Chang'an is good

Chapter 284 Oh My God!

Cui Jing unconsciously tightened the rein in her hand because of her approaching, and said "um" without looking sideways, waiting for her to ask a question, but no less than a hundred guesses and imaginations had already popped up in her mind.

She is so mysterious and cautious, she is afraid that others will hear half a word, what is she trying to ask him?
Do you think there is something wrong with him, or... have you noticed that he has an "overreaching heart"?
If so, how should he answer such questions?
"...The fact that you were assassinated is also fake, right?" Chang Suining asked him in a low voice.

In order not to go to Luoyang, not to compete with her for credit, so she faked the false appearance of being assassinated?
If so, this is a deception.

With such an important matter, she figured out the situation and had an idea in mind so that she could help him cover it up in the future.

"..." Cui Jing was silent for a moment to reflect on himself.

What the hell is he fantasizing about.

This is Your Highness.

Cui Jing restrained the one-sided chaos in his heart, and answered her truthfully: "It's not all fake."

Chang Sui prefers to look at him, isn't it all?
I only heard him explain: "The assassination is true, but I have made arrangements in advance."

The assassination is true, and the accident is false, so it's a trick.

Chang Suining understood, and asked again: "According to this, you have long expected that someone will carry out an assassination act on the way?"

"Yes." Cui Jing said: "Do you still remember that I went to Bingzhou under the secret order?"

Chang Suining nodded.

Last year in Chongyang, someone secretly framed Dai Cong, governor of Bingzhou, in collusion with Xu Zhengye, and the empress ordered Cui Jing to rush to Bingzhou secretly to deal with the matter urgently.

Cui Jing went to Bingzhou, faked killing Dai Cong, and led to Xiao Chuan, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong who was "friend" Dai Cong "asking for repayment". At that time, Xiao Chuan led troops to surround the city of Bingzhou. , worried for Cui Jing briefly.

As a result, Cui Jing solved it very well.

After Xiao Chuan was captured, he confessed that he was Xu Zhengye's accomplice, and was taken to the capital for trial.

Cui Jing said at this time: "Xiao Chuan claimed at that time that he was instructed by Xu Zhengye, and was taken to the capital to be tortured for a long time, and he did not change his words until his death. After the news spread, Xu Zhengye never denied it."

Therefore, the matter can only be settled here.

Chang Suining: "Do you have doubts about Xiao Chuan's confession?"

Cui Jing nodded, and said bluntly: "I suspect that there are other people behind the scenes manipulating this matter."

Chang Suining subconsciously said: "If I had known earlier, I would have given Xu Zhengye a sigh of relief, and asked about it again."

After finishing speaking, he felt that it was unnecessary, and said by himself: "But he probably won't tell the truth. If this matter really has nothing to do with him, and since he didn't deny it at the beginning, he must have wanted to muddy the water, and now he is going to die , it is even more impossible to tell the truth, wishing to leave this hidden danger to the court and the saint."

"Exactly." Cui Jing echoed, "What he said before he died must be untrustworthy, so it's useless to ask more."

Whether Xiao Chuan was instigated by him, it doesn't make much sense to just answer yes or no. The most important thing is, if it is not him, who is it?

And if there really was such a person, Xu Zhengye obviously couldn't answer this most critical question from the perspective of this person's airtight behavior.

Chang Sui Ning said: "So, you deliberately took advantage of this trip to Luoyang to use yourself as a bait to confirm this guess?"

Since he had responded in advance, based on his travel experience, he must be able to avoid those people.

But he didn't avoid it.

"Yes." Cui Jing said: "Although the merger of the prefecture was planned for the sake of the prefecture, it was also aimed at me. If someone really wants to put me to death, they will definitely not miss this opportunity this time."

As it turns out, he guessed right.

At the same time, it also confirms another thing -

Chang Suining also understood: "This person is beside the emperor, and he has placed a very useful eyeliner."

Otherwise, it is impossible to know about Cui Jing's secret trip to Luoyang.

Cui Jing nodded, and said: "I made someone secretly take away a survivor, but I haven't confessed yet."

"Let's keep it." Chang Suining said to him: "During this battle, a traitor also appeared in the army, and we may have a trial together later."

The captain who stabbed Vice General Jin and let Xu Zhengye go.

There was thought in Chang Suining's eyes, and an old memory flashed in his mind, a figure of a free and easy and handsome man who always smiled and tapped her head with his finger, and taught her how to practice swords and self-protection when she was young.

Will it be him?

All these plots, one after another, to fear that the world will not be chaotic... Is it really all from him?

Cui Jing obviously already has someone to suspect, but this is not the time to elaborate on this matter, and the two of them tacitly stopped this topic at this moment because they had to go back to the bank of the Bianshui River.

Cui Jing led the horse and walked slowly for this journey, Chang Suining has regained some strength.

And from here back to the battlefield from the river bank, it still takes half a day to ride a horse, so naturally it is impossible to continue to walk back slowly, the horse still needs to be ridden.

Yuan Xiang intentionally suggested that Mrs. Chang should ride with his chief governor, but he didn't dare to talk too much, he could only hope that his chief governor would fight for himself.

However, the facts have proved that it is impossible to live up to expectations, and this has never been the style of Chief Cui.

Yuan Xiang watched helplessly as the chief governor of his family, and decisively tore off two pieces of cloth from his robe, which were used to bandage the wound on the hand of Mrs. Chang's, so that it would not be worn out again when riding a horse.

"Do you need my help?" Cui Jing asked.

"Of course not." Chang Suining, who refused to be left behind in everything, took the strip of cloth, wrapped it neatly by himself, and even moved it to his mouth, skillfully tied it with his teeth.

At the end, she raised her hand and shook it towards Cui Jing with a smug smile: "Look."

Cui Jing couldn't help smiling and nodded: "It's tied very well."

She continued to tie the other hand seriously, and Cui Jing continued to lead the horse for her, and walked the last short distance.

No one knew how cherished he had walked this part of the journey.

"It's Governor Cui who is back!"

More than a thousand people waiting on the bank of the river finally saw Cui Jing returning.

The ones who made the noise were those wearing Xu Jun's uniforms. They were visibly more noisy than Xuan Ce's army. They looked like mountain beasts that had just descended from the mountain. They were enthusiastic about everything.

They soon saw Cui Jing, to be precise, it was Cui Jing who was leading the horse.

In astonishment, Qi Qi turned his attention to the man on the horse.

A man with a scar on his face squeezed forward: "I think this is the famous General Ning Yuan!"

Seeing that he was a bandit, but this military uniform could not hide it, Chang Sui Ning asked with a smile: "Your Excellency, have you heard of me?"

"Of course!" The man said with bright eyes, "...kill Xu thief on the 73rd! We are counting when we have nothing to do!"

As he said that, he looked at the head that could be distinguished even though it was wrapped in cloth in Xiaowei Bai's hand, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up in amazement: "General Ning Yuan is really true to him...really, he is true to his word!"

He was ashamed that his tongue was tied, and scratched his head and laughed twice to ease the embarrassment.

Chang Suining also showed a smile. She saw that the other party not only had old scars on his face, but also a new dark blue circle around his left eye. It was probably a gift from Cui Jing, which indirectly showed the process of subduing soldiers first and then courtesy .

The man had only one dissatisfaction with the injury on his eye—it was too light and it disappeared too quickly!

This was beaten by Governor Cui Dadu of the dignified Xuance Mansion. Every day he talked with his brothers through this eye, he felt extraordinarily glorious, which added to his prestige.

After all, what kind of black eyes are here? This is clearly the gear of fate that their brothers have started to turn!

The brothers behind him also laughed.

Immediately, they reported their family names, and the man with the scar first said: "...we are all from Wuhu Mountain, my name is He Wuhu!"

He deliberately patted his chest and emphasized: "It's the Wu of Wudang Mountain, not the fifth of the old five. I am the boss of Wuhu Mountain!"

Wuhu Mountain was originally called Wuhu Mountain, which was also his name, but it happened to be known as Wuhu Mountain.

After coming and going, the brothers below are arranged in order, and they all become——

"My name is He Liuhu!"

"This is my brother Qihu!"

Chang Suining also got off his horse and cupped his fists at them, and said with a smile, "Everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Soon, everyone got on their horses and left this place with the setting sun.

When they returned to the battlefield, there was no sound of fighting anymore, but the blood was still pungent in the dark night.

As soon as Chang Suining approached the river bank, he saw someone looking ahead.

As soon as she got off the horse, a slender figure of a young man rushed towards her and hugged her tightly.

Cui Jing was taken aback, it was rare to look at someone so seriously, and only then looked away when he recognized that it was a woman.

"...The general is finally back!" Yao Ran's voice was trembling.

Chang Sui Ning didn't let her on the warship, and placed her ashore long before the war started, but after the war ended, she saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood when she came out, like being in purgatory, but she couldn't find Chang Sui alone. Ning, as if he had lost the most important support, was frightened.

Shepherd's purse killed someone for the first time before, and she was quite frightened. What's more, she was an official girl, and she was overly restrained by Pei's family since she was a child. Not to mention killing pigs, she had never even watched others kill chickens.

Sensing her worry, Chang Suining straightened her up and said, "After I killed Xu Zhengye, didn't someone send a signal, didn't you see it?"

"I saw it, I heard it..." Yao Ran wiped away his tears, and said, "When you see the signal, you can only know that things are done, but I don't know if you are safe, General."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Yao Ran nodded, and finally regained a sliver of rationality, and felt that she had lost her composure. She was afraid that Chang Suining would feel that she was useless, so she wanted to explain: "General, I..."

Chang Suining signaled that she didn't need to explain: "It's okay, we all came here like this."

Yao Ran was not the only one who cared about her, shepherd's purse Xi'er and others also ran over, and soon after hearing her return, Coach Xiao and Governor Hu also put down their business and hurried to welcome Chang Suining.

Not far away, Yuan Xiang subconsciously wanted to touch a pen to write down what happened to Mrs. Chang today, but after thinking about it, he suddenly looked at the governor next to him.

"...Great Governor, look, your subordinates have never exaggerated!" Yuan Xiang whispered: "Ms. Chang is very prestigious in the army now!"

Looking at Chang Suining, who was surrounded by everyone and was almost invisible, Cui Jing slightly bent his lips: "She deserves it."

Whether it is her in the past, or she who put aside the past and only talks about her at this moment.

She was born as the moon, compared to him, he is just a slightly brighter star, but if possible, he wants to be the star closest to the moon.

There is no need for the stars to compete with the moon. At this moment, he is standing not far away, watching her accept the people's hearts that belong to her, it is the best distance he can imagine.

Not long after, someone saw "this star" beyond this "best distance".

The sight here was dim, and Cui Jing deliberately didn't step forward to disturb him, so he led people back to the side, restrained his momentum, and just stood quietly in the dark.

Only at this moment did shepherd's purse catch a glimpse of the young man with a sharp eye, and she took a torch to shine forward by accident, and then let out a sincere exclamation: "... Oh my God!"

She widened her eyes and said too frankly: "In all these years of my life, this is the first time I have seen such a handsome man!"

He Wuhu behind Cui Jing immediately puffed up his chest and took two steps forward when he heard the words. It's too early to say what this big sister said!
He is confident, but no one cares.

With the spirit of sharing the blessings, shepherd's purse immediately greeted the ladies behind her, including Yao Ran, to watch together.

They have worked so hard to fight the war, and it is well deserved to see such stunning beauty at this moment.

Shepherd's purse did not forget to take two steps forward, and held up the torch to shine on Cui Jing: "Look quickly! Here it is!"

Unexpectedly, Cui Jing appeared under the light and was watched by pairs of eyes: "..."

Hearing shepherd's purse make such a fuss, Yao Ran wanted to laugh at first, but subconsciously looked over, but was also stunned.

Handsome is indeed handsome, no matter what kind of crowd he is in, he can be seen at a glance, the level of handsomeness is first-class, but, if she reads correctly, this...

"Governor Cui?!"

The surprised voice came from Xiao Min.

As a military general in the capital, he naturally had the opportunity to meet Cui Jing.

Cui Jing raised his hand: "General Xiao."

"It's really you!" Xiao Min was extremely surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "I don't know that Governor Cui is here, and the officials are far away to welcome you!"

Hearing Cui Jing's name, Hu Lin and the others were also very surprised, and hurried to salute.

Shepherd's purse was a little dumbfounded.

This is actually the rumored Governor Cui?
Not sure about the other party's temper, she asked Chang Suining a little uneasily: "General... I just said something disrespectful, and Chief Cui won't be angry, right?"

Chang Suining smiled and looked at Cui Jing: "Don't worry, he's not angry."

Shepherd's purse was relieved now, and quietly took a few more glances.

Xiao Min was asking Cui Jing: "...Dare to ask how Cui Dadu came here?"

"I went to Luoyang under a secret order, but I was assassinated on the way. I was lucky enough to save my life, so I changed my route." Cui Jing gave such an explanation: "Today, unfortunately, I was blocked by Xu's cavalry ahead. Fortunately, my subordinates found it in time. Go, and General Ning Yuan rescued me, so I was able to escape."

Deputy General Yu was the first to echo and confirm the matter: "It's thanks to General Ning Yuan who appeared in time and killed Xu Zhengye to frighten those Xu troops, otherwise we will be in danger!"

"..." Chang Suining was a little surprised, she had never expected to act to such an extent.

As for the bandits in Wuhu Mountain, they were still a little puzzled, and some couldn't help but say: "But..."

However, as soon as he uttered the two words, He Wuhu stared back, his eyes were filled with the threat that he used to talk about most in the past - dare to say words without winking, I won't beat your shit out later, It's all done by you!

Xiao Min and the others were skeptical, but they were sensible and didn't say much, they just said: "Fortunately, Duji Cui has his own celestial vision..."

While everyone was talking around Cui Jing, there was a pleasantly surprised voice from behind: "Xiao Jing?!"

good night

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