win back the post of general she deserves?

and so……

Is the reason why you don't want to be a female officer because you want to be a general?
Either way, if you don't want to be a female official confined within the palace walls, then you can be a general who gallops freely on the battlefield.

Just as Wei Shuyi expected, the following Taifu Chu was "fighting" for Chang Suining every word and every word.

"Since ancient times, there have always been very few people with great talents! Since they are talents sent down by heaven, how can there be any distinction between men and women?"

"At this extraordinary time, to present such an extraordinary talent, isn't it a sign of God's blessing and prosperity?"

"In my opinion, not only rewards, but also generous rewards, so as to inspire the world's talented people to give their best!"

"On the contrary, not rewarding meritorious deeds will only make people's hearts wither. If such a big mistake happens, can those of you who oppose it because of mere prejudice, be able to bear it?"


Although Taifu is old, he can still fight.

In other words, it is normal for the Taifu to "go crazy" in the imperial court... The sign of this illness starts when he takes over as Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, if he says something that makes him uncomfortable, he will directly choke.

Rather than saying "new officials take office, three fires", it is more like "whatever it is, demote officials and pull them down".

Enemies without weaknesses are often the scariest.

Since Taifu started going crazy, no one has been able to get half a cent from him.

Besides, the Taifu is crazy and crazy, but he can always give people a sense of correctness and correctness, and a sense of fighting head-on according to the wrong reason...Oftentimes the opponent will be surrounded by him, and he can't help but reflect on himself in the middle of the quarrel.

Moreover, his prestige and reputation are here, his qualifications are as old as others, and he has countless disciples. His words and deeds are extremely important, and the more stubborn he is that "my generation of literati will never go with this troubled world", the more he will Those literati officials and students support it.

Some people even compiled the old master's arrogant remarks into a special book, which was widely circulated in the literary world. What kind of collection did they make?I can't remember the name...but it should be called "Teacher's Crazy Daily"!
Either way!

Anyway, she is just a little girl, a military officer, maybe it will be like a flash in the pan, and no one will pay attention to it soon.There are many examples of a blockbuster being born suddenly, but then disappearing suddenly with no successor.

The words have come to this point, if they continue to argue about this, it will appear narrow-minded.

Those officials who held an opposing attitude sighed and bowed their hands, retreated to their original positions, and stopped talking.

The controversy dissipated for a while, but the Holy Book Emperor did not immediately finalize the award.

In other words, those voices of dispute and opposition just now were exactly what she acquiesced to.

When the emperor does not want to make a decision immediately, he needs a different voice.

Chang Kuo must have created a estrangement from her, and may even have recognized A Shang, the old master, and there is no weakness in Beijing... She still has to think carefully about rewarding her, and she can't be careless.

Preview of the next chapter: Grand Tutor looks at paintings, Xiao Cui reads letters~
good night!

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