Chang'an is good

Chapter 285 Why not be generous?

Following this voice, a tall figure rushed towards Cui Jing, hugged Cui Jing firmly, and patted Cui Jing's back heavily with his thick palm.

Hu Cishi and the others were terrified when they saw it. If they were replaced by thinner ones, they might have to be shot twice.

Ah Dian quickly let go of Cui Jing, and asked happily: "Xiao Jing, why are you here! Are you here to find me and Xiao A Li?"

Cui Jing glanced at Chang Suining's direction, nodded, and said softly, "Yes."

"Then you are late, little Ah Li just led us to a big victory!" Ah Dian said with bright eyes, showing off.

"Well, I heard about it." Cui Jing seriously praised him: "Senior is very powerful."

Ah Dian's expression couldn't help being more proud, but he was also very polite and considerate of others' feelings: "Xiao Jing, you are also very good!"

He said to Cui Jing with an expression of "you don't have to be disappointed": "If there is a next time, we will bring you too!"

There is a caring look of "if there is another great opportunity, everyone will be great together".

Cui Jing showed a smile: "Okay, thank you, senior."

Xiao Min and the others couldn't help laughing.

Chang Suining asked, "How is Deputy General Jin?"

"Vice Admiral Jin is no longer bleeding!" Ah Dian put on a straight face: "The military doctor said that the knife was almost stabbed in the heart. Fortunately, the boat was shaking and unsteady, so the stab was a bit sideways!"

Thinking of the traitor, he clenched his fists and said angrily: "It's the boat that helps, people are bad, but the boat is good!"

When he spoke, his expression was not clear enough, so Governor Hu added: "General Ning Yuan, don't worry, Vice General Jin should not be in danger for the time being."

After speaking, Hu Lin suggested that after Vice General Jin wakes up, he can be sent to the Governor's Mansion in Bianzhou City for treatment, so that he can invite a doctor with excellent medical skills to use the most suitable medicinal materials.

Of course, this is not just a privilege given to Vice-General Jin alone. What Hu Lin meant in his words was to let all the injured soldiers go to Bianzhou for medical treatment and recuperation.

Governor Hu said modestly that they had nothing else in Bianzhou City, but some money.

After all, Bianzhou is also considered a large food household, and there is no shortage of money and food.

Thinking of the military pay and rations allocated by the imperial court, Xiao Min, who was always tight-lipped, and was always sneered and questioned by the officials from the capital every time he asked for it, at this moment, tears of envy almost flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Feeling excited, Coach Xiao subconsciously looked at Chang Suining, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Chang Suining implicitly asked "Will Bianzhou be too much trouble?" After Hu Lin waved his hands repeatedly, he nodded happily and thanked him again and again.

It is of course something to be happy about someone taking care of medicine and food.

Xiao Min also followed her to thank her.

Hu Lin sighed and said: "It is Hu who should thank the two generals and all the soldiers on behalf of the people of Bianzhou. It is because of you that Bianzhou was saved from this difficulty."

Before he left the city, he told the rest of his subordinates to stick to Bianzhou City, and at the same time, he also made the people ready to escape from the city gate.

Xu Jun has no military discipline at all, and must burn, kill and loot when entering the city. The soldiers have the duty to live and die with Bianzhou, but the people are innocent.

But now, the people in Bianzhou City don't have to be forced to leave their homes and become homeless refugees. He can also be lucky enough to return home again and hug his icy and cute little daughter.

He is lucky.

But those unfortunate soldiers are destined to never return home.Their heroic souls can only stay on this piece of Bian Shui for a long time.

The corpses were salvaged one after another, carried up, and placed on the bank of the river. At first glance, it was particularly shocking.

The weather is getting warmer, so many corpses can only be buried nearby.

Cui Jing asked his subordinates to help dig the soil together, and He Wuhu and others also offered to help, letting the exhausted soldiers go to rest.

When He Wuhu waved his shovel and was sweating profusely, shepherd's purse came over and asked him politely: "Our general asked me to ask, do you have any wine on you? Can you lend some to our general?"

Drinking is not allowed during the march, and there is no drink in the army.

"Yes!" He Wuhu immediately ordered his brothers to take all the jugs he had brought, and smiled flatteringly but sincerely at the shepherd's purse: "All the wine brought by brothers is here. Pay tribute to General Ningyuan!"

Hearing the purposeful word "filial piety" and the sound of "Our General Ningyuan", shepherd's purse looked him up and down before picking up two jugs: "This is enough, the rest of you Put it away!"

Shepherd's purse ran to the river with the jug in hand.

Chang Suining unscrewed the jug and slowly poured the wine on the bank of the Bianshui River.

She looked at the river hidden in the night, listened to the sound of the river flowing slowly, felt the night wind blowing on her face, and stood there for a long time holding the empty wine jug.

Cui Jing stood not far away, quietly looking at the vast Bian River with her, with deep and peaceful awe in his eyes.

Fighting in wartime is the most tragic, but the big hand that really pushes people into the abyss called sadness often appears after the war is completely over.

Especially as a general, in addition to sadness, he also has the responsibility of not being able to reconcile with himself.

For a long time after that, Chang Suining didn't say much.

Cui Jing, Xiao Min, Hu Lin and others took care of the next affairs together, from the settlement of the wounded soldiers, to the inventory of the captured weapons, money and food, to the follow-up repairs of the damaged warships, everything was in detail.

Knowing that he has rich experience and the ability to deal with these post-war matters is no worse than his own, the exhausted Chang Suining allowed himself to sit in front of the fire and dodge in a daze for a while.

The night is dark, the stars and the moon hang high.

The soldiers were very tired, resting in twos and threes.

Ah Dian sat beside Chang Suining, poking the fire for her, talking about this and that, Chang Suining bent his legs, folded his hands on his knees, rested his chin on the back of his hands, and looked at the fire , listen quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, a ray of music suddenly reached her ears.

Chang Sui Ning turned his head slightly, followed the sound and saw Cui Jing sitting on the ground not far away, holding a green leaf between his slender fingers and sticking it to his lips.

The young man sits quietly and blows the leaves, the sound is clear and distant, swaying in the night wind.

This music is like the sound of the sky, it seems to be taken from the lake, sea and snow-capped mountains. It is vast and clean, and it flutters in the air. Together with the moonlight, it washes away the remaining bloody atmosphere in this world, comforts the tired and painful living, and also for those The undead, who no longer have to distinguish between the enemy and us, lead a way home.

The soldiers around listened quietly, some looked at the direction of their hometown, and some looked at the place where their comrades were buried, raised their hands on their bruised faces, and quietly wiped away their tears.

Chang Sui listened quietly, and also quietly looked at Cui Jing who was sitting there.

The youth's always cold eyebrows and eyes are exceptionally calm under the moonlight at this moment. In this tranquility, there is the compassion that a general has never resorted to, and there is also the stubborn pursuit of the image of peace.

Ah Dian also shed two strings of teardrops, he didn't know whether the sound of the music was good or bad, he didn't know that Qinghe Cui's children were proficient in music theory since childhood, this sound was of the highest quality, but he could hear what the music was talking about.

They tell those who are awake, don't be sad anymore, just move on, and it will get better.

They say to the sleeping people, all suffering is over, let's go, take you home.

When Cui Jing put down the leaf, she got up and walked towards Chang Suining, only to see that she had fallen asleep leaning on Ah Dian's shoulder.

Under the light of the fire, the girl's tired sleeping face looked particularly peaceful and harmless. She was completely different from the general who killed the enemy with a gun during the day.

Cui Jing didn't bother her, and was about to order Yuanxiang to fetch a thick cloak, when Yao Ran came and gently covered Chang Suining with a blanket.

Seeing that she was sleeping so deeply, even Ah Dian stretched out his hand and touched her forehead a little worriedly, making sure that she didn't have a fever, so he was relieved, held his breath, squeezed his mouth tightly, and carefully supported her without making a sound. shoulders, let her sleep on his lap.

His Highness is now a girl and has become even thinner. He has to protect His Highness well.

With a nondiscriminatory attitude, Ah Dian waved to Cui Jing again, patted his other idle leg, and invited him to lie down too.

Cui Jing did not lie down, but sat down by the fire.

He whispered: "Sleep, senior, I will watch over."

Ah Dian was almost drowsy too. Hearing this, he yawned, nodded obediently, and fell asleep leaning against the big tree behind him.

Cui Jing then sat quietly, adding branches to the fire from time to time to keep Chang Suining and A Dian warm.


The army rested here for two days before finishing all the post-war matters.

In the past two days, the battle report here has been sent back to Bianzhou City.

In Bianzhou governor's mansion, the governor's wife heard the news of the great victory and felt unbelievable. Facing the servant who came to deliver the message, with a look of ecstasy on his face, the shock turned into a sentence: "... ...are you crazy or am I crazy?"

"Ma'am... what a great victory!"

The governor's wife stared: "How did you succeed?"

One of Hu Lin's aunts also found it inconceivable: "That's right, how can the master be so capable!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help covering his mouth, and hurriedly made amends: "I mean... how could 1 people defeat Xu Zhengye's [-] troops?"

At this time, the soldier who reported the letter also came in, and explained completely: "...This time, General Ning Yuan and Coach Xiao set up an ambush in Bianshui in advance!"

"General Ning Yuan?"

"Coach Xiao..."

How could General Ning Yuan and Coach Xiao suddenly appear in Bianshui? Didn't they mean that they had been chasing from the rear and were unable to catch up? !

" could this be?"

The news quickly spread back to Luoyang, and the military advisers in Li Xian's account were extremely surprised when they heard the news, and couldn't help but change their expressions.

The Xuan Ce army guarding outside Luoyang City has already begun to celebrate the news of the Bianshui victory. Even if the credit is not theirs, they are not stingy in their praises for the soldiers who won the battle.

It is a good thing to win the battle, and Bianzhou City is safe and sound, which is the greatest relief to them who are not allowed to send troops to help.

They don't care about credit, or in other words, as the Xuan Ce army, when did they lack credit?
Of course they are not lacking, but some people are lacking.

Li Xian sat in the tent for a long time, and after repeatedly confirming that the news was correct, his eyes finally sank by two points.

He was still waiting for the news that Bianzhou couldn't hold on and begged him to send troops, but what he was waiting for was the "good news" of Xu Jun's defeat...

Xiao Min and that girl from the Chang family set up an ambush in Bianshui in advance, just waiting for Xu Zhengye to throw himself into the trap... But he knew nothing about such an urgent plan, and was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end inside.

"The subordinates have confirmed it..." The military division returned to the tent and said in a low voice: "Xu Jun was not repelled, but all surrendered."

"What about Xu Zhengye?" Li Xian looked up at the military adviser.

"Xu Zhengye has been killed." The military adviser lowered his eyes and said, "It is said that General Ning Yuan beheaded him himself, and the matter has already spread."

Li Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a joyful smile.

"What a general Ningyuan, he really is a hero born out of a boy..." He whispered: "The article that was regarded by all officials as full of arrogant lies... unexpectedly came true."

Such arrogant and unrealistic big words can come true, and now, she is afraid that she will be regarded as a real general by the people.

No one in the court would dare to laugh at her, and no one has the right to talk about her faults for such an extraordinary achievement in eliminating Xu thief in one fell swoop.

But he was destined to become a joke.

Xu Zhengye was not repelled for a short time, but completely wiped out in one fell swoop...

Therefore, he didn't even have a chance to pursue him, and his actions of standing still in Luoyang from the beginning to the end became a complete joke.

Li Xian sat there, not showing much emotion on his face.

The sounds of talking and congratulating outside the tent were especially harsh in his ears, as if they were mocking him for getting nothing from this trip.

The military adviser said at the right time: "...the general is ordered to guard Luoyang, and now that Luoyang is safe, the general's trip will be considered complete... If the general can successfully take charge of the Xuance army, the opportunity to make meritorious service is still in the future, so don't worry about this momentary gain or loss."

Li Xian came back to his senses and smiled: "What the military advisor said makes sense."

He doesn't have to care about the short-term success.

He just... didn't understand why all the good luck belonged to those people, and it was always difficult for him to have a chance to show his ambition and be seen by the world.

He had waited for too many years, and when he finally got this opportunity, his plan fell through again, so he inevitably felt like being tricked by the world.

But the military adviser is right, as long as he can take charge of the Xuan Ce Army and become the new general of the Xuan Ce Army, he will not worry about not having the opportunity to show his talents.

The news of Cui Jing's accident has been secretly spread in the capital. Soon, the saint will order someone to take over the position of general of Xuan Ce's army, and he is the only candidate the saint can trust.

Thinking of this, Li Xian calmed down.

He smiled and said: "Let me prepare wine, and I will congratulate the Bianshui victory with the soldiers."

The military division responded with a smile.

The woman in blue beside Li Xian knelt and grinded. Li Xian wrote a letter of Feng He Jie with his own handwriting, and prepared to send it to Xiao Min and Chang Suining.

However, as soon as the letter was put in the envelope, it was heard that Vice General Yu had returned to the camp and asked for an audience.

Li Xian's eyes moved slightly, and his smile continued: "Please come in quickly."

Deputy General Yu led a thousand Qingqi before, and left the camp for many days in the name of patrolling.

But Li Xian didn't intend to blame him at this moment, he just waited for the other party to explain a little bit - as the future commander of Xuan Ce Army, why not be more magnanimous at this time?
Soon, Vice General Yu, who got into the account and saluted, did give an explanation.

But this explanation was completely beyond Li Xian's expectation.

Good night, sweet dreams~ (tonight will be assisted by Xiao Cui Chui Ye)

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