Chang'an is good

Chapter 512 Personally Selected Family

Chapter 512 Personally Selected Family

Facing Wujue's questioning look, Tianjing said with a smile: "Resurrection from the dead is just following and imitating the actions of senior brother. Why should senior brother make such a fuss."

Wujue's scalp tingled when he heard these words of "senior brother" who were kind-hearted. He gritted his molar teeth and then said: "...How can I be in the same situation as you! You are still useful to the saint, Are her people so easy to fool?"

When Tian Jing and Tian Jing parted ways, Tian Jing was accompanied by guards sent by the Empress, and Wu Jue knew this.

Wujue also had some understanding of the saint's behavior. According to him, Tianjing had the intention of running away when he left the capital before. The saint would not be unaware of this, and he would not be able to use it for himself. , for that saint, getting rid of him is the norm.

Therefore, when Wu Jue first heard the news of Tian Jing's death, he never questioned whether it was true or not, and concluded that Tian Jing's death must be a very thorough death.

But now, this man is alive again!

This thing is not the same as resurrecting a dead body. Since it still uses the original old shell, it can be seen that it is probably some kind of trick to escape from the golden cicada... This is where the endless curiosity lies.

Tianjing did not rush to answer him.

The two of them were in a secluded corner of the garden, with lush flowers and plants in summer. They were standing under a hibiscus tree. Tianjing smiled, raised his hand, broke off a hibiscus flower, and handed it to Wujue.

Wujue frowned, disgust written all over his face.

It is an elegant thing for friends to give flowers to each other, but he, who has been bald since he was a child, has never had a preference for hairpins on his temples. And what kind of friends are he and Tian Jing?

Seeing that he didn't answer, Tian Jing didn't say anything. Under the moonlight, the old Taoist with silver hair and beard like an immortal held a flower in one hand and a whisk in the other hand and swept past the hibiscus flower——

After sweeping the whisk, Wujue suddenly saw the hibiscus flower burning. When he looked at it again, he saw that the fire suddenly became bigger, the fire was blazing, and the heat wave rushed towards him.

Wujue let out a "huh", and without any time to think about it, he hurriedly took a few steps back and raised his sleeves to block his eyes.

After a moment, Wu Jue suddenly thought of something, closed his eyes to calm his mind, and quickly recited the Heart Purification Mantra in his mind. He raised his sleeves and waved them in front of his eyes several times to fan away the "fire", cursing: "...I didn't expect that a dignified national teacher would be proficient in this inferior illusion technique!"

The sky mirror smiled, and with another wave of the whisk, the "fire" disappeared, and the hibiscus flower was still the same ordinary hibiscus flower.

Tianjing took the fly whisk back into his arms and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, the skills are too many to bear down on the body."

Wujue shook his sleeves, "tsk" and said with his hands behind his hands: "So the saint doesn't know that you are good at this blinding technique?"

The most taboo thing about this kind of alchemy is to be prepared. Once the person who sees the magic is prepared, it will be difficult for him to fall into the blinding illusion again, even if the blinding method used by the sky mirror seems to be quite clever.

However, because nowadays many scholars in the lower world use this method to deceive people's hearts and engage in deception, these blinding techniques are increasingly classified as unpopular, and true ascetics also look down upon them.

Tianjing Nianhua slowly stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, there must always be a way out."

Seeing this, Wujue wished he could put his hands on his hips and start shouting, so that the world would come and see what kind of cunning and cunning face the Tianjing Imperial Master had in their eyes. ——Especially that Wang Changshi!
Wu Abang was very upset about the fact that he and Tianjing were treated differently by the world. At this moment, he seized the opportunity and severely exposed Tianjing's shortcomings: "The saint treats you very well, aren't you betraying the Lord?"

"I don't treat saints lightly, but I can't force myself any more since my opportunity has been exhausted." Tian Jing still had a faint smile on his face: "And the saint has already killed me once. I owe nothing to you in this opportunity that has been exhausted." place.”

"That's a good idea!" Wujue hummed, sat down on a landscape stone, and looked at the sky mirror: "But then again, what are you doing after you took off your body and came to our little river?"

"That's wrong." Tian Jing said with a smile: "It was because I was invited by the Changjie Envoy that I really made up my mind to escape."

After all, his status as a national master was really a hindrance. In order to keep the appointment, he had no choice but to die.

"What kind of invitation? It's just a few polite words, but do you take it seriously?" Wujue squinted and muttered, "For the sake of Dian Jiu, you went to the trouble of making a big pot of dumplings."

"We are invited by the Changjie envoys. There are outstanding people in Jiangdu. How can we be jealous?" Tianjing said with a smile: "Besides, my best friend is here, why should I not come?"

Tianjing said, his eyes fell on his "confidant", and he said happily: "Your body looks like a dead tree growing again."

And the dead wood that appears on Wujue's body may grow again, which may be the trend of the people in the world.

"Today I looked at Chang Jie's eyebrows, and the Qi of cutting the road was revealed, and there were signs of purple Qi gathering and returning..." Tianjing sighed: "Even the bones have also changed, which is really rare in the world. ”

Tianjing said, looking up at the stars in the night sky: "It's really wonderful to play with the sky."

Maybe someone can really prevent the collapse of the country and the coming of a hundred years of chaos in the world...

And he may be lucky enough to be a witness to this "unparalleled spectacle".

"When I look at the bones of my lord in his previous life, it turns out that a corner of his imperial bones is missing, which is a sign of great regret for a great talent that is rare to see in a hundred years." Wu Jue sighed with hindsight: "Your Highness drew his sword and broke his bones, maybe he came back. It is here to complete this bone."

Tianjing also sighed: "The master who laid out this plan is really an expert. It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to meet him."

Then he was thankful and tugged his beard and said: "However, due to this strange combination of circumstances, I can now be regarded as half of his disciple."

"..." Wujue frowned and looked at him: "You don't have a disciple yourself?"

Tianjing smiled and said: "Now I have it."

Wu Wu scoffed unceremoniously: "He is a wild boy, no wonder he has learned so complicatedly."

Tianjing said with a smile: "In terms of comprehensive learning, it is not as good as my senior brother who has both Buddhism and Taoism."

Wujue was so annoyed that he finally asked what he needed to ask. He stood up, rolled his sleeves and twisted his head before leaving: "Who is your senior brother!"

The next moment, Tian Jing behind him asked with a smile: "Senior brother, are you drinking?"

Wu Jue paused and waved his sleeves again: "My master doesn't allow me to drink alcohol!"

Tianjing then suggested: "Then quietly leave the house?"

"Quietly? Do you think the defense of the Governor's Mansion is just paper?" Wu Jue said, but turned his head back honestly, scanned Tian Jing's shabby old Taoist robe up and down, and questioned: "You have How many copper coins can I use to buy wine?"

Tianjing took out a heavy money bag from his wide sleeves and said with a smile: "I have accumulated a lot of wine while reading fortune telling for people, so I can drink with my friends."

The wine bug in Wu Jue's belly finally beckoned: "Let's go, let's go, come with me..."

Tianjing followed up: "Didn't you just say that the defense was tight?"

"The Tao is as high as the devil." Wujue smiled mysteriously: "I have a hidden dog hole that I can use to get out of the house..."

When he came to the dog cave that Wujue was talking about, Tianjing hesitated for a rare moment: "This..."

Wu Jue showed rare humility: "Come on, you go first!" Hey, let this old man rub the plaster for him first.

With this in mind, Wujue pushed the sky mirror into the cave without any explanation.

The dog hole here is indeed hidden, and it was dug by Wu Jue himself.

However, the Governor's Mansion was tightly guarded, and not even an outside fly could easily fly in. There was only one reason for the existence of this dog hole: someone allowed it to exist.

Soon, the matter was reported to Chang Suining.

In the inner study room of the courtyard, Chang Sui Ning, who had finished taking a bath, with half-dressed hair, waved his hand to let them go.

Yao Ran was reporting on affairs and also mentioned the war in Haizhou. The chaos in Haizhou has not yet subsided, but it has not yet affected Chuzhou under the jurisdiction of Huainan Road. Chang Kuo has asked He Wuhu to lead troops to Chuzhou. Strengthen your defense and pay attention to the situation in Haizhou.

After reporting the main matters, Yao Ran looked at Chang Suining and said, "It's getting late. You have been busy for many days. It's better to rest early."

Chang Suining nodded and looked at Yao Ran with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work. You should go back and rest."

"Yes." Yao Ran saluted and was about to retreat when he suddenly heard the superior asked: "Are all the letters from these days here?"

Yao Ran raised his head slightly, followed his lord's line of sight, nodded and said, "All your lord's personal letters are here."

Chang Suining nodded: "Nothing, you can go and rest."

Yao Ran agreed, and after exiting the study, there was a trace of thought in his eyes. Is your lord waiting for a letter from someone?
Chang Suining picked out a few of the letters to read, then propped up his cheeks and yawned, then he no longer forced himself to hold on, put down the letters, and went back to the bedroom.

There was no dream that night, so Chang Sui Ning got up to practice martial arts as usual the next day. When she was preparing to have breakfast, an official came hurriedly to send a message to her to go to the front office.

Qianya Laide is this year’s lychee transportation messenger.

The messenger is dusty, but the lychees are very fresh.

Lychees are not easy to transport. In order to ensure the freshness of the fruit, they are often transported in the form of whole trees to ensure that the lychees do not fall off or rot.

These lychees had obviously just been cut from the fruit trees and processed. At this moment, they were neatly stacked with branches and leaves in a box. The box was covered with ice cubes, and there was a slight chill in the hot summer day. , the half-green and half-red lychee skin is plump and bright, and it is very refreshing at first glance.

Chang Suining didn't dare to think about how much material, manpower, and even human life was spent on transporting these lychees thousands of miles to here during this time of war.

She knew that Ming was not a person who was greedy for pleasure. What he really cared about was the emperor's majesty. He probably felt that if the lychees could not be transported normally, it would mean that the emperor's authority was lost.

Yuezhou faced difficulties in allocating funds to rebuild the imperial court, but the precious lychees could be transported as usual. Everyone seemed to have different opinions on how to maintain and demonstrate the majesty of the imperial court and the emperor.

Seeing that Chang Suining was silent for a while, the envoy was respectful and sighed: "Your Majesty sent someone to send a message to transport half of this year's lychees to Jiangdu. This is an unprecedented precedent. It shows that the saint has great respect for Chang Suining." The extent of the envoy's love...this is the supreme grace that no one can ask for."

Chang Sui Ning smiled and nodded: "The envoy is right."

After saying that, he turned to Wang Changshi and told Wang Changshi: "The envoy was tired all the way, so I asked someone to take the envoy to wash away the dust and cool down, and then asked someone to prepare wine and food."

Wang Changshi agreed and quickly left with the envoy.

Chang Suining looked at the dozens of boxes and asked someone to close them first and send them to the ice cellar for storage.

Chang Kuo walked with Chang Suining out of the front hall on crutches. When passing through the garden, there was no one else around. Chang Kuo suddenly tried to ask: "...that time His Highness had a high fever and said he wanted to eat chestnuts...could it be me?" Did you misunderstand?"

In fact, His Highness should have said it was lychee?
Chang Kuo had wanted to ask about this for a long time - in the years after His Highness's death, whenever lychees were transported to Beijing, the saint would have them sent to Princess Chongyue's mansion.

Chang Kuo recalled that old incident after hearing it many times.

His Highness was about fourteen or fifteen years old at that time. It was the first time that he was injured so seriously. After being unconscious for two days, he developed a high fever again. When he was so confused, he called out "mother concubine" uncharacteristically and said he wanted to eat "chestnuts".

Chang Kuo listened and quickly answered: "Li Zi is right!" When we recover from our injuries, we can eat a hundred and eighty baskets of them without incident! 】

So, when Li Shang woke up, he saw several baskets of chestnuts placed in the tent, as well as Chang Kuo's innocent smiling face.

At that time, Li Shang looked at Li Zi and then at Da Chang. He didn't say anything and just smiled happily.

When she was suffering from pain and high fever, she felt like she was rolling in a mountain of fire. Thinking about the cold and sweet lychees made her feel comfortable. But compared to lychees, what she wanted to have more at that time was probably her mother's. Relief and companionship.

Just like when Axiao was sick, her mother would always touch her head. It seemed that every child whose mother could touch his head would reduce his pain a lot.

But that time, Li Shang was also touched on the head, and someone was guarding her bedside, repeatedly checking her forehead temperature. Although his snoring was too lively when he was napping, as if someone was beating gongs and drums in her dream, this was Lively but also reassuring.

After many years, when the matter was brought up again, Chang Suining did not deny it. There was no need to deny that she had let go. She smiled at Chang Kuo and said, "You just know."

Chang Kuo smiled and sighed: "It's my subordinate who is stupid."

"Not stupid." Chang Suining said, "Later I found that chestnuts taste better."

From then on, she fell in love with eating chestnuts. They were cheap and filling, but there was one drawback - they were all good, but they had a hard-to-peel shell.

Chang Kuo thought a lot in just a short moment. He remembered that time His Highness was seriously injured. At that time, Mingshi could not trust military doctors, so he specially found a famous doctor to come to the army to treat His Highness. He originally thought that this was an act of love for his daughter. But the internal prison officer who accompanied him repeatedly asked the doctor nervously: "Will I be delayed in holding the knife in the future?" 】

It's not important to ask once, and it's okay to ask twice or three times, but after asking so many times, it showed that he cared, and the question made him feel a little annoyed for no reason.

Chang Kuo withdrew his thoughts from many old things, looked at the girl in front of him again, and said with some discomfort in his heart: "If Your Highness Litchi doesn't want to accept it, then we don't want it."

Chang Suining slowed down, looked forward, and said slowly: "Old Chang, you don't have to feel wronged for me, I have stopped feeling wronged a long time ago."

"I have you." She turned to look at Chang Kuo and said, "Dad, you are all my carefully chosen family members. How many people in this world do you think have the blessing of being able to choose their own family members?"

Under the scorching sun, the girl's brows were clear, and her eyes were filled with genuine joy and happiness.

Chang Kuo suddenly felt a lump in his throat and his eyes turned red.

After the two walked together for a while, Chang Kuo gathered up his tears before asking again: "What about the lychee...what if we don't want it?"

"Why not?" Chang Sui Ning said, "It's worth a lot of money."

"...Can you sell it?" Chang Kuo was stunned for a moment and whispered: "I don't want to sell the gift given by the emperor."

Good night everyone, see you tomorrow~

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