Chang'an is good

Chapter 265 Meeting the Head Coach

Of course, there are different types of spears in the Dasheng military camp. According to different uses such as cavalry combat, chariot combat, and infantry combat, the standard lengths are also different. Long spears taller than people abound.

Those remarks that ridicule Chang Suining's lack of guns are just casual ridicule.

When a person is weak and not looked down upon, anything and any rhetoric can be used to satirize him without any tenable reason.

But at this time, there was no more sarcasm, nor any questioning stares.

Under the two huge shocks of vision and psychology, there was a short-lived silence all around.

The sound of the girl's gun standing still seemed to have aftershocks, and the humming was endless, and it also lingered in everyone's hearts.

"The first match, riding and shooting knives and guns... Mrs. Chang won three rounds!" The captain's voice was high, with a slight tremor at the end.

As the voice fell to the ground, everyone's attention seemed to be brought back to reality.

There was an uproar all around.

"The marksmanship that Mrs. Chang used at the end just now... have you seen it clearly? I have never seen it before!"

"I don't know who taught it?"

"General Chu... you also taught me this set of marksmanship?"

Chu Xing, who was stunned, just retrieved his staring eyeballs. Hearing this, his legs were almost frightened: "...This is the marksmanship created by His Highness the Prince!"

He has followed Chang Kuo for many years, and he has also seen the former prince use this set of marksmanship!
But... why did the girl suddenly use the marksmanship of His Highness the former prince? !
And it is so exquisite and proficient, it seems that it has been practiced countless times!

Or... at that moment just now, the girl seemed to be possessed by His Royal Highness the former crown prince!

What's going on, things seem to be getting more and more evil...

Chu Xing inexplicably broke out in a cold sweat, and moved to Chang Kuo's side in shock: "General..."

Chang Kuo looked at him, raised his hand to interrupt his words, his eyes seemed to say - I know you are panicking, but don't panic first.

Seeing him calm and calm, Chu Xing's strange feeling of evil sect in his heart increased instead of diminishing.

Xiao Min also couldn't help asking: "General Chang, Madam Chang's marksmanship... Who did she learn from?"

Chang Kuo straightened his beard and said with a smile, "I taught you."

Chu Xing: "?"

When did this happen!
Xiao Min was also dubious.

Many people heard Ah Dian's shout of "This is His Highness's marksmanship" just now.

Chang Kuo continued to write: "This marksmanship was indeed created by His Royal Highness the former Crown Prince. I have studied it for many years, but I have never acquired its essence. By chance, I tried to teach it to Suining..."

For the rest, there is no need to say any more. Everyone can see that his "daughter" is a genius, and she can "learn" with ease.

Xiao Min was stunned, and then moved: "His Highness the Crown Prince's prestige, Xiao has admired him for a long time. I never thought that Xiao, in his lifetime, would still be lucky enough to see His Highness the Crown Prince's marksmanship reappearing..."

Chang Kuo also sighed: "Yes."

"..." Chu Xing's expression was complicated. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He couldn't help thinking too much right now.

Next, we will continue to the second match - the formation of troops.

In this comparison, both sides need to lead a regiment of two hundred soldiers each to conduct a battle.

Usually for this competition, the two sides need to train a regiment of soldiers at least one month in advance to prepare for the competition.

Instructor Fang naturally met this requirement. He had been the Instructor when he was in the capital, and the soldiers under him had already practiced for thousands of days.

As for Chang Suining, these days, she is also a little prepared for the position of head coach. Out of familiarity with military training in various places, she took over a group of soldiers to practice. Because of this, she fought a little bit with those coaches. Dealing with each other also attracted voices of dissatisfaction early on.

But she has only participated in military training for half a month.

Before the start of the competition, the captain in charge of the competition asked her if she needed to change and adjust the items of the competition, or postpone it, but she said-"No, although I can't guarantee anything else, but winning this competition , should be more than enough."

At that time, the arrogant words once again angered the coaches, including Fang Da.

And this time...

When the soldiers of the two regiments were preparing for the battle, the instructors all surrounded Instructor Fang Da with complicated expressions.

"Teacher Fang..."

"Old Fang." The head coach who was carrying the jug asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Instructor Fang Da still didn't seem to be able to recover. He looked at the spear that fell to the ground with a dazed expression.

His palms were still trembling and numb.

The horror in his heart still hasn't completely subsided.

It seemed absurd to say it, but just now he was frightened, frightened by the girl's treacherous marksmanship and the alluring military aura around her.

He watched the gun head towards him, but as an experienced coach, he just stood there in a daze, unable to make any response.

In the nick of time, what was picked off by the opponent was not only the spear in his hand, but also his face as the head of the seven coaches.

Three rounds, riding and shooting swords and guns, all lost to a girl who just turned 17 years old...

And the defeat is undisputed, and the defeat is obvious to all.

This is a shame he has never experienced since he became the head coach.

It took him a long time to barely hear the voices of his companions.

"...It's okay, there are still two matches!"

"No matter how much she is a martial arts about her experience in military training? As for fighting strength, she will never be able to beat Instructor Fang!"

There were countless echoes, but they lost their initial arrogance, and their expressions began to become solemn, dignified, and tense.

Is it impossible to beat him?
Instructor Fang Da clenched his numb palms.

Before that, he thought that it was absolutely impossible for the opponent to defeat him in cavalry, shooting, swords and guns, but the result was that his "impossibility" was shattered time and time again...

The [-] soldiers from each side were quickly assembled. When everyone looked around, one of the instructors saw the figures of several women in the opposing formation, and said immediately: "...there are all kinds of people. If you don't know, where are you?" It can be seen that it is a battle, but it should be Caishikou!"

He said this with a sense of sarcasm and a sense of easing the atmosphere, but Coach Fang's mood could not be eased in the slightest.

He subconsciously looked at the girl, his opponent.

Chang Suining was also surrounded by a group of people, and Ah Dian stood in front of her with inexplicably eager eyes: "Little Ah Li, how could you..."

Chang Suining smiled and said, "I'll let you know when I finish my business."

Ah Dian was in a hurry, and he couldn't explain why he was in such a hurry, but he nodded obediently: "Okay, okay, then hurry up and do it!"

As he spoke, he immediately obediently moved out of the way, watched Chang Suining return to the arena, took over the formation flag for leading the formation, and walked onto the temporary wooden ladder platform.

The test of the battle is the results of military training and the ability to deploy the formation, so the contestants do not need to participate in the battle, but only need to direct the overall situation from the side.

Each side sets up a military flag, and the first to obtain the other's military flag wins.

The regiment trained by Chang Suining was led by Bai Xiaowei, and the person leading the troops at the moment is Bai Xiaowei.

The shepherd's purse and several people stood in front of the formation to protect the flag, all of them were upright, waiting solemnly.

"Array!" On the high platform, the girl's voice was solemn and clear, and she waved the five-color array flag in her hand.


The [-] soldiers below held weapons and made a loud, orderly and forceful echo.

They looked dignified, tall and straight, with piercing eyes, and lined up neatly.

Together, these are morale and morale.

Morale can inspire oneself, but also deter the enemy.

Faced with this apparently drastically changed morale, the soldiers on the opposite side couldn't hide their surprise... Is this the rumor that the soldiers will treat each other with admiration for three days?

But it hasn't been three days yet, and everyone was talking and laughing when they ate dumplings together just now!

This kind of phenomenon where everyone is not bad at first, but the opposite party suddenly reborn as if under the guidance of a fairy, and suddenly makes people unattainable, will inevitably bring people an unknown sense of shock.

It seems that the opponent's sharp morale has been injured before the war begins.

And this kind of shock became more violent in the ensuing "battle".

As Chang Suining lowered the formation flag, all the soldiers acted upon the order and attacked forward.

Instructor Fang Da yelled loudly: "Let's fight!"

He didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and paid close attention to the battle situation and gave him command.

But he soon discovered that the gap between the two sides was obvious. Although the opponent was attacking and responding, the formation was constantly changing according to the formation flag in the girl's hand. Sometimes it surged like a long snake, and sometimes lined up like a pack of wolves, aggressive and tight , making it impossible to find a breakthrough.

And in the process of fighting, they can always keep people from leaving the formation, and never fall into the formation. There is a tacit understanding between people and formations, formations and people, and people, as if they are one.

Unlike him, the girl only commanded with the formation flag, except for the "array" at the beginning, she never gave any orders. The formation flag in her hand was under the light of the fire, rolling and waving with the night wind, always in an orderly manner .

The two sides were fighting, and sharp weapons were not allowed to hurt his comrades, but even so, his formation was quickly shattered by the opponent's collision.

Soon, let alone attacking and capturing the flag, they have no ability to advance at all, and can only be forced to retreat steadily!

The coaches watching the battle were extremely anxious.

"Left army, pay attention to the side!" Fang Dajiao kept yelling orders, but under the command of the girl, more and more key points of his army formation were captured.

Some soldiers were knocked and fell to the ground, and the formation became more and more chaotic.

Coach Fang Da was dripping with cold sweat. He kept tinkering and patching things together, but it didn't help.

He could intuitively feel very quickly that his own side was like a broken net that was patched together but still full of loopholes, while the other side was like an indestructible wall of copper and iron.

When the formation flag was waved again in the girl's hand, he saw the figures of those women appearing in his defeated team.

One of the women stepped on the back of a soldier in his army, and after knocking down a flag guard with the handle of a knife in her hand, she jumped up and took their flag.


Shepherd's Purse held the knife in one hand and the enemy's military flag in the other, her eyes were extremely bright, and she said loudly to Chang Suining: "We won! We won!"

Chang Suining nodded with her.

Instructor Fang's body was stiff, and the flag in his hand fell down suddenly, and the voice suddenly sounded in his mind-"Because this 17 army, under your drill, is like a dead tree and a rotten tree, which is useless."

Then they were angry, they laughed.

And now, those voices have all disappeared.

He watched the girl walk down the high platform step by step, her figure still looked thin, and people would always unconsciously despise her, but amidst the raging cheers, the aura around her already gave people a sense of silence.

After that, the opponent will be famous in the army.

And he...

He hadn't won a single game, had a crushing defeat, and could never hold his head up again.

After this incident, I'm afraid that there is no need for others to relieve him of his duties. With his reputation ruined, it will be difficult for him to continue to be the great coach.

Blame him for underestimating the enemy due to his short-sightedness, not knowing that there are others outside of him, and overthinking himself...

"Fang lost." Teacher Fang's face was pale, and after he raised his hand to the girl, he turned around and left.

"and many more."

The girl's voice sounded behind him, walking towards him.

Coach Fang turned around and looked back at her.

"Teacher Fang, there is one thing we haven't discussed yet." She put her hands behind her back and said, "Wrestling power."

Instructor Fang Da looked at her puzzled: "Ms. Chang?"

Two wins in three rounds, the opponent has already won all, and the reputation has established itself, so why bother to compete with him in one round?

Before he had time to think about it, he heard the other party answer with a smile: "I want to win one more game, so that I can achieve success."

A humiliated anger rose in Fang Da's heart. She had clearly won, but she still demanded this "consummation". Did she have to trample his face on the ground and completely crush it?
The arrogant girl smiled and asked him slightly: "Don't you dare to fight me again?"

Fang Da's head clasped his fists violently, and said in a deep voice, "Then I'll ask Mrs. Chang for advice!"

Chang Suining took two steps back, raised his hands, like a fast rabbit, and rushed towards him involuntarily.

The lieutenant over there who was about to announce Chang Sui Ning's victory was taken aback when he saw this—why was it marked again?

"What are you doing in a daze, beat the drums!" Seeing this, Vice General Jin simply pushed away the unresponsive soldiers, and stepped forward to beat the drums himself.

Amidst the drumbeats, the coaches felt displeased with Chang Suining's aggressive behavior after winning, and some were aroused with enthusiasm.

Seeing that although the girl was quick in action, she didn't have the upper hand, Xiao Min's expression was calm - based on previous experience, Mrs. Chang must have a way to win.

That's right, after he understood General Chang, he has completely become General Chang.

Strictly speaking, he has surpassed General Chang.

After all, General Chang himself doesn't have such confidence in his daughter at the moment.

"Ah, it's about to break down." Seeing his daughter being caught by the arm, Chang Kuo turned his face away without looking.

But with a bang, Chang Suining was thrown over the shoulder by Coach Fang and fell to the ground.

There was a sudden silence all around, and everyone was a little too late to react.

Instructor Fang Da stood where he was and looked at her: "?"

He... won?
Strength is his forte, he knows it.

But which of the previous ones he lost so badly was not his strong point?

When people suffer successive blows beyond cognition, their sense of order will gradually disintegrate.

Just as every time the other party's outrageous words became a fact, he acquiesced that this time, he would lose without a doubt.

The reason why he made the move was because he was forced by the opponent, and he just ignored it under the humiliation.

Teacher Fang was stunned for a long time, until the girl stood up, brushed off the grass clippings and sand on her robe, and raised her hand to him with a smile: "This time I have achieved my wish, thank you, Teacher Fang, for making it happen."

Coach Fang's eyes trembled when he heard the words, and her words "I just want one defeat" suddenly sounded in my ears.

But seek defeat...

So, did you know that there would be such a defeat?

Every word she said became true. She said that her subordinates have a sense of proportion, and she always sticks to it.

Coach Fang clenched his fists tightly, looked at the only layer of torn robe in front of him, and thought of the spear that was thrown away by the opponent in time...

But under his anger, the fall just now was ruthless.

But at this moment, the girl was smiling at him, not taking any offense at all.

And from her various words and deeds before, it can be seen that she is very clear about her abilities...

Fighting against fighting strength, she knew she would lose.

She could have been undefeated, but she has no defeat today, which is the real "consummation".

When the night wind blew, the last trace of anger dissipated in Fang Dajiao's heart. As if waking up from a dream, he suddenly cupped his fists at the girl, bowed his head in shame——

"In the nest below... I met Mr. Chang!"

4300 words, today is also a day without breaking chapters!
Today, let me recommend to you the serialized old saying "Yancigui" in 96. I pushed it once when I opened the book, but the number of words was too small at that time, so everyone can start now! 96 is a veteran author of the Qidian female channel, and the quality is guaranteed~

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