Chang'an is good

Chapter 511 Why are you alive again?

Chapter 511 Why are you alive again? (Ask for monthly ticket)


Chang Kuo was used to Qiao Yumian's inconvenience due to eye diseases in the past. At first sight, she moved briskly and freely, and her temperament was more "stable" from the inside out than usual. He didn't dare for a moment. Recognition is not truly confirmed until someone comes to you.

Chang Kuo came back to his senses and looked at the girl who was saluting in front of him, with an expression of joy and relief: "My eyes are really good... Okay, great!"

He quickly raised his hand, supported Qiao Yumian who was saluting, straightened up, and said "Hello" several times.

While Chang Kuo was sighing, he suddenly thought that if Ah Li was still here, she would definitely be happy for her sister Mianmian.

Thinking of this, Chang Kuo felt a little sad and sad, but also had a hint of expectation. He heard Wu Jue said that after His Highness learned about the causal relationship between himself and A Li, he decided to do it again. Ah Li set up a memorial tablet and asked Wujue to help him save his soul from suffering.

But what His Highness didn't tell him before was that His Highness had been personally supporting Ah Li's soul.

Wujue had told him in private that His Highness's destiny and merits were extraordinary, and if A Li could be supported by His Highness, he would be blessed with success and wealth in the next life. And they are involved in this secret. When the opportunity comes one day, they will meet again.

Chang Kuo was briefly absent-minded, only to hear Qiao Yumian ask with concern: "How is Uncle Chang doing?"

"Okay!" Chang Kuo said with a smile: "As strong as an ox!"

Qiao Yumian smiled and nodded: "I'll take Uncle Chang's pulse later."

Now when she meets people, she always wants to check their pulse, just like Uncle Chang always wants to advise people to do physical exercises, which is quite similar in purpose.

But compared with her memory, Uncle Chang was really much older, and most of his hair was actually gray.

The hero's white hair was always particularly dazzling. With a sour heart, Qiao Yumian realized that someone was looking at her, so she subconsciously looked over and saw a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and holding a peach wood hairpin to hold his hair.

The Taoist was smiling kindly at him, but when Qiao Yumian glanced at him, the first thing he felt was doubt, an indescribable but very strong doubt.

She felt like she had seen this person somewhere, but she felt that something was "off" about him, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

But due to etiquette, Qiao Yumian nodded respectfully when the other party looked at her so lovingly.

Wu Jue nodded and smiled without saying a word. He now has a gray but thick bun. Hair can greatly affect a person's appearance and feeling. Moreover, he is much slimmer than before, and his mental outlook has also changed. Usually, he didn't have many opportunities to meet this girl from Qiao Yang's family. What's more, this girl unfortunately suffered from eye disease for many years, so it was normal for her not to recognize him at first.

He wanted to see when the child would recognize him - it was a rare opportunity to amuse a child.

Wujue felt quite comfortable trying to amuse the children. When he casually looked forward, he saw an old Taoist leading a green donkey standing quietly beside the carriage and horses.

The old Taoist wore a bamboo hat and couldn't see the specific description, but the aura around him made Wujue immediately squint his eyes to take a closer look.

Where did this old Taoist come from? Why did he look so familiar? He was the same as the guy who died early... Oh, he didn't die too early in terms of his age... How could he be so similar to the guy from Tianjing?
Could it be that His Highness still regrets that he was unable to keep the Heavenly Mirror in his previous life, and is looking for a substitute to keep it at home?
As Wu Jue frowned, he saw the old green donkey vaguely nodding in his direction, as if saying hello.

Wujue's frowned eyebrows raised, then frowned even more tightly, and he subconsciously stepped forward, vowing to find out and see where this "substitute" came from.

Seeing Wujue approaching, the old man leading the donkey stood still, motionless.

As he got closer, Wujue felt more and more strange, so he first tried to communicate with him: "I wonder where this fellow Taoist comes from?"

The old Taoist smiled, stroked his silver beard, and said nothing.

Wujue's eyebrows were beating wildly, and he bent down suddenly, stretched out his head furtively, and looked intently at the Taoist's face, which was mostly hidden under the bamboo hat.

The moment he saw it clearly, Wu Jue's eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost. Seeing his reaction, Tian Jing laughed and then raised his hand: "I am a poor Taoist from the west. Fellow Taoist, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Wujue's lips trembled, and he stretched out his fingers twice. It took a lot of effort and cultivation to hold back a bunch of words.

Knowing that this was not the place to talk, Wu Jue held back all the way back to the governor's house.

Outside the Governor's Mansion, it was already dark. Wang Changshi and Yao Ran had been waiting with lanterns for a long time. Unlike usual, Luo Guanlin was also here to greet them.

Wang Changshi did not inform the governor's office and Jiangdu officials of the news of Chang Suining's return today, leaving them to go on duty, otherwise the outside of the governor's office would be overcrowded at this time.

Chang Suining entered the mansion surrounded by everyone. Listening to the concerns and inquiries of Yao Ran and others, as well as A Dian's unrestrained children's words, he felt very peaceful and felt like a bird returning home and landing.

Wang Changshi soon noticed that there were a few new faces around Chang Suining. The young girl's walking and demeanor showed that she was well-educated, and it was not convenient for him to inquire about her identity in public. Behind the girl was a quail-like man, who hesitated. He looked up, but he couldn't find a chance to socialize...

So Wang Changshi could only ask the old Taoist with a smile: "I wonder what the immortal master is called?"

This Taoist has a fairy-like temperament, and since he came back with the adults, he must have real skills. There is no problem in politely calling him a fairy.

Wu Jue curled his lips, but felt that there was a problem - the biggest problem was that when he first met Wang Changshi, the other party not only did not call him that, but also turned around and whispered to His Highness, asking His Highness to be careful and not Being lied to.

Sure enough, this old Tianjing guy was here specifically to defeat him!
When Wu Jue groaned in anger, the next moment, he heard Tian Jing reply with a smile: "Poverty Dao Xuan Jingzi."

Xuan Jingzi...

Wang Changshi recited it in his mind, suddenly realized something, and hurriedly asked: "Could it be that... Master Xian and Master Xuanyangzi come from the same sect?"

Tianjing stroked his beard and smiled.

Wang Changshi acquiesced and couldn't help but look at Master "Xuan Yangzi" in surprise.

Wang Changshi's surprise contained not only the most basic surprise, but also a fleeting hint of incomprehension. He seemed to not understand that in the same sect, some people could cover up their immortal aura without plain clothes, and some others But his sneakiness is about to come out. The latter seems to have been a thief for eight lifetimes, and the feeling of stealing is deeply rooted in his bones. Wherever he walks, people can't help but pay attention to see if anything is missing around them.

However, perhaps because he had been watching for a long time, Wang Changshi felt that he was used to it. Now when he looked at Master Xuanyangzi, he felt that most of the sneakiness in him had disappeared.

Seeing that Tian Jing actually defaulted to being a member of his sect and called himself Xuan Jingzi, Wu Jue was about to blow his beard and glare when Wang Changshi asked again: "From the Taoist names of the two of you, they should be from the sect." Peers... So Master Xuan Jingzi should be Master Xuan Yangzi’s senior brother?”

When Tianjing was about to answer, Wujue said hurriedly: "I am a poor fellow!"

At this time, he couldn't reveal the sky mirror in public, lest His Highness think that he didn't know the general situation... However, he tolerated the other party's efforts to rub his apprenticeship, but he could never call this old guy his senior brother again!
Wang Changshi was surprised again: "Looking at your age, you should be..."

Wujue said matter-of-factly: "The long history is something I don't know. In my sect, we always only judge seniority according to the time of entry!"

As he said that, he glanced at Tianjing: "Besides, Junior Brother is not good at studying, so this call from Senior Brother doesn't count as a disadvantage for him."

Tianjing smiled instead of being annoyed, nodded and said: "Yes, yes."

Wang Changshi's eyes became more and more admiring - he was so downtrodden in public, but he could still be so calm, he was a master, he was a master.

Seeing Wang Changshi's expression, Wujue was so angry that he almost fell down.

When there was no one around, Wujue felt depressed and confused, and finally found a chance to talk to Tianjing alone. Wujue opened his mouth and went straight to the point, giving the most precise greeting: "...Aren't you dead? Why are you here again?" Live!"

(I just got home in the evening and just saw the backstage. Thank you Hanhan for the 4000 coins! Thank you, thank you. The plot will enter the next volume immediately. It may be very difficult to add more. On the premise of ensuring quality, try to ensure daily updates of words. Therefore, I don’t recommend that you spend money to reward. The debt you owe from previous rewards is still far away... Genuine subscription and reading are the best support!
Thank you all for your support for another month! Thank you for every monthly ticket!
I would also like to thank book friends Lemon Yaoer, book friend 20220617002831475, and book friend 20171227214335528 for their rewards. Good night! See you tomorrow! )

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