Chang'an is good

Chapter 280 Killing the Enemy

"General, the Bianzhou navy is twenty miles ahead!"

"Report to the general, there are still ten miles away from the Bianzhou navy!"

As the pathfinding soldiers reported back, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

"Five miles ahead, the Bianzhou navy is attacking quickly!"

By this time, Xu Zhengye and the others could already see dots of fire approaching them on the vast river ahead.

Seeing that the speed of the flames was indeed not slow, the military commander beside Xu Zhengye said sarcastically: "These people are really anxious to find death!"

Xu Zhengye drew his sword suddenly, and the scarlet cloak was particularly glaring under the light of the fire.

He raised his sword and shouted loudly: "All Kuangfu officers and men will follow me to kill the Demon Queen's gang. First break Bianzhou, take back Luoyang, and then kill the Demon Queen!"

The generals next to him drew their swords and shouted in unison: "Kill the demon queen and all the thieves!"

The sound spread out layer by layer, and all the soldiers raised their knives and guns and let out a loud roar: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The warship also accelerated its forward speed.

The night wind bulged Xu Zhengye's cloak, and he held his sword and looked forward, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This time on his way to Luoyang, heavy rain blocked his way, rumors spread in the army somehow, saying that his actions were not God's will, and that the continuous heavy rain was a warning from the heavens...

He took out dozens of people and beheaded them for public display, and only then did he suppress the voices that disturbed the morale of the army.

Today, he will first use the lives of the [-] sailors in Bianzhou to wake up the morale of the generals!
With the morale of going forward bravely, it is possible to take Luoyang from Xuan Ce's army and Li Xian next!

As the distance between the two sides got closer, Xu Zhengye quickly recognized that the other party's mere twenty or so warships were all of the usual standard in the Central Plains.

And the hundreds of warships he brought were all the most superior warships in Jiangning and Yangzhou.

Due to the terrain, Yangzhou needs to defend the waters of the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea, while the Jiangning area has the Yangtze River waters. Therefore, the warships in the two places have different uses according to the division of labor, from the size, to the construction, to the mechanism and weapons on the ship. The cloth is also different. Compared with the ordinary warships in the Central Plains, they have a great advantage.

At this moment, Xu Zhengye led more than a hundred warships behind him, their momentum was mighty and majestic, looking like a mountain, it seemed to be invincible.

Compared with the Bianzhou ships on the opposite side, the only thing worth mentioning seems to be their desperate will to shake the tree with a gnat at this time.

When it is weak, the so-called ambition of seeing death as home is nothing but ridiculous stupidity in the eyes of the enemy.

"Fire arrows!"

The water warfare strategy is divided into far and near battles. When you are not close, you often use bows and crossbows to retreat from the enemy.

The bows and crossbows on the front row of Xu Jun's warships were all fired, and the momentum was dense like rain.

The "Bianzhou Water Army" has also started to release arrows, but most of Xu Jun's ships are suitable for naval warfare, and their hulls are much taller than ordinary ships. It is very difficult for the "Bianzhou Water Army" to attack upwards. Most of the people who injured Xu Jun's boat were blocked by the strong and tall hull.

On the contrary, Xu Jun took advantage of the height.

Some people on the warships of the "Bianzhou Water Army" began to be shot down by arrows one after another, and some people fell into the water, and the formation of the ships gradually became chaotic.

Among the Xu army, seeing this situation, a general ordered loudly: "Attack!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's disordered formation, it is a good time to approach quickly!

Next, you can fight in close quarters, kill the opponent's warship, control the opponent's rudder, and block their retreat!
"The one who kills the head of the Bianzhou general will be rewarded with a hundred gold!" Xu Zhengye said loudly: "No prisoners will be taken tonight, and all the demon queens who rebel against the party will be killed, and no one will be kept!"

"Tomorrow, I will take their heads and knock on the gate of Bianzhou City!"



On Xu Jun's warship, the horn to kill the enemy sounded.

However, at this time, Xu Zhengye saw that the Bianzhou warships quickly reorganized their formation, and the twenty ships were arranged in two rows, with ten ships at the front and back.

The ten ships in front, advancing instead of retreating, were actually facing the warships that were about to collide with Xu Jun!

And even if they collide, Xu Jun, who has a larger warship, is not afraid.

Xu Zhengye faintly sensed that something was wrong, he immediately raised his hand, subconsciously shouted "Slow!", but it was already too late.

There were only a small number of soldiers on the ten ships of the opponent, and the speed was faster because of the lightness of the ships, and they had already collided with them at this moment!
Just when they were about to collide, those "Bianzhou soldiers" suddenly turned the rudder sharply and adjusted the direction, so that the hull that was originally moving forward turned into a warship of the Xu army.

At the same time, the soldiers on the ship opened the mechanism and lowered the fences on both sides of the ship. There is a mystery in this fence, which can be turned into a suspension bridge when it is lowered. nail--

"Bang bang bang!"

When the warships of the two sides collided, with the force of the impact, the rows of sharp iron nails on the ten ships were firmly pierced into the bows of Xu Jun's warships!

The dozen or so warships at the front of Xu Jun were restrained, and when the hulls of the ships shook for a while, a general shouted: "Stop them! Kill them!"

These people who threw themselves into the net, resorted to such means, undoubtedly wanted to climb onto their warship!

Those "Bianzhou Navy" really rushed up the suspension bridge connecting the warships of Xu Jun.

But they never climbed onto Xu Jun's warship, but quickly jumped into the water from both sides!

Soon, those ten ships became empty ships.

When Xu Jun saw this, he was puzzled for a while, and the general with experience in water warfare shouted: "Watch out for the bottom of the boat! Beware of them digging the boat!"

"Shoot them!"

"Quick, check the bottom of the boat!"

When the boat was in a hurry, Xu Zhengye looked at the ten Bianzhou boats that were still holding them tightly and couldn't get rid of them at all. He didn't know what to think, and suddenly raised his eyes and looked forward.

The remaining ten ships, under the rain of arrows, had already surfaced from the water and carried their wounded companions, and retreated quickly to the rear.

This is to escape?

Xu Zhengye fixed his eyes for a moment, and his eyes suddenly changed.

More than ten ships!

He saw several clusters of new flames suddenly lit up a mile away in front of him.

Immediately, several clusters turned into dozens of clusters!

With the light of those lights, warships one after another can be seen, suddenly drilled out of the bottom of the water like ghosts and ghosts, and appeared on the surface of the water!
The ten warships that retreated just now surrounded the "newly appeared" warships like fish, and a drum beat suddenly sounded on one of the tallest buildings.


"Dong dong!"

With the sound of one long and two short drums, those warships suddenly woke up like sea monsters, and suddenly attacked them!
And on the tall ship, a girl in armor held a heavy Fuyuan crossbow, narrowed her eyes slightly, and aimed ahead.

This crossbow has a range of more than three hundred steps, and she patiently estimated the distance.

Like her, there are nine other people on the left and right boats, all of whom have taken aim, like hunters ready to go in the night.

"not good!"

Although Xu Zhengye couldn't see the specific movements on the opposite ship, he already understood what was going on, and immediately stepped back, saying: "Everyone stop, abandon the ship quickly!"

"Except for the front row ships, the remaining ships retreat quickly!"

"Fast back!"


On the battleships in the front row of Xu Jun, they hurriedly ran and shouted. Many soldiers didn't know what was going to happen next, so they were pushed back, and the situation was extremely chaotic for a while.

Some of them were squeezed into the water, some jumped onto the warships behind, and before some had time to jump on, those warships began to retreat under orders.

During the chaotic retreat, some ships collided head to tail, and it was difficult to move quickly under the impact.

"Fire arrows!"

The girl's clear voice gave the order.

Where the sound is lacking, it is conveyed by the sound of drums.


Accompanied by the sound of the drum, a rocket flew out of the girl's hand through the wind.

"call out!"

The rocket fired precisely at one of the ten empty ships.

The fire flared up.

Immediately afterwards, rockets shot one after another, piercing the empty ships.

The flames gradually connected into pieces, and when the accumulation was enough, there was a deafening explosion sound.



It turned out to be gunpowder!
A large amount of gunpowder was placed on those ten ships in advance!

The expressions of Xu Jun on the boats in the front row who had no time to evacuate changed drastically, and their ears were buzzing, including the general who threatened to go to Bianzhou Hualou to open his eyes.

Bad news, Hualou will not be able to go.

Good news, you can still go to the Hall of the King of Hades.

The look of fear only had time to stay on the man's face for a short moment, and in the next moment, he was blown away.

Their warship was also blown up, and the fire climbed along the night wind and continued to spread to the rear.

Many sails were ignited, and the huge shock made the water shake, the warship lost its balance, and seemed to be overturned while shaking.

The screams of being burned by gunpowder, the sound of panic, the smoke lingering in the eyes, the choking people coughing again and again, and some people falling into the water, all these made the surroundings feel like a sea of ​​​​fire and purgatory.

The more so, the more panicked the soldiers at the helm were, their warships collided and squeezed, and the advantage of the size of the ships became a disadvantage that was not conducive to advancing and retreating at this moment.

Xu Zhengye, who was buzzing in his head, supported the railing of the boat, tried his best to stabilize his figure, and said angrily, "Don't panic!"

However, in the chaos, his voice was almost drowned out by the restless sound.

"General, general!"

The Taoist who followed him rushed over dizzily, before he could speak, he vomited for a while while grabbing the rail of the boat.

"General..." The Taoist didn't care too much, wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, his eyes were frightened, and he stretched his fingers forward: "Look, that, that is...!"

Xu Zhengye had already looked over, and through the sea of ​​flames ahead, his eyes trembled.

There are far more than ten or dozens of ships coming towards them...

The dots of fire are connected, and with the sound of orderly drums, they meander above the water surface, like a vigorous and galloping dragon.

And hanging high above it is a big handsome flag with the word "Xiao" and a military flag with the word "Sheng".

"How... how could this be so..." The Taoist's voice trembled, and his previous immortal demeanor was no longer there.

How could these pursuers who were supposed to be in the rear pass them and appear in front of them!
And those warships are simply innumerable at the moment, I'm afraid they are no less than them!

Xu Zhengye's mind was full of mixed thoughts. Although he didn't have time to think about it, it was obvious that he had fallen for the opponent's ambush trick!
In the face of a crisis, he couldn't help being distracted.

He pushed away a bewildered helmsman, stabilized the hull himself, and shouted: "Shoot the arrow! Get the rocket!"

Rockets need gunpowder, and they have gunpowder.

But gunpowder was actually used in wars, only a few decades ago, and it was not easy to manufacture in large quantities. Xu Zhengye originally planned to stay and attack Luoyang City, after all, there was the most difficult Xuan Ce army to deal with.

In contrast, the mere tens of thousands of Bianzhou naval forces are not worth his use of gunpowder at all.

But he never thought that Xiao Min's army would suddenly appear here and set up an ambush!

Under the control of Xu Zhengye and his subordinates, the chaotic situation improved slightly. While adjusting the chaotic warships, they began to counterattack passively.

In the flames, the two sides attacked from far and near, and the sound of fighting was loud.

The battlefield is not just above the water.

Xu Zhengye soon discovered that there was also a rain of arrows attacking them on both sides of the strait.

Naturally, these people were also brought by Chang Suining and Xiao Min. When they came, they all came by water, but the number of people on the warship during the transportation was different from that during the war. To ensure flexibility during the battle, an ordinary warship accommodated There were no more than a few hundred people, so she set up another ambush on the shore, also in order to have an overview of the battle situation and block Xu Zhengye's retreat.

Another point is that Chang Suining found out in advance that Xu Zhengye's warships were limited in number and carried a large amount of food and supplies, so among the army he brought, there were still [-] cavalry who did not travel by water.

Xu Zhengye has few elites under his command, and these ten thousand cavalry can be regarded as his elite vanguard.

In order to prevent Xu Zhengye's [-] vanguards from launching a surprise attack, Chang Sui Ningte also set up an ambush on the shore.

These are the ambushes she used to wait for the ten thousand soldiers.

She noticed that Xu Zhengye had already released the fireworks signal as early as the beginning, presumably it was to contact those subordinates.

But the strange thing was that the [-] cavalry who should not have drawn too much distance from Xu Zhengye had not arrived until the sky was about to dawn.

The battle situation in front of him has lost the opportunity, the situation is unfavorable, and the cavalry has been unable to come to respond. Seeing that another confidant general was hit by an arrow and fell down, Xu Zhengye gritted his teeth, his eyes were already scarlet.

"General, general..."

The Taoist with the disheveled bun and Fuchen had already lost it somewhere crawled over, grabbed the hem of his armor, and said panickedly: "The situation is not good, General, hurry up and evacuate!"

Xu Zhengye lowered his eyes and looked at him fixedly: "Master, do you still remember what you said when you were in Jiangdu?"

This Taoist told him that when he came to Luoyang, he would surely achieve great things!
Facing those gloomy eyes, the Taoist trembled like a sieve: "Poor...poor Dao...failed to predict this catastrophe..."

"Really." Xu Zhengye laughed silently, and the blood-stained spear suddenly stabbed downwards diagonally.

The Taoist opened his mouth, but he could no longer make a sound because his neck was pierced.

Seeing the Taoist with thick blood gushing out of his mouth, Xu Zhengye asked, "Did the master ever predict his own death today?"

If he wanted to achieve a great cause, he also followed the example of his predecessors and recruited some so-called capable people and strangers, as well as people in Buddhism and Taoism, to help him grow his name and create an image of "following God's will".

Who knew that this person was a complete liar!

He's not a fool, and naturally he can't be called blindly trusting the other party. When he came to Luoyang, he didn't just believe in the other party's words, but this didn't affect his resentment and anger at the moment.

Xu Zhengye drew back his spear, and when the Taoist fell to the ground on his back, the spear in his hand pierced the Taoist's body again, once, twice, and three times to vent his anger until his face was spattered with blood.


As a soldier beside Xu Zhengye was hit by an arrow and fell into the water, a sharp arrow was also approaching him.

Xu Zhengye suddenly swung the spear in his hand and blocked the arrow.

At the same time, he raised his eyes, trying to track where the arrow came from. It wasn't shot from the shore. His position determined that the crossbowmen on the shore would not be able to hurt him.

Soon, he saw a warship with the "Sheng" flag on it, and at some point it circled to their side.

Standing on the prow was a young man in armor and holding a bow. The sky shone through the dawn behind her, covering her face in the backlight.

But Xu Zhengye still concluded at a glance that this was the girl from the Chang family who "cursed" him with a proclamation, General Ning Yuan!
His eyes instantly became extremely gloomy, and the murderous aura began to surge and gather.

Ahhh, thank you Hanhan for the reward of [-] coins again!Thank you for your monthly pass!
The war can end in the next chapter, and I planned to add an update today (it can fulfill the promise of someone appearing (actually, he has already secretly appeared), but the war is too difficult to write, and it took too long to check the information_ (:з」∠)_
Then see you tomorrow, by the way, please ask for the new monthly ticket for August (づ ̄8 ̄)づ╭ July has updated more than 3 words, it is a month of hard work~

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