Chang'an is good

Chapter 264 That's Your Highness's Marksmanship

The arrows used by the contestants are the same, but the arrow feathers are of different colors to distinguish them.One side is the original white arrow feathers, and the other side is dyed red arrow feathers.

The red color belongs to Chang Suining, she chose it on purpose, after all, she wanted to make it auspicious for Chinese New Year.

Everyone's eyes were also staring at the row of fifty archery targets along with the counting person, trying to count them, and soon there were discussions and surprises from all around.

"Okay, little Ah Li won!" Ah Dian raised his arms and cheered loudly.

A coach next to him frowned and said, "I haven't finished counting yet!"

—Just yelling here!

Due to Ah Dian's identity, he didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

But the first half of the sentence alone has exposed his upset at the moment. If the outcome is clear at a glance, he doesn't have to worry about it with a mentally retarded person, just let the other party yell.

It was because the targets were so difficult to tell the winner at first glance, which surprised them and disturbed them, so they couldn't hear this all the more.

On the fifty archery targets, there are two feathered arrows pierced respectively, which means that the two of them have all arrows and no one misses the target!
And at a glance, on any of the archery targets, there has never been a situation where the distance between the two arrows is too large, and most of them are close to each other.

And what is beyond the "most" is the key to the victory...

After confirming the count again and again, the captain in charge of this competition said loudly: "Coach Fang Da hit 47 bullseyes!"

47 sticks!

The crowd debated.

The little instructors who were able to squeeze in the front all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the sound, and said in an expected tone: "I knew that if the instructor Fang Da stepped forward, he would never miss it!"

This competition is the standard for the assessment of the big coach, and it is very strict.

In normal infantry shooting, it is said that Fang Da's head can hit all 47 shots on the bull's-eye, and in obstacle riding shooting, there are never less than [-] shots, and the mistakes can be controlled within three shots.

What's more, this time it's an evening competition, the sight must be hindered, but he didn't miss it, it's obvious!
"Okay." Chang Kuo stroked his frizzy beard and nodded appreciatively: "Chang looked at the white arrow, and the arrow almost pierced the bull's-eye. It can be seen that Fang Da's head has extraordinary strength and is extraordinary."

Hearing this praise, there were soldiers talking in low voices behind: "General Chang is indeed fair and dignified, with extraordinary bearing..."

Although the opponent had won against his own daughter, he was not hesitant to praise and affirm it.

The mood of the praised instructor Fang Da was completely different. He cupped his hands: "General Chang Da praised you."

This kind of praise is naturally something you can't ask for in normal times, but at this time...

Coach Fang Da turned his head slightly and looked at those archery targets.

After his white arrows were counted and pulled from the target, only the red arrows remained on the target, and they became more neat and eye-catching.

The coaches standing in front have changed their faces.

"Chang Niangzi hit fifty bull's-eyes this time!" The school captain reported loudly.


——All hit the bullseye? !

The surroundings suddenly became restless and sensational!


"how is this possible!"

The soldiers behind wanted to squeeze to the front to see.

At this moment, winning or losing is not important to them, they just want to see what the fifty arrows that all hit the bull's-eye look like!
Coach Zhu's face was stagnant, also unbelievable.

Coach Fang Da did not miss, but it was precisely because he still lost to the opponent without missing, that made it even more unacceptable. Even if he tried to find some excuses, he was doomed to fail.

"The first match, the first round of riding and shooting, Mrs. Chang won!" The captain announced the result loudly.

Teacher Fang's face was tense and he remained silent.

In the case of obstacles and tight time constraints, it is normal for many people to miss the target, let alone hit the bull's-eye, and all fifty shots hit...

At least before this, he had never seen anyone who could hit the bullseye with all fifty.

This should be a wizard among wizards, and a wizard under hard training.

He is not ashamed to lose to these fifty arrows.

But lost to a little girl...

"Little Ah Li won, we just won, slightly slightly..." A Dian made a face at the coach who had just spoken fiercely to him.

"..." The face of the coach was very exciting for a moment, and he clenched his fists.

Because there were too many people who were curious and some people had doubts, under Chang Kuo's signal, the captain asked people to move all the fifty archery targets to an open place for people to watch.

Many people hurried forward, and the competition here will continue.

Soldiers joined forces to bring a weapon rack with two knives and two guns on it. The knives were the most commonly used horizontal knives in the Dasheng army, and the guns were ordinary white spears with red tassels.

Swords, guns, swords, swords first, then guns.

The coaches packed up their mood and looked at the field again.

Riding and shooting is only one of the first competitions. As long as Coach Fang Da successfully wins the two items of swords and guns, the first competition will not be regarded as a loss!
Where is this going?
If it is said that riding and archery is about one's own ability, and the two do not interfere with each other, then the latter items that require close combat will widen the disparity in physical strength between the two. The advantage of the big coach is still behind.

The two people in the arena had already received their weapons. Coach Fang looked at the girl who was still relaxed, and reminded in a hoarse voice: "Swords and guns have no eyes, Mrs. Chang must be careful."

Chang Suining raised his knife and cupped his fists: "Yes."

The two stared at each other, each taking a step back.

The drum beats again.

Fang Dajiao stopped his head and feet, lowered his spirit and raised his saber, attacking domineeringly.

Chang Suining didn't move or dodge, raised his knife to block, but was forced back five or six steps by the opponent's force, sand and stones flew under his feet.

After taking this as a buffer, she turned sideways to dispel the opponent's attack.

Instructor Fang Da attacked again, but Chang Suining still didn't dodge, this time she switched to side-blocking, the horizontal knife in their hands collided, making a buzzing sound, the torch and the bonfire flickered and danced, and the light of the fire reflected on the blade, like a knife The space also splashed sparks.

That spark was also reflected in the girl's eyes.

Everyone watched the battle with a sigh of relief, Yuan Xiang hid half of his body behind Ah Dian, biting his lower lip nervously.

He had never been so nervous when he was on the battlefield!

The teacher Fang used the knife very fiercely, if Mrs. Chang couldn't stop it alone, the knife fell on her body, the consequences would be disastrous, but Mrs. Chang obviously did not have the upper hand at this time.

The facts seem to be true, Fang Da coach is attacking, while Chang Suining is defending, the former always takes the initiative.

Xiao Min saw that the situation was not good, so he looked at Chang Kuo: "General Chang..."

But Chang Kuo, the father, comforted him in turn: "No hurry, it will be over soon."

Xiao Min's mood is complicated, what kind of ending?
The atmosphere is tense.

When Chang Suining was forced to take a few steps back for the last time, he looked at the gap on the blade in his hand, then at Coach Fang who was pressing forward, and said, "It's my turn."

Coach Fang frowned, before he could react and think, he attacked the girl again.

This time his knife was lowered a lot, and it aimed at the girl's waist and abdomen.

The girl was as light as the wind, and when she turned to avoid him, she suddenly drew a knife from his side, the knife's aura was very sharp, just like her eyes.

Just this one move made Fang Dajiao startled. When he raised the saber to block, the girl didn't fight him recklessly, but quickly changed the direction of the saber in her hand and attacked elsewhere.

Instructor Fang Da blocked again.

After five or six moves like this, he was forced to retreat steadily, and he soon realized that the girl seemed to be able to predict his movements, every attack suppressed the possibility of his counterattack, and did not give him any moves at all. Chance!

So... she only defended but not attacked before, was she trying to figure out his sword skills? !

Everyone has heard the saying of knowing yourself and the enemy, but it is not easy to do it, especially when the moves are already thrilling, how can you talk about understanding all the opponent's tricks from the perspective of a bystander and truly calm down, unless, someone And there is only one possibility...

That is the person who "knows the enemy", whose disposition and strength are far superior to those who are tempted!
This answer shocked Instructor Fang Da. As the girl's offensive became faster and faster, he stepped back again and again, and the saber technique in his hand already showed a sense of panic.

All the onlookers around were astonished.

Different from the previous riding and archery competition around the Martial Arts Field, the contestants were right in front of their eyes. However, even after witnessing it with their own eyes, some people were still very surprised and couldn't understand why the situation suddenly turned around.

This kind of twist is almost in a few strokes!
There was already an uproar from all around, and one of the lieutenants couldn't help exclaiming: "...What a handsome young man!"

Sweat was already dripping from the corners of Fang Dajiao's forehead.

He can no longer be forced to guard like this, he needs to break through this predicament!

In a panic, when he blocked the girl's horizontal knife again, he suddenly punched the other side!
This move was caught off guard, Chang Suining's eyes froze and he turned his head to avoid it.

Instructor Fang Da wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack, but the girl took a quicker step, leaping up like a flash, she had already come to his back side, and the horizontal knife in her hand went from behind to in front of him at the same time, cutting through him. the placket!
Teacher Fang suddenly paused, looking down at the knife that was still lying in front of him, feeling like falling into an ice cave.

Victory and defeat.

"Teacher Fang, I've offended you."

The girl withdrew the saber again, held it upright behind her back, and backed away.

After a moment of silence, there was a sudden burst of applause.

Xiao Min was stunned.

He never questioned the girl from the Chang family because he had witnessed the other party kill Li Yi with his own eyes... But it was the first time he had seen a real and complete attack at this moment!
At this moment, he suddenly understood General Chang's calmness.

He changed from questioning General Chang to understanding General Chang.

"The first match, the second knife match, Mrs. Chang won!"

There were three rounds in the first match, Chang Suining had won two rounds, and the remaining round was about spears, no matter what the result was, she had already won the first round.

"He made a foul just now!" When everyone else was concerned about winning or losing, Ah Dian pointed at Coach Fang: "It was obviously a competition of weapons, but he punched someone just now, he was wrong!"

Coach Fang's expression changed.

"It doesn't matter." Chang Sui Ning said: "Although it is a comparison of weapons, weapons are controlled by people. People are in front and weapons are in the back. As long as they can defeat the enemy, that's all."

Teacher Fang Da was silent when he heard the words.

Chang Suining asked: "For the remaining item, is Coach Fang going to compare?"

"Brother Fang, let's compare!" A big coach said.


Among the instructors, there were countless echoes.

Although it can't change the outcome of the first match, but if it doesn't match, it is tantamount to admitting defeat.

Besides, compared to swordsmanship, as a great instructor, spearmanship is the most solid, a strength that must be practiced repeatedly every day, and it is impossible to lose again!
Just to get back some face, it would be nice to kill that girl's prestige!

Some big coaches already showed annoyance on their faces because they couldn't hold back their face, and they wished they could roll up their sleeves and go to battle in person.

Faced with the questioning, Coach Fang didn't say anything, he just stepped forward to take the spear, stood it by his side, and looked at Chang Suining fixedly.

Chang Suining also threw the knife back and replaced it with a long spear.

This time, Coach Fang didn't say anything, and he didn't remind the girl on the opposite side that swords and guns have no eyes.

With the sound of the drum, he rose with a gun, like a strong and agile tiger or leopard.

Chu Xing regained his senses from the astonishment just now, and stared closely at Chang Suining's tricks. He had seen them all, when the girl was practicing guns with Lang Jun, and he had marveled at the girl learning without a teacher.

The marksmanship that the girl is using at the moment can already be called superb, but her strength is too weak, and it gradually shows its shortcomings when facing the overly solid marksmanship foundation of the big instructor.

Sure enough, when Chang Suining dodged once, the spearhead in Fang Da's hand still pierced the robe on his shoulder.

"Old Fang, you're doing well!" said the head coach with the flagon.

Chang Suining turned his head and looked down at the robe with a small hole in it.

Instructor Fang Da did not rush to attack, but looked at her with a gun in his hand: "Ms. Chang, do you want to continue?"

This tone is a reminder from the winner.

"It's not the end if it doesn't hurt the important parts." The girl looked at him: "Come again."

Instructor Fang Da clenched his spear tightly and roared hoarsely, "Okay, come on!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw the girl suddenly rushing towards him, the spear in her hand whistling like the wind, and when she was attacking him, the number of routes changed drastically!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that He Cai's marksmanship techniques just now were done by one person!
And just now, even though her marksmanship is excellent, the number of moves is different from the usual ones, there is nothing special about it, but now...!
Under the haste of Fang Da's head, he saw that the girl's eyes had shown a cold military aura, like an abyss, like a cold pool, beneath which hidden endless precipice and silent murderous intent.

She moved swiftly, and between jumps, her ponytail hair fluttered, and the afterimage of the spear in her hand was waving. Under the strong firelight, the afterimage was like a golden dragon.

At this moment, everything is quiet, everyone's senses seem to be slowed down, only hearing this sound, only seeing this image.

Until Ah Dian made a startled sound——

"This is... This is clearly His Highness's marksmanship!"

He suddenly grabbed Chang Kuo's arm: "Look, Uncle Chang, this is His Highness's marksmanship!"

Chang Kuo patted his hands twice slowly, his eyes still fixed on the field.

Everyone saw that the girl was holding a gun with one hand, and the two spears were facing each other. However, she did not attack with the tip of the spear. , and then wrapped around the body of the gun, approaching little by little and quickly!

Looking at the icy-cold tip of the long spear that was circling around him and approaching him, Coach Fang's expression became dull with horror. He suddenly felt that the barrel of the gun in his hand was split, and the cracks changed from one to two, and then more. It seemed as if it was about to be crushed!

Under this huge shock, he even forgot to react.

"Teacher Fang!" A coach came back to his senses and exclaimed: "Be careful!"

The next moment, the girl turned the gun in her hand, and instead of attacking, she deflected Fang Da's instructor's spear.

The spear left his hand and fell to the ground.

Instructor Fang stared blankly at his empty hands, he was still holding the gun.

There was silence all around.


The girl retracted her gun and stopped by her side.

If she really complied with the words that those coaches used to mock her, she was not as tall as a gun.

It's over, it's over!No breaks!

(The fight is written a bit more carefully, because this is the beginning of Ning Ning’s establishment in the military camp. It will not be convincing if it is written in one stroke. Don’t be too wordy, although I am really wordy.)
today!Another book for everyone, Yao Yingyi's "A Thousand Changes of Flowers", as the old saying goes, why recommend this book, because she is about to end!I can kill myself~

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