Chang'an is good

Chapter 260 As long as he can return his students to him

How to bestow rewards, the Empress still has to consider the trade-offs, so this matter is put on hold for the time being and will be discussed later.

Next came the complicated political and military affairs. The atmosphere above the court was not happy and optimistic for too long because of Li Yi's execution and Xu Zhengye's retreat to Jiangning.

Judging from the memorials handed in everywhere, the current situation is getting worse and worse.

Although there has been no such serious trouble as Xu Zhengye for the time being, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest, not to mention that the inside of this "dam" is no longer solid and firm, especially when the sage stretched his sword to the Pei family, the Changsun family and other people. After the family.

The counterattack brought about by these measures has already begun to emerge on the surface.

People's hearts are shaken, government orders are blocked... voices of crusade emerge in endlessly.

The empress made many countermeasures for this. She was cautious and diligent, but she became more and more suspicious in this cautiousness.

She had to be suspicious.

When Wei Shuyi returned to Beijing yesterday, he talked to her about "Li Yi's rebellion, and someone sent a letter to remind and instigate him. The letter stated that the sage wanted to use He Wei as the new coach to replace Li Yi, so Li Yi was able to set up a plan to kill him in advance." inside story.

And Chang Suining's doubts about Rong Wangfu.

Regardless of whether the mastermind behind this incident is Prince Rong's Mansion or not, what can be concluded right now is that there are traitors around her.

When the grain and grass transported to Shouzhou were robbed by Xu's rebel army, the empress had already become suspicious, suspecting that someone had leaked the route of grain transport.

She tried to investigate and replaced a group of people, but now it seems... still failed to find out the real suspicious person.

So, she still has to keep searching, keep looking.

At this moment, the Empress looked at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and listened to those voices with great differences, and gradually felt that few people were truly credible.

The dragon chair she was sitting on seemed to be high and majestic, but it was placed on the ice, on the edge of a cliff. She held the imperial power in her hand, but she was also driven by it at the same time, and she dared not be careless. Don't dare to give real trust to anyone.

This was the supreme power that she was willing to exchange for everything she had. Later, she gradually understood that it is more difficult to keep it for a long time than to obtain it.

Due to too many matters and too many voices of disagreement, this morning meeting lasted until around noon, and this has been the norm for the past few months.

Even so, Emperor Shengji still summoned all his ministers to the Manna Palace to continue the discussion.

Yao Yi was not left behind, and Dali Temple still had a lot of official affairs that he needed to take care of.

He followed many officials out of the hall, and most of the officials had looks of exhaustion on their faces.

Mrs. Chu was of course very tired at his age, at the moment there were two civil servants supporting the old Mrs. Fu, one on the left and one on the right, and several other officials accompanied him, caring about his health.

Most of these are Taifu Chu's disciples, and they are all called teachers.

"...Teacher, why do you have to argue with those people and get angry with those people because of a girl's reward?"

"Yes, teacher, I am waiting..."

"The spring scientific examination is coming soon, the teacher is already very busy, why bother to get angry about trivial matters, if the anger breaks the body, it is not worth it."

"For a girl with a foreign surname, it's okay to confer the title of county head. The county head also has a high-level food salary, which can be regarded as a generous reward..."

Master Chu's expression darkened when he heard the words, he threw off the support of the official, and said angrily: "Since being the head of the county is so good, then you can take off this official uniform and put on a skirt to receive this generous reward. When I, Dasheng, need to get married again in the future, you remember to be the first one, and thank Long Enhaodang again!"

"..." The official was stunned, opened his mouth, and said with an apologetic smile: "The student is a Jinshi, and he should serve the society as himself..."

Taifu Chu's anger continued: "You also know that being the head of the county is condescension? It is a waste of talents? You can serve the country? Why can't other girls serve? She can fight the enemy and protect the people of the next state, but you will kill her too. Take a look!"

The official's face turned red for a moment, and he quickly bowed his hands in apology: "Teacher calm down... It's the students who made a slip of the tongue."

The few officials who had been scolded by Mrs. Chu in the court passed by here, and seeing this scene, they suddenly felt a lot more balanced.

Although the old master Fu has a poisonous mouth, he scolds everyone equally.

Taifu Chu also threw away another student who was supporting him.

The official looked blank, but he didn't dare to say a word.

"...not a single sentence that sounds good! It's annoying to listen to! Don't follow me!"

Master Chu flung his sleeves away, leaving behind a group of disciples who looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and in the end they only sighed.

A group of people walked together, and the official who was called out and scolded just now said: "The teacher's tone seems to be particularly unfavorable today... How can the word 'county master' be so annoying to the teacher?"

He thought about it carefully, the teacher suddenly went crazy in Chaoshang today... No, it was because of the speech, it was because he heard the words that the girl from the Chang family was going to be made the county head.

Although I don't quite understand the reason, it seems that the word "county master" is the key word that triggers the teacher to swear, and it must not be mentioned in the future.

An official said: "The teacher has always cherished talents, and I think he really recognized the talent of this girl from the Chang family... Don't you know that the teacher has to go to the Tailou once every ten days to see the picture of the tiger walking in the mountains?"

"Speaking of which, this girl from the Chang family is really extraordinary. Wen Ke became famous in the capital with one painting, and Wu Neng went to the battlefield to kill the leader of the bandit..." Someone sighed: "It is indeed an extraordinary talent."

The official who had been silent just now seemed to suddenly understand something when he heard this.

He sighed suddenly: "There was once such an extraordinary talent..."

Everyone looked at him, not knowing who he was talking about.

The official sighed again: "His Royal Highness."

That is the teacher's favorite student.

Perhaps the teacher missed his students.

The teacher is old and has an irritable temper. Even if he misses him, he will not say that he misses it, but will only turn into a temper tantrum.

"His Royal Highness..." Several officials sighed, "Heaven is jealous of a great talent..."

If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had not passed away early, and took over the throne justifiably, how would there be such a situation now?
Taifu loves talents, but is extremely picky. Many talented people are mediocre in his eyes, and the heart of loving talents that has nowhere to rest is given to that student.

How much pity, how unwilling.

The Tai Tuo's temperament has become more moody since then.


"...willing to be a puppet with others, to die for nothing, and read all the books into the stomach of a dog! Taught for nothing!"

Sitting in the official sedan chair, the temperamental Taifu Chu suddenly cursed in the sedan chair.

No one responded to him.

But if she was here, she would definitely have no skin and no shame, and she would retort solemnly-yes, I am a student dog, and you are a teacher dog.

He can still think of the disgusting look of the student when he retorted.

He was determined to beat him with a book, and she would definitely hide. If he couldn't dodge, next time he would grab his beard when he was dozing off, and even said to catch lice for him and groom his face...Which family of lice would grow in the beard!
It was very quiet in the sedan chair, Taifu Chu's old figure was thin and upright, he tilted his head slightly, his vision gradually became blurred, he was still cursing, but his voice became hoarse: "I have taught you for nothing..."

You can't give him a pension until the end of his life, what kind of student is he!

The official sedan chair sent Taifu Chu back to the Ministry of Rites, but he came out again after not staying for long.

It's not leaving early, but asking for leave.

The name of the leave is very well known - the early morning battle with others until exhausted, dizzy, sore throat, need to go home to rest.

However, halfway through the official sedan chair, the old lady suddenly changed her mind and went to Dengtai Tower instead of going back to the mansion.

The Dengtai Building was very lively. After being asked by Taifu Chu, he found out that the students from the Guozijian gathered here. Cui Liulang was the host to treat the guests, and he preached the deeds of the girl from the Chang family who killed the enemy.

I also heard that many Juren were there, such as Song Juren, Tan Juren...

Taifu Chu had no choice but to wave his hands in annoyance, and asked people to put down the car curtain: "Go home!"

Chun Wei is about to come. As the biggest examiner, if he gets together with these Juren students and is used as a fuss by someone who is interested, he will cause trouble.

He is not afraid of trouble, but these people can't afford the trouble.

The same is true for the Guozijian, but it’s just a new year. Officials haven’t had a holiday yet, and students should study hard. What kind of holidays are there?

He can't even see his paintings!
Thinking of this, and thinking that the girl didn't draw a picture for him in the end, I felt depressed.

"It's not true!" Chu Taifu blurted out: "It's exactly the same!"

After finishing speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

All the same unbelief.

The paintings are also similar, and the temper is more and more similar.

Nowadays, even the point of going to the battlefield to kill the enemy...

"How can it be so similar..." Taifu Chu said to himself in a daze, "It's really strange."


In just a few days, since the achievements of the girl from the Chang family had been confirmed by the imperial court, the news became even more sensational.

The New Year's Eve is approaching, and the imperial court intends to calm the hearts of the people, so it acquiesces in the saying that "the stars will come to the world".

On this day, the Tai Tuo rested at home and heard that the children and grandchildren of the family were going to offer incense and pray for blessings, praying to the gods and Buddhas to bless everything in the coming year, and the war to subside as soon as possible, and invited him to go with him——

Taifu Chu frowned: "No, no."

What is the use of asking God for such things?Since the gods regard all beings as equal, why should they prefer to help the world?The gods don't care about war or non-war.

Those who can save the world have always been the people of the world, not the people of heaven.

And there must be some stupid people in the world who would rather give up on themselves and save this world again and again and again and again.

Some juniors boldly persuaded: "Grandfather, the New Year's Eve is just for auspiciousness..."

Taifu Chu wanted to say "no" again, but when the words came to his lips, a nightmare from last night suddenly flashed through his mind.

Or day by day, he always dreamed of the dangerous scene of the girl on the battlefield these days...

Seeing him frowning, the junior laughed dryly, not daring to persuade him any more: "Since grandfather doesn't want to go out, then..."

"Who said I don't want to go out?" Mrs. Chu glared at him, "Let's go."

The young man was stunned for a moment... He actually persuaded his grandfather?
Such a miracle must be written down in the family history for him, write it down!

The Chu family went to Dayun Temple.

Taifu Chu went to the Daxiong Palace with his family to stop incense, and went to Wujue alone to talk about Buddhism with him.

But there is no time to talk about the Dharma. As soon as the two met, Taifu Chu saw the monk smiling and said: "You are finally here. There is something waiting for you for a long time."

When Taifu Chu was puzzled, Wujue turned around and took out a painting box, handed it to him, and made it clear that this was the confession made by Changsui Ning when he left Beijing.

Taifu Chu's eyelids twitched, and he almost cursed: "...Why did you just hand it over to the old man now?"

This person was his student's former staff member, and according to his seniority, he could easily slap him on the head!

Wujue looked innocent: "The poor monk was entrusted by others, it's a matter of loyalty... At first, I only said to wait for the Taifu to come to offer incense, and then hand it over..."

Grand Tutor Chu: "Then what if the old man doesn't come to offer incense for the rest of his life!"

Facing the old master's anger, Wujue didn't panic at all, and even had a mysterious expression on his face: "Aren't you here? This is the guidance of chance."

Hearing this sentence, Grand Tutor Chu stopped fighting, and left holding the painting in a huff.

Wujue breathed a sigh of relief.

He admitted that his nobleman had forgotten things too much... He just met the old man and suddenly remembered the matter of painting.

Fortunately, there is also the mysterious Buddha Dharma to protect his body and open his spiritual wisdom. It is really Amitabha.

Wujue recited a sentence of Buddha, clasped his hands together, faced the half-opened window lattice, looked to the south, and prayed in a low voice: "I also hope that the gods and Buddhas of the heavens will protect Your Highness, and the chaos will be quelled as soon as possible."

He never felt jealous that Qiao Yang's family had received His Highness's letter.

It must be known that only those who don't know the truth need His Highness's letter to explain, and he and His Highness are confidantes of each other, and there is a tacit understanding, so what more letters are needed?

As soon as Taifu Chu got into the carriage returning home, he couldn't wait to open the painting box.

He unfolded the painting, and when it was only halfway unfolded, there was a sudden pause.

Then, the old man moved faster to display the painting, and the painting was quickly presented in front of his eyes as it was.

It is a picture of Youshan Bamboo and Stone.

When he was asking for paintings in the Dengtai Tower that day, he said that he wanted a painting with bamboo and stone, which could be hung on the bedside to cultivate his character.

One is that he loves bamboo and stone very much, and the other is...his student is best at painting plum, orchid, bamboo and stone, and his personal style is very distinct.

At that time, he saw that the girl's tiger picture was so similar to his student's, so he subconsciously wanted to see if the girl also painted bamboo and stone, how similar would it be?
Now, at last, he saw it.

Taifu Chu opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and the hand holding the scroll trembled slightly.

How can this be so?

He began to frantically check the frame and the details in the painting, trying to determine whether it was possible to copy the painting.

After a while, no results.

Huge doubts and puzzles filled his chest, and his ears were buzzing, making him feel flustered and confused for no reason.

The old man suddenly opened the heavy winter curtain and shouted: "Stop!"

The cold wind hits the body outside the car, mixed with the snow particles that have just begun to fall.

The coachman hurriedly reined in his horse: "Master?"

Seeing this, several other carriages also stopped, and the juniors of the Chu family got out of the carriages and surrounded them.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with father?"

Looking at those nervous eyes, Mrs. Chu took a long time to regain a sense of reality, but looked through them to the far south.

"I'm fine..." He explained to his children and grandchildren, and then put down the curtain of the car: "Go on."

He sat back and picked up the painting again. His fingertips were clearly cold, but he felt that the painting in his hand was extremely hot.

He has never believed in the theory of ghosts and gods. If others mention it to him, he will definitely scoff and feel disdainful and annoyed.

But at this moment, he suddenly prayed that there are ghosts and gods in this world.

Even if this is enough to completely collapse the way he has worshiped all his life, he is willing to pray for it, hoping that the gods, Buddhas, and ghosts from all walks of life may open their eyes... Whoever can return his student to him, he will believe in kneeling and bowing to whom !

As long as he can return his students to him!

The snow in the capital stopped and fell until New Year's Eve.

The snow in the north has stopped, but the snow and ice everywhere have not been removed.

In this ice and snow environment, there was one person riding in front, led a team back, and dismounted outside the Anbei Protectorate's Mansion.

"The governor is back!"

Following the sound of the sound, along the way, soldiers and officials came to welcome the young man who had been away for half a month and went to personally inspect the defenses everywhere.

Accompanied by everyone, the young man walked towards the Duhu Mansion and asked, "Is there a letter from the south?"

This was the first sentence he uttered after dismounting his horse.

Forgive me, I warned the car to roll over!Xiao Cui didn't have time to read the letter... This chapter should be about the Taifu reading the painting, and Xiao Cui asking the letter!
The most recent protagonists are Taifu and the others. Tomorrow, I will switch back to the Ningning Barracks New Year’s Vision (this time I will definitely not overturn!)

In order to make up for the mistakes in the preview, I would like to recommend a friend's old saying "The Honored Son-in-Law of the Boudoir" Author: Qin Xi
Although it is an old saying, the heroine is independent and sober, and the number of words is quite sufficient. If you have an appetite, you can buy it (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

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