Chang'an is good

Chapter 279 Meeting the Enemy!


It was night, and the water of the Bian River moved without wind.

A group of more than [-] warships from Bianzhou opened the water curtain, and as they walked slowly, a small boat that went ahead turned back, and the soldiers who had explored the way back looked a little panicked.

"Inspector Hu, thirty miles ahead, we found dozens of warships!"

Hu Lin, the governor of Bianzhou who was standing on the bow of the ship in armor, was shocked when he heard the words.

The military generals beside him were all astonished.

"Xu Zhengye and the others attacked so quickly?!"

"No... how could it be so fast!"

"Can you see the military flag on the ship?!" Hu Lin remained calm and asked in a steady voice, "Are you sure it's the warship of Xu's Rebellion Army?"

The little soldier hurriedly replied: "They haven't lit the lights on the boat, so they can't see the battle flag clearly!"

But coming from the south is another warship, who else could it be except Xu Zhengye?
A general looked up at the night, there were no stars and no moon tonight, it was pitch black, he couldn't help frowning: "The lights are not lit...then how are they going to sail at night?"

"I haven't sailed a boat, I just docked at the shore!" Xiaobing said: "The subordinate also managed to find their traces after approaching. After a rough count, there are dozens of warships...the subordinate dare not approach the small soldier again. Watch, in case they are alarmed and cannot come back to report!"

Several generals glanced at each other, both surprised and puzzled in their hearts, this matter is undoubtedly too weird, revealing strangeness everywhere.

"Lord Inspector..." Several people subconsciously looked at Hu Lin.

Hu Lin looked at the night ahead: "Are you sure you didn't get alarmed?"

While speaking, he raised his hand and held down the saber at his waist, his eyes vigilant.

Several people followed him to look, including the soldier who also looked back.

Hu Lin suddenly drew out his sword: "Stop the boat and be on guard!"

Everyone's expression changed immediately, and they stood ready with swords in hand, and the crossbowmen on the ship were also on alert immediately.

A cluster of fluorescent light appeared in front of it, and as it approached, it could be seen that a small boat with a hanging light on its bow was approaching here.

Although the boat is small, there is a handsome flag hanging on it. When everyone looked closely, they saw a big "Xiao" on the flag.

The current coach surnamed Xiao is nothing more than one Xiao Min!
But how could Xiao Min's soldiers cross Xu Zhengye's army and appear on the Bian River?

This is even more strange and unbelievable than Xu Zhengye's rush to this point.

But Hu Lin still immediately raised his hand to signal four times, don't act rashly.

"Lord Inspector, beware of fraud!" A general guarded Hu Lin with a knife.

At this time, a loud shout came from the small boat: "Dare to ask, but the defenders of Bianzhou!"

It was a woman's voice!

Hu Lin frowned, and replied, "Exactly! May I ask who you are?"

"I am a subordinate of General Ningyuan!" The woman replied loudly, the boat approached a little more, and the woman's voice became clearer: "My general would like to invite you to go and talk!"

"...General Ning Yuan?" A general stared wide-eyed: "That girl from the Chang family?!"

This General Ning Yuan marched with Xiao Min, so it matched the "Xiao" flag, but the question remains, why did they appear here?
Everyone was still half-believing, only to see a tall figure squeezed onto the bow of the small boat: "Our hall... our General Ah Li cooked delicious tea and baked sesame seed cakes, stuffed with meat, delicious La!"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but swallowed, and said again: "I'm here to invite you to be our guests!"

The innocent and special words made Hu Lin raise his eyebrows suddenly, and looked at him intently, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face: "...order the general?!"

Ah Dian curiously stretched his head: "Do you recognize me?"

After confirming the person coming, Hu Lin showed respect, raised his hand and saluted A Dian: "Hu Lin, governor of Bianzhou, Xia!"

More than ten years ago, when he was just a small county magistrate, he had the honor to meet the first prince and his subordinates. This very special General A Dian left a deep impression on him.

As the boat carrying shepherd's purse and Ah Dian and others came in front of him, Hu Lin discussed in low voices on the left and right, and then decided to go to see her.

The general was innocent by nature, and it was impossible for someone to coerce him into defrauding him.

And if Xu's enemy army, relying on the superiority of their strength, just kill them, why bother?

Some generals were still uneasy, seeing that they could not be persuaded, they could only insist: "...Let your subordinates escort Lord Inspector to go together!"

Hu Lin didn't refuse anymore, ordered two generals and a group of personal guards, and followed the boat.

Sure enough, as the soldier who explored the road said before, the boat traveled thirty miles, and there were dozens of warships moored on the side of the river.

But different from what the soldier said, all the lights on those ships were lit at this moment.

"Great, we can finally light the lamp!" Ah Dian cheered.

This is the first time they have lit a lamp at night since this half month.

The shepherd's purse lady smiled: "The girl said, once the Bianzhou garrison arrives, we can light the lights blatantly!"

Hearing this, Hu Lin's eyes revealed a look of thought.

Those ships did not have the commanding flag, but Hu Lin could identify them when they got closer. These ships were mostly warships of the Shouzhou and Gwangju government.

He calmed down a bit, but remained vigilant.

Until his boat stopped, on the tallest building boat, there was a figure of a girl walking with her arms behind her back, leading the soldiers down from the second floor.

When the two boats meet, Hu Lin leads people onto the big boat, and by looking at the lights, he sees that the girl who brought people is only seventeen or eighteen years old, about the same age as his eldest daughter, without makeup, She never wore a dress with pearl flowers, only a crow-blue tunic with sleeves, and a good face that could not be ignored.

In addition, the aura of the other party's walking inexplicably reminded him of...

When the girl came, she stood still and raised her hand to salute them: "I, Chang Suining, have met Governor Hu and the generals."

She was holding something in her hand, Hu Lin came to his senses, and asked someone to take it and check it, only to find that it was her general token.

After confirming his identity, Hu Lin immediately returned the salute: "It turns out that General Ning Yuan is here... I'll welcome you if I'm far away!"

Regardless of what he thinks of this young girl general with mixed reviews, just saying that the other party's appearance here may be a turning point for them in Bianzhou, so he naturally has to show an attitude of paying attention to courtesy.

Chang Suining invited them to talk to each other in the cabin, and ordered to his subordinates: "Please come here, Commander Xiao."


Hu Lin and the others were even more surprised when they heard the words—General Xiao, the coach, actually came in person?
When Xiao Min heard the news, he quickly brought people over from another warship. After the two parties greeted each other, they sat down to talk one after another.

Hu Lin was still surprised, so he inevitably asked first, "When did Commander Xiao and General Ning Yuan bring their people here?"

When he asked the question, he looked at Xiao Min.

However, Xiao Min looked at the girl sitting cross-legged.

"Half a month ago." Chang Suining replied.

"Half a month ago?!" A general beside Hu Lin was shocked, and said a local saying: "I'm good!"

Arrived half a month ago?How is this possible!
"It was indeed half a month ago." Chang Suining said, "As early as the end of the first lunar month, when Xu Zhengye sent [-] troops to attack Huainan Road, we had already set off."

She explained: "As early as before the Shangyuan Festival, the warships had been mobilized. Afterwards, we set off from the Shouzhou Wharf and walked along the Huai River until we reached the junction of the Huai River and the Bian River, then diverted to the Bian River. Go north to here."

The area around the Huai River has always been under their own control, and the place where it connects to the Bian River is still far away from Yangzhou.

And at that time Xu Zhengye ordered Ge Cha and Ge Zhiqing to send troops to attack Shouzhou, and they sent Chu Xing to lead the troops to fight, just using the cover of Chu Xing and others marching to avoid the monitoring sight of Xu's army.

While Xu Zhengye borrowed the sound of soldiers to strike east and west, she also borrowed the act of fighting to "secretly hide the old position".

After successfully boarding the Bianshui, they were completely away from the sight of Xu's army.

Places that might be disturbed along the way, including Shouzhou and Gwangju, have been arranged in advance. It is related to the security of the march. Ordinary people are afraid of getting into trouble, so they dare not say too much. Of course, when the turmoil is mixed with true and false news, even If there is a little rumor, it is not enough to cause trouble.

And then there was a sudden heavy rain, making the surface of the water blurry, which better concealed their tracks.

However, Chang Suining, who arrived first, did not expect that the rain would last for nearly ten days, which delayed the progress of Xu Zhengye's march, which was paralleled by water and land.

This matter has mixed advantages and disadvantages. She has more than half a month of training time, and the soldiers' energy and physical strength have also been well restored.

But at the same time, it has become difficult to hide traces for a long time. It is necessary to keep an eye on all places at all times, so as not to leak out the whereabouts and expose the ambush plan.

"We also often send the navy out of Bianzhou to patrol... I never noticed the traces of Commander Xiao and General Ning Yuan!" A general beside Hu Lin still had a look of surprise on his face.

"Because General Ningyuan has set up sentries in every section of the river." Xiao Min said: "Whenever the Bianzhou navy patrols nearby, we will temporarily change our hiding place to avoid being exposed."

The general couldn't help but stare, subconsciously looking at Chang Suining, avoiding the sight of the patrolling navy every time, this is not an easy task.

Hu Lin couldn't help but ask, "May I ask Commander Xiao, how many soldiers and horses did you bring to lurk here this time?"

Xiao Min: "Seventy thousand."

"Seventy thousand!" The general wanted to call "babe" again. According to this, it was far more than the dozens of warships nearby!

It's even more difficult to hide it!
Hu Lin was also shocked. As the governor of Bianzhou, he didn't know that there were [-] troops hidden on the Bianshui River, and it had been half a month!
Of course, the main channel of the Bian River is more than a thousand miles long, so it is impossible to miss everything when patrolling, but it is still incredible that the other party can lurk here for half a month without making a sound.

From Xiao Min's words, it is not difficult to hear that it seems that General Ning Yuan is directing all of this.

Hu Lin couldn't help asking: "General Ning Yuan is very familiar with the waters of the Bianshui River and the way of water warfare?"

These troops sent from the capital are not sailors. If there are no people who are proficient in commanding water operations, they will not be able to tell the direction if they go to the wide water surface, not to mention hiding their tracks!
"Before I came here, I had seen the map of the waters of Bianshui." Chang Suining smiled: "Besides, I like reading military books."

Hu Lin's complexion changed for a while: "..."

No, to put it bluntly, isn't it just talking on paper?
Can today's young people talk so well on paper?Is this really reasonable?
When he still had doubts, he only heard A Dian curiously asked: "We, A Li, are the reincarnation of General Xing. You are in Bianzhou, haven't you heard of it?"

Hu Lin: "I heard a little..."

But seeing is better than hearing a hundred things...

He really opened his eyes this time.

It turns out that experience and hard work are really not worth mentioning in front of talent, right?
"I didn't dare to disclose the traces to the Bianzhou navy before, because I was afraid of scaring the enemy." Chang Suining continued the topic: "Today I know that Bianzhou sent troops to meet the enemy, so I explain it."

Hu Lin nodded.

Then, he heard the other party say: "With me waiting here to stop Xu Zhengye's army, you can return to Bianzhou to defend the city with peace of mind."

Hu Lin and the others were taken aback when they heard this: "General Ning Yuan... let me wait to go back to the city?"

"Yes." Chang Suining looked at them and said: "Part of Xu Zhengye's coming here is because of his ambition to covet Luoyang, and the other half is because of my deliberate provocation. It’s a matter of course.”

She finally said: "I just need to trouble Inspector Hu to leave the Bianzhou military flag behind, and let me use it later, so as to confuse Xu Zhengye's sight."

Hu Lin and the others fell silent unexpectedly.

Defending the city requires troops, so they left [-] soldiers to stay in Bianzhou, and led [-] soldiers who are proficient in water warfare to meet the enemy.

Ten thousand against hundreds of thousands, this is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, but in the face of Xu Zhengye's army, if Bianzhou fails to respond, the court will definitely be held accountable when it comes back.

In this trip, it is not an exaggeration for them to say that they are determined to die.

But in just half an hour, the situation suddenly changed drastically. From "dying people", they were suddenly dragged behind them to protect them and prevent them from taking risks.

This change caught them off guard.

After a long time, Hu Lin suddenly clenched his fists, and looked at Chang Suining: "General Ning Yuan's words are wrong. The rebellious ministers and thieves are punished by everyone. If the thieves rise up, if they don't get rid of, the world will be injustice. Whether it's Bianzhou or Yangzhou Forget it, they are all in the land of Dasheng, so how can we talk about disasters without reason? In the face of the great enemy, General Ningyuan and my subordinates are also generals of Dasheng, so how can I live behind General Ningyuan and seek my own safety?"

He said, and looked at Xiao Min at the same time: "The two generals lead an army of [-] here, but Xu Zhengye has more than [-] soldiers under his command, and I have [-] soldiers waiting. If we stay and fight together, the chances of victory will be even greater. !"

As he spoke, he stood up suddenly and clasped his fists heavily: "Hu is willing to stay and fight against the enemy with the two generals!"

To be honest, on the way here, he still had sadness and resentment in his heart, he was not fair for himself and Bianzhou.

But at this moment, facing such a young general who "talks about war on paper", he suddenly changed from "complaint" to "will".

The other party treats him with sincerity first, and he is naturally willing to exchange his sincerity.

And the blood and righteousness in people's hearts will also be inspired to ignite.

The generals beside him also got up, and their eyes subconsciously fell on the girl who was sitting cross-legged.

"I am willing to fight against the enemy with the two generals!"

"We have long wanted to fight with these thieves who burned, killed and looted!"

"Please, the two generals, make it happen!"


Facing their insistence, Xiao Min looked at Chang Suining who was sitting upright.

After a while, Chang Suining raised his hand to signal, and said with a smile: "Then please sit down and discuss the strategy against the enemy together."


Behind a screen, Yao Ran, who was writing, quietly looked at the people discussing the matter.

She could see that although everyone was sitting around, only the wife of the Chang family was the true center of the crowd.

However, she felt very agreeable that Mrs. Chang deserves to be surrounded like this. These heartfelt respect and support are not without reason, but Mrs. Chang won it with her ability and sincerity.

Such people as usual ladies are really rare in the world.

At this moment, Yao Ran felt from the bottom of his heart that the general star's theory was really not an exaggeration.

Maybe he really is the savior of the world?
Ordinary people can't become a character like Mrs. Chang, but it is a great luck to be able to follow such a character.

She's just as lucky.

Yao Ran continued to write, and carefully wrote down the conversations of everyone. She had a lot to learn.


The news that the governor of Bianzhou led the army to face Xu Zhengye quickly reached the ears of Li Xian outside Luoyang City.

"Ten thousand soldiers to meet the enemy?" Li Xian sighed softly, "However, the mantis is used as a chariot, so it probably won't last for two days."

The military adviser thought about it and said: "There are [-] defenders left in Bianzhou City, and they should be able to resist for a while..."

"Although I have been ordered to guard Luoyang closely, I don't want to watch the city of Bianzhou collapse." Li Xian said in a pitiful tone, "When they really can't hold on, I will go to help them even if I risk leaving Luoyang without authorization. "

When others are exhausted in battle, they will appear as heroes to save the world and turn the tide... just like Cui Jing and Chang Kuo who rushed to the southern border back then.

Li Xian took the fragrant tea brought by the woman in blue and concealed the sarcasm in his eyes.

Not long after, a soldier quickly walked into the tent.

"General Qi, the deputy general surnamed Yu led a team of one thousand people out of the camp to patrol."

Li Xian raised his eyebrows: "Follow them."

These Xuance troops were very dissatisfied with his reluctance to send troops to aid Bianzhou, and under his deliberate concealment, they did not know the details of Cui Jing's accident, and they were inquiring about Cui Jing's whereabouts every day, very anxious .

It is very loyal.

Because of the above two reasons, these people did not treat him as the temporary commander very respectfully, and often arranged matters such as patrols without his permission, which was considered to be a disguised expression of dissatisfaction.

He never got angry because of this, as long as it doesn't touch the bottom line, everything will go with them, anyway, Cui Jing is dead, and the saint's intention is to let him take over the Xuance Army in the future...

The time is still long, and he has a lot of patience. He will write down what needs to be written down, and he will take his time in the future.

One day, he will tame the beast of Xuan Ce's army. You know, Cui Jing is not the only one who is good at "beast taming" in this world.


The lieutenant general surnamed Yu led a thousand cavalry out of the barracks, and headed east all the way.

"General Yu... are we going to Bianzhou?" A school lieutenant accompanying him couldn't help asking.

"It's in the direction of Bianzhou, but it's not going to Bianzhou." Deputy General Yu said, "We have to bypass Bianzhou!"

Where is that going?
"But you want to find General Yuanxiang?"

These days, they have been in contact with Yuan Xiang from time to time, but Yuan Xiang never revealed Chang Suining's plan to them.

"No." Deputy General Yu suddenly turned his head and smiled at him: "Just follow me!"

This extremely joyful and uplifting smile made the captain startled, then he suddenly raised his eyebrows, could it be...


Deputy General Yu gave a loud shout and drove the horse even faster.

Thousands of Xuan Ce cavalry galloped away, their horseshoes kicking up half-dried mud spots.


On the other side, Chang Suining and Xiao Min have ordered the assembly of warships and an army of [-].

The warships arranged in an orderly manner moved slowly, and the huge sails were pulled up high. On the twenty warships at the front, all the battle flags with the word "Bian" were hoisted, fluttering with the wind.

Chang Suining stood on top of the building boat, looking ahead at the misty water surface.

The "guest" she finally invited to the door is approaching, and it's time to greet her.

According to the estimated time, they will "welcome" Xu Zhengye's army in the second half of the night tonight.

It is all right to wait for work at leisure in the original place, but if you wait in the original place, you have to wait until tomorrow and daylight.

And the surprise battle, only at night can the advantage be maximized.

Therefore, Chang Suining chose to go both ways.

The warship cut through the water curtain, and the tall sails fluttered in the wind, seeming to cover the sky and the sun, prompting the sky to darken quickly.

As they moved forward, the arrangement of warships began to change.

Slowly, the twenty warships with the military flag of "Bian" gradually moved away from the rear at an appropriate distance, and lights were lit inside and outside the cabin.

The rest of the warships seemed to disappear into the night without making a sound.



"Twenty miles ahead, we found traces of the Bianzhou Navy!"

On the battleship of Xu Jun, the general beside Xu Zhengye heard the latest movement from the front, and immediately asked, "How many of them are here?"

"Twenty warships, or about ten thousand people!"

This sentence made the generals around Xu Zhengye laugh out loud.

"More than [-] people dared to go forward to die. Could it be that every one of the Bianzhou navy is an elite navy that can be compared to a hundred!"

"That's a bad statement. There are only [-] Bianzhou defenders in total. How many people do you expect them to send to intercept?"

"That's right, Li Xian refuses to send troops to rescue them, they always want to leave someone behind to defend the city!"

"It seems that they are determined to die. If so, then follow their wish!"

"Kill these praying mantises blocking the way tonight, and after two days of rapid travel, we can take down Bianzhou City!"

"Although Bianzhou is not as prosperous as Luoyang, it is still a prosperous and prosperous place... When we brothers enter the city, don't worry about other things, first go to the biggest flower building to open your eyes!"

"it is good!"

Hearing the jokes from his subordinates, Xu Zhengye said solemnly, "Don't underestimate the enemy."

But there was no hesitation, and he ordered: "Go ahead, put all the ships on alert, and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Those generals also immediately restrained their joking descriptions, and responded in a solemn voice: "Yes!"

As the night surged up, murderous intent began to flood the surging Bian Shui.

Thank you Chunhuaqiuyue 85 for the rewards! (The speed of debt repayment can't keep up with the speed of debt...) Thanks
Congcong Baby, Midnight's Cotton Candy, Miwei Diandian, Yuyou 1314, Bubble Pupu Tea, Yan Zhihu 1, Fu Chang Holiday and other book friends' rewards!
There are nearly [-] words in this chapter. The keyboard is really on fire. I am too lazy to divide the chapter. Thank you Taosu and Sixi for the previous rewards and updates. Thank you for your monthly pass. I am very grateful!

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